Out of all the girls they choose to set up my boy with this hag. What did you find disappointing about the finalle?

Out of all the girls they choose to set up my boy with this hag. What did you find disappointing about the finalle?

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Infinite Duck Century crisis wasn't referenced

I think she’s hot

>What did you find disappointing about the finalle?
Everything but Pop’s sacrifice and Rigby getting a happy ending.

What's wrong with her?
What did you find disappointing about the finalle?
Literally nothing, it was satisfying.

>The year 2020
>Somehow disliking a bat-girl that is capable of performing sex acts while she clings to the ceiling.

Well, what would have you done differentely then?

Those ears are a huge turn off for me.

Not much room left for comfy character interactions, trying to replicate the S4 opener with some of the "greatest hits" but failing because they couldn't hope to create the same feeling and missing a lot of the show's legacy, pretending Muscle Man's ending was happy


Have Mordecai take the bullet for wasting my time after that shit wedding episode.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I guess I just don't find bat girls appealing...

>Out of all the girls they choose to set up my boy with this hag.

That was kind of the point. He spent the whole run of the show embroiled in failing romance bullshit, but once he put his career first and started working on himself as a person, he met someone he genuinely meshed with and didn't have to force.

She seems much more interesting than Margaret and he screwed up with CJ. It's also a lesson that no one has "one true love". You never know the kind of people you'll meet after that person is gone or no longer an option.

So cuckoldry basically

Do you even know what that word is anymore?

She’s hot.
Too bad their kids are hideous though

>set up an entire story arc with marget
>set up an entire story arc with CJ
>lol nope have some random chick from outta nowhere

Those stories were done. It wasn't about Mordecai ending up with them. It was about how they made him mature and be capable of creating better relationships.

From a story point of view that makes sense but, on the viewer side who was invested in these characters and wanted to see him end up with one them its a kick to the stones.

That's real life, dude.

It's fucking not though, real life is whatever you make it to be, I'm still with my first girlfriend from when I was 8 and we lived next door and I'm 30 now

man thats fucking adorable. like the cutest shit.

It's called "subverting expectations", but it still felt rather...anticlimactic. Margaret and CJ were bigger simps than Mordecai.


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More like CJ is not just a simp and is Forever Alone. We never even got a conclusive arc for her.

Why would we watch a fictional story though?

Life is disappointing user, women hit hard the wall after their 20's, sometimes you take wherever you can, also Mordecai is not a Chad he is fat and balding, she is like a 6/10 for someone under 30, but for a middle age person like Mordecai, she is a solid 8.5/10

As a 37 years old wizard, I can say this with authority and life experience
"user, you are a fucking fag"

And those stories ended before the series finale. So there is no problem there.

No, CJ is mine now

I kinda liked it. Sort of a "your 20s don't matter. Chances are you'll meet someone way more compatible down the road." Then again I stopped being invested in Mordecai's love life when he fucked up his relationship with CJ

Even though realistically it's much harder to meet someone after you're 30

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enjoy coronavirus

> Implying a simp like Mordecai deserves someone good

no she isn't

You're trying to say she's too old or something?
Cuz she's not.

And you’re a nobody so the point stands CJ forever alone.

I didn't like how the final season was all about Pops.

that's a man baby

to portray that the girl you end up isn't the one you cried over the most, or had the most confusing feelings with

its usually the one you get together with when you were finally mature and thus didn't really have a lot of drama with

That’s a good point; one of my sister’s friends married a guy in his 50s and she is in her 30s. She was just young in relation to his age. It was his second marriage, though.

At that point in the series it was the best turn it could take. I would have preferred if he reconciled with CJ but she was missing since that episode and it would have been forced as fuck if they just made them get together again in the epilogue. Margaret is shit so Im glad they didnt take that route.

please dont marry the town's bike to own the trumpkins

Sadly the town's bike always find a keeper...

Exactly, and sometimes you don't end up with your childhood crush. Sometimes you don't end up with someone you expected to be with, because thats how life works. Thats how love works. For Mordecai he didn't end up with exactly who he wanted to when he was younger, but he found someone he enjoyed being with (presumably). For Rigby he ended up with his own version of the childhood friend.
In other words, Life is unpredictable and your life does not account for everyone elses. Learn that shit before you ruin your kid's life.

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yeah, and he fucked up with both. So obviously he can't end up with them

Because the writers came out and straight up said that they hated Mordecai because he was toxic masculinity or something, even though they were the same people who forced him into a shit ton of awkward and shitty situations and constantly shat all over his character every opportunity they got just because they wanted drama shit.

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So about this girl in particular, she's a spit in the face of fans, specifically anyone vested in the whole Margret/CJ debate. One of the worst aspects of the later half of the show was the unwanted focus on Mordecai's love life (To the point that Rigby/Eileen happened off screen What the actual fuck) so if were invested it comes off as "Fuck off here's a bat waifu for Mordecai and here's the ass ugly kids" and if you found it to be pointless this bitch comes in and makes it even more pointless. This show should've ended with Exit 9B.

Did you forget how he was still on friendly terms with Margaret and they were essentially just waiting? remember the space mantis episode where he brought that up?

Of course you don't Would be inconvenient to your point.

>Genuinely meshed with

A shame we didn't get to see that, huh?

RS ending apologists are pathetic.

Did she even have an appearance before the ending ?

It's a good thing RS didn't end in 2019-2020 or else they would've made CJ and Marguaret lesbians

Weird how this only ever applies to Mordecai. Everyone else bar Skips got with designated love interest. Which is what makes this a weak excuse.

Rigby and Eileen is not something that would last long in real life. But it had to in the show, because they never got to examine that relationship in detail.

But what am I saying, Rigby, of course, is based because he got with a girl who loved him unconditionally.

Cause that is exactly what you people would like.

Oh no Finncels are infecting the RS fandom as well

Good lord, kill yourself.

I'm not the one getting mad at something I made up about the writers of a cartoon

Clearly you're acting like a little salty bitch with sand in his vagina though.

You're the one who started bitching

I’m sorry you’re a gay

>Thread is about bitching