This enrages the commie

This enrages the commie

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Imagine if they kissed ha ha wouldn't that be weird superman and stalin kissing ha ha that would be funny to me ha.

Why is Superman's Russian accent so hot to me

It would have made the movie an automatic 11/10.

How many of the commies here will kill themselves now that Sanders has all but lost the nomination

Is the animated feature really all the bad that this board keeps yammering about?

Why burgers believe Stalin was some kind of monster? He industrilized the soviet union in less that 10 years, just in time to stop the nazis and save Yurope...

He didn't stop the nazis, Lease Lend did and he industrialized his nation at the cost of millions of lives only for said industrialization to still be subpar to the rest of the first world and because fuck communists

Stalin was a literal monster akin to Hitler. Kill yourself.

Hitler didn't throw millions of men to die just to stall for time, Stalin did. Hitler never starved his nation either

Hitler ordered millions of innocents to death camps and wanted has the precise fatherland burned to the ground for not fighting back the invading "hordes" hard enough.

I think it's pretty based how the creators demonstrate how the communist model can only surpass the west with an Alien Ubermensch and a evil supercomputer micromanaging every single aspect of it's populous life and lobotomizing dissidents.

You really outdone yourselves WB let this movie be a monument to shitting on commies for decades to come.

What's it like to be actually retarded? Are you jealous of the -savant half of Aspies' idiot-savant-ness?

>Lex is a Mengele grade morals-free mad scientist
>mellows out and upgrades the entire planet into a perfect layabout utopia the moment the commies are deleted
What did they mean by this?

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The holocaust is about as real as cold fusion and germany was fighting a literal invasion on both sides and was a rational commander for the majority of the war

Okay, Commie

Oh look, it's a mad lefty faggot who has to settle to insults because he can't defend his retarded political system

Do you possess reading comprehension skills?

The man tried to assassinate John Wayne. Instant shit tier

Dude naw. It's that you're not worth engaging in conversation but are BARELY worth insulting.

Unironically believing the holocaust wasn't real is Flat-Earther's level of willful ignorance.

It's only bad in that it cut out a lot of the comic book material and so many characters lost their character depth
>Luthor appears more pompous
>'Superior man' has next to no screen time
>Batman's motivations are nonexistent and have been replaced with basically 'Red Man Bad'
>Super Man's transformation seems to happen at the drop of a hat instead of the gradual change that he doesn't even notice
>Original ending cut
Honestly if they just stayed closer to the original it would have been better. Yes a lot of it was because of the adaptation to animation, but I feel that's all more reason to make it a series instead of a film.

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So you're incapable of defending your position and know it and want to keep hiding your incompetence under the veil of af hominem.

Mountains of evidence contradicting stories from "survivors" whom then do nothing but accuse those people who bring it forth with being anti semitic means quite a bit to someone with actual intelligence

>It's only bad in that it cut out a lot of the comic book material and so many characters lost their character depth
Isn't that par to course to all reading media adaptation?

>Luthor appears more pompous
>'Superior man' has next to no screen time
>Batman's motivations are nonexistent and have been replaced with basically 'Red Man Bad'
>Super Man's transformation seems to happen at the drop of a hat instead of the gradual change that he doesn't even notice
>Original ending cut
That is a lot of cons. Although I've read other comics based on DC animated features and has not retracted me from enjoying both. Yet I understand why people would hate it. The ending was key.

You seem to lack actual intelligence without providing """"source"""" to that """"mountains of evidence"""" shitposter-kun :3

The position I'm mocking you for is "Hitler's actions DIDN'T cause widespread starvation in Germany/waste millions of lives."

Is that seriously something you believe?

>implying Stalin did anything wrong
>implying Hitler did anything wrong

Probably because Russia has a raging hate boner for anything that portrays Stalin in a negative light, even if it's a comedy like Death of Stalin.

>implying Stalin did anything wrong
>implying Hitler did anything wrong
Please go back to plebbit.

I understand why this happened, but I'd really like to see A Superman fully loyal to Stalin.


Stalin did nothing wrong, Hitler did nothing wrong.

Stalin is one of the few people that was an even worse monster then Hitler.

>that was an even worse monster then Hitler.
Sounds based

>muh safe space
Poor baby.

Except Hitler did everything wrong by his countryman by not accepting his utter defeat and surrendering himself and his degenerate cross dressing faggot cronies.

>Stalin did nothing wrong
He sent assassins to kill John Wayne. They wound up defecting to the US instead when John Wayne held them at gunpoint. That's a massive screw up.
>Hitler did nothing wrong.
He lost. If he did nothing wrong, he wouldn't have lost.

Because it's performed by a British actor. They generally are automatically sexy with Russian accents.

I really dislike how someone constantly bails Supes out. He can't win a single battle on his own
>Superior overloads
>Batman is crippled by WW
>Green lanterns same
>Brainiac feat. Lex, kills him

Better than yours, Commie.

>He lost. If he did nothing wrong, he wouldn't have lost.
Not that user. Nor am I a nazi apologist.
That said, I think that there's an implicit difference between doing nothing wrong in the sense of nothing immoral, versus making no mistakes.
user is stating nothing Hitler did was immoral. Not that he made no errors.

Which I categorically disagree with but that's besides the point.

Wait, are we agreeing and shitting on each other at the same time?
It's the magic of Yas Forums at work.

Isn't it magical?

>russia had literal death camps that killed millions
>Germany were the bad guys

It's a dumbed-down adaptation of a comic that wasn't particularly deep to begin with.

I'm pretty sure muricans would have am even more raging hate boner for someone who'd make a 9/11 comedy. It's almost as if there exist controversial parts of any country's history.

Is that what your propaganda told you?

Offended, I'd understand, but I'm talking about pissing them off so bad they outlaw it.
I mean the government banned Death of Stalin. It wasn't even about Stalin. It was the comedic clusterfuck after his death, hence the title. But nope, because it showed the Soviet government as less than absolutely stellar, it got banned.

And Chernobyl? Banned. You can still stream it off HBO, but officially it was condemned by the Russian government as propaganda and a total fabrication. The response was even worse, a series on Chernobyl revolving around the conspiracy theory that the CIA was involved.

Murica is bad no doubt, but there's no government banhammer for making 9/11 jokes. Give it another 10 years and they'll probably start making some themselves.

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Old Boomer-Ruskies are no different than old Boomer-Burgers. They both lived in a time period where the they were fighting for world cultural dominance that still continues to this day. All the while China galloping behind as a new rising super power built on the backs of near slave labor and neo-capitalist investments.

Lets not forgot China themselves has endangered the fucking world by downplaying to near hiding the servility of Corid-19 virus so it did not threaten their economic growth. Any government figurehead with a backbone would had held sanctions against them for it. Yet, none are being taken.

Chernobyl is not banned in Russia. A ban was suggested by a single commie party but it went nowhere. Maybe you should stop believing everything you hear on the news.

Better dead than red

>this enrages the commie
Everyone hates Stalin dude, guy was the worst.

Not news. Boomer Russians. They're all salty about it, claiming it's propaganda making all Soviets look bad.

In fairness, there are some glaring accuracy and factual errors in Chernobyl. For instance the range of the effect of the initial blast is vastly overstated.
It was a tragedy and awful for sure, and definitely accurately illustrates all the political ramifications of the attempt to cover it up. But there's just some exaggeration for effect.

Yet if you read any pro-Kremlin mouth piece, you'd swear the show was just short of waving the American flag with it's anti-Soviet inaccuracies.

>Yas Forums threads with Superman involved are often civil
what did they mean by this?

Using the kremlin as your frame of reference you'd likely arrive at the conclusion that the anti-soviet sentiment was inaccurate.

The man who terrorized people and stole their crops, forcing them to starve. What a good guy Stalin is.

>Chernobyl is banned in Russia!
>No it isn't
>Dude it's not relevant anyway lol

>I'm pretty sure muricans would have am even more raging hate boner for someone who'd make a 9/11 comedy.
The movie Postal did exactly this, and surprisingly nobody cared. South Park did an entire episode about it, nobody cared. We have eighty billion slavery movies out there, nobody cares.

I don't think they'd care as much as you think they would.

He didn't steal it. Americans did.

>r for making 9/11 jokes. Give it another 10 years and they'll probably start making some themselves.
Try negative twelve, from a german.

If people aren't constantly bitching to him about their problems, he's got all the spare time in the world for his autistic chess games.

>Why burgers believe Stalin was some kind of monster?
There has been more deaths caused by the "progression" of Communism than any other human war. Read the Gulag Archipelagos you literal commie dick sucker

>I think it's pretty based how the creators demonstrate how the communist model can only surpass the west with an Alien Ubermensch and a evil supercomputer micromanaging every single aspect of it's populous life and lobotomizing dissidents
And yet it was shown that such a system was collapsing anyway or it 100% would have brought the human race to a fiery end. Based DCAU.

because there's only two anons on this thread debating each other back and forth

Fuck is that Rigby?

Yes. Saylers is amazing.

>people ranging from toddlers to ancient great-grands thrown en masse into blacksite camps run by personality cult junkies with different interpretations of the super sekrit and incrementally crazier Final Solution orders ranging from endless hard labor to planned starvation to outright mass executions gave contradicting stories afterwards
Truly my eyes have been opened