Strange Academy #1 Storytime

Yup, you read that correctly. Welcome to Strange Academy.

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Bump if you're reading.

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I haven't trawled the waters in a year or so, I guess I'm down.

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Easy pass, but I'll bump for you because this will be tough.

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All these 'Academy' comics in Marvel and they always end up the same way, alot of dead teenagers and shitty drama.

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This is LITERALLY just X-Men mansion but with magic

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Did Stephen came up with this explanation? Sounds like something out of his book.

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Now its just a more ethnic Hogwarts.

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>Strange Academy
>Not having Strange on the cover and i'd say in the comics

Come on marvel, you used to be able to shoehorn Spiderman in a mutant academy

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Dormammu has a son? Named Doyle?


Each one is hoping to be turned into a YA tv show on basic cable

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Dang, how many sweet magical mansions does this nigga own?

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Honestly, it's in character form him to give his son the dorkiest name. Just so he can suffer in high school.

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Oh hi, Shaman. Somebody remembered him.

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I just want to see all the hot villain relatives of the students show up. Umar, Enchantress, some frost giant lady for the giant you get the idea.

I like you Dessy

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Where the hell where these 'asgardians' raised?

And really, Doc Voodoo is saying there's never been a wide-scale teaching of mages on Earth, really?

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So 'magic' is basically just shooting generic blasts at monsters?

They pretty much ARE superheroes.

C'mon user. Dew it.

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>there's never been a wide-scale teaching of mages on Earth, really
To my knowledge, he is right. Small scatterings here and there, but never like this

Is this really Strange? His dialogue is sounding much closer to Iron-Man/RDJ

And that's it! If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.

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I feel that if Dorms got that close to me than no protection spell can possibly save me.

He could be hamming it up for the kids, he has basically no good experience with them

Zelma knows legit magic now? The fuck

>Welcome to Strange Academy, hope you survive the experience

....yes. You been in your cave too long. She been doing magic.

Neck's a little long but I like how Ramos draws Strange.

>My daughter is not a character in a children's book
This kind of line can be cutesy when it's in an actual children's book but you live in a literal world full of superhumans and magicians and demons and aliens, Mr. Bright. Marvel citizens continue to be the epitome of idiocy.

Dessy a cute.

New waifu locked in.

They had the exact same thing back when they had a teacher dismiss the main character who was a student for bringing up aliens... despite the fact Earth has been openly invaded by multiple alien races at this point.

Alien invasions fleets have flattened New York multiple times, not to mention Galactus personally setting foot there.

Does NOLA really have a reutation for strangeness? I would've set it somewhere like Portlandia.

Getting right into the reckless endangerment of minors, I see.

This school is off to a perfectly predictable start.

>voodoo gothic black girl
>in uniform

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I give it a 50/50 shot that it's not REALLY his kid and he just made it up to seem cool.

it's also in form to disguise himself as his own son just to fuck with people

In the marvel universe shouldn't your first thought be mutant?

Well the muties aren't doing that anymore are they?

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So Doom is going to show up at some point right?

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>Mindless Ones as caretakers

Yeah, that's not going to backfire at some point...

Well, they need to make it look like there are a lot of magic characters in the Marvel universe.

At this point we've more or less seen all the big ones that aren't evil or dead.

So a magic jacket?

Well at least its not magic blasts

Major comicbook universes are so pathetically limited and closed-in.

It gets especially blatant when they jump to multiple THE WHOLE MULTIVERSE IS GOING TO DIE Events despite not even having seriously explored the potential of even a single universe.

i feel like these guys have a real world myth equivalent. Anyone know their norse mythology?

Not even that.
When it comes to magic users, the number that are available is significantly lower to any other kind of character.

>Wanda back in the Uncanny Avengers costume
I can live with this, a change was overdue.

Maybe it's his nephew from the time his sister smashed Hulk?

You know what kind of character the Marvel universe needs less of?

mutant telepaths

All Marvel civilians have an inborn and completely natural ability to detect whether or not any given super-powered individual is a mutie.

I believe them. Marvel Asgard is quite a large city and their names don't turn up any references outside of this comic.

I completely forgot that the Ancient One came back to life. Seems odd that he ended up in this book, but maybe that's just me. Like, why the hell isn't he the dean?

Place your bets now:

>Which student WON'T have some deep dark secret they don't want anyone finding out about?
>Which student will become evil (or be revealed to have been evil all along) and turn against the school?
>Which student will be the first to die a stupid and pointless death for cheap drama?
>Which students will become a couple and provide teenage relationship drama?

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>Seems odd that he ended up in this book
I mean it kinda fits him

AO is not fit to be dean. His teaching principles boil down to “let them niggas figure it out on their own and if they don’t bye”

And bye can range from “I’m not teaching you anymore” to “you’re fucking dead”

Doesn't want to deal with the paperwork?

>Frost Giant
>one of the Asgardians
>Dessy and Jacket Boy, Doyle and Black Chick, Emily and German

>not a single gay couple
user you know it will happen, Doyle will fuck his asguardian roomate.

That's the most pleb tier of magic. Guys even much weaker than Strange can probably walk through it. Slowly.

Is Toth a Man-Thing?

i'm just here to jerk off to dessy

The turtleneck helps