He wasn't gay-coded, why chose him as the lgbt representation ?

He wasn't gay-coded, why chose him as the lgbt representation ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>He wasn't gay-coded
Ratburn has always been a little camp

Letting your children watch this shit is child abuse


go bang your sister cletus

To make the point that literally anyone can be gay.

Gay people aren't gay-coded IRL, user. Just like some heteros, some gays choose to live their lives without constantly bragging about how much they like dick.

My what ?

He is the main adult and they didn’t want to do it with one of the kids

It would be difficult to do with the kids in that show because they really stray away from any of the kids showing any interest in dating. That leaves the writers with choosing an adult character for LGBT representation. Most of the adult characters are the parents who are already in established heterosexual relationships. Ratburn was one of the only regular adult characters who were not already in a relationship.

I'd have preferred Ratburn being married to his work over some random OC that suddenly became his husband with no build-up.

I've only ever met one cool gay dude, and surprise, surprise, he was abused as a child. Good guy though.
Every other gay person I've met has been a huge faggot. Gay people are absolutely "gay-coded" irl.

A good gay character is a good character who is also gay. Being stereotypically gay has nothing to do with it.

You've met others, you were just too retarded to pick up on it.

Try to rub two brain cells together long enough to realize not everyone wants to have a drawn out discussion about genital preference, gays included.

Anecdotal evidence means nothing, anybody can be gay, your personal experience is irrelevant.

Nope, gays are far more inclined to talk about and show off their degeneracy in public. See gay pride parades

There has never been a heterosexual puppeteer, ventriloquist or puppet enthusiast. Prove me wrong.

They aren't really gay though if they don't make a big deal about it. It's part of the gay lifestyle that you have to go to pride parades and have a dildo collection and stuff. If you don't act like a flaming faggot but you like other men other men then you're just a normal person who happens to like other men, and are not gay.

Cartoons & Comics, are you having cake??

Gay pride only exists because of decades of anti-gay policy pushed by the right. If you let a group of people exist in peace they don't care about making a show of their existence.

>They aren't really gay though if they don't make a big deal about it.
Literally special pleading. Are you such a Hyper-Faggot that you can make declarations on what prereqs you need to take a level in Gay?

I think its because.....

1) He was never seen with a female companion.

2) We all assumed he was single, hence he could be written as gay later.

3) He was the main and visible teacher. someone the kids all come into contact with

>yeah man, just let them exist in peace! It doesn't do any har-

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Jim Henson?

>Slaaneshi daemon promoting literacy

why is this a bad thing again?

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Because if they chose a gay-coded character you would instead be complaining about that and how they went for the obvious low-hanging fruit.

Virginia doesn't have a gun problem, a strong majority of gun owners are average citizens who you would not recognize in public. As soon as they try to enact strict gun control the capital is flooded with thousands of militant dumbasses in body armor open carrying as many rifles as they can fit on their person. The same exact thing with gays, the freaks only come out of the woodwork when they feel like they need to make a point against society.

I don't get it
I really don't fucking get it
A good number of Christians want peace
A good number of faggots want peace
A good number of both want UNDERSTANDING
I get a number of Christians have been centuries long violent and aggressive toward faggots but I don't understand why faggots go out of their way to try and piss off Christians with shit like this "Annie Christ" crap
Its only gonna make the parents of these kids try to encourage them to teach them to hate the faggots

Whats the problem? Just because you can't be bothered to volunteer at your local library the trannies shouldn't step up?

Was he ever straight-coded? Honestly, he always came off as gay to me. Some gay people literally don't care about telling everybody around them that they're into clubbing, butt sex, poppers, and rainbows. Me personally, I could tell he was gay from the lack of degeneracy he presented to his students. Many gay people compensate with not being able to be publicly acceptable sluts by being absolute professionals in their daily public lives. Sometimes you can tell when someone's gay from their lack of any presentable sexuality. You've probably mistaken some fags for being asexual in your lifetime.

You're almost there.
It's to divide. It's so the parents who don't fall in line can be called bigots by the younger generation.

So you get an understand centuries of violent and aggressive acts against gays by a specific group and you cant understand why a small minority of gays don't want to appease that group. Imagine being such a bootlicker you feel the need to conform to your oppressor's ideals of what is acceptable.

whats the harm of having a spooky demon reading a book to kids?

You're the one who approves of brainwashing Children, so...

It's propaganda targeted at Children.

his craving for "cake" was gay coded in the 7 colors of the rainbow

>no true faggot

>So you get an understand centuries of violent and aggressive acts against gays by a specific group
Its terrible and its in the past (unless you live in in the Middle East)

What a bullshit post. That whole mentality relies on the idea that there is no ultimate truth or morality.
That's not even to mention you have it ass-backwards, since the (((oppressors))) ideals are the ones being enacted when we allow satanic shit like

I would understand this if they were reading the wild things and wanted to dress up like some zany creature.

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That would be innocent. What's actually going on there is absolutely unacceptable

> Faggots are 0.3 of the population
> he has seen more
Maybe in your faggot delusions but in real life people who act normal are straight and those who act like faggots are faggots.

I haven't seen this show since I was 10 20 years ago. I can still remember his voice. He had the most subtly gayest voice.

>boohoo muh children. Think of my girlfriend's children
You know this is Yas Forums, right?

But Faggots are mentally ill and all homos have been abused. They are not normal like heterosexual people.

I'd say the ultimate truth and morality would probably be the things Jesus taught, such as "love your neighbor as yourself", "whoever wants to be first must be slave of all", "do to others what you would have them do to you", and many others about loving and accepting all, yet you people like to pick and choose only the things that justify your hatred and closemindedness.

Way to not even make an argument

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It's a well known fact that after that drag queen read to those children they all died. There are currently children in concentration camps at the border but dear god. A drag queen read a book to some children once and now, years later, some day-drinking user has posted this picture of this historic event. Amazing.

user there are still countries today where homosexuality carries the death penalty and many places even in first world countries where a man who is merely perceived as being gay can be assaulted or killed.

I would wholeheartedly agree with you on what truth is. But if YOU could open your mind, I think you'd see that you are the one picking and choosing here. Homosexuality and changing your gender are not authorized by God, and ai think it's clear that these are abominable things that go against His principles.
I have NO hatred for gays or trannies. I pity them because they are canon-fodder in this fake culture war.
Be in the world, user, not of it.

You know not all gay people are sluts, right? I'm friends with two gay dudes and they are practically a regular engaged couple. A gay dude I knew previous was horrified at those weird clubs in the same way I'm disgusted by swingers parties.

"Hey just so you know these people exist, have always existed and their sexuality does not make them evil." is not propaganda. It's a fact. I thought we were all about facts user? What do gay people existing make you uncomfortable? Are your little snowflake feelings triggered? Facts don't care about your feeeeeeeelings user.

Absolutely true. No merit in being gay. Whole point of living is starting families and nurturing children.

You're the kind of guy that'll probably end up letting his 11 year old kid play GTA and watch Family Guy, but see nothing wrong with that.

I was bullied emotionally and physically all throughout highschool for being gay.

I wasn't even actually gay.

It's not in the past. Being a homophobic chud isn't mainstream anymore in the West but there's still plenty of them.

Take all truth and morality out of the discussion and gays still die from AIDS.
One could argue that's reason enough to man up and teach your children to not fuck dudes.

>Whole point of living is starting families and nurturing children.
Why haven't you gotten started then?

Cabals of Jews who run everything and Satan. Wow user what an imagination.

This thread is just full of non-arguments from fags, isn't it?

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Wow, it's like you got my point, but I'm also somehow wrong.

Because I'm in college and making my way there. Et tu?

The whole point of living is to live.

Motherfucker you can't have an argument either when you're posting Spongebob images in a thread about a pre-school show.
>making my way there
Not on Yas Forums you're not.

Heterosexual people also die from AIDS.

when I was in middle school my "friend" called me a homosexual repeatedly even though it should have been obvious I was just so extremely ugly that I had accepted then that I would die alone. Also it was obvious to me that he was too much of a pussy to ask out the cute girl that had a crush on him.

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Like anyone is perfect. I did more than my average fellow youth to reach that goal. Lame reply.

Of that is the whole point. Then, why are LGBT people on average more miserable and suicidal. No purpose in living.

>deflecting this hard

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Pride parades are the apex of trolling.


Who said anything about being christian ?

Hey so you know what else God says is a sin? Wearing any clothing that's got mixed fabrics, pulling out during sex or masturbating in any way, letting a woman into church, Eating a goddamn lobster, having any ink on your body, wearing anything that has gold in it.
But nah let's focus on "No Gays" right? I mean it's not like the bible's been rewritten and revised over and over again.
It's not like the whole story of Jesus and Mary is only found in copies of the bible AFTER the 12th century.
We have google. We have books. You have eyes and hands and a ears. Just use these things to look shit up.
Do I believe there's an omnipotent creator out there? Yes. Do I believe he gives a shit about us? No. Because if we were made in God's image, then you know very well that after a while he got bored and fucked off to make something else. We probably weren't even his first creation. We're not even the redheaded step-child. We're the kid from his third marriage.

>Then, why are LGBT people on average more miserable and suicidal.

user. Have you even been paying attention to people around you? Being miserable and suicidal is not unusual nowadays. People are overworked, under-payed, isolated and too tired to do much of anything. Now add being a marginalized and demonized group to the mix and then it gets worse. LGBT people are often disowned by their family or forced to live in secret because they don't feel safe.

You're definitely not the user who was quoting Jesus before, are you?
I'm not as well-read as I should be on these subjects, but as I understand them:
>mixed fabrics
Old Testament law
>pulling out during sex/masturbating
These are arguable. I don't see what you're trying to prove with this one.
>letting a woman into church
That one's bullshit. The most the Bible teaches is to not allow a woman to be a church leader or lead public prayer. This is another arguable point though
>Eating a lobster
This is correct. Nowhere in the New Testament are unclean foods made clean for all.
Another arguable point, but I don't think it's right, personally.

>Let's focus on "No Gays," right?
Yes, let's. Earthly consequence for sin is not equal and some sin will cause you to stumble in your faith more than others. Homosexuality is one of those sins by every observable measure.
>The Bible has been rewritten and revised
It sure has. I am currently studying this subject.

And Jews during the Holocaust had a lower suicide rate because...?

You get banned for being underaged here, weak argument faggot.

>literally looks like a demon
How have we've fallen so far?

The mixed fabric was a parable for a specific talking point. They are basically saying that no one mixes wool with cotton because one is washed differently than the other. Some fabrics really are not made to be laced together.

Can someone please make a banner out of this or something? This has to be the dumbest post I've seen on this site in years.

>fails to provide an argument

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Not that user. Not trying to argue and while I agree with the sentiment that gays are in fact, not evil:
"Evil" is generally something that's a matter of fact. Usually it's just a statement of morality which is usually something a bit more cultural and subjective than it is fact or objective. The argument over objective evil is longer and older than this thread or indeed the scope of this discussion but it's definitely not one anyone's settled conclusively.

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Yeah, totally no psychological impact of propaganda in education children.

>"Evil" is generally something that's not a matter of fact*
Pardon me, I can't seem to type today.

What a non argument.

>this thread AGAIN

>Yas Forumsumblr eternally seething
I kek

>sexualized children: good
>ten seconds of gays on the screen: REEEEEEEEEEE

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what what? this place has dozens of threads dedicated to sexualize underage characters yet you see one gay and suddenly your morality appears

Looks like a demon

what would a potato who's a rape product know about what is normal?

>speaks with raised inflection
That's pretty fucking gay.
>weird colored (anything other than dark grey, black or navy) blazer
That's pretty fucking gay
>fastidious and finicky
That's pretty fucking gay

>Yas Forums is one person

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>Yas Forums: why did they make this character gay? he doesnt look like it
>also Yas Forums: reeee im sick of gay character showing how gay they are in their design!
I think there's more than one homo in your post OP

>never see complaints on threads about lewding underage characters
>but complains when gays are on cartoons
just admit you're a pedophile who's salty because gays are no longer as stigmatized as your kind and move on with your life

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I don't get why so many people wanted to pretend there was nothing gay about Ratburn until he got gay married. Did they never visit an Arthur thread before? Who am I kidding. Of course they didn't.

>calls me a pedophile
>admits to constantly looking through underage lewd threads

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>didnt deny it

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weak comeback

Back in the day we used to nickname him Mr Fagburn. He was always gay.

ok pedo

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nigga, you literally admitted to being a pedo yourself. I never said shit about it.

>insisting that every person who Isn't on the LGBTQ train is a pedophile
What a disingenuous and stupid argument.
I'm neither for the banning of faggot characters or for shoveling them willy-nilly into cartoons. It's not going to turn kids gay but I don't think it's going to keep kids from killing themselves either.
I can only imagine gay marriage episodes are as boring to kids now as "very special episodes" about racism or kwanzaa were when I was a kid.

>you literally admitted to being a pedo yourself.

...wtf are you trying to say, schizo

>see zero threads about Yas Forumsmrades sexualizing underage characters
>but daily ones complaining about gays in children cartoons
it's about double standards, people cant say 'think of the children!' while also asking for lewds of a character from a preschool show


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This thread turned from a discussion thread to a one-upsmanship thread. Always this unironic escalation on this Netherland clog making forum.

I have to be honest. What is the end result of gay pride. If it seeks to be inclusive and encourage people to come out as such. Is it not far off when the idea of pedastry and zoophilia get treated as something normal instead of being taboo or not psychologically destructive? I don't feel confident it will lead to anything good. When are people going to start pulling the breaks?

>adult indulging in lolicon fetish is the same as propaganda being targeted specifically at children

I'm not saying it's right, but come on man.

(((They))) have successfully manufactured a generation of effeminate men, so no time soon.

Why are americans obsessed with non-issues like gays and abortion? Is it to distract you from the real issues like being a third world shithole?

>How many children need to die before I give up my Gun Rights? ALL OF THEM HAHAHAHAHAHA
>What?! A gay man on my tellybox?! Uhhhhhh….THINK OF THE CHILLLLLREN!

I hate that shit, like fucking loudhouse spammers should be flayed, salted, and then necklaced.
But you still have no conclusive evidence that the people posting those threads are the same as those posting Yas Forums shit.
Furthermore, it's possible to have internal consistency while simultaneously being anti-gay and a pedo- particularly for the abrahamic set.
Personally I think fags are inevitable, pedos are far more insidious and self-propogating, but that there's also a fair bit of overlap.

Because Americans are narcissists and as such are easily distracted by things that let them fling shit at someone, as long as it's risk-free

>When are people going to start pulling the breaks?
Looking back at history it will be once their daily lives are disrupted significantly.

> why are people who can have a voice in horrible issues can say anything about it?

Kill yourself

>How many children must die?
>Supports abortion

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"Non-issues" What country are you from again? Because it certainly an issue in many other countries.

>as propaganda
afaik, no children cartoon has said 'being gay is better than being straight'

>turning the next generation into effeminate fags and teaching them that there's nothing wrong with killing a living baby in the womb are non-issues

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Nice strawman

>in horrible issues
what horrible issue?
>and teaching them that there's nothing wrong with killing a living baby
sorry but that baby is not living until it's out of the womb, i dont know how they handle that in your backwards country

Ah, I see, psychosis.

Carry on, we here in the civilised countries will enjoy watching you continue to implode over the most trivial subjects available.

>no they are not, they are just showing they exist

So a fully-formed baby in the womb, a moment before exiting the vagina, is not a living human being?
Uh huh.

Yes that's how it works in civilized countries, good boy

Showing they exist and showing a farce marriage between them is normal and wholesome.
Next time, try to better represent your opponents argument if you want a productive conversation, user. It goes a long way.

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No no, YOU kill YOURSELF
Man, shit-flinging IS fun! I can really feel the illusion that I'm doing something productive!

>seeing Ratburn get gay married is gonna make some kid into a sashaying pole smoker
Honestly I think extreme population density is much more of a factor than cartoon queermos.
Fags are there in the collective subconscious and crop up at the very least as jokes and gags, unless whatever media is combed over and drained of all "subversive" content like fucking Bibleman it'll be there.

>a farce marriage
how is it a farce when it was both approved by the state and church?
try to learn how to educate yourself first, user. It goes a long way.