Now that Superboy Prime is back, I think it’s only fitting that he kill Batman Who Laughs

Now that Superboy Prime is back, I think it’s only fitting that he kill Batman Who Laughs

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Blessed quads
Also works as Johns putting down Snyder, hell yeah

times when Superboy Prime was the strongest are ended.
Now everyone that passed the "generic god eldritch cosmic horror" level can beat him

>Superboy Prime
>Batman Who Laughs

Now all we need is a multiverse destroyer wonder woman to make the Ultra Trinity

Now he’s gonna have to get even stronger to maintain his role as overpowered. Good job. Now he rapes Apex Lex into the Overvoid.

Yet he’s the best option we have, and thematically the best choice.

Oh God, that would be perfect.

comiclet here, why is Superboy Prime so much stronger than normal Superman?

The Dreaded Diana. The Neck Breaker of Worlds!

He’s a Kryptonian from the Pre-Crisis Multiverse, back when shit was more amped. The suit he wears also allows him to absorb more solar energy than he usually would, making him even stronger

It's more that he lacks our Superman's weaknesses to magic and only his universes's Kryptonite effects him. 'The Real World' doesn't have magic so it can't affect him.

Something something, he's younger and was exposed to more yellow sunlight, something something he's our universes' only actual super being so he gets a boost for it.

Remember those silver age comics where Superman could survive the big bang and move dozens of planets at the same through the universe without getting tired?

Superboy prime is one of those Kriptonians

What about the old-man Supes?

Died at Crisis of infinite earths and reincarnated as current Superman.

Earth-2 Superman? Prime killed him.

Who is stronger, Silver age Superman or Superboy Prime?

it's funny
In fact if DC writers went to Yas Forums they would have prime literally making this very thread

Superboy prime is a Silver age superboy you retard.

Superboy Prime is just a teenager so he didn't reached his full phisical potential nor can control all the Silver Age extra powers well.

It’s kind of fitting that a vessel for fan aggression towards editorial would be the thing that kills Snyder’s edgy Mary Sue. Superboy Prime is still bitter he’s not the “real” Superman, even more so that he was locked away in the Monster Lands

I love prime time, anons. Why is he upset with Billy? What did Billy do?

He's from the Earth Prime, a universe where superheroes are much rarer, and the comic exist as they do in reality. This makes his powers more "narratively charged", so he can do shit like punch the barriers of reality.

Superman from Earth -1 (commonly referred to as the Silver Age Superman) and Superboy Prime are completely different characters.

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What if someone gave him a hug and told him that he is their hero, how would he react? Would he stop being insane?

God that would be perfect. Even better would be if he just fucks off after beating up Billy, appears of out of nowhere in the batkek book and obliterates BWL in a single panel. And then the year of the villain tripe becomes all about Prime.

He’s probably mad that a character like Billy can still exist but he can’t in continuity

I think anyone trying to Talk no Jutsu him would be killed, safe for Naruto maybe

More likely that he's mad that Billy was turned into a brat with n52.

In addition to what everyone else said Prime also has fanboy rage. He probably worked with Snyder to get Didio.

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Not even Superdad?

He'd crush them with his hug and go full edge.

>dude ! that's so epic and meta ! he's so strong he take on the author !
Who the fuck think it's a good trope ?

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He’s not a brat, and you need to stop spreading this bullshit

This post is excellent and you are excellent for making it.

Welcome newfag.

Honestly, he'd probably break down. The dude wants to be a hero, he's just absolutely wrecked as a human being. Prime's meta-aware to a very limited extent so he knows he's a character killing people and he does feel guilty about it. He's also not totally in control of his body outside his earth.

Sadly nobody will ever give him that user. Nobody will try to soothe Superboy's heart, they want him as an angry murderous psychopath. Feels bad

I'd actually be okay with that.

He's a Silver Age Kryptonian.

lol will be the other way around

What would make Superboy happy and stop murdering?

Not calling him Superboy for one.

He wants to be the Superman of the perfect Earth and forever live in the Silver Age. Also having Lori.

>Superboy Prime is just a teenager so he didn't reached his full phisical potential nor can control all the Silver Age extra powers well.
Superman Prime from Countdown was powerful

so he is just a silver age fag ? kek hope he still in eternal suffering just like /co supercucks

Pretty much. He doesn’t really like shades of grey

Here's your (you) but on the off chance you're serious: its gonna happen regardless. if it isn't them forcing it on Wacky Harley then it's those semi canon news segments they had during 52. Prime is the best of a bad situation. He's supposed to be kinda cringe bro, and that's kind of refreshing.

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>batkek dabs on supercuck whine and tosses him aside like garbage
>superfags will infinitely seethe over this
Can’t wait

Why he is called superboy when he is a man already?

Maybe they could die together in an epic homosexual sex accident!!!

Is there any chance of SBP have herons up a bit, gotten over his edgy bullshit and just slapping down kekbats?

He can't do shit to the writers, that's just an alternate earth that is similar to the real world, the whole point of the story is that no matter how hard he try, he will never be able to control his own fate.

It varies desu. Sometimes it’s our world, sometimes it has a guy called Ultraa, just not really consistent a whole lot of the time.

BWL would've had his own Superman Prime and probably figured out ways to take him out.

This is totally what would happen, and it would make me mad yes.
Batkek is such uninteresting shit and it's lame that his main power is just to make everyone job to him. They don't even write excuses half the time, some of his biggest wins are off screen.

He should go after Gotham Girl. Captain Atom fight was BS

What's that? A Prime thread?

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Prime time it is.

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Give him a hug like the other user said.

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That's all I got for now. Us Primefags gonna be in for a treat when he goes after Bendis.

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>become a total psychopath in such a short time

Always like this, even with Reed Ultimate.