Why is it considered the worst episode ?

Why is it considered the worst episode ?

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No because this is the one with the fatfaggotry in it.

I like that one.

To me the worst one is the Christmas episode

I thought Mortos de Soul Stealer was considered the worst?

Either this or Mortos are seen as the worst ones.

Why tho ?

Insensitive to kosher and halal dietary sensibilities

It just doesn’t have a lot going for it and the jokes fall flat. It’s not a horrible episode just one of the more mediocre ones.

This is what I’ve always heard, but there actually isn’t a single episode I personally dislike. But I saw them all as a kid dozens of times which probably influences my outlook on the matter

The “every thing tastes like a piiiig... a PIG!” bit is probably the #1 most referenced line in my family, along with “they go peanuts and soap in ‘em!”, “they’re always after me neckmeats”, and “you gonna make biscuits!”

The pig dimension was kino, as well as the Hobo scene, among other jokes. I liked that Dib got punished for his actions at the end.

If anything, it has some of the best animation in the show. Jhonen himself said that later eps like this was the visual style he wanted to archieve with the show. He was never that satisfied with Season 1's look.

I'll say the one with the Moose is the worst just because there isn't much to it.

Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom is the worst one because it's 11-minutes building up to an obvious punchline with very few other jokes in between.

Shocking nobody, watching Dib succeed is not very funny.

It did give us this tho, even if it makes the punchline more predictable. youtube.com/watch?v=sMkBGY4J_dk

for me its Germs

It's a Christmas episode.

No the hologram episode was.

Gaz is a boring character. All she does is snarl and scare Dib most of the time. Also Zim is only in it for like 30 seconds.

Not enough Zim

She was completely justified here. Dib almost ruined her life with that curse. He didn't even apologize or felt any guilt until the very last minute.

Simon says doom would've been the worst Zim ep. What a crappy script. zim.fandom.com/wiki/Simon_Says_"Doom"_(Transcript)

Zim and Dib are the show's highlights, with sprinkles of other characters. This is cause every other character is too one note and used for jokes.

Gaz before ETF was a boring character who was just edgy. Focusing on her is a big mistake and even Jhonen acknowledged she wasn't fleshed out enough.

This ep was more about Dib than Gaz. Most of the ep is seen from dib's point of view.

At least her one-note jokes were funny, the way Dib treated her was funny, and her relationship with Dib shed a lot of light on how awful a brother he is. ETF Gaz is zero-note, just another sidekick character.

I liked when Zim had to keep the story going by bringing up the armada invasion because it would've gone off course otherwise.

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There are no bad Invader Zim episodes.

It tosses in minimoose without any explanation of where he came from. I know the reason, but it still makes it my least favorite because of it.

Dib is a kid, he's retarded and doesnt know what he's doing half of the time.

ETF is also pretty much a continuation of comic Gaz which has fleshed her out even more than the cartoon dreamed of doing. Her one-note jokes do nothing for me after awhile and ETF showing her as being annoyed by dib but not wanting him dead is a lot more development and helps to make her not feel like a robot on screen who spews out generic early 2000s edge-drabble

She's borderline autistic sometimes.


And that's a good thing

I never cared for Battle Dib. That one is kinda dull and pointless. It introduces the Swollen Eyeballs, but that's it

>Dib almost ruined her life with that curse
Dib ruins her life merely by existing, he's just that annoying.

Is beyond the worst.
It's pure agony and annoyance only to deliver an unsatisfying ending.
Dib's whole existence is to suffer in any way possible as Zim is to fail, but mortos actually made my patience suffer.
but the Tak episode is terrible only because the creators introduced a character that no one will shut up about ever

I don't even remember what that was about but I know I FUCKING hated it.

Seeing Dib suffer is enough for me to make an episode good

>To me the worst one is the Christmas episode
Never give your opinion ever again.

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The Christmas episode was easily top 5

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Post your ideas for a possible new season

Saving Invader Tenn

Fuck you thats one of my favorites

Came here to say this.

The Christmas ep is just a massively unfunny episode with barely any creative ideas in it. Taster of Pork is at least quirky and creative enough to be entertaining, even if the plot is flimsy. Mortos had some legit funny jokes. But the Christmas episode just felt lazy from top to bottom.

It's a two-parter that drags on forever but only has 2 funny jokes in the entire damn thing. And it takes the dorky-as-fuck "villain impersonates Santa" cliche and plays it totally straight. It seems like the writing staff was extremely tired and just didn't give a shit.

>easily top 5
Imagine actually believing this.

>ETF is also pretty much a continuation of comic Gaz which has fleshed her out even more than the cartoon dreamed of doing.
You're gonna have to actually support that claim. She's still an extremely shallow character in the comics.

Yeah she was one-note in the original show, but at least she had a gimmick and a joke. ETF Gaz has slightly more dimension sure, but they're boring dimensions. ETF Gas is a completely generic character with nothing actually memorable about her.

Possibly a weather balloon
or swamp gas

The one about Dib trying to get his dad's signature is the only one I skip. It isn't horrendous but most of the humor relies on the absurdity of the premise, but I don't find the premise that absurd. The jokes about Dr. Membrane's overly intricate vetting process, Dib's bad luck and Gaz' wrath were all done before and better. It just felt derivative.

This. Taster of Pork isn't exceptionally great or anything, but Mortos is the real bottom of the barrel. Granted with Zim episodes even the bottom is still pretty entertaining, but Mortos is such an obnoxious presence. There's only so long the joke of 'ha ha, get it, he's annoying instead of intimidating' can hold out.

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me on the right!

Me on the left

Anyone have an update version ?

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It was probably that way. The christmas ep was finished after the cancellation. Jhonen begged Nick to him finish it, despite the fact that it wasn't the next ep in production order. This explains why Minimoose appears out of nowhere, and it kinda explains why there's no CGI at all.

Mortos was kinda funny since all Zim was doing was dragging a cardboard box at night, yet Dib still ended up losing to that. He did come across as a dick for wanting to steal Zim's soul just for dragging a box.

Man, Season 2 had some thick outlines.


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