Why do attractive women being attractive make so many people so angry?

Why do attractive women being attractive make so many people so angry?

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Mad Cow Disease

I thought that as a green preggers she-hulk belly mamma mia

>hawkeye initiative that ended when it was revealed almost everyone involved didn't know how to draw to begin with
Oh this is going to be a fun thread. Come on anons, take me back several years.

Fugly women are vain by nature.

Just insecure women and desperate men, and nobody should ever care about the opinions of either.

Lots of women get angry seeing positive attention given to people who don't look like them.

Upon first glance at the thumbnail I thought this was a pregnant She-Hulk.

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That's because...

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Attractive women being attractive make unattractive and average women so angry.

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Because ugly lefty women and beta male white knights think the're the only people who matter and the only ones with valid world views.
The majority of men enjoy it and any women with even the tiniest bit of self confidence aren't going to feel threatened by a cartoon and simply find men oogling a drawing harmless because it's not like Wonder Woman is going to swoop in, shout "I claim this man for Themyscira" and fly off with their boyfriends and husbands.

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The person that did the redraw clearly didn't understand the refrence, christ

Instead of removing sexy stuff, why not just also have sexy men in the cover on occasion?

That way both sexes are equally sexualized and everyone can enjoy lewds together.

like they ever try to.

The Spider-man cover is only silly because he's not the type who would wear something like that. I could very much see someone like Johnny Storm or Hercules faulting his body like that.

Because SJWs are delusional and roasties. Roasties are very fucking sexually frustrated and jealous of everything. They can't attack people irl like real attractive actors so instead attack cartoon/comic characters to vent frustration. Nerds are their easy targets.

>sexy men
Because drawing wallets full of cash gets boring after a while.

I was thinking Namor personally.

Because depicting a woman one way makes these people think you think ALL women are or should be like that. It's the whole "are you saying women are only valuable because of their tits???" Which is stupid because the answer is obviously yes.

>it's not like Wonder Woman is going to swoop in, shout "I claim this man for Themyscira" and fly off with their boyfriends and husbands.
God, I wish...

This. make everyone fap/schlick like there's no tomorrow

attractive women being attractive
>make so many people so angry?
>make so many
>so angry?

Girls aint like dudes,bro.

Girls see pretty woman and she gets pissed she's not as attractive, or that girls that look like her arent considered attractive. Dudes see attractive muscular dudes and go," that's something I aspire to be one day."


You'd still get women complaining that it's not equal because it's "worse" for women to be objectified. Nothing would change.

there's plenty of girls who do like to imagine themselves as these sexy fantasy girls. usually though they're labeled by feminists as "pickmes" or "not like other girls"

pretty sure comics are primarily a men's market

you know they'd meme it and make it that sack of cancer

And people should listen/cater to them because???
To each it's own, Imma draw the biggest asses and titties of girls sucking face amd more, and no one can stop me

That only goes for white women. Japanese women make a lot of mangas with cute/attractive characters and even 18+ mangas for men. White women even can't make shit, and probably are not interested in others. Only care about themselves. This is the truth.

Superheros wearing skintight suits is one thing, but do straight men feel uncomfortable reading a whole story with a guy who shows off his skin like this? Genuine question

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every weak dc and marvel release at least 5 comics that have pointless panels of muscular men being shirtless or half naked but no body cares about that,
in short women and liberals are full of bullshit and only really care about destroying things that white men like

I grew up with comics and cartoons where dudes could wear even less than that. So no.

>why not just also have sexy men in the cover on occasion?
that has already been the case

>getting angry at a fantasy drawing
Not really.
It's not like it's real or anything.

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>Only care about themselves. This is the truth.
Reminded me of this

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People always forget the Swimsuit special for male characters

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>why not just also have sexy men in the cover
because that's kinda gay, bro.

So... muscular classically proportioned men aren't sexy?
Don't tell Yas Forums.

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>White women even can't make shit, and probably are not interested in others. Only care about themselves. This is the truth.

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Yes, still better than half trannies, landwhales and tableboards on covers

I think we should all be adult enough to admit that 90s comics were extremely sexist

They were!
But you can have sexy content without being sexist.

no doubt. Movies as well were quite pathetic with the generic sassy bimbos. Do we really have to go the opposite end though? Can't we have a mix?


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>Angry tumblr artist misses the point of the art they're directly being butthurt about.

that already happens, except when a guy does it, it's not a big deal. but when a women does it, that's something people will complain about.

things that come to mind
>shit costume
>these characters are ripped. i should workout harder.
i'm insecure and far from being conventionally attractive, but reading comics doesn't make me feel uncomfortable and even more insecure, because i accept that it is all fantasy.

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>why not just also have sexy men in the cover
>because that's kinda gay, bro.
Based, gay men actually buy those comics and don't get triggered by seeing big titties and asses on women

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Bitches don't know about Mpreg Quasar.

You know you can be attractive without wearing a bikini and striking a booty pose, right? Why oversimplify it to just women being attractive? Why not acknowledge the disparity in design and marketing? It's fine to consume media with pandering, but don't be dishonest about what it is.

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There's two girls in my IT class right now. One is a fat, angry femcel with strong opinions on pretty much everything. The other's a friendly Asian transfer student with an absurd drive and a general decency to others. It's literally night and day. I'm not into weeb stuff and I don't really like anime, but I'm honestly considering learning Japanese just to see if I have a chance with someone like that. Someone awesome.

Lol tell that to the incels crying about chads.

90% of males are in costumes that are nothing more than painted over naked bodies. They're all ripped and quite a number of them show a lot of skin. And male readers either don't care or they're gay.

There are women that get objectified by men in real life and don't like it, but there's really nothing they can do to get men to way their opinions.

They're powerless. This leaves them frustrated and as a result they lash out at anything that carries the smallest relation to their issues.


There was a Quasar parody too :)

But yeah, the dumbass artist doesn't even get the cultural reference. Who in the world comes out with guns blazing before they're even aware of their target?

[Wendell wasn't actually pregnant, he had a miniature one of those Adam Warlock regeneration cocoons on his shoulder that was drawing genetic material from him to make a baby with "Her". More of an egg.]

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You say that like incels themselves dont wish they had chad powers.

Okay, that's even more fetishy.

I don't know but I'd like to see more of male heroes drawn in female hero poses

>Implying Spidey and Nightwing shouldn't team up and call themselves the Assvengers because of how much their cheeks have been front and center in comics

>its a women think men don't like hypersexualized depictions of men episode
It's like they have never heard of jojo.

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The Hawkeye Initiative is entirely like that. It's just SJWs that don't read comics finding something and "redrawing" it and thinking they're showing the comic industry how it feels. When all comic artists have drawn plenty of naked men. It's just double standards, being clueless, and not knowing how to draw while trying to make a point about anatomy.

Ask and you shall receive, user

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nobody but ironic weebs have heard about jojo

Well said, fellow zoomer!

I want a big musclefat hero that dresses only in a speedo, boots, and luchador mask


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Men and women are different. As mammals men instinctively want to compete with other men so try to better themselves. Women don’t better themselves so want other women to lower themselves to their level

Yaoi fanbace definitely had but only for pt4 and beyond.

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The anger is etirely superficial and mostly a diversionary tactic. The real reason women get "angry" at sexualisation of the female form in the media is because, for women, sexuality is a precious commodity and resource that can be traded, withheld or promised in order to secure socioeconomic power. When men are distracted by easily accessible depictions of female sexuality or when they can satisfy their urges without doing a woman's bidding, it devalues the very concept of female sexuality and makes it more difficult for women to use theirs to get what they want.

That's why we have censorship of the female form, slutshaming and putting the pussy on a pedestal: it's all just the result of women needing to manipulate men with their vaginas.

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>but only for pt4 and beyond
Right when Araki hit his twink phase it makes sense.

Have some more

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>user has another tantrum about something absolutely no one was forcing him to pay attention to

>i cant draw fingers

>Why do attractive women being attractive make so many people so angry?
when has this happened in relation to She-Hulk?
Byrne's run was all about riffing on coomer sensibilities who wanted the She-Hulk book to be nothing but pandering to them.

to actually answer the question, imagine if you couldn't get a job because you don't look like the drawing in a marvel swimsuit special.

>white women are the problem

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Stop applying to swimsuit model jobs then ya fuckin dope

Yeah they cry about not being Chad, not that liking Chad is sexist, that Chad shouldn't be the standard of beauty, or that Chad is unrealistic
They know Chad is real, he's the only one fucking all the girls.

This. Attractive hite women (and minority women who have assimilated into white female culture) are the worst, most self-absorbed creatures alive.

Yo realize that one of those isn't as sexualizing, right? Sexualizing men would look different and showing off other parts. Like if a man is putting his chest out it's not the same if a woman is.

Girls don't read comics
How many times do we need to tell you

Both cases give me the same boner, sooo..
>Sexualizing men would look different and showing off other parts.
You can't go wrong with showing ass on both cases

>imagine believing this bullshit

In reality sexualization is simply unjust. It's like someone would say you are not worth anything as a male person, just because you're not looking like prime Schwarzenegger.
Women are literally reduced to what they look like.

>You can't go wrong with showing ass on both cases
Somewhat true, I must agree.

Holy Based

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women are angry at this shit 'cause they're stupid

This looks like that doctor from Grey's Anatomy.

>It's like someone would say you are not worth anything as a male person, just because you're not looking like prime Schwarzenegger.
How exactly does she hulk looking hot say women are not worth anything?

You're either a woman or a soiboi. Either way your words are meaningless.

Do you ever notice that some people spend more time and energy bitching than the people they're complaining about do?

Because men want that. Men find it hot. They feel threatened by that and deem it "male gaze." And thus the feminist that insists that she doesn't need men to be empowered feels devalued because men are looking at a hot cartoon character instead of her.
It's a funny old world we live in.

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Or maybe it has something to do with women not being able to lead or own shit in the Bible and in most countries until around 100 years ago and these comics traditionally being primarily made by men for men. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just no surprise when people write stuff a out the cultural implications.

>Mad Cow Disease
>Why do attractive women being attractive make so many people so angry?
Fuck off Yas Forums

Cry more Yas Forums cry and be virgin racist Incels

>applying logic to the arguments of someone who uses "male person"
femanon literally proved sexual marketplace-user correct.

what a coincidence that every society that was able to pull itself out of illiterate dirt-fucking has "women are subordinate to men" as a cultural foundation.

>he cut off his penis
that's disgusting user

>instead of her
It's more like comic and cartoon characters often give men more room for diversity of face and body type while women are traditionally meant to be attractive.

Just fuck off, newfag.

Wow you'd think they'd care more about how in Islam women are treated as obedient servants but oh wait they're brown so who cares

Go back to Yas Forums.

T. ranny
Dilate and 41% yourself

Mm-hmm just like how most male comic heroes are handsome and extremely fit. You feel threatened and you want more dumpy characters like you. Just admit it.

>Politics that aren't my politics aren't allowed on this board that features comics that have always been political

All well, close the thread then ya cunt

Reminder that these are all posts that people from Yas Forums make.

It's funny when these conversations go through with recognizing the traditional second class citizenship of women because then you go on to acknowledge patriarchy without calling it that because it's wrongthink.

It's different because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>It's more like comic and cartoon characters often give men more room for diversity of face and body type while women are traditionally meant to be attractive
>he says when all of the men in the justice league are all ripped square jaw chads

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>All well, close the thread then ya cunt

You're saying that you're one of the virgin racist Incel you accused others of being?

>Every moderately successful civilisation since time immemorial gave women zero rights
>The moment we start giving women rights, everything gradually turns to shit and men everywhere become increasingly miserable and hopeless.
Really makes you think.

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They do care about that but it turns out their votes only count in the countries they live in. Politics is local and comics and cartoons are mostly made in non-muslim countries.

Not sure what you're blathering about but yes.

>he says when all of the men in the justice league are all ripped square jaw chads
And that's a good thing! Seethe harder landwhale

>They do care about that

Yeah, I'll believe that when they stop leaping to the defense of Islam at every opportunity.

I feel uncomfortable from reading anything about Grayson where everyone fucking obsesses over his ass

Why are western white women so utterly mad about any women, drawn or real, being better-looking than them? I'm a fat load but why the fuck would I want to see more of that?

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Except this already happens, but women see men as a walking wallet (object) instead of a walking pair of tits.

Yas Forums didn't used to be this autistic.

It's true though. Comic and cartoon men are often designed with different body types and faces while females more often fit a narrower mold. I'm not denying the traditional attractiveness of male superheroes, but by nature of comics traditionally being made for men by men, women are more often sexualized. That's not to say that there's anything wrong with that or that men are never sexualized, but there's simple facts people often gloss over in these threads.

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Sounds like personal hang-ups. A great ass is a great ass. Learn to appreciate glorious physical aesthetics regardless of sex.

2 cases
>realized too late that being turbosluts made them unable to being taken seriously
>won't stop eating

Bullshit. This site is full of guys bitching about Chad, a mere theoretical construct of someone who is better than them.

You're functioning off generalizations and assumptions. They aren't a hivemind and there's a huge difference between writing clickbait about Storm's outfit in the 90s and the cultural problems surrounding the religion and politics of nations on the other side of the planet.

>what a coincidence that every society that was able to pull itself out of illiterate dirt-fucking has "women are subordinate to men" as a cultural foundation.
Correlations is not causation. Stop trying to justify your rape fetish

They aren't. That's a dumb case to try to make given where you are.

OP drawing is from India

More body types for men and women. Sexualise all of them. There, now fuck off.

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I wait patiently for the day you put some effort into fixing Islam, which you and yours uphold on the daily.

Because most the people complaining are very unattractive women who hate the competition.
They also resent the idea of having to self-improve.

It's like seeing a guy staring up at the statue of David and muttering 'Fucking cunt is more ripped than I am, how dare he be.'

6 sexy, rich dudes
1 hot chick
Oh yeah, the GIRLS are getting objectified. Sure they are.

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user, the Virgin:Chad diagrams are satire.

Progressives including hijab girls into their normal degeneracy is an effort to fix Islam. The leftists I know fucking hate Islam, even Dawkins said it's the worst religion. I'm not sure who you mean by "you and yours" but you seem to be stuck with an incorrect impression of those who disagree with you online.

They are, but also Yas Forums is actually fearful of Chad

they also don't get that the Hawkeye existing at all proves that they can draw men in poses and outfits like that whenever they want. Nobody is stopping them. But they actually think there's some kind of injustice because other people don't want to draw that shit.

Women being portrayed solely as sexual objects (AKA weenie stimulators) is mysoginst. It's not about them being beautiful or not. This mostly applies to real life portrays of women not so much to comics. Comics are mostly aimed at men anyway, but the complaint is still correct.

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Not to be a dick (I don't like how the current argument concludes) Can you offer anything besides "This constant pattern isn't proof?"

Then leftists should stop defending it and put out content that mocks it. It's fine to mock Christianity, as it should be, now give Islam the same treatment in media.

>All the roasties and fatties assblasted on this thread
My sides

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Seeing marketing and consumer trends has nothing to do with how hot you are.

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fuck off to Yas Forums charlie kirk

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Dude, they don't want to die.

Christianity is mocked because it's had a greater impact on western civilization and is a factor in selecting leaders and making laws. It's a bigger player in the west so there's naturally more chances to reference it as it remains relevant.

>Hawkeye existing at all proves that they can draw men in poses and outfits like that whenever they want.
Also Hawkeye himself has always been lewded in the same tropes that women had been

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>posts reddit shit
Fuck off, newfag.

And even though in these countries they have the freedom to do so, they opt for that, instead of shitting on something worse, that is so very far away. You see, it's my mistake. I didn't realise proximity and personal influence dictated what they could and could not mock.
Thank you for enlightening me.


>female demon
>no horns
>no wings
this is why the japs are winning

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multitaggers are such fags

This page will never not be hot as fuck

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>nude Jen double-triggered

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>Like clockwork

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Their point was never that men are never sexualized, just that the booty out and towards the viewer pose was much more common for female characters than male characters because of obvious pandering.

>T. ranny
>Dilate and 41% yourself
Nazi incels go away transphobia not okay nazi incels go away being racist not okay nazi incels go away being sexist not
Nazi incels go away GET POUNCED Everyday!

Why not have BOTH attractive men and women? Everyone wins.

Indoctrination into proper morality is necessary for the survival of the human race.

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Cry more Yas Forums waaaah waaah waaaah

Nothing wrong with fanservice of either gender, though female characters do seem to get the brunt of criticism when it happens. Never understood why. If male heroes can walk around showing off their 8 packs and chiseled demigod bodies why is it taboo to show an equally attractive female showing off her body as well?

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Why not have Yas Forums fuck off?

>"the booty out and towards the viewer pose was much more common for female characters than male characters because of obvious pandering"
>giving the majority of your customers what they want is "pandering"
This thinking is why everyone should be forced to take a business class.

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Seethe harder,tranny. You will never be a woman

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You're right. Conversation on this subject is limited to, and only started with, that meme template.

Because it upsets lardasses like or something.

Just report and ignore.

>giving the majority of your customers what they want is "pandering"
It is though. How is it not?

Dude, Get help. Like see a psychologist or something.

Grow up Yas Forums this is why Yas Forums laughs at you

Imagine if you had spent all your life being given what you want for existing: you'd be an obnoxious, entitled narcissist too.

Because being "angry" makes all you nerds angry.

So many idiots on tumblr do this shit to make you rage.

Relevancy is why American late night shows most often make fun of American celebrities. It's not so much that they hate American celebrities or want to protect celebrities in other countries, it's just what everyone knows best.

Do auto manufacturers "pander" when they put stereos in a car?
No, because most customers want one.
It would be pandering if they started leaving them out because a small minority of customers didn't want them.

Ah yes I see, so your spectrum of what you can make fun of runs in line with talk shows. You truly are a warrior against the unjust.

Because the individuals that complain are usually overweight women or trannies who see characters like Catwoman and become irrationally jealous that a fictional character has over the top looks and bodies. They can't separate reality and fiction. I'm sure some guys do this too but nobody with a rational brain looks at Batman and gets legit upset that they aren't super handsome with a peak natural physique that stays in top form all year round.

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Stop deluding yourself, tranny. This is why everyone laughs at you

You realize that a lot of those aren't /pol, right?

It's already been pointed out but there is an entire board full of people bitching about "Chad", the representation of everything they wish they were, and how much they want those Chads to die.

Anything you don't like on Yas Forums is Yas Forums, remember?

>Pander: gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).
>"newspapers are pandering to people's baser instincts"
The word has nothing to do with appealing to minority interests or tastes. This thinking is why everyone should be forced to take an English class. Oh wait...


The OP image isn't revealing some consumer trend, it's just showing a man posing in the same way as a sexualized woman (which is repulsive even to most people who are into sexy men because most of them aren't into sissification) in order to guild trip you into believing that the She-Hulk cover is bad.

SJWs get mad about fanservice from fictional characters cuz they see it pandering to the male gaze, objectification, and whatever else they sperg about.

Lonely men get angry at successful real life attractive women and try to undermine them. There are lot's of bitter dudes seething about twitch thots and instagram models. Lots of threads about it on Yas Forums too.

>(an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.)
That perfectly describes most minority opinions though.
there's a reason why they're considered distasteful, and that's because they're not the majority (no matter how loud they are online).

I'm not saying you can't make fun of Islam, just explaining why Christianity is most often joked about and criticized. You're bent on misunderstanding people who don't agree with you, even bringing "justice" into the conversation. You never wanted to have an honest conversation.

You know how women get butthurt if they dream you having sex with a girl? It’s like that

Fucking retards that claim sexism and the fag who made this thread just to cause shit I'll have you know I jerked off to the thought of spiderman being gang raped and snuffed last night

It more closely describes the majority male consumers wanting to see sexy ladies. I'm not even saying that's wrong, just that that is clearly pandering and closer to that definition.

Here's Webster's definition:
>to provide gratification for others' desires
Again, minority desires have nothing to do with it. I understand why you feel that way, the word is often misused.

I'm commenting on your insistence that proximity to something and the influence its had in your own culture makes it either ok or not ok to rip apart.
You meanwhile are dodging and hiding. Oh, it's not so big here. It's still a fucking problem which you already admit. So if it's such a problem, and considering Islamic numbers and presence, should be treated the same way.
Why? Why no the outpouring of Islamic-critical content? Why not? You care. You said so yourself. So why? Where is it? Where is the media treating Islam so freely for subject of ridicule? Where is it.
Stop your bullshit. Now go lick those Islamic boots like the good little boy you are.

>I'm not saying you can't make fun of Islam

Charlie Hebdo would disagree.

Oh my god... You did it! Sexism is over! Equality is washing over the land! See how the feminazis stop writing problematic clickbait about anime jiggle physics! They're finally censoring themselves because they know you exist. Thank you.

God I fucking hate women

Considering the majority of comic consumers are male, how is this a bad thing? Shouldn't the product be made with the majority of buyers in mind?

>just that the booty out and towards the viewer pose was much more common for female characters than male characters because of obvious pandering.

Just because a pose is sexy for a woman that doesn't mean that it is sexy for a man (unless if you are into sissification).

Superman over here for example looks like an absolute faggot.

Ten years ago the whores complained that only men read comics. You can't win.

Of course we can. Just find the obviously cool things and let the loud idiots ruin all the things they claim to enjoy. Then, while they're ruining any chance they ever had of enjoying life, you're ahead of the pack, entertaining dreams they could never imagine.

No woman in human history has ever purchased product just because there’s an attractive guy on it. There’s a reason “romance” novels sell like crazy but barely any women watch porn. The buildup to sex is more important to the sex itself.

Guys see some female skin and go crazy. Women see some male skin and start assessing.

You are dishonest bitch. Finding people who complain about the Chad is rare, it's far more often seen as an ideal to aim for. These women want to pull things down to their level

Twitter and reddit aren't accurate representations of real people. They're a vocal minority who spend every waking second of their lives to find anything to be outraged about so they can get clout on social media. Vast majority of comic readers are still young to middle aged men and to nobody's surprise hot women wearing skin tight spandex or barely wearing nothing always have and always will appeals to them. This isn't rocket science.

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Bunch of simps and white girls in this thread.

This guy gets it.