Marauders #9

Wherein the mutants deal with their bug problem.

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Why are all mutants so degenerate?

Is it going to be explained as some sort of mind-control spores?

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>Why are all mutants so degenerate?
They've always been degenerates, but these days it's been ramped up.
>Is it going to be explained as some sort of mind-control spores?
Who knows, anything is possible.

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Mutants are a relatively small community so relationships are usually kept within the circle. It’s no different than a group of friends in school who all end up dating/fucking the same girl.

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Well its more the current degeneracy on mutie-island is part of getting everyone even more indoctrinated into the cult, like the blood sport ritual individuals are put through to regain their powers while everyone watches.

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Haha, nice.
The only thing better is if it had been Emma getting blown out from the inside.

what the fuck man

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I guess, but nevertheless it is realistic for small tight knit communities

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Its not like this character death matters, even compared to it usually not mattering in capeshit, since they outright have a method of cloning dead mutants in operation.

Is that Hope under guise for safe keeping?

But wait, there's a twist.

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Yeah, saw it coming a mile off.

The telepathic mutants are fucking garbage.

Is she saying the previous pages were a fantasy sequence?

I knid of bought it for a second, since ressurections are thing now.

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Oh boy. I don't think comics with telepaths are for you user.

How would you guys rate the dawn of x titles?

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Marauders, Excalibur and X-Force are probably my favorites.

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This is stupid, why would you send an agent to spy on the mutant without equipping him with an anti-mind reader helmet? Those things are dime-a-dozen in the setting.

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Top 3. X-force, Marauders and Excalibur. All interesting to read.

X-Men - interesting since it's being used to setup future events/plots.

Fallen Angels - it was a let down but I enjoyed it enough.

New mutants - it was a fun read. The parts focusing on the other members on the farm really slowed the pace down.

>Those things are dime-a-dozen in the setting.
Apparently not, since no one at the UN had any. Even though they were dealing with a well known telepath.

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Apparently the only guy on earth with anti-telepathy shit is Reed Richards, and he doesn't share.

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Real world groups have to job to let mutants show off.

Like when that shitty writer of the Gambit comic has no idea how a knighthood ceremony is carried out or how the Queen's guard functions, just had him walk up and yank Excalibur out of Elizabeth's hands and kick Faiza aside.

Exaclibur storytime

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So what titles are done now? Fallen angels and new mutants?


You're forgetting one more egotistical fella too who has that tech.

The likes of Emma Frost and her brood are more than enough justification for people to Hate & Fear mutants, because they are a bunch of mind-raping assholes.


Feels a bit disjointed right now, but it has me pretty hooked, I really want to know what the fuck Cypher is up to.
>New Mutants
This one is my favorite out of the current line, it’s the only X-title on my pull list, and while I don’t enjoy the whole two separate teams thing going on, I get why it’s occurring, but everything with Robert, Illyana, and the others has been fucking great, loving it.
While I can’t say that I’m a fan of Wolverine, I did like this issue and am eager to read the following issues.
>Super Sized: Jean Grey / Emma Frost
Fucking great issue, love it when they let the artists be the ones who tell the stories rather than have everything be focused on the dialogue.
Really good so far, the last few issues focusing on Domino and, in a small part, Colossus too, was nice to read through. Hell, even Quentin is entertaining in that series.
Kind of surprised by how much I’ve been enjoying this one, that fucking issue where Bobby just goes full fucking throttle on that shit was just fucking cold man. Loved it.
Again, kind of surprised by how much I’ve been enjoying this one, anything that dips more into magic and fantasy is always a win for me.
>Fallen Angels
This one has to be the weakest of the titles, but I enjoyed it all the same.
I fucking love Uncle Doom, I fucking love the /SS/ between Kate and Frank. Again, surprised by how much I’ve enjoyed it for being a crossover.
All in all, it’s a great time to be reading

>Kitty isn't around
>Marauders suddenly becomes good
>Low point is Emma's development being placed on Kitty, as if she's not a character on her own right
Surprises, none.

Nice but I feel half of the questions created by the book won't ever have an answer
>New Mutants
Really fun read
Really Nice and X-Forcy
Best one by a margin.
I want to like it but I'm 3 issues behind and can't seem to find the motivation to read them
>Fallen Angels
Dropped it at issue 2, it had potential but I just couldn't get in.
Liked it a lot.

>Super Sized: Jean Grey / Emma Frost
Haven't read them

You forget Bobby being gone too.

Stupid sexy psychics

emma, you have the weirdest fantasies

how the fuck is he seeing that?

>that last panel.
That's some God Tier reaction image

So, in Excalibur you have censored swaring

In Marauders you have guys exploding and his organs showering people

the Cuckoos are supposed to be all alibe again, right? Why they never shown the five together? Only in two or three at the time

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America is fucked, its all good for kids to see people getting ripped apart but god forbid they see the word Fuck, or a nipple.

Thanks user

All that money and they can't afford proper psychic dampeners while some nobody russian mobsters can?

Quentin has literally downloaded a Magneto helmet from the internet and made it in his dorm room. This shit should be standard with every Starkphone purchase by now.


Goddammit I shouldn't be laughing this hard

YSK they are not getting resurrected. they are cloned. This is the death of Emma we know of.

Revival from the dead actually made that a pretty believable outcome since they've also killed Kitty.

I am idiot.

Congrats, you didn’t need us to tell you that.

New Mutants should resume in a while, Fallen Angels is over.

My point before still stands for other deaths.

It doesn’t but I fw you for trying.

OG Pyro is the best thing about this book. So glad they brought him back.