Where did this show go horribly wrong?

Where did this show go horribly wrong?

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They hurt your feelings.

Season 1


Trump fanboys remain the biggest snowflakes of all

"They made fun of muh President!!!"

Honestly Drumpf jokes are stale they can be considered croutons

Normal words, but a fat guy.

Its jokes are no longer jokes but flat statements.

Has gone on much too long, much like The Simpsons. The writers also seem to think they are very clever.

Family Guy insulting Still Your President has little to do with how awful it is.

Its been 4 years Colbert, your shit is stale

Sneedwojakchan calling anything stale

Seth Macfarlane being an alcoholic dumbass the night before 9/11 and missing his flight because of a hangover

Ah yes I forgot that the president becomes immune to criticism and mockery after exactly one year despite the fact that he continues to have a massive impact on news and world affairs

How will the show react to Trump's reelection?

...by sobbing uncontrollably for four years straight?

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It got renewed back in the aughts.

The cliff was during the Writer's Guild Strike back in 07-08. The show really dropped in quality after that.

Yeah that's definitely what they're doing and not just the way you want to paint it to suit your narrative

Same way it would react to imaginary things

I mean, that's definitely what's happening when their bitch tears are flowing so heavily that they don't even remember to make jokes.

Over a decade ago.

Measuring your worth on how much people are scared about the future

I don't know - I don't care. Somehow you will fail. Something will defeat you. Life will defeat you

I know this is a political bait thread, but the OJ Simpson episode. It was the first to play an entire Conway Twitty music video, and was thoroughly unentertaining.

If something does defeat me, it certainly won't be comrade sanders or sleepy joe

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Can you please tell me how Joe "Vote for the Other Joe" Biden is going to beat a sitting incumbent president with a good economy and decent approval polls?

I bet that if FG spent 22 minutes singing Donny's praises, you'd all be screeching "based"

Guy, but with a family.

Oh and with a divided and fractured Democratic Party vs a united and powerful Republican Party that is poised to make the Supreme Court 6-3 or 72.

I like how America is on fire and all people care about is which team is on top. When did governing become a sport?


>I like how America is on fire
For whom? Boomers are not on fire, their lives will not change and they will die peacefully. Everyone else will have to deal with the cancer (and no this isn't a pot shot at Trump while I didn't vote for him I actually do find him hilarious and don't hate him) they have left behind.

Stopped watching after the Frank Grimes episode. Show got a little too dark for me.

No, because family guy sucks, and nobody has laughed at anything involving Trump in years, whether positive or negative.


His first election was imaginary until it happened. shrugemojibutfor4chan.png

why do libcucks always do this

Killing off Mr. Weed, also Paddy Tanniger

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A conservative talking about imagined persecution? How ironic.

Obama was a bad president,
Bernie Sanders is a Commie
Marx would shoot you in the head for being such a parasite to the people.

and yet you're the only one who's doing it

Imagine being this susceptible to marketing.

Imagine replying to something that was obviously counter bait because you have an ego so large that you feel the need to put down others, on an anonymous image board that is centered around anime.

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I dont know how we, as a nation, dont find president humor at the absolute bottom of the barrel, lowest hanging fruit, smoothbrain tier after Bush and Obama

The problem with the humor is that it comes from real fucking hatred and anger. It's why jokes for Obama from conservatives were always cringe worthy.

Doesn't help that Trump is a huge clown and performer himself and is self aware of that, unlike Dubya.

*so when you parody him, it comes off as cheap and punching down.

Long, long before it offended your delicate sensibilities. Is orange man's hypersensitivity rubbing off on you?

>Feel like the ORANGE MAN BAD joke has gotten a little tired, not even defending the president
>everyone accuses me of being an evil white conservatard maga drumph nazi racist

These are the same people who would call you a racist if you joked about Obama.

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I just find it grating, there's zero nuance or tact in any joke and as a result it comes off as . It's that obnoxious kind of humor where it must be funnier if it's louder and more frequent. It started off bad in the same way the later seasons of Simpsons slowly became bad, and it's only gotten worse and more obnoxious since then. On top of all that, "HAHA BLUMPF" jokes were just...never that funny to me at all, actually scratch that, just political jokes in general aren't really that funny to me, and at this point they've just becoming equally grating, the only thing funny about Trump "jokes" is just how hard all these people who supposedly hate the man ride his dick.

You say that, but almost every week he gives us more to work with. I mean come on, calling Corona a democrat hoax is next level.

I wouldn't know, I never watched Simpsons passed season 4


>Obama was a bad president
Fuck off

he was.
t. non white

>there's zero nuance or tact in any joke
It's fucking Family Guy, the only thing that changed is that you've finally developed a sense of humor beyond that of a bottom-feeder.

Is it past or passed?

A great many things have done that.

Dilate yourself nigger

then trump fans shouldn't be so triggered

He said the Democrats trying to use Corona to attack him is a hoax.

I'm confused by this a little bit.
So is he saying that they aren't trying to use Corona to attack him?

Bruh, imagine being this clueless

They are attacking him by trying to pin the Coronavirus on him, and he's basically saying it's a hoax. He has nothing to do with the Corona.
