Why was this scene from Lilo and Stitch altered for Disney+?

For the Disney+ version of 'Lilo and Stitch' (2002), Disney has an alternate edited version where Lilo is hiding behind a pizza box instead of a dryer. Could it be that Disney executives want to take Lilo out....FOR SOME PIZZA?!?!

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Hiding in a dryer is probably an "imitable act" that lawyers get worried about.

The film got monkeyed with in its original release, too. The bizarre shift in tone to extremely silly when Lilo's house is destroyed, only for that tone to rubber-band back to serious is an example. Another is the large alien spaceship Stitch pilots originally intended to be an earthly air-liner.

>Character is a problem child
>Does problematic things

What the FUCK?
I mean there's always the thing they tell kids not to play hide and seek in appliances cause they could get hurt, but this is insane.

>UK version on Disney+ in all territories
Just another reason for me not to care about this service.

Reminder that the TV show downplayed Jumba's past hard and even tried to tone it down via retcons.


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more of a liability issue. they don't want to be held responsible for kids who watch the movie, hide in dryers, and somehow get hurt.

How so?

You know what else is an imitable act?
Cliff diving. People get crippled and die doing that. Gonna edit that out of Pocahontas?
Or Gaston's gun? Or Simba eating bugs?

Attached: Pocahontas-disneyscreencaps.com-957.jpg (1920x1080, 258.66K)

Give it time, I'm sure they'll find a way to get worse

Trips gonna coom

>monkeyed with

Almost got me worried that they tried to make Nani's ass less big. Glad it was just a non-issue

So they changed the oven to a dryer, sho what?

As much as I'm against this sort of thing on principle, I'm not really bothered by this particular change, and I can see why they did it. Kids climbing into dryers is a good way for them to die. Just google "child killed by dryer"... it happens a lot.

to play devil's advocate, there is a layer of separation between children and Pocahontas and Simba (one is basically an adult and the other is a lion), and Gaston is the villain.

At some point or another you have to make parents accountable for their stupid decisions. We can't safeguard children from every little thing in cartoons, parents have to take the most responsibility themselves and teach their kids right

Movie made it clear Jumba was actually trying to hurt people. The show implies the vast majority of experiments are just misunderstood, fairly benevolent creations. It also generally tries to add details that make Jumba come off like he's not such a bad guy even on the surface level instead of a mad scientist who actually has a decent heart. I can't be more specific because it's been over a decade.

>Or Simba eating bugs?
Nah, that's actually quite progressive.

pizza pedophiles

yes, let's hold parents accountable for such stupid decisions as owning a dryer and not watching their children like Big Brother at all times

I watched this on Netflix in July last year, inspired by that epic Pleakly gay porn thread, and it had a washing machine.
Did they change the sound effects in this Disney+ version as well?

I thought it was supposed to be like a poorly drawn oven or something and the pizza was to help show what it was.

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Yes, the government must make sure there is nothing harmful in television. Everything must be changed to TV static so kids can't get anything from it. And don't forget the sound, maybe they will HEAR someone be asked to climb a tree. They could fall down and die won't someone think of the children

maybe it's a joke because they're so poor they can't afford a dryer

Disney+ is cancer

Just go jack off to Chris Sanderses art, the movie is in his style after all and the dude loves drawing titties.

>extremely silly when Lilo's house is destroyed, only for that tone to rubber-band back to serious
I thought that was on purpose. Wacky alien hijinks being contrasted with the more grounded idea of Nami losing custody runs throughout the movie.

If parents leave their kids roam next to cliffs it's hard to fault Disney for it.

If parents leave their kids alone at home watching Lilo and Stitch and those kids crawl into dryers it's not so hard to consider parents only partly to blame, since it's not climbing into dryers isn't so likely to happen spontaneously.

Also they changed him flying trough the city to flying trough the mountains because they thought the city scene was too close to 9/11

I assume it’s because kids used to get themselves stuck in dryers and die back in the 90s and 2000s.

There's an animatic of the original less-silly version. Got canned for being too "intense"

also 9/11

The plane got changed because of 9/11, same reason why the scene where Lilo raises the alarm on the beach to mess with the tourists was cut.

Why are americans so lacking in intelligence

>Or Simba eating bugs?
Nothing actually wrong with eating bugs other than picking one off the street will probably have a disease. In fact, lots of people in third-world countries really want to push for insect farms as a solution to starvation in their countries because insect farms way less space than beef farms with twice the protein per meal, are easier to manage, easy to cook, don't have many food poisoning risks like mad cow's disease, and you don't have to torture your livestock in awful, cramped living conditions.

But none of the big cities want to replace chicken and beef with insects as their main source of protein, so they're struggling to get the notion pushed.

Oh, so that's why a Japanese girl replaced her. she got ovened

Its lawyers and such. Paranoid about bad publicity to an idiotic degree.

A guy died a year or two ago from eating a slug on a dare because it contained brain destroying parasites.
If a kid were to eat a bug they're not going to practice safe food prep.

Is she white ?

The way I remember it, Jumba was reformed somehow (his personality was altered with some canonical explanation, but I never caught how. Could have happened in the second movie idk) and he would explain what each of he experiments original nefarious purpose was before Lilo and Stitch found a better use for them. So it wasn't like they were trying o make him look like he was always good. Hell, the only reason I really remember that he was reformed is because I still remember an episode where some scifi-y thing unreformed him and he started acting like a total villian again; trying to kill Lilo with a plasma gun and shit.

I remembered it as being CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT rather than a plot based mindwipe. And that the episode mentally sent him back in time, basically.

Yeah, just tanned.

That would be less contrived. I still can't remember what initially made him wanna stop being evil and cooperate with everyone though.

Cheese Pizza confirmed.

>they've never dried thier clothes in the oven

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Do you just keep opening the door to keep the temperature low enough?

The dryer change was originally done for the UK release.


They ate slugs in the Lion King too, user.

racism: a-okay

>They are poor
>poor people dont have dryers

Or...now stay with me on this...tell the kid that if they go into the dryer...they will get hurt? I know, a radical solution but it's worth a shot!

What do you mean? They still suppress Song of the South (despite it not actually being racist)

It's a table and lilo is hiding behind a pizza box

ya'll have ovens made of wood?

That looks more like an oven to me.

And keep flipping it so it's nice and toasted.

Ever heard of a wood stove?

They dry their clothes by hanging them outside.

The only kids that would imitate that scene are young children and retard children.

Why would a responsible parent leave either home alone or unsupervised?

Meh. There's changes for shitty reasons. Maybe they should keep a problem thing kids with a problem child, maybe they should change it because kids actually get hurt doing this. This is entirely innocuous. It's not really censorship of art, it doesn't really change anything about the story of characters, it's nothing really politically leaning. It's a pointless change someone needs to have pointed out and you just go "oh". It's the ganondorf green blood of changes.

Terms like white and not white don't apply to hawaii as the population is a mix between american/british naval/piratical elements, portuguese towelboys, flip/cantonese/japanese farmhands and natives resulting in a population which displays caucasian and asian features. If you took a genetic map of the population born in hawaii they'd probably appear similar to the populations of latin america.

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She's been bimbofied