Homestuck Pesterquest - Roxy route now out

Writer: Lalo Hunt
Character Artist: Haven Daniels-Taylor
Background & Ending Artist: Courtney Brendle
Music: James Roach
Game Design & Programming: Andrew D. "Kohi"

Attached: pesterquest_roxy.png (800x450, 196.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:!CtpjTTwQ!j7qa7AhmrZm99R7iN80eOl7vDsIN-g8GBkCfqBtcTPM

Is it shit or nah?

God I hate that sprite.

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Just gonna post this in case he's here. I hope this helps with your project.

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Alpha Rose.

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>just one character


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The art is still wonky but not as “fuck me up” as Roxy, and still hot

What does she say/do?

>Alpha Kids

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>Lalo Hunt

It's the same person who wrote Equius! There's still hope!

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Alright, playing it. Funnily enough, a friend got me the game for my birthday. So, this is how I'm spending my morning, I guess.

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Homestuck is a money laundering scheme

Did VintageFoods really trace over Mom Lalonde's sprite? Fucking hack

That pumpkin.

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Why is she so ugly?

Because shes a Ni-
The artist.

Vriska Serket!

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I hate bloodskin

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Who has the worse sprite, Roxy or Vriska?


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This is a no-brainer.

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Aradia is Yas Forums
Zebruh did nothing wrong
Pesterquest is a doomed timeline
And I wish Swifer was my gf

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She looks like a burn victim.

Have you guys heard of the Legend of Egbert? Whenever a session has a female seer, they mysteriously vanish and never come back...

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That was actually okay. Only thing that bothered me was the cloud hair, but I still enjoyed it in the end. Roxy is great and it's nice that they didn't fuck her up. I'm probably missing something, but I'm happy with what I got.

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But why

>they didn't fuck her up
The tranny shit was a meme all along and she just wants to satisfy her romantic partner by becoming the perfect wife or husband?

Scolds you on every occasion. Get's dunked on by Condy.

If you pretend the tear line is the outline of her face this actually looks pretty cool

Do not acknowledge past the tear line

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she does not say it perse. she says she wants to be with dirk but also implies that she wouldn't mind being him, and then proceed to say "do you ever think about what if you...."

He did the same shit with nepeta's face. The guy draws weird heads.

>"Hahaha! He's depressed and mean now! Isn't that so #relatable!!? "
Fuck every fan writer

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so gimmie the tl;dr on this route and any news on dirk?

Vriska. Hair aside, Roxy looked alright in my eyes. The wig-like hair combined with the overly-detailed arm on Vriska makes me see it as the worse sprite. The lighting doesn't help either. I tried fixing it, but I don't know if it worked or not.
It mostly focused on her isolation and need for friends. She was shocked when she saw you since you were the first non-carapacian she had met. You talk to her about how you met Jane and Jake and how you can time travel. Both of you consider going back to meeting Rose, but if you choose not to, Roxy is fine with it since you get to focus on being friends together. It's nice shit. Also, what said. Seems to be more along the lines of her being cool like Dirk than what you might believe. Overall, I'd say it was alright, though I only explored the good ending.

Attached: Attempted Vriska lighting fix 2.png (688x718, 188.8K)

Two best girls got two best tracks in the game. Noice.

>alpha rose bronzed a vacuum for some fuckin reason
Knowledge of/testament to her beta mom?

which song did they use for Roxy and how bad is the remix roach is a fucking hack that ruins everything he touches which is amazing considering how good the music is in homestuck for a bunch of literal whos

>any news on dirk?
delayed until april 1st

>even in death if you go visit alpha rose with roxy

Even in death. It ended up being pretty badass, with violins and everything.



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Happy birthday user

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Mods when?

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i can't
why her?

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Yeah, and this pose looks like that one for Gamzee. Pretty similar.

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this one doesn't seem so bad

>Even in death
but thats a rose song.... why the fuck didn't he do one of his lofi memehop remixes for assault it would sound better at half tempo

That actually looks a lot nicer. It keeps the cloud hair, but it's more kempt and the bangs don't look like they're fusing with the eyelashes. Also, the swirl looks more correct. I always saw it as something on the side instead of the front.
And this just makes me wish the choice of artists were more consistent. It looks weird to have characters who are related done by artists with radically different styles.

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That's my favorite track and one of the things that finally convinced me to give Homestuck a chance. This route sounds like it panders to me specifically, aside from the weird art choices.

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>thats a rose song
It played during Roxy's sleepwalk. Also in the end of the comic for some reason.

>implies that she wouldn't mind being him
Roxy Strider time?

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Waiting for a reply to you.

If you look at the track art it's shown to be a Rose song, I hate it when characters get robbed of their themes

Spritewise it could've been better, storywise it coud've been much worse.

Real shit?

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Is she still an alcoholic?


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Yeah, right. Next thing you'll say is that Megalovania belongs to Vriska and Moonsetter is Dirk's song.


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You bet.

Next you'll be saying Do You Remem8er Me is a VrisJohn song

They are and Dance of Thorns is a Rose song despite what some people may say

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Dance of Thorns is extremely a Rose song, the only reason people think different is because the chucklefuck who put it on youtube used a picture of Dave and Karkat fighting

Literally all it is is the hair

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Well, it did play during their meeting, just like wey were about to in the comic, so I'd say it's Roxy&Rose theme.

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Megalovania is a Jack Noir song. What the fuck is this orange fucker saying.

Hussie is a biased Vriskafag, notoriously so.

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So writer of one of the best routes continues to prove to be a good writer. Shocking.
>you were the first non-carapacian she had met

Will carapace reader finally be dead now? Please?
Thank you friend. Had a bunch of quick edits ready to use but may use these. Except maybe the teeth ones cause gonna keep it real with you chief, those look creepy.

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Mega, if somebody would need it.

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stfu karkuck


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>Ignoring the halloween hack
Imagine being this conceited

Carapace reader has been dead since Jade’s route when she didn’t immediately recognize them as a carapacian.

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It does seem like MSPAR is completely unrelated to the carapacians, which makes sense since even with the canonization of Problem Sleuth as a Prospitian, MSPAR is presented as a completely different entity from any of the characters depicted in it.
And yeah, I may have gone too far with the teeth. I wanted to draw it mostly because I felt like it'd be cool to see his flat teeth, a detail that fans seem to forget about, but I might've made them too crooked. Here's a more simplified variant.

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Dream on, Hussie. No one cares about your dead webcomic anymore and your waifu is shit.

Pfft, I bet he thinks that Time On My Side is a Dave song!

Alright, rank 'em.

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I do NOT like where this is going.

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He actually starts to let that meme crack a bit in the newest book

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Don't do this. Don't give me hope.

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I'm fucking done with this shit.

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It seems like someone hasn't read them.

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That didn't stop people then. Then again these are the same people who believe Reader is half dersite due to the black noodle limbs which.
That's not how that works.
That's not how ANY genetics work!
Even having dabbled in the idea that they may have been one for twist reasons, carapace reader never really sat well cause unlike carapace sleuth which had other reasons on top of just being a fun what if, everyone's argument for carapace reader is just "they're pure white"
And yeah that's better. Teeth are really hard to make not look creepy. And not in the good creepy kind of way.

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Why does everyone draw her with that god awful hair? Do they not remember what her hair looks like?

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Damn I just remembered I actually have to play Pesterquest to catch up for this critical moment.

The Second Act 5.2 book is out already? Does it go all the way to cascade or do we have another coming for post murderstuck?

Unfortunately "headcanon" doesn't mean how you interpret the text but how you disregard the text for your own preference.

Didn't know Jade was a Chad.

Yeah, those got me worried too.
I wonder though, to whom did she send the pic? Who wasn't in touch with her because the game never happened? Could it be Calliope?
They wanna do her sprite-based.

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Bec >> Jasper >>>>>>> POWER GAP > Harley >>> Shit >= Cal

Why do these assholes type like pretentious teenagers?

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I'm glad to hear it looks better. I thought "hey, he probably has farmer teeth", but the artstyle doesn't exactly allow that. And yeah, the idea just seems dumb since MSPAR seems to be based more on Jailbreak than Problem Sleuth. Hence the stump. Also, where the fuck did a half Dersite come from? Can't someone just be an oversimplified-looking lad?

Attached: MSPAR is in pain.gif (1024x903, 30.43K)

There's a few artists that are ignoring the PQ hair, and it will fade into obscurity as HS2 with Xamag's art continues.

I got it early because I ordered it with other books. It goes up to a bit after the grimdark Rose walkaround, ending after Dave and Terezi's justice murder convo.

I uploaded the first ~100 pages of commentary here in a fit of completionism, but I stopped because that's dumb because people will eventually transcribe it anyway:

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>could it be calliope
dude, Calliope's chumhandle is right there. altho she not answering just after decided not playing gives me hope she's fucking dead, even if that means no Caliborn too.

Roxy's hair looks like it was fucking poorly drawn on each sprite with MS Paint.
Like it genuinely looks out of place, what the fuck is that shit in this one:

after Jane decided*

>That pic

>Calliope's chumhandle is right there
Oh. You are right. Couldn't see it for shit.
> she's fucking dead
Yeah, that's exactly what I thought about.

Good writing goes a long way.
It’s worth the sacrifice.

You think that's bad, check out this

>huss blatantly misreading a Karezi moment he wrote to call it a Vrisrezi moment

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iT's WhAt A bLaCk PeRsOn'S hAiR wOuLd LoOk LiKe, YoU RaCiSt
No, seriously. She's intended to be black-coded.

Don't care about anything nuHuss has to say.

Legitimately I do no understand the appeal of Vrisrezi whatsoever. Vriska is a legitimately awful person and should not be in a romantic relationship, and Terezi and her seems borderline codependent.

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I mean, are they not allowed to have straight hair now? It seems a bit stifling and rather hypocritical to me.

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Why the fuck is one of the characters that were specifically 'natural blondes' black coded

How is black coded just another way of saying "They have weird shitty hair"

Oh, and I hope I got the proportions right. I based them mainly on this poster and why it may ooze too much "MUH MAYOR", I feel like it's a good estimate of his proportions considering his sprite compared to the humans.

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Codependency is okay when you're gay :)

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The answer is twitter and their insanity.
Again its fine, don't worry so much.

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The reason Creepy Joe will win.

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This () is probably the best one if you wanna keep black-coded Roxy, but this one () looks the most like how I probably imagine Roxy looking.

Imagine if Hussie did something like this during the 2012 election.



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>It looks weird to have characters who are related done by artists with radically different styles.
I think they might have explained it by the whole thing taking place in another universe, but I'm not entirely sure. Also, I kinda like her being all messed up, because it would go well with all the drinking she does.

[moves away from the keyboard to breath]

Yeah, Mom is not like that because she never drank.

Mom was a committed teetotaler, don't you know?


That's not a word. All of these characters are white. They were all drawn as white until the SJW crowd showed up. Saying otherwise is a disservice to the characters, the comic, and yourself.

Mom might use make-up. Also, we never seen her eyes, there might be horrible bags and bloodshots.

I miss when you could get away with saying Jade was tan.

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>green eyes
>grandfather is literally a white big-game hunter

Their skin is porcelain white. If the MCs aren't bursting into flame whenever they go outside, they're not white enough.

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How dare you, a rich alcoholic catlady living in upstate New York is clearly black and gentile

Katneps for Bernie
I'm sorry but that's my decision and I'm sticking to it.

Attached: KatNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNepNep.png (633x539, 218.98K)

>Their skin is porcelain white
You can't live on a tropic island and be as pale as Rose. Jade was touched by the sun long before she was touched by
>the sun

Thank you for doing your part, can't wait to cum on those sweet sweet hussie feet pics

Ah yes, politics. Just when I thought something was missing.

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>Music: James Roach

That was pretty fucking good. Roxy's theme is cutesy and light-hearted, with a sense of uncertainty and haziness. It's all lead by a barely there but at the same, pronounced hiphop beat, definitely a strilonde thing. There was also a remix of that one theme in [S] Roxy: Sleepwalk, whith even more eastern instruments, with an added sense of impending danger. Just great stuff.

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If you had a tiny clone of Vriska, would you torture it?

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aw god damn it

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Put it in a cup and take it outside.

Remember that according to the artist being “black-coded” means looking like an ugly cloud-headed crack whore

le gasp

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I mean in the commentaries Hussie clearly views it as toxic but also insanely alluring for fleshing out and developing both of the characters. People really like to ignore the whole Terezi finally giving up on Vriska and moving on with her life in the epilogues including the new writers fucking hell

I don't care. None of this matters anymore.

>alpha Rose looks great while Roxy looks fucking weird

Too bad Terezi is just a rebound slut until she gets her Vriska back.


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Am I really the only one who has no fucking clue what is everyone's problem is with this talksprite?

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Lucky for you, I happen to have one right here.

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Vintagefoodz sucks as an artist, but Roxy isn't that bad. If those curls were smoother it would look alright.


But I guess roleplaying with Roxy is all we have now.

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>Hussie confirms that Heirs are a passive class
So, what did he say about Knights?

Vriska did nothing right

Why is her hair like that? It looks awful

It was mainly the clashing with other sprite and the default neutral state looking weird. In "motion" she's not so bad.

cute karpeta

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She didn't kill Karkat yet

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She is. So. Fucking. LONELY!!! just fuck me up.

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Well, this was the last drop, Homestuck is now dead to me, It was good while it lasted, I can enjoy watching the thing burn but the smell of burning corpses has finaly ruined it for me

We already knew that Knights were passive and Pages were active, it’s the basis of their entire journies. Knights learn to chill out, pages learn to man the fuck up

god damn i wanna bust a nut in this milf's damp womb

Attached: alpha mom.png (1280x720, 168.59K)

Question: why are Vriska people so obsessed with Karkat? I don't even recall them interacting that much in the comic. You'd think they'd fixate more on Tavros or whatever.



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>Roxy is lonely as fuck
What else is new?

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So after Dirks is released what's next? Is there going to be another Friendsim released with the dancestors? Or some other cheap cash grab?

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Why would she kill her kissmetic crush
Wait, actually it would make sense she would try, she’s like Spades Slick she can only express herself through hurting others

>Knights are passive, Pages are active
Kill yourself, oD

Wonder if we'll get to see alpha Dave then

fuck me up part 2

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Yep, I died there a little.

The sprite's tarded but it still tugs at my heart, nepeta style

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It's one autist

I died there a bit more.

They’re the two most popular trolls, for wildly different reasons. And Vriskafags are sluts for attention

Probably because of the Epilogues and Vrisrezi becoming more prevalent after the retcon. Either that or they're wishing this is canon.

Attached: Hello, y'all. I'm a 2019 Troll.png (875x347, 75.37K)

I heard them say apparently they were interested in doing DLC for Friendsim for the main Hiveswap trolls like Trizza after Act Two releases, but that was forever ago.
Oh, jesus. Alright, I feel a little bad. This route actually looks semi-decent.

It's a meme you fucking dip.

im so sorry roxy. but at least we can fall deeper into alcoholism together!

the PQs generally don't say anything new, mostly just confirms a bunch of stuff we already knew

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oD is a hack and people were saying this long before him

What's the point then?

>learn to chill out
>every knight is fucking goddamn Davekat
Please blow your fucking brains out.

the patreon is probably all they need now
i thought it was dlc for pq but who fucking knows anymore with them




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to simulate being friends with them

Dave was already chill though. What was his arc anyway?

but you don't understand, they're perfect because they don't do anything! People don't ever have to improve and shouldn't be better for the sake of their loved ones!

$2000 between like twenty people isn't that much.

one part refresher (which doesnt work due to routes like aradia feferi and others) one part "who cares about canon"

Every knight isn’t DaveKat.
Knights whole thing is surrounding themselves with an “armor” to protect themselves from struggles related to their aspect. Karkat acted like an angry cunt because he was afraid of people seeing his blood, Dave used irony to hide how scared and uncomfortable he was, Latula used her coolkid acting to hide her intelligence. Their development revolves around learning to take the armor off

user, Hussie had a fucking interview where he stated how Rose and Jade are special cases for being on Derse, the active planet, and Prospit, the passive planet. He also stated how goddamn Karkat and Vriska are stuck on Prospit, despite having Active classes. Hell, you could even see fucking Equius and Nepeta having the only passive classes on Derse.

They'd make more money off of them if you could smooch them.

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I don't know. To tug at nostalgia heartstrings?

What I do know is that I fucking love Roxy so much. She deserves the whole world and more.

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Hussie also said the Baby is You is canon

That's cool. Don't see how the fuck this shit makes them passive.

Karkat didn't fucking sit around and hope Terezi or Sollux assigned him his fucking leadership role like a passive bitch.

To make more money, because the Hiveswap money got fucking stolen I guess, and they still haven't been able to finance its development.

It doesn't matter, the writers outright confirmed that they retconned his development and character to prevent him from ending up with Jade.

>This is what OD followers believe
I bet you're gonna tell me about how breath is about freedom next aren't you?
When's Hussie gonna deep dive into aspect shit in the commentaries, it's gonna happen, and I'm fucking scared it's gonna legitimately take up entire pages.Those author commentaries keep taking up more and more real estate on the pages

You could just reread the comic for those things.

It’s because they become more passive people over time, the opposite of a page

Totally. She's best kid.

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So being a Knight is the equivalent of having peaked in high school, essentially?


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Nah, Breath is about change and friendship as opposed to blood being about societal structure and authority

Given Dave, yes.

>passive over time
Only if they degrade like being a cuck for Terezi or hanging out with Dave and being turned into a housewife lmao.

Yes, they start out very well acquainted with their aspect and uncomfortable with it, and become more comfortable with it as they go on. But this also means they start out with more aspecty shit, like Dave getting his time turntables early on

Prince- Bard+
Page- Heir+
Knight- Maid+
Mage- Seer+
Thief- Rogue+
Witch- Sylph+

These are the immewtable facts of the situation, and all deniers can and must cope harder.

Attached: 1433280523928.gif (413x413, 299.52K)

>recommending to re-read post act five
A bruh moment at its finest.

Attached: 02014_2.gif (650x450, 20.73K)

given the budget cuts with the new updates and some of pq thats obvious but still generating money from simps via patreon seems less costly than doing that and allocating time and resources to another half baked game
too long, must fuel monkey brain

Hiveswap act 2 finally? I do wonder what Hussie will do next once he finally finishes his Homestuck obligations in like 2025, but until then he's still got 3 games to make and like 8 more commentary books

The differing line weights look terrible. It looks downright scribbly, compared to other PQ sprites that have consistent and solid outlines. The awkward shoulders are bad too. Vintage's art can be really cool, but on these PQ sprites it comes out really ugly.

And yes, the black-coded features are bad too, on a character that is literally and also pretty clearly racially white.

I like black characters if they're black originally. I like or don't mind good fanart that reimagines them with different races, especially if the fanartist is non-white themselves and wants to make art of what they find the most beautiful or relatable, I can understand that. But jarring inconsistency within a work is fuckin dumb, and Hussie's "aracial" excuse was also fuckin dumb. Yes, they were depicted symbolically, with much left to the imagination - but they were clearly a bunch of symbolic white kids, referenced as such within the text, and Hussie couldn't own up to that, even though it shouldn't be a big deal.

why won't death come sooner

Attached: ASSESS.png (650x450, 12.64K)

People really love these characters, man. People'll throw down their hard earned spondulicks if it means getting to interact with whoever their fave is in a semi-offical capacity.

Karkat growing as a person enough to accept his feelings for Terezi and put them aside instead of floundering around with them is a good example of the maturing of a Knight, actually. Karkat came to terms with an interpersonal relationship and salvaged it even from the train wreck slut that is Terezi

Then after peaking they get thrown into shit they're not ready for and mostly handle it poorly

Attached: tumblr_m9o0otPoMr1rsax65o1_1280.png (896x1216, 379.51K)

Don't forget, 2 more acts and all 4 acts of hauntswitch

Attached: touchy gamzee.png (1581x1644, 430.58K)
>Hiveswap Act 2 on 4/13
This board is not ready.

Don't worry, he here is, right now!

Attached: 4G8qg3r.gif (212x319, 25.19K)

>kate was also defending dogdick Jade
Why are they so fucking BAD

At least the new writers will never ruin Meulin.

>he finally finishes his Homestuck obligations in like 2025
that's a highly optimistic estimate
remember it's been two and a half years since act 1 and we still don't have a release date for act 2

Attached: automeru 1123261040207237120_p0.png (700x770, 1.1M)


in the year 2025
if hussie is still alive
if vriska can survive
they may find

Your best ship, sir

Attached: 84707790-95BA-4604-8551-79F053512441.jpg (650x450, 33.27K)

Especially considering act 2's trailer is more slideshow than trailer

I'm actually doing that right now it's pretty dope.

And I think in hindsight, it's an interesting way of showing the nature of the most mysterious aspect, Void. All the Alphas just wait around for the Betas to arrive; inaction. All the dancestors have long performed their duties and are no longer necessary; irrelevant. The alpha kids themselves have a lot of trouble with communication; or imparting knowledge. There's most likely a lot more but it's fun looking for metatextual meaning. It all becomes less random, as the patterns reveal themselves.


Attached: A ship never to be made canon, but will never die in our hearts.gif (650x450, 7.08K)

They both want(ed) to be important and alpha top dogs really, really bad. The existence of a rivalry meme is natural, and they did black flirt a bit. Vriska's existence is defined by trolling and inciting argument, so the Vriskafags lean into the meme a lot more.

Attached: domin8.png (782x478, 152.37K)

>Dave only joined the rebellion because Jade made him
Jade cares more about Karkat than Dave does.

Attached: karkat finds love.png (500x1100, 64.88K)

Doctor, doctor! Give me the news!
I got a bad case of loving Meu!

Attached: Meu!.png (250x326, 30.91K)

Attached: boner betray.png (850x1169, 1.21M)

It's funny. Honestly, SD's set was fun to breeze through for a giggle.

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Karkat deserves a goth vampire gf, but a catgirl is fine too i suppose

Attached: FC993629-D990-4022-A7B7-E68137600AA3.png (1280x720, 1.12M)

One more act. There's gonna be 14 volumes in total, with Roxy's one being the 13th.
Rosemary. Also, these guys. Yours got some nice dynamic as well.

Attached: 0f2c3e52731f318f9320b261867fe9a4.png (500x363, 48.22K)

Cute artstyle

Attached: catsluts.png (442x632, 488.83K)

Why do you guys care about Hiveswap anyway? All it was is looking around, reading text and shitty battles. I've had more fun playing a shitty indie game. And the Friendsim trolls are most likely going to have like two lines of dialogue before disappearing forever.

Attached: c6a7db5aedb3b69fa9724faf69a6756bb6f7c5eb.jpg (500x707, 262.54K)

Dave rejected his hero's journey, so he's not a fully-realized knight

I meant hiveswap, not pq or the vns

I thought Kanaya was basically the Alternian equivalent of a prep.

Attached: The Dolorosa (myluckyseven).png (792x1158, 1017.38K)


Too bad this art is shit or I’d ask for some Roxy x MSPAR porn

Attached: 1583348457172s.jpg (1030x794, 185.54K)

Goth and prep are switched on Alternia, because everything is a little goth prep becomes the counterculture

I mean, you could just ask for her to be drawn in a different style or something.

Attached: tumblr_oov2hmszkU1vtmex2o1_400.png (400x401, 147.65K)

I hate em both.

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Ah, I can't read.

A boring pacifist who hates guns wow so cool

Imagine being so self hating that you still choose to associate with homestuck in 2020


Is Homestuck^2 worth it? Is Pesterquest worth it?
I was upset with Act 7 and the Epilogues and didn't sort of kept my distance from the fandom after. I have some complaints from what I've seen of Pesterquest.
Only good thing about the Epilogues is that Jane is STACKED.

no, see, the hero is toxic maslcuninlty. Dave only ever saved his friends from being killed or maimed because SOCIETY told him to not because he cared about them.

I’m a Mage of Rage, I feed off this shit

>a secretly huge breedslut denying her calling as a Harley

Attached: joey blowey.png (1000x1007, 367.67K)

I haven't even played any of the friendsim stuff, I just like the idea of seeing more of the homestuck worlds, and the characters presented seem fun for as much as we got.
I'm a sucker for young adult media so it's a quaint interactive story that might have some interesting takes.

Attached: 1581864170846.png (1024x1024, 47.1K)

No, some routes are

>hating nice things

Is dead!

There's precious few routes that are hit rather than miss in PQ.

Attached: wholesome.jpg (1280x705, 169.64K)

Get your fucking politics out of my webcomic

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Why they decided to split it into 8 acts when they couldnt get act 2 out in a timely fashion and even fucking valve suffered with this system is beyond me.
No, unless you're a simp who only cares about new designs to get hard to. If you care about the writing you'll notice immediately how blatantly transparent it is and get annoyed.
If you liked FS maybe, otherwise no. The highs are good, but the lows will make you want to kill someone.

she has a doggie dick underneath the skirt and dave knows it

>Knights are passive
>Karkat would rather do his fucking rebellion than degrade
>Dave would rather fuck off and meet Obama than be stuck with Jade
>compared to John who is still lamenting over terezi and accepting his fate for only fucking rogue pussy

You don't need guns if you have killer legs.

Attached: 0e5625e2452802e129e01b3df7ef5bb6.png (849x1093, 1.26M)

Haha, hey guys what if
okay what if what if what if WHAT IIIFFF
Joey? okay what if
Joey was into, was into girls?
haha...just kidding...


Attached: poot.png (288x395, 44.91K)

Dogdick fans are officially Kate supporters, so you can fuck off back in the trashheap of shit you've helped bring into being.

Attached: colorblind.png (681x2625, 1.28M)

Paradox Space is a bastard

Didn't try FS; was about too, but then my group of friends ruined it and I was disappointed. The designs are nice for some, same with PS. What are some routes to go then? I hear Rose and John's were pretty good.

Joey will fuck anything that moves.

Dave fucks off because he doesn't want to face himself and try to improve though.

1. It's a meme
2. Vriska keeps fucking every quadrant interest Karkat had in the past
3. It's more fun when Karkat gets mad and keeps being a moralfag on her ass

Attached: 07521.gif (650x650, 3.83K)

Joey is bi

I can't believe Kate thinks it's transphobic to not like animal penises... Oh wait, I can!

Attached: feels about dirk.png (880x4168, 836.05K)

>retconning it so that Roxy wanted to BE Dirk

Why do I keep making stuff for this ship?

Attached: Hot darn!.gif (700x500, 10.37K)

Don't be silly, dogdick Jade hating that she can't have kids is GREAT representation!

Attached: 3d_rose_by_geeses_d4i0q26.png (258x519, 60.22K)

Clearly she only became trans so she could try to bang him
That’s the vibes I got

Nah man. A fish empress who has a blood related caste system is Totally similar to the real life Republican party. Everything is political shitlord. Check yourself.

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Secret canonkino, hidden nicely in the subtext

Attached: Vrisquius.png (540x405, 134.24K)

Because you like the ship
And there’s nothing wrong with that

Attached: E63B5862-C7B7-4A66-9BEF-2982B7534AF6.jpg (500x500, 34.64K)

Can't people just stick to whats written?
That's another reason why I'm not sure about PS; it seems to change small, but important details.

this doesn't paint a great picture for trans people, does it.

Anything specific or mainly the fact that Scratch is involved? Cause that gets spoiled immediately from the opening cause you know, sequel.
Bad news for you, the routes are more connected than in FS, so you're fucking committed.

Shut up, I read comics to escape reality stop dragging it into it
Let me have my escapism you bitch

Attached: 9C425398-FB36-4048-9DE7-511B093078F2.gif (600x400, 39.48K)


If they stick to what's written it wouldn't fit in with their agenda.

What does

Even the normal trannies are dumb about it. They're mad because dogdick Jade implies she didn't have a penis before, and they want hairy man gelasticat Jade.

Attached: how bout i fuck your shit.png (600x600, 246.59K)

I don't like how Hussie finished off HS but dear god PS, FS, and whatever the fuck HS^2 and the Epilogues are seem so much worst.

Can't I just mentally cut off all that shit and just stick to HS?

I don't, I just want it completed so Hussie can make something new already

>Can't I just mentally cut off all that shit and just stick to HS?
Of course not bigot! :^)

This shit is so stupid cause trannies ahte dickgirl porn since it 'fetishes' them

Well shit guess I'm a bigot now.

So, if Alternian Kankri was Troll Jesus, could Beforus Karkat be Troll Trajan?

Attached: Troll Trajan.gif (1920x1080, 313.43K)

What in the FUCK is that *THING*??

Attached: 1582590685568.png (613x408, 6.17K)

Is Sonnetstuck's Detective Pony canon?

*takes a shit all over your child*
It’s just a political statement you BIGOT

What's the point of keeping up with anything if it's just gonna be retconned out in a few weeks?

Attached: 1582920271843.gif (600x419, 865.42K)

>Can't I just mentally cut off all that shit and just stick to HS?
If you're not particular about consuming all things related to a media, yeah. You can say "fuck you" to the new creators and keep Homestuck isolated from its spin-offs and "dubiously canon" sequels.
I've seen a couple of artists who refuse to draw stuff based off of HS2 or the epilogues, so any reader can do the same.

Yes. Karkat “Pessimus” Vantas

Beforus Karkat is Lucifer.

Dave fucking off is clearly some Dirk coercion, Obama was a plant so that Dirk could fuck Dave's life up so he'd head after him

The epilogue writers straight up stole some of the ideas from that fic.

Then that settles it.
I'm going to draw a Big Tiddy Jane and tell the rest to fuck off.

If you choose to indulge in the fandom, no you can't. This is the reality you've stuck yourself into, and this is what you're associated with by the outsiders eye.

Because finally my political/social/sexual alignment is represented in an online comic for children that hasn’t been popular since the early 2000s

Theoretically yes, and even the team say that in a perfect world, nobody would care about HS^2 and instead focus on their own worlds instead.
However the problems there come from the fact that one, that team fucking lies and has went back on their statement that canon now belongs to the fans twice now, and two, due to being back by official venues, even if you ignore them, you're still going to have tons of those fans shove it down your throat.
So uh. You're as fucked as us, my friend.

>unless you're a simp who only cares about new designs to get hard to

Attached: 1583333820204.png (562x859, 209.92K)

There's a thing called subtlety dude. :/

Then why do the homestuck fans get mad at HS artists that refuse to draw futa?

Haha what if Chahut Maenad was 3 hours away from being shipped off to space without any filled quadrants and I was trapped in a room with her and a pile of buckets

Between this and Rose it's like they're determined to make the Strilonde kids as unlikable as possible

Attached: spacejuice.png (558x568, 25.43K)

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Attached: 1F0637FC-6F04-4880-B75B-C6730F0F0D28.jpg (720x828, 65.93K)

Chahut is the Alternian equivalent of a nun, she doesn’t pail.

I really dont get them pandering to tumblr anymore. That entire website hates homestuck now because of Hussies past stuff (and because even them can realize hs turned into shit)

Go back, you fucking germ.

Where? I only see Terezi.

She looks like she is ready to fuck John.

Because you like something that, (while it was definitely fucked up in multiple senses of the word) garnered a heap of strong passionate feelings from the fandom. Even the hate it got made people care about it at least that much. It's a tumultous ship and also one that feels incomplete. That longing feeling is the hook that romance novels use the hardest to keep readers around. Maybe that's what you feel. Something that needs completed, or solved in a manner that's satisfactory.

And hey, it had the first onscreen kiss in all of Homestuck. Guess that's something. Also Hussie seems to at least defend it? Or at least try to explain it? Ironically? Seriously? Who knows.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-04 Homestuck.png (958x1522, 440.08K)

No you see Trajan’s title was Optimus or “the best”. Karkat’s would be Pessimus aka “the worst” because he’s a gripey boy and very pessimistic

She's a Lalonde, she's always ready to fuck John.

Attached: 1569867807802.png (644x868, 86.9K)

>that pic
Could you maybe use spoilers for shit like this probably next time pretty please?

Attached: tumblr_inline_ooday3ZXT91rbvnqb_540.png (540x305, 69.1K)

Cause theyre fags that like dickgirls

All trolls are expected to pail, there’s no such thing as celibacy on Alternia unless you wanna die

No, that was the Handmaid

I don't know why they're so proud of including that content. Most of the gay relationships break up or are offscreen. The trans characters are all either psychopaths or noncharacters. The characters except Eridan did not care about the Hemospectrum. And Trump Jane is just hilarious.

Attached: 285bd8ee-eb9f-4f40-ba12-66c16d3031cc.png (647x650, 35.71K)

Who the hell drew that and did they draw more.

We are talking about Beforus, not Alternia.


Attached: pregnantjade6.png (595x407, 23.05K)

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What the fuck


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neigh8ors is pretty 8ased

Attached: ohh mr zahhak ohhhh.png (824x768, 156.05K)

Point exactly. Just need a Vrissy in here to drive the simping off the charts.
Who cares about that, we need to shove in lines about Jeff Bezos, communism, and drumpf. Cause you know, they know about those guys even though their world is so much different than ours.
I am still baffled by this as much as I am fucking livid.

It's pretty wild how the epilogue things managed to just completely ruin both Jade and Jane.
At least Jane is laughably terrible, she turned into a rapist cuckolding dictator shitbag and Jade just turned into a regular almost-rapist creep who just tags along with these two guys who are clearly together and tries to insert her now-canon fucking dog cock into their relationship in the most uncomfortable and obnoxious way possible.

Attached: 1583254252580.jpg (1771x2125, 301.69K)

Thank you you are insufferable.

Attached: tumblr_nd76otqCUQ1rtcfaqo1_500.gif (500x346, 124.73K)

They do but they don't have a tumblr or anything, they have other people post their stuff because they know twitter lesbians will attack them for daring to like John and Rose together

Attached: john's fantasy.gif (1000x1235, 68.22K)

Friendsim is fun . The FS/PQ team didn't really go full retard until Kate got involved which happened post epilogues. It has a chill vibe of just going around, hanging out and almost getting murdered a bunch. It also works as a litmus test for the epilogues, there's two routes (Marvus and Lanque) which are written by the primary writer of the epilogues who may or may not be IPGD. If you find these routes cool you'll probably enjoy the epilogues,if you find them off putting compared to the rest of FS I'd skip them

Attached: 013e49b03939698dbb55472be2c81348.jpg (564x658, 35.27K)

>Jane and Jade
>One's a rapist, the other almost is
What happened? One was just a girl that liked to bake and the other liked science.

>that one anti-EquAra user on tumblr that would send hate messages to anyone who liked the pairing
good times

Attached: 1477782664957.jpg (590x767, 127.97K)

How to fix Homestuck^2:
>John gets resurrected
>John breaks Dirk's neck
>always down for a threesome with Rose and Terezi
>impregnates Rosebot and Terezi
>hunts down female Seer players for his collection
>is a good dad

Attached: 1437759662981.png (1250x1250, 1.65M)


You're welcome twitter.

Attached: 280.png (1752x1235, 279.12K)

I want to give this person a handshake. This feels more Homestuck than anything new that's come out.
I'll give it a try. Thank you.

Since earth ended in 2009 how do the characters even know about those references?

Twitter your ass BD.

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That's definitely the vibes I got too. And I think Roxy being so obsessed that she wants to be with him but also be him, is something I think is very much canon. He does have this effect on people. Definitely me, for one.

Attached: f52f7fe98b32111340b055b2e570b97c.jpg (1000x1294, 298.97K)

Because it's not their knowledge
Authorial bias is hard to ignore once you fully realize it

John is a good monogamous young boy who shouldn’t be tied down to a slut like Terezi
What John needs is a sweet, smart girl who just wants to be loved and love. And maybe have a few kids, because John would want to be a dad.
Now, what girls do we know in HS that are intelligent enough to keep John in line, really just want a steady source of affection and love, and like John for who he is?

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Attached: 1582755653389.png (540x4473, 1.03M)

I was hoping you'd say Jane.

Dirk destroyed her desire to be herself you say
How very prince of heart of him

Like it's hard to feel more Homestuck than modern Homestuck

Attached: its urs.png (357x525, 104.8K)

To be totally honest, while you're right that some people are barely into HS2 and just stick with it for the designs (and I do love me some robot girls) or to see their favorite characters in some sort of canon sense being active again, I don't totally hate the writing.
I didn't bother with the epilogue so a lot of it's entirely new to me, and besides whatever Dave's group is doing, the dirk and earth c antics seem fun enough.
Basically if you've got shit taste, 2's perfectly worth it.

Attached: 4a2838189b82d9c22f72b10e1899e8362632b805.png (1280x853, 310.95K)

Jane doesn’t care about anyone except herself. She’d only like John for his body

Jade is specifically character assassination to make davekat more palatable

all that's left to keep the 'comic franchise' going is a few puffs of trump bad. It would end this malformed series.

In a sense, I think it's one of those ships that just feels fascinating to look into. It's very clearly sunk, but considering how Equius was largely meant to be a joke, it's odd that Hussie would even bother defending him even ironically. It's clear that he wants people to understand that Equius isn't that simple. Even as a gag, he's still rather complex. Right now, I have this headcanon that basically says that part of the reason Equius liked Aradia was her strength, whether it'd be physical or mental. The fact that Aradia was able to negate the chip's effect long enough to tear it out herself feels like proof of that even if it wasn't what Equius intended. And hell, they still got together after that. Even if it's a vacillation, it's interesting that it happened like that. It's hard to explain. I just really like it.

Attached: b0e71e889451f2ddc16310a008894668.png (511x398, 183.85K)

Jane drugs and rapes Jake with one of those trickster lollipops and then uses that to guilt him into marrying her and having kids with her before loudly fucking Gamzee all the time while he slumps against the wall crying on the phone with John and trying to take care of their child.
Jade just turns into a really pushy sex creep who just keeps trying to fuck Dave and Karkat and they're written in such a way that makes the entire thing seem incredibly uncomfortable but I imagine the writer would just say it's funny and quirky and she's not being really fucking manipulative and creepy.

I remember seeing some big name fan call the creator of this a transmisogynist.

That's the fucking problem. Why do these kids even know what a neoliberal even is as well? What kind of 13/16 year old gets into that shit?

Who? Where? A couple fetishists addicted to porn?

The Queen of Size strikes again.

Attached: rose feasts her eyes upon john's girth.png (288x341, 10.34K)

Yeah and I heard the creator of this breathes air

Attached: 75369436_p0.jpg (602x617, 185.84K)

Oh I know, I read the epilogues. I'm just musing the loss of good character writing.

Dirk really is a walking hivemind
Why else do you think Bro tried to sculpt Dave into a carbon copy of him, complete with the irony and homosexuality and everything?

Who is it?

Attached: Jake's entire character arc now.png (291x187, 27.16K)

I wonder if it's because they never talked or spent time together in person. You might never know how shitty a person is by talking to them online only.

Homestuck ended at cascade

Attached: 4DF1FF12-1805-41DA-AE04-4E876F3AE23E.gif (650x450, 141.28K)

Ah, understandable. I was partially just recounting that in the hopes that someone would tell me that's not actually how it happened

those were some wild times indeed

nigga who gives a fuck it's not like they're grooming young children to follow a backwards fucking IDEA of a society, rather than actual laws and parameters of infrastructure.

Attached: 2044ad85e922a4b12ed6ab1e9ae1ffed.png (500x1474, 343.82K)

They hate Jane and they hate Jade, it's easy to understand.

Someone should put dirk down

I wish Karkat had a cool eyepatch in the meat universe and was goddamn paranoid as fuck whenever Dave interacts with someone.

Attached: v_sh4rp 1235284011703918593_p0.jpg (1600x1600, 136.76K)

this is something people say when you expose them for being horrible, regardless of if you're buzzword or not.

I'm weirded out and strangely attracted by this at the same time.

Attached: tumblr_llprjanbd81qzaxefo1_r1_400.gif (280x158, 366.46K)


I give too many fucks
It hurts
I had to take out a fuck loan just to become fucknancially stable

Rosebot big necrophile

Not a furry but

abraxasgrip did. They're the one that started that "Tavros fetishizes Vriska because she's trans" bullshit.

i thought it was strange when rose kept asking for tree fiddy

Game Over was the canon ending we deserved, this blue bitch was right all along and we didnt listen, I want to go back

Attached: Araneastartedit.gif (650x650, 54.25K)

the same person who wrote that trans Vriska essay on twitter

Figures someone with the same username initials as Vriska would do that

I mean outside of the united states and europe (see third world shitholes) kids know this stuff because, well, they live in third world shitholes.
But all the writers are middle class gringos so im gonna say twitter

>Aranea fell down into magma
>Karkat fell down into magma
What did Hussie mean with this? All evil characters burn in hell?

Aranea dissolved into a ghost before burning.

It symbolizes a descent into homosexuality

Attached: vintagefoods_ 1235272801768083456_p1.jpg (1559x863, 204.8K)

>complete with the irony and homosexuality and everything?
It's like Bro was only half-successful in manipulating Dave, while UltDirk finished what Bro started

Now that I got my fanventure album going I'm wondering what other fanventures have albums. I know Vast Error, Hexane, Wake Up all do. I think act 8 had one before it went kaput. And there was that one guy who spent like 300 bucks on music before even starting his adventure and then it did start and it was hilariously bad. What else?

Attached: Album Art Celery Grin.png (700x700, 53.49K)

I want to feel happy again.

Attached: 1423011459146-0.jpg (900x675, 84.67K)

this art isnt good lmao

Fire this racist he made a girl ugly and called her black

God this person was like the biggest and most annoying davekat shipper too, and even they hate it

The twitter header and url suggests that this is going to head into character fusion OC territory, but for now I enjoy the concept of teen Mom and Bro being trained in a secret skaianet facility owned by Grandpa

linking you cause you seem to be a Dirk and Roxy fan

Attached: riddleofdixy_beta dirk_roxy_jake_2019_part 1.jpg (666x2730, 436.44K)

Sorry Jade you being happy is homophobic.

Attached: reeeee!!!.gif (650x650, 13.58K)

Start by closing this thread and moving on from homestuck.

>Basically if you've got shit taste, 2's perfectly worth it.
Thanks for outing yourself, retard.
Jokes aside, the problem with the writing, besides the terrible pacing, the chapter system being nonsensical, the dialogue being way too casual/our lingo (like roleplayers who can't actually get into character), is that there is no fifth wall. Like I could give less of a fuck that these characters bitch at me, but I do care that I can see the obvious fucking strings at who is actually bitching at me.
Fair enough, and yeah fuck em

Attached: riddleofdixy_beta dirk_roxy_jake_2020_part 2.jpg (679x2890, 562.88K)

Why did Jane and Gamzee have sex in front of her baby?

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I don't get this. Why do people assume Tavros actually had a crush on Vriska? The horns of the troll on Tavros' desktop aren't even that similar.

Attached: Tavros scribble mode.gif (650x450, 5.35K)

Shut the fuck up.
I can't. I can't move on.
Help me.

Attached: 1316913802479.jpg (600x600, 123.86K)

Attached: riddleofdixy_beta dirk_roxy_jake_2020_part 3.jpg (678x3950, 854.26K)

Read Karkat Goes to a Convention instead and maybe even other fanventures
Ignore Kate’s Krusty Krew, support community creators

That's the one. They're kind of a dick. I don't know why anybody listens to them.

Attached: 1571929714089.png (635x242, 37.74K)

Say what you want about them, but some of the sprites convey the emotions very well. Namely those of despair and forced cheerfulness.

Because Crocklishes can't raise kids right.

Poor Tavros.

Read LE: Unmerge

Attached: Equius Remember.jpg (650x4950, 1.31M)

I don't like how they keep drawing characters from a sideview with snouts.

>Shut the fuck up.

Sorry Jade, guess you shouldn't have wanted a normal life with a family that loves you as your one truest wish. Everyone knows that's heteronormative.

Attached: joey marries xefros and adopts small jade.png (1280x1600, 470.78K)

this tbqh fampai

Attached: lurking.png (293x551, 111.58K)

Attached: Equius remembers everything.jpg (650x9713, 3.18M)

They're friends with Kate and got to write some Homestuck stuff.


Attached: Equius remembers it all.jpg (650x2631, 600.24K)

i love both of these fanventures

Because Hussie like making things sexually uncomfortable at every opportunity

Attached: x1Yr8JK.jpg (2048x546, 426.25K)

>friends with Kate
Oh god dammit, we might as well be at the point where someone who unironically thinks Tavros is a chaser has contact with the official writing team. Do you remember what stuff they got to write?

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He just infects everyone with his 'bro'-ness. This 'Dirk'-ness, his ego that he hates so much, that he imposes on everybody else, regardless if he wants to or not.

It's definitely fascinating, if just for the sake of demonstrating how incredibly bonkers troll romance is.

> part of the reason Equius liked Aradia was her strength, whether it'd be physical or mental
Oh definitely. Did you see those curves? Bet she could suffocate him in less than a minute with those thighs.

Joking aside, yeah Aradia is a Time player; she takes no shit from nobody and does her own thing no matter what anyone says. She seems incredibly sure of herself despite(?) her bloodcaste and you know how Eq feels about trolls who are willing to lead. It's also interesting to note that she also likes to break shit? Which is something that Equius also enjoys and in fact constantly needs to do to combat his anger.

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I hate this mentality of "man fuck those guys (but can I please get a chance to write something?)" and then they do and they become bootlickers

Attached: Tavros scribble mode 2.gif (650x450, 5.07K)

also because he hates you, specifically

Attached: image0.jpg (4032x887, 881.38K)

>he finally finishes his Homestuck obligations in like 2025
>like 8 more commentary books
user i think we are going to be with act 6's books more than five years.

All I’m saying is Kanaya is the class themed around fairies and she’s quite motherly, both things I believe you either enjoy or could really use.
If it weren’t for the factor of orientation you two would be a rather obvious pairing

Some PQ related stuff, I don't remember. A lot of people hate them because like Kate they're a piece of shit and a bully that dresses their crap up in progressive vernacular.

Attached: dbvvv4f-c14e135c-f0d0-41fa-93bd-6963ac78b636.gif (650x450, 59.9K)

read Mr. Tambourine Man

Attached: 011722.gif (1200x867, 79.8K)

Tavro2 2teal2 hand2.

Limebloods don't exist anymore, Tavros.

Tavros and Kanaya sitting in a Hive.
Tavros is stuffing Kanaya's P.I.E.

Does Tavros' dick even still work ever since he got paralysed?

Attached: more babies.png (2400x3000, 92.1K)

He has a Robo-Dick.
Big. Thick. He can go for hours.

Attached: tumblr_oqvbi1Z0kp1uwikt3o1_1280.jpg (1167x1280, 443.4K)

Those fans are what made your comic popular you tard.

Karkat x Kanaya
Tavros x Aranea
Vriska x Eridan
Equius x Dirk
Aradia x Jake
Terezi is a slut
Feferi x Sollux
Gamzee x sopor pie
Nepeta x you, the viewer

Let's talk about fantrolls.

Attached: formfitting.png (473x362, 9.2K)

>Nepeta x you, the viewer
I fucking knew it all along.

Attached: she brings home the oinkbeast strips (skellyanon).png (472x397, 33.45K)

>Hussie fucking hates me
Based, I got introduced to Homestuck by having a friend show me the Dave vs Bro fight.
The current page was also before Jade meeting Hass the Flame or Jade vs Bec Noir if I vaguely remember. I liked the story and concept of sburb and Karkat was my favorite character until Vriska showed up.

Fuck you.

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Nerd got a fat chest

>linking you cause you seem to be a Dirk and Roxy fan
thank you so much


Attached: O°w°O .png (248x307, 3.61K)

I guess so. Here.

Attached: Tavros and Kanaya scribble mode.gif (650x450, 6.02K)

It's a mutation.

Attached: on the prowl.png (275x359, 7.36K)

Lets not.

What if Equius and Nepeta were cuddling and Nepeta just leaned over and gave him a little peck on the lips nothing weird just a lil kissy

>Nepeta x you, the viewer
Can I
Can I just switch Nepeta and Kanaya please?

Cute and sad.

>Makes Caliborn to dunk on us.
>Does a shitty job by making him the best thing to come out of Act 6

Does he hate us or not?

She may as well enjoy that chocolate filling, since Terezi is busy getting into Rose’s metallic pie

Attached: 66BF0221-9D54-433D-802B-15265B731F2D.jpg (745x898, 179.84K)

Good yes

isnt there a google doc that has all the commentary?

>Bec Noir

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Attached: PICKLE ZEBRUH.png (349x394, 3.69K)

How is fans wanting to see more fight scenes in your adventure videogame comic bad?

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Imagine the sweat.

She should get that checked out

No. The rogue of heart has stolen your heart and she will not return it

Katnep user? Yeah I actually put it all together for ya, but I never posted it cause I felt kinda dumb to include everything, but here we go 1/2

Attached: xQgFo6X.jpg (2038x2294, 1.59M)

Karkat you should really not post phone screen caps like this

Attached: equius desperately tries not to get a boner to save jade's life.jpg (900x800, 413.15K)


Attached: wDiiMSr.jpg (2047x2762, 2.26M)

Kanaya deserves someone better.

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Sure, here's my fan troll.

Attached: fuckyou.jpg (734x500, 50.32K)

Welp. This will probably be the last thread for a while since we don't know if we'll be able to get another thread on Wednesday like this again once PQ is done. Still, if you guys come up again, I will do my best to draw whatever you guys need.

Attached: Kanaya scribble mode 2.gif (650x450, 3.06K)

because clearly thats all they want. they don't actually care about the characters. people can only have x opinion or y opinion

He'd wonder what the fresh fiddling HECK is going on with Nep, he'd start sweating a fuckin storm, even moreso than he usually does. She'd say it's not a big d33l and nothing has really changed between them and then go back to cuddling. Equius remains flustered as fuck as they watch my Little Hoofbeast, but just rolls with it because. Well. Because it's Nepeta.

Attached: aparticularlygoodfinder.png (1200x900, 708.51K)

I know just the guy

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Imagine only having two dreamselves, LOL.

Attached: The_Dreamer.png (640x480, 9.75K)

Cute! Keep at it user, you're doing great.

You know, I actually don't think a motherly type is a good fit for him. Getting your shit together is basically a page's entire journey and being pampered is not the way to get there.
I'm not saying pages can't fuck sylphs, just that they gotta work for it first is all.

We’ll always have the HS2 update threads
But just draw whatever you want babe ;)

Kanaya would know better than to coddle him. He just needs someone nurturing and understanding

>this ship is bad because one of the characters is weird even though the other character doesn’t mind
this mentality needs to die
still not as big as the original
rools r 4 fules

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Attached: its hard being mspa reader its hard and nobody understands (napstachill).png (680x383, 77.58K)

You say that like there's any hope in hs2 threads

>but I do care that I can see the obvious fucking strings at who is actually bitching at me.
Yeah, that seems to be the biggest issue I see here and even on reddit. There are these jabs at fans like "this isn't what homestuck is supposed to be" and "this is what the reader actually wants/should want" (which just makes dirk seem more like a protagonist than an antagonist), and the drama between a lot of characters is pretty asinine, but I don't know most of these backdealings and dramas and I'm pretty flexible on what happens so it's like preaching to the blind.

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Your pics are cute and you are cute.

There’s also the /aco/ thread

Also filled with no hope

The pics being posted are from the new one that's yet to be released, though

Fuck jannies

I'm not kanep-user! I'm Equius(and Nepeta and now I guess Dirk and Roxy?) user. Thanks a lot for these, I really wanted to get this stuff. Normally I'd have to wait until the end of April. Oh gosh there's so much.

Attached: mindlessmedic.gif (600x600, 246.33K)

Based Quinnposter.

Hope rides alone
(Protoman Eridan.jpg)

Man this really does put things into perspective that Jade could have gotten anyone and chose him. She literally fucked half the planet and saw him as her first option.
Fuck Dave.

There's also hope. And porn.

You got any commentaries on Karkat?

There will probably be a point where folks will fuck it up because anything problematic would set off the alarms, but we're probably lucky in that Equius and Aradia aren't that relevant. Plus, the ship is sank, so I doubt they'll go out of their way to desecrate it. I worry for Arasol, though.

Attached: fuckdave0u0.png (1473x1000, 861.01K)

Attached: Protodan ∶ Light up the night (Andyana).png (799x1000, 220.02K)

He deserved better. At least Candy Kark is cool.

Which of the four beta girls would be in which, just as an exercise.

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So this is how shipping in Homestuck has gone, yes

Attached: modern shipping chart.png (759x763, 113.96K)

1 2
3 4
Jade, Jane, Rose, Roxy

Just imagine doing anal with her as she glares back at you angrily...

Beginner: Jane
Intermediate: Rose
Advanced: Roxy
Expert: Jade

Attached: 1572597838023.gif (160x280, 3.44K)

Always a pleasure.

Attached: 71B8F451-5609-460A-8A66-739407C4BC76.png (32x90, 1.05K)

I think Meat Karkat still has a chance to be good. But only if he ends up being evil.

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terezi's house when it's in her land looks so comfy bros

Beginner - John
Intermediate - Rose
Advanced - Dave
Expert - Jade

They better not die at the end of PQ. That'd be the real big middle finger to fans.
Its one part swinging at air, one part black and white bullshit. Like jesus man, for people who like to argue the nuance of people they sure love to claim people as one note.
Just because you like vanilla doesn't mean you hate all things chocolate.

If he’s evil in comic he’ll end up being good to me
But that whole speech with Roxy on the ship about how he doesn’t think of his friends as friends made me pop a blood vessel

Beginner: Jane, shy and can't take it even if she's a secret slut.
Intermediate: Rose, we all know why.
Advanced: Roxy practiced
Expert: Jade can FUCK like a champion purebred dog.

>four beta girls

>They better not die at the end of PQ.
It’s a doomed timeline, everyone’s going to die.

That ain't four letters, dipshit.

i know, just interested for when it gets updated cause dont have it bookmarked.
>yet to be released
where the fuck is this coming from then

Meat Karkat is also racist as fuck towards carapacians lmao.

That big tiddy Dave thing that was posted you-know-where really did it for me not gonna lie. Trans Dave is dumb but genderbent Dave? Yeah man.


Aradia's OOC even if she's right about Dave and Karkat's relationship

This volume made me feel for Roxy more than I though it could have. She either doesn't get to have nice things at all or feels good about stuff that fucks up her personality.

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 7.26K)

They as in the reader, dipshit.
Also I never understood the doomed part (like yeah they're fucked cause meteors but you get what I mean). Cause thats not how the retcon powers work. But who knows any more.

Such is life

Attached: fuckdavepq7.png (1109x800, 873.17K)

so basically wp and viz are incompetent

Based The Dreamer poster

Reminder that the current HS cares more about making themselves happy than they ever will about you
They hate you. They hate what you like. They hate the webcomic you enjoyed. They want to change it to something they like, to bulldoze it down and throw some AstroTurf over the ruins.
The only logical response is to not legitimize their bullshit. Don’t give it attention, don’t feed it. Support fanventures, don’t support HS2.

Attached: 4EBC4F4F-F742-49DD-883D-4025068B555C.gif (340x544, 33.29K)

I can't believe Dirk is gonna force Jake into fucking Kanaya.

fucking hell his shading is so fucking bad and jarring

Kanaya is for KARKAT you slut

You're just now realizing that?

Attached: harleypup.jpg (2048x2897, 421.7K)

Without the game being played, their very existence is fucked and without origin, so I can understand if it's "doomed". I don't think they're going to die, but I do think it's going to end with their reality glitching out into nothingness when MSPAR goes somewhere else

Nah, just the bookstore I ordered from. It's not like Homestuck is that big of a deal that "leaks" are a big deal anyway

They don't even interact with each other anymore.

Goddamn Dave comforted Kanaya.


You mean for Rose.

Apparently a homestuck Instagram memepage lurks here sometimes and posts caps, how gross.

Retcon powers can’t change the alpha timeline, Caliborn’s masterpiece shows it John was always supposed to get them. It’s just a less limited method of time travel.

Well Dave DOES fuck space players

Shitty writing conspiring to obscure the best ship

Dave has more of a connection to Rose, so that's understandable. His sister is why she needs comforting

see, this looks fine and is still black-coded. i hate how everyone is jumping on the racism claim for shitting on the art when the art's just fucking bad. i'd still prefer something like this since it's way closer to rose's sprite and how roxy actually fucking looks in the comic, but i wouldn't mind her sprite if the quality wasn't dogshit. dude just can't fucking draw, his other sprites are all terrible too

There are no suitable four-letter girl names, dipshit.

Attached: 345.png (650x450, 17.85K)

Link me, I need to see how much of my shit made it in.

RoseKat is an underrated ship, but I still believe in KanKat

Nah, act 6 is half the comic, he's on track to finishing the first half with book 7, so realistically we'll get roughly thatmany books for act 6, and we're currently pacing at 3 books a year so I'm guessing the commentary collection should finish around 2022

Attached: Act 6.jpg (540x540, 57.36K)

Attached: jade the bully.png (683x1023, 293.58K)


i want to have faith that people arent incompetent

And his dad/bro. Dave's family is why Kanaya is sad, and she's part of the family as well

Are you guys voting for Bernie? :)

>i want to have faith that people arent incompetent

You should know better by now.

Attached: 958444_archviie_rose-pressed.png (1500x2400, 502.2K)

As a Russian, I vote for Trump.

What's the point; as we saw with Labour, a Homestuck endorsement guarantees historic loss.

I’m not voting because all the candidates are shit and don’t represent my desires

>meat dave cares more about kanaya than karkat

When is the music usually posted? Really need that Even In Death remix.

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Again, figured. Also the fact that some people didn't realize this is day one is dumb. Though I partially doubt they're just going to get completely fucked considering that whole part about reality sewing itself back together when aradia and you were fucking with things. Shits weird.
Jujus were a mistake. Fun yes, but still a mistake.

Meat Karkat only cares about Karkat.

>yet nobody cares about Jade and has left her in the same clothes for the past few years

You could scalp the game with an unarchiver and grab it yourself. Yeah yeah you're probably lazy, just saying the option is there.

Turn him into a jealous asshole already.

You know people are going to say that trump being elected was totally a russian op now
Official or fan one

Well they are siblings after all

Attached: WHOA tore.png (1000x1000, 319.02K)

you know unless viz fucks them
any day now really

I would care about her comic more if there were uncensored versions of the lewd parts

>left her in the same clothes for the past few years
How do you know that?

One of the writers said.
Like we didn't even to know that but they just go out of their way to shit on her now.

Attached: jade gets a jade.png (819x678, 177.97K)

My queen.

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Well it was fun while it lasted. Sure hope the thread won't get wiped by the time I wake up.

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So how was today's PQ chapter? Can I get the cliff notes?

Attached: tumblr_nhhdo7g8bG1s0341yo1_1280.gif (650x450, 206.71K)

user, the whole thread is already on bump limit.

Here's your cliff notes

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