The Flash 750 Storytime

Anniversary Edition

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>Manapul, Rossmo, Marquez
I will now buy your comic book.

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Now that's a line-up

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>Johns' Cold story
Fucking kino

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>Barry finally called out on his bullshit

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>Johns picked Wally over Barry for the anniversary issue
So can we all put the "Johns prefers Barry" shit all to rest now?


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Thanks for storytiming

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I like this new take on the costume but I would've preffered it as his modern costume and the jersey back in the 40s

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I hate Godspeed and Paradox is uninspired crap

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>Professor Zoom ASMR

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That's all. Hope you enjoyed this book.

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Based Lobdell is the only one who made referenced Doomsday Clock in a major way.

Hey cool, Morrison’s GL

Can I just have this as a poster?

>teen titans actually happy together in that panel

>No silver hair on Zero Hour Hal

That's the best part!

Was that a Don & Dawn Tease!?!?

Stephanie Brown is there despite having been Robin for less time than Duke Thomas and his Robin Gang (although adding them would make things real crowded).

Booth's art looks so much better with Rapmund's inks, with Guerrero's colors on top of that.


Bros... He's becoming too meta...

I can't believe retards ever got that narrative going, rather than Johns wanra all the heroes healthy, active, and teaming up.

That was fucking amazing Johns Captain Cold Solo fucking when

That's because cancer colorist extraordinaire Dalhouse has been shitting things up over at Valiant instead of DC for a while now. For some a blessing, for some a curse.

Cool, Wally's going to mess up the timeline again. I'm close to being done with DC and this "5G" next gen push.

Maybe that would've been a thing if his Killing Zone imprint ever became a thing, which it doesn't look like it will.

Holy shit that face

>Johns & Kollins
I knew this was almost too good to be true, get johns and kollins back on flash PRONTO


>Len actually has one of those twist pens where the chick gets nude.

Thanos for the storytime, OP.

Anons, did anyone get it why this Flash vs Barry Allen cover? It's ugly and I don't see the point of this.

this is why Flashes get nerfed in team books
our boy just took a few seconds to find a guy, pick him up and drop him off at the station, and all that while being inconspicuous

why didn't you do it before you caused Flashpoint you twat

desu Duke never was an 'official' Robin, just a self-named one (even if kind of under Batfam's tutelage)

Booth for some reason believes shiny colouring look best on his pencils, where in reality it looks like ass - just look at his n52 TT here and compare them with what was released in that run
(also I still love Cassie's and hate Bart's outfits)

Huh. Wally sounds oddly normal here. I thought they'd make him an uncaring god or something.

Is Reverse-Jay/Jay who Laughs or whoever the heck that is on the top right corner a new thing or is it something from the Golden Age?

>SuperDarkseid Lantern Azure

Wally is too fast to be uncaring.

My guess is Wally's wife Linda remembered everything and gave Iris a call that the Kids are back.

>No more Emo Barry

It's The Rival. His Reverse-Flash.

Huh, that actually lines up.

It will always bother me that we're gonna see Bendis' Legion from now on.

good guy cold

the very last Jay antagonist introduced in Flash Comics before Barry took the mantle, an old doctor at Jay's uni that figured out how Flash got his powers - but was unable to perfectly replicate the formula
as said he's kind of Jay's proto-Reverse Flash, he was in Limbo since 1949 until reintroduction in JSA in 2000 - and also as the final boss in Impulse's run

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I unironically don't remember the TT from the right at all.

let it stay that way, it's better for you
Lobdell's run at the start of the new 52, a fucking mess where the only good character was the minority quota in purple

That definitely makes sense and would be a nice win for Barry and the flash family as a whole

Cool, thanks, now I feel properly lore'd up.

Thanks, op

I think these are the only two Works that I generally dislike in this comic

>no mention of Wally

Why must my boy suffer so much

But he does mention Wally

There are some good reaction image on this page

>dividing pages like this
Fucking christ this is so half assed

Copy and paste AND dividing artists up. Holy fuck this is lazy.

They pay this man money to be this bad. Fuck gerads.

>Kid Flash is with the Teen Titans. Being a kid again.
I see Williamson doesn't keep up with that book

I do like the design of this villain but his backstory is so fucking lazy and rushed that I can't care about him

Fucking Snart that's cold

Ahyes, the one look we've had at the GOOD Wildstorm in decades.