Strange adventures 01 storytime

The return of Yas Forums's favourite writer, Tom King.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>The return of Yas Forums's favourite writer, Tom King.
based, fuck Batcucks

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The thing is, he's a genuinely entertaining WRITER. Pages and scenes are all pleasing to read. It's that his plots tend to be meandering bullshit. I'd love to see a collaboration between him and someone like, say, Warren Ellis, who knows how to put a good coherent plot together.

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So, which one of you went up like this to King's booth at a con

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Is the new narrative that you no longer have to have a fundamental grasp on plotting, dialogue, and characterization in order to be an “entertaining” writer?

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I truly despise Mitch Gerads' art

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I prefer Bendis.

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Attached: Strange Adventures (2020-) 001-019.jpg (1988x3056, 1.36M)

>no nudity
>no swearing
>gore is nothing compared to your usual capeshit

why is this Blacked Label again?

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>asking batman to be a detective
Well this is rare.

Captcha let me post nearly 20 pages without the need to redo it

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>Shaner was forced to trace the Star Wars gun because Gerads can't draw
I truly wonder how he feels about this book

Whose dick did you suck to get that to happen?

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>batman won't do it
Is Detective Chimp in town?

It was frankly bizarre, I kept clicking and it would go green without asking anything nearly 20 times in a row

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>I kept clicking and it would go green without asking anything nearly 20 times in a row
Yeah that has happened to me as well. It's rare, but not sure what triggers it.

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Did his kid die or what?

>Nah I know I’m the World’s Greatest Detective and you’re a fellow comrade in my war on crime but I’ve gotta go roll up my sleeves and stare at my razor blade scars for a while

Bravo Hack King

I rarely ever need to do the captcha anymore. Two or three times a day at most.

Attached: Strange Adventures (2020-) 001-029.jpg (1988x3056, 1.34M)

>when the bull arrives

I'm betting she's still on Rann, lost somehow.

Who's this?

And that's it.
If you liked it, buy it at your LCS or something.

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man including that Infantino quote is dumb


Well, the guy copy-and-pasted Kirby's Mister Miracle narrations in his own series, so he's a fucking hack like that

That makes it DEEPER, user.

The guy Kin....I mean Adam hires to fuck his wife while he cries and masturbates into his space helmet.

I'm a big dumb retard, enlighten me

callbacks to previous runs is one thing, this is just quoting the out-of-universe creator talking about his design philosophy.

Mr Terrific

I think it's the obviousness and pretentiousness that bother me more than anything. It's like I can hear King patting himself on the back while writing this.

Mr.Terrific. JSA member and super genius.
I kinda like it.

Commercial writing has a lot of subsets. You can be good at plotting one short story, you can be good at plotting an overarching narrative made of several independent stories, you can be good at writing dialogue, you can be good at all three or any combination of two or you can be just shit.

Thanks. I really enjoyed STRADVE and look forward to more.

Well the "war built on lies" is so obvious I'm expecting that it will be some kind of extra twist and show that it was all genuine.

Oh, right. I really need to get around to reading The Terrifics

If it's a one-off thing it's shit. If he does it every issue he MIGHT be able to make it work.

Is Mitch Geralds the laziest artist in the biz?

“I had run out of layers to obfuscate my weak repetitive storytelling, and my book of quotations got thrown out by the housekeeper. So I shoehorned in a direct quote from a comic legend because that’s meta, which is very clever I think.”

Mr. Terrific, the world's third smartest man. Which is a weird flex but since its his only gimmick people do some fun stuff with it. Its not like with Lex where he's a mad scientist, a god like politician, and a master engineer all at once, Terrific make good tech. That's it. Well he's invisible to technology too but that's less cool.

Not even close.

>making Adam a war criminal

Oh geez.


Not my first choice for something like this, but not a bad one.

Tom King just self inserts himself in to every character. He is not a genius. All his stories are the same. In b4 this wins 5 eisners.

>you feel so good

Adam about to get cucked.

I havent read it, but im going to assume this is about Adam Strange dealing with war ptsd. How wrong am i, Yas Forums?

>user asks who's this
>Yas Forums answers instead of a string of
>Sir Stupendous
>Master Marvelous
>Lord Legendary
>Sire Splendid

Excellent description of CIA Tom's writing.

He literally traces photos

I'm too tired for that shit, sue me.

Because of where it’s headed.

Black Label is for premier books.

I just got it. This is the same pose he gives when he's offering to shake people's hand in the line like
What does it mean? I mean, its clever but if it doesn't pay off its pretty masturbatory.

Oh like people wouldn’t accuse Batman to be biased on the matter? Sticking up to another hero?

Yes, you can be good at writing or you can be shit. Hiring a plotter won’t change that.

Because there’s a sex scene

Why is Alanna Strange of Rann talking like an angry publicist?

>premier books

What does that mean?

>forgetting Land

Attached: bricks were shat.png (1056x1686, 1.43M)

a little bit but still basically right

>I didn’t think Batman would take me so literally when I said I wanted someone fair

You’re right Batman’s all about the optics. Oh wait

I have been a fan of this character for centuries, and I think this is a masterwork!

it means Gerads is a hack

How dare King pay homage to Infantino, what a hack!

Not him but like the all star series of books

Land actually does fit the bill more than Gerards because Greg used to actually be a competent artist when he worked at DC. Just look at some of his old Birds of Prey issues and you'd be surprised by just how lazy he would get.

that's not paying homage, that's just directly quoting the creator. It destroys any verisimilitude the book had by deliberately referencing that it is a comic book. It's like if Brian Herbert quoted his dad about how he conceived of Arrakis in the middle of the first chapter of Sandworms of Dune.

Is this the Chuck Mangione thread?

Big names = Black Label.

It isn’t about what Batman think but who people would believe. A guy who hides in the shadows and comes from Gotham, a city known for its corruption won’t be as trustworthy as a guy who literally has Fairplay written on his costume.

I thought this issue was perfectly fine and Tom King haters are worse than bendis haters.

Also his ray gun looks like a dick lol

If it's something you could say that he's done this shit before and is going through the motions, if it's not it's just lazy art.

>immortal hulk does it at the start of every issue
>King quotes one line

I like it. Agree to disagree.

>watching KoTH
>Bucky and Luannes wedding
>chuck mangione plays the wedding march and seamlessly transitions to feels so good
>lose my limes and kek externally

You don't even know if the people complaining about it like IH, don't start company war bullshit when this thread is going to be bad enough on its own.

I didn't know Immortal Hulk quotes Stan Lee and/or Jack Kirby talking about how they created the Hulk at the start of every issue.

Superhero deconstruction is inherently redundant. The original heroes of myth were HORRIBLE, flawed adventurers. There's nothing daring about making a Superman who abuses his power or a Batman who's having an illicit affair with his sidekick. It was all done to death hundreds of years ago. Superheroes were an opportunity to create something new out of heroic myths, evolutions of the concept. Instead, they're just retreading the same ground.

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Didn't realize it is as a maxie series.

So far seems like what to expect from King, though it's literally 1/12th of the way done so it's dumb to review this book either negative or positive just yet, especially since this will probably have two twists that'll explain everything someone found find negative now.

Hopefully I'll enjoy it more than Omega Men.

Not him but this is thIs is the first issue...relax lad.

Batman doesn’t give a fuck what people think, King. He gives a fuck about evidence. It’s a stupid explanation that makes zero sense.

yeah I’ll read it, let’s go on Adam’s book tour wild ride.

1. This is a straw man.
2. None of the quotes in Immortal Hulk are from the creators of Hulk.
3. Those quotes show up at the start of every issue as you said; BEFORE the story starts whereas the quote in this issue shows up almost right in the middle of the story which is just bizarre and random.
4. Both King AND Ewing are hacks for using quotes.

It’s clearly a very deliberate signal that Adam is putting on a facade by smiling like that. Where it’s going is open to interpretation at this point. Is it the mask to hide his pain (like whatever happened to their daughter), or to lie (the book is all lies)? Read on to find out.

Not to mention superhero deconstruction was already played out by the time the 80s ended. It peaked with Moore and should have ended with Moore.

>Those quotes show up at the start of every issue as you said; BEFORE the story starts whereas the quote in this issue shows up almost right in the middle of the story which is just bizarre and random.

It’s on the last page ya dingus

>It’s clearly a very deliberate signal that Adam is putting on a facade by smiling like that
Showing him in the exact same pose and saying the exact same line when he's selling his book should be enough evidence of that.

Awful pointless exposition dump.
This is so bad, everything feels so rushed, the guy in line asking if he killed the guy with a smile on his face, this whole war hero treatment when nobody on earth has ever heard of Ran... Alanna on earth...
This feels like Tom King writing his wet dream where he gets to be a war hero instead of a nobody writer of funny books.

That doesn't make it better. Having a quote from a creator anywhere in this issue is retarded. It's like King is trying to go for some sorta meta crap and failing completely because it makes no sense.

Ewing’s quotes are a neat easteregg. I think the most recent issue had the quote from Prometheus Unbound, and the issue itself had themes strongly contrasting and resonant of those in the quoted work.

It doesn’t apply that well to all of the quotes though

>"This 1/12th of a story doesn't make any sense"

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Proving Adam’s innocence is partially about optics as well when his guilt is being debated in public, you idiot. He isn’t under criminal investigation, at least not yet, he’s being publicly accused of stuff and that’s why there has to be a sense of impartiality. If Weinstein just had his brother or those Israeli ex-spook security firm he used to investigate his victims and blackmail them do a press conference and say “nah, them bitches be lying” to deny the accusations would you really fucking believe it? Of course you wouldn’t because it looks like you just had someone you knew or had a working relationship with say that and cover for you.

I'm talking about the use of the quote, you moron.

he's not talking about the story, he's talking about the use of the quote itself.

Maybe Infantino’s quite proves to have significance in the story, ever think of that? Of course not, you’re just looking for things to complain about.

Did copy/pasting Kirby's narration have any significance to Mister Miracle?
Of course not, but you can see how many poor fans that King conned being certain that they did and that shit like The Lump would be important.

>this is bad
>but it COULD be good, did you ever think of that?

Who’s more autistic, Yas Forums, the Tom king fans or the Tom king haters?

the King haters actually seem to have arguments why King sucks while King fans just keep repeating "it might get better later!"

BATMAN DOESNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT OPTICS. This isn’t the Weinstein case. Mr. Terrific is also a superhero. This shit is dumb and you should feel dumb defending it.

Because that seems to be the only kind of relationship King knows as Barda was the same as well

I'm reminded of that "but what if I shit gold?" webcomic that circled around Yas Forums.

However, Tom king haters go on Tom king threads just to RRRRREEEEEEE

a fair point

King still sucks either way

Well it would become more obvious the more story we get.
Right now I'm guessing it is either to
1. Bring commentary about how was the original stories designed as an unreal fantasy which the story will continue to break down as a more down to earth lie
2. Show the change of perspectives/idea with getting quotes from different writers/artists from different runs of Strange
Or other possibilities.

Adam and Mr. Terrific don’t know each other, that’s why it works better than Batman who has worked with Adam several times and most likely is detailed in Adam’s book. There’s no conflict of interest with Michael. The optics DO matter when the objective is to irrefutably prove Adam’s innocence to the public, so that it cannot be said it was all rigged. So that nobody but Alex Jones tier nuts would refuse to believe it. Are you really this dense?


This wasn't Adam Strange-y at all, it was Tom King-y. As expected.

FYI, the Shaner cover has a different back too.

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There was some laser shooting and zeta beaming and Alanna creaming so it's KINDA Strange-y.

At least it's not Adam becoming part of a zeta beam and being used as a plot device to lead a superteam from one civilization in need to another.

fucking Gerads

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Ewing is capable of writing good superhero stories though and spent the last decade charging his ki. The Ultimates was great. New Avengers/USAvengers was severely underrated. I don't read Hulk but I'm not at all surprised people are fired up about it. Whatever seeming pretension you want to accuse Ewing of, I assure you, he earned the right to try.

King, on the other hand, has been bleeding from every orifice on to the characters he ostensibly "writes" since they took off his training wheels. He received way too much praise way too early in his career and as a consequence lives year-round at the summer home he built up his ass.

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All the parts taking place at Rann were.

Gods i'd fuck her.

Man I love Mr T's costume.

Strange is pulp-y strange adventures. The setting of the Rann parts were strange-y, but not the tone.

That’s because part of the point of the book is to deconstruct it. It retains the basic building blocks of Strange Adventures and does a modern spin on it because nobody is going to buy a sixty year old throwback nostalgia comic.

>most likely
Look man you’re trying to sound smart by applying real world pragmatism to superheroes but in order to do so you’re just making shit up. The idea of Batman not investigating a crime because the public won’t like it is retarded. The idea that the public knows Batman and Adam Strange are bffs is retarded. The idea that the public would accept one superhero investigating over another is retarded. The overall concept of vigilantes and superheroes catering to the public like it’s our reality is retarded. Just give it up.

>This is all a plot

>the point of the book is to deconstruct it
It has a shitty premise as expected then
>modern spin, no one wants nostalgia
there's nothing inherently unappealing with space-indiana-joning at face value, it's not in itself "problematic". Modern doesn't have to mean spitting at what was.

>nobody is going to buy a sixty year old throwback nostalgia comic.
that's basically Shaner's entire career, though

"Everything you know is a lie! Did I just blow your mind dude!?" hasn't been a modern spin in decades.

Some random motherfucker "knows about the Pykkts"? King has got to know that Rann is a hell of a lot further away than Iraq or Afghanistan or where ever King did his CIA shit.

At least gerads isn't swiping. He's just blatantly tracing now.

>The idea that the public knows Batman and Adam Strange are bffs is retarded.

Adam Strange literally has an entire book out about his exploits on Rann. You don’t think the JLA teams up never came up? Come on.

Batman doesn’t want to be involved firsthand because of the poisonous tree argument. Anything he would produce could be immediately painted as Batman rigging the investigation. It’s stupid but that is how optics work. If you want full and deniable exoneration it has to be done perfectly. Otherwise it’s meaningless. Look at the O.J. trial. Too many fuck ups and doubt builds up and screws a case that otherwise would have gotten a conviction. Because optics matter.

And Adam isn’t a vigilante or a superhero on Earth. He’s a retired space hero whose life and credibility is put under a microscope, as now he’s accused of lying about everything. It has to be addressed because he doesn’t have a secret identity. He is a public figure whose entire life can potentially be ruined by this.

How is this spitting?

To me it reads as “heroism and war is far more complicated than what infantile and simplistic pop culture stories lead you to believe”

Might as well be pictures at this point.

And yet they have a tracer artist and a semi-retarded writer.

Premium is supposed to mean higher quality.

He's traced other artists as well before. He shouldn't have a job. Swiping is a cardinal sin.

>To me it reads as “heroism and war is far more complicated than what infantile and simplistic pop culture stories lead you to believe
Then Tom King shouldn't be writing for a company that makes this.

The entire premise is to spit on that concept.

Cause it isn't canon.

My guess is he was a Pykkt or involved with them given that he died immediately after trying to frame Adam lending credence to his story. Or it's just hamfisted, who knows.

>It's another Tom King has PTSD about all the war crimes he committed with the CIA issue

Yeah, I don't understand why we can't have different companies for different stuff. Or different lines within the same company for different stuff. Or different characters within the same line for different stuff. Why do we have to take a and turn it into b? You want a story about b? Write about bloody b and make it its own thing. No need to hijack a, pervert it into b to tell your story.
Unless you think b isn't good enough to stand on its own and it needs a's established acceptance to sail. But if you, the writer, don't have faith in b and need to have it exist as a parasite to a, instead of trusting it to stand on its own, why should I, as a reader have faith?
Unless, it's not even that. It's that you actually hate a and want to "prove it wrong" or "kill" it or whatever, by
>well ackchsually, a is really b

You can’t just keep making up head canon and citing real world trials like that is some sort of argument against the whole premise being stupid.

If he isn’t a superhero on Earth than Batman investigating shouldn’t be a problem.

>To me it reads as “heroism and war is far more complicated than what infantile and simplistic pop culture stories lead you to believe”
how original

Two time Eisner winner for best artist. Eat it, grandpa.

Sir Wonderful

Immortal Hulk is one of the masterpieces of the medium. Stay mad DCasual.

Erica Henderson won an Eisner for her art so that doesn't mean squat. Gerads literally swipes from other artists, he's worse than scum.

Take it back or I will rape you you fucktard

>superhero is actually a WAR CRIMINAL

we get it king, you worked in the CIA, everyone there is a war criminal, you're not special

>“heroism and war is far more complicated than what infantile and simplistic pop culture stories lead you to believe”
reminds me of The Best Years of Our Lives, the the film that swept the 1947 Academy Awards. Nineteen Forty-Seven. Or since this is Yas Forums, literally any Harvey Kurtzman-penned EC war comic from a few years later.

People will praise this because their worldview is a cargo-cult based on hand-me-down snark from the same time these ideas were kind of new.

And the enemy is vaguely Arab, I know they say write about what you know but this is ridiculous.

>an Eisner

I can see where this one's going

I'd trust the loner in the shadows to be true over a guy that has FAIRPLAY written on his clothes.
Both Batman and Terrific are superheroes anyway and Batman has never been particularly close to Adam.

hey that's same number as Gerads!

Coincidence? I think not!

In a world filled with weirdos with laser guns and aliens somehow they put all the blame in this particular one.

Terrific isn't a detective.

No but he knows how to analyze a scifi gun.

What do you think Black Label if not a different line for different stuff. This whole post reeks of not muh nonsense. By that logic Alan Moore never should have turned Swamp Thing to gothic supernatural horror character that was also eco conscious mature readers oriented book because originally he was a generic 70s swamp monster fighting evil scientists. Or how Animal Man should have always remained a goofy and kinda embarrassing gorilla gangsters and aliens fighting z-list hero instead of a meta narrative exploring mature label animal rights activist.

you see, the difference here is Moore and Morrison are good writers, while King is not.

the argument made in the post that poster replied to mentioned nothing about the quality of writers, but
>Why do we have to take a and turn it into b? You want a story about b? Write about bloody b and make it its own thing
, which applies to the two above mentioned works. Stop trying to move goalposts and just say king sucks next time

ok, King sucks.

Wait, Yas Forums likes Moore and Morrison now?

agreed fully

please die

Janin says hi

Janin at least has to make the panels in DAZ to trace over. Gerads just traces photos and other artists.

>other artists
who did he trace?

I know exposition dumps on the first page are considered cliche, but it’s better than this.

Reread. I specifically said the existence of different lines is a good thing. The problem is why do people who don't want what the main line is about (superheroes saving the world superheroically with superheroic results) use the main line, instead of the alt ones.

he traced Chechetto pretty frequently when he drew Punisher

damn, any page comparisons?

Phil Noto

See, that wasn’t so difficult.

You could literally google mitch gerards tracing and see for yourself

But this book doesn’t use the main line, it is a black label book which allows to do things the main line can’t.

the last one is admittedly a bit of a reach

fuck, the first link is blatant

So is it just another story where it is shown that DC heroes are actually awful human beings?

I can forgive photo tracing if they are taken by Gerads himself, but this is just straight bullshit. Actual plagiarism.

Okay. I take everything back. I am wrong. This is a)not up to my taste, b)sad that the sole Adam Strange book in ages is with such a "non main" spin on it and c)disheartening due to the possibility of Adam in general going through a tonal shirt, but, it's not as bad as I make it out to be, it's black label, King's direction is acceptable for this.
Didn't know it was black label.
I was wrong.

Makes me wish #2's cover didn't spoil Michael's involvement as the secondary lead. This is a great hook.

Which covers should I go for Yas Forums? I went with all the Mitch Variants on MM.

Gerads is the perfect artist for King.
Two hacks churning out uninspired crap

Since you apparently have awful taste, go with Gerads again

The fact that King has said his time as a CIA officer makes this page come off as so slimy. Fantasy racism never turns out well.

I thought Adam and Alanna didn't give a shit about living on Earth.

She looks like Olivia Munn in that top panel.

Captain Cool

What's the big deal? Bruce has done this for Clark and he's better friends with him than Adam.

How are there still people operating under the belief that King gives a shit about previous characterization

I thought him having that "Comics will break your heart" Kirby quote on a grave was a bigger hack move. It's a quote whose only source is some guy who claims to have had a talk with Kirby decades ago and he said that to him while laughing and as an advise to the guy to go to animation instead of going to the comic industry. Said quote only got popular because an artist took it out of context and made a sad image about it and of course King just goes from that image.

Well, I liked it.

Sorry I don't read Tom King that much, the other thing I read from him is that Lightray Green Lantern short story he did and that short story he did with Swanp Thing. To be sincere I mostly came here for Shaner art.

Should humans really know this much about space and aliens and shit.

Can’t Green Lantern or Martian Manhunter just find out where the aliens are?

>crowd doesn’t react to Strange even though they like him so much to gather and make signs to see him

Optimus Prime!

Yas Forums

Sorry, Harry, you can't recapture the magic of the first.

>Alana pacing back and forth in the reflection of Adam’s gun saying he would never do it
Could be a red herring, but I’m gonna plant my flag and say Alana did it.


The stories I’ve really liked from King tend to be his one shots. The GL tie in to Darkseid War with Hal Jordan was good, as well as the Batman/Elmer Fudd one shot. The issue seems to be with his longer stuff.

Almost as if something happened that makes to relocate to Earth.


>kill these people whom i love
>also i'm leaving in a bit so seeya

but user, then we wouldn't have any time for King's self indulgent angst

I'm not an expert or anything, but that does not look like something a laser weapon would cause. Especially not the chunks.

>repeating panel
fuck every stupid cunt who buys this lazy shit lol

This is literally Mister Miracle 2: Different Protag but the Same Story, great job man, really deserving of the hype

yeah and Rise of Skywalker is also entertaining if you turn off your brain, doesn't change that it's monumentally shit

King really only has one idea.

Attached: Mitch Gerards is lazy.gif (829x418, 1.05M)

>when the letterist does more work on a panel than you do

It’s sad when people think this is somehow really biting criticism.

>a book about a book selling war criminal(?) written by a war criminal(?)
Why do they keep letting this man use superheroes as his proxies?

I thought he was an analyst or something? Did he actually do wetwork?


It's sad that casual faggots like you think your opinion should matter.

The lack of self awareness in this post is staggering

Tom and Mitch ruin Mister Miracle. Now they're ruining Adam Strange. I knew I should not have used a monkey paw to wish my favorite Z list characters back into the spotlight.

Shit those backgrounds are pretty bad too. I mean, better than what I can do but people are paying money for this, fuck.

This is DC comics, everyone's a detective.