Doctor Doom #6 Storytime

Look Tommy, a team-up issue! You love those, yes?

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Bump if you're reading.

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A dignified end to a life well-lived, Tom.

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rip kevin bacon

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Finally, the origin story we've all been waiting for.

>Victor, you sonnofabitch.

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man is this what the entire series has been like? this is great.

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oh yea, this guy is still running around aint he?

I dont really feel the flow of this comic, like first half of this series was just a tiresome filler and second half ties to tie this mess in something that resemble a story.
gonna have to agree with you, if THIS level of crazy was here from issue 1 it would be a much better book.

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It is motherfucking time!

Doom is not having sex to defeat Kong.

That's a good panel.

I thought Doom stopped killing random people

>you could be most powerful being in the universe
thats not how UN works, its only powerful enough if you are desperate/suicidal and are willing to pull a fast one on some cosmic tier threat. Otherwise you will just seppuku the entire universe, including oneself.

Really, you are trying to kill Doctor Doom in his full armour and you resort to a WW2 machinegun?

And your only support is a walking eyeball?

its two ridiculously hammy shakespearean "conquer for the greater good" types trekking through vague depressing country side whilst wearing the most flamboyant bullshit known to man. In fact if this entire series was just super man: grounded but with doom and a rotating cast playmates it would be the comic of the decade. easily.

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>In fact if this entire series was just super man: grounded but with doom and a rotating cast playmates it would be the comic of the decade. easily
Doomfags never cease to amuse.

Imagine thinking that this garbage is anywhere near "best story of the decade".

It is just the same old wankfest garbage for fascist eunuchs that are all Dr Doom stories, none of which are good.


not a doom fag. i just enjoy ham. i've only read this issue.

Took you long enough.

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>now, instead of using the plane, they ride.

see its good shit.

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What in this issue convinced you that this is "Comic of the Decade" tier?

what in the fuck is happening in this comic

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Not the issue, just the concept of super man grounded but with Doom and kang.

>what is exaggeration

>insert MGS Wooohooooo.wav here

>Images in a storytime

This place didn't use to be so fucking casual and terrible

Your penis.

You believe that "Grounded" was the comic of the decade?

This whole issue reads like I'm role-playing Doom in AI Text Dungeon.

It is a pretty good penis.

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no it was garbage. two negatives multiplied make a positive.

And that's it! If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.

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Christ, is the editor a fucking monkey? It's their Job to tell the writer that shit like this doesnt work that way.

This is "Pathetic.jpg" the page.

Victor and Kang, riding the rails, th ese machines defeat fascists.

Dear god, there isnt a creative bone in this artist body? Really, he cant come up with future tech? He just using references of modern guns and has the characters using it against Doom? The armor shrugs off mountain busting attacks for heaven sake.

story times are dying because of low reader participation rates. plus i legitimately thought the comic was over. i will admit to being brain dead in that case. i'll promise not do it again tough if it ruins your enjoyment of the story time.

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This is where the issue drops the ball for me. lol willpower only works for an idiot like hal jordan. vic shouldve keikakud his way out.

my lcs charges 10 dollars for a single issue. no way will i ever support them.

I laugth too hard at this page.

>so here is solution to your problem, also you are a fucking idiot
wew, that was something I guess. Anyway what would be the reason for Doom to go to some middle of nowhere mexican city ?Are they going to pull the 'Doom has secret backup castles hidden everywhere' from that one weird Mad-Max reversed earth comic?

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No crotches involved. Females confused.

yep. that's me. both of them.

God, this writer continues to annoy me on he writes Doom's dialogue. Very bland, flat, when I'm reading speech bubble I'm not convince its Doom even when the bubble is coming from Doom's mouth

larocca is garbage

>This is where the issue drops the ball for me. lol willpower only works for an idiot like hal jordan. vic shouldve keikakud his way out.
I mean, have you forgotten that time when Doom lived millions of years and didn't die because "MUH WILLPOWER"?

You can literally become immortal in the Marvel universe if you will hard enough.

yeah, the ultimate blackmail weapon.

That poor horse's back.

eh,m I'd say the time he outwilled Purple Man's powers is more fitting.

>there isnt a creative bone in this artist body
You must be unfamiliar with Larroca

Its so weird, Marvel got talent in their roster, but it makes me scratch my head when they got guys like this on. Does he give good head or something? How did this guy get in and stay in?


How I feel after browsing Yas Forums.

Yes, first time seeing it and I wish it will be the last.

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Do you take everything you see there seriously?

tracing shit means he meets or exceeds deadlines

He's fast. Same reason why Land still gets paid.

Meme magic?

>let the legend come back to life!

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Damn, Tommy's in the book?!
Satanic Black Magic shit.
>fucking queers!
Blessed Thread.

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Oh, casuals

You can't live with em, you can't live with em.

Or when the omnsicient narration of Secret Wars said he had more will than any other mortal.

It's good to have a best bro.

Yeah, the sorcerer-scientist tyrant that is Doom has long had 'Willpower' established as one of his superpowers.

Has Kang ever won against Doom? I feel like every time they are in the same comic Kang gets fucked.

Marvel overshipped this issue, so if anyone wants to jump on the series your LCS should have about ten extra copies.

Are you saying that a suicide bomber would not be the most powerful person in a room full of normal people? It's about the threat of using it, that's basic shit.

>in case of korvac

Yeah, about that.....

>let me rule the world or I pull the trigger!
user, do you really want to risk someone pulling the trigger?

What's he going to rule after he blows everything up?

I love this series, thanks OP

It's better to not exist than to fail.

So he's not going to be king of anything, checkmate.

I had a great time laughing at these two universe conquering memelords posturing at each other. Best issue so far

Source your ass? My LCS only had two left so it is either selling like hot cakes - and I sadly doubt that - or the shops just gets how much they ordered

I was going by the fact that my store got ten more copies than we ordered. I guess it must have been an isolated fuck up then.

Someone explain to me what that thing is and how could an average schmuck like the delivery guy be able to get it, if it's so OP.

thanks OP, i will.

The Ultimate Nullifier is a device that can nullify reality, making it the ultimate in nullifying, hence "Ultimate Nullifier".

The schmuck wasn't able to get the Ultimate Nullifier, he's a courier who was used by Victor and his Latverian officials to transport an undisclosed package, containing the Ultimate Nullifier, which Doom, knowing of its ultimate nullification capabilities, had his people search, acquire and contain. Apparently to be used "in case of Michael Korvac" the Ultimate Enemy.

Doom himself comments on his surprise that the man did not open the case to look at or into the device being transported from Latveria, a political hotspot, to a remote location in America, which Doom was rumored to have fled to.

The man informs him this is because he does his job reliably because he's the Ultimate Family Man.

Holy shit, they wrote Tommy's origin story

>had his people search, acquire and contain
buy\steal from S.P.E.A.R. if anything

reap what you sow, tommy!

I don't get it.

Poor Orb.

>We Ride to Chihuahua
Things I never imagine Dr Doom saying in a million years.

This is...actually pretty cute

WHAAAAAT haven't seen Paladin since what, Heroes For Hire/World War Hulk?

>travel carefully
>in full costume

Why can't Doom just use magic and teleport again?

Because staying in a single location would attract attention and the courier for his delivery would require days so...

He could just teleport to where the UN is and then teleport to one of his secret lairs.

There are ways to track teleportation and Carol is incharge of most of them.

Enjoyed this issue a lot is the rest of the Doom series worth reading and is Slott's Fantastic Four any good? I wasn't thrilled with his Spider-Man, it was alright but nothing outstanding.

It's decent enough.

It's also much better than his Spider-man

I find it extremely unlikely that Galactus would leave the UN on Earth.

Yeah, no. A nuke is nothing compared to a black hole.

I think i am missing a reference


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>Oops. Oh no, I killed the guy that attacked me who's also your ally, Richards. My bad. Well, it just happens I also have another solution I'll use to save you all, which involves no risk to me.

>Kang, you son of a bitch

Based Doom.

Thanos should no longer be a character in the setting, he's entirely pointless.

are you literally fucking 12 years old? Do you realize how many countries on Earth right now get to act as cunts because they have "earth exploding weapons"? The USA is one of them.

With a caveat that it comes from the fact he is a fucking narcissist.