Justice League 042 Storytime

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That's all. Hope you enjoyed this book.

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What a nice story.

Damn and here I was hoping Diana would be used for breeding.

Thanks, i want to vomit.

>that dick punch in the last panel
Not cool.


>Barry in charge of changing the past again
at this point Booster should legit just toss the fucker into Vanishing Point or something

>A bad call
Yeah, damn shame instead of losing just Diana it wasn't a bunch of people and Diana, John.
That big brain strat is why you're in charge.

Do you remember the Power Girl run where some macho alien guy looks like he's about to take her for breeding to repopulate his race, and it turns out he thinks that's gross and just wanted to use her to power a breeding laser to impregnate them remotely?

In the DC cosmos, hetereosexual sex for the purpose of recreation is for smoothbrains

>hetereosexual sex for the purpose of recreation is for smoothbrains
You have to admit that pregnancy lasers would be faster than the good ol' fashioned way.

except that like Kryptonians, Daxamites are Solar energy capacitors, they dont need constant exposure to be powered up.

Darkseid sure has been having a lot of children since the New 52, do you think he uses the Omega Effect as pregnancy lasers?

what is it with Jon lately barking orders? Do they have rotatory leadership like the 60s Avengers?

Well, he can direct them with surgical precision

Is that Ollie?

>written by Keirin Gillin.
Based Rightclops.

And I stopped reading, won't even @the last pog.

he clearly didn't draw the shitty lines on the suit and left it to the colorist and I love that. Flash suit looks great here.



This book isn't very good right now. Let's hope the next story arc is better otherwise sales are going to tank.

Don't underestimate me

Does a Daxamite invasion really deserve a "Let Flash fuck up the timeline" response? I feel the JL is over reacting here.

I stand by lasers being faster than premature ejaculators.

>yet another overdesigned black Green Lantern
Thank you DC, very cool!

It feels like filler issues. This is going to go on for like 4-6 issues until the new writer is on it.

It’s nice to see the eradicator though. Last time I read him was rebirth action comics.

why is batman there? they really couldn't get anyone else for the big brawl?

Thanks for the storytime

>"Wowie zowie! Riiiiiiiiight in my yellow suns!"

It was bait, they wanted them all to focus on Flash so they could move them somewhere else.

Next arc is Spectre goes nuts and the JL go to hell to bring back Jim Corrigan to get him under control.

The book was probably going to be on life support until the 5g relaunch. Now that they're changing their plans on the rumored mass replacement front who knows.

> Diana being repeatedly impregnated, kept captive and bring each pregnancy to term.
We could have had another entry for the Wonder Woman rape thread.

Do they still have the tech that Fake Zod used to turn the sun red? That would be really useful right now. Is Fake Zod even cannon?

>In Hell

He's a good boy, he made it to Heaven.

>cover by GARY FRANK
>variant cover by CLAY MANN
>“Vengeance Is Thine” part three! On Themyscira, peace hangs in the balance when the Justice League is caught trespassing on the island of the Amazons! As the Spectre’s wave of vengeance sweeps across the world, the island is now twisted with rage. In order to quell mass retribution, the team must enter the Pit of Tartarus and find Jim Corrigan, but first they will have to fight their way into it—among each other and with their not-so-gracious Amazonian hosts!

Technically it seems he's in Greek Mythology's version of hell.

If we get one more Flashpoint, Superman is going to land in Brazil instead of Kansas, Wonder Woman will be a Native American Demigod, and Bat Man will be a duck.

>Wonder Woman will be a Native American Demigod
Sounds pretty hot

All of this stuff is set BEFORE the big Justice/Doom war, right?

Aren't they weak to fucking lead? Bullets should do just fine.

He's Corps Leader now.

Speed reading last issue's I see...

This specific group doesn't have that weakness, thanks to the Eradicator.

Oh, okay.

>WW will never extract your bio-resources

Holy god this run sucks. It’s worse than Snyder’s.

This really looks like a 2000's Justice League comic. I love that.