Doesn't have Shang because?? removing the romance of the movie which means romance fags won't want to watch it

>doesn't have Shang because?? removing the romance of the movie which means romance fags won't want to watch it
>doesn't have singing or dragon in it so nostalgia fags don't want it
>is insanely nationalistic chinese movie so most Americans probably won't want to watch it
>test viewing by chinese audience was insanely negative and had lesbian romance which was again massively negative and caused a massive loss in viewership causing it to be delayed again and cause for reshoots

this film is a laundry scam, there is no other explanation

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Other urls found in this thread:


live action adaptations are finally dead thank god

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Please please please just let them fucking stay DEAD already.

All the LA disney movies are copyright scams to begin with. They havm't made a sincere one since the 90's with jungle book

>doesn't have Shang because?? removing the romance of the movie which means romance fags won't want to watch it
Replaced by a character that plays the exact same role
>doesn't have singing or dragon in it so nostalgia fags don't want it
And if it did then everyone would complain for it being to similar
>is insanely nationalistic chinese movie so most Americans probably won't want to watch it
How so?

Not until disney is torn down brick by brick by the fists of the masses

>had lesbian romance
Is this also dead too?

let it go, Chang

>Despite it not being advertised as an animated film, The Lion King (2019) surpassed Frozen to become the highest-grossing animated film of all-time. It is also the second highest-grossing film of 2019, and the seventh-highest of all-time.
Remakes are still coming

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Open your eyes


>removing the romance of the movie which means romance fags won't want to watch it

Who the fuck watches Mulan for the tiny milktoast "oh I guess we need a romance" scenes?

you cannot

That's one really ugly anime face. Literally repulsive, like looking at maggots consuming a rotting corpse.


The lead actress did what

I think it depends on how iconic it was. The Lion King, Seeping Beauty and Aladdin are movies from Disney's golden age. That's why the Little Mermaid is going to do very well.

I liked Mulan but it didn't have anywhere near the same cultural impact as the golden age movies mentioned.

>doesn't have singing or dragon in it so nostalgia fags don't want it
Nostalgia fags will watch this movie because it is named Mulan and it is live-action. The content of the movie doesn't mean shit. The movie is gonna rake in mountains just for existing as a remake.

wow, it's almost like feeding from the hand of china is more trouble than its worth.

God China is so based.

>Lead actress wishing dead [sic] on #HKProtesters
Is this true?
I know Disney desperately wants the Chinese market but damn that's really low.

She didn't side with the HK protestors

Worked for the original
I don't think it's true that she wished death on them but she didn't side with them, it also happened way after the contract was signed and production started

I've been out of the loop, how well did the niggAriel movie do? Has it even come out yet?

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>lesbian romance
Did they make Shang a girl?

>this film is a laundry scam, there is no other explanation
those movies are mae to keep the ip rights
doesn't matter. They have to release movies periodically to retain the full rights over a character, so they'll keep releasing shitty movies

She specifically sided against them, saying that the HK police should lock them all up. Basically saying that even peaceful protest is bad as long as it's against THE PARTY.

This film is basically a fucking propaganda piece for the Han Chinese at this point. No better than that Great Wall PoS.

Now if only you could be next along with all the other weeb p/a/edophiles.

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>having a political opinion when you're an actor starring in a big movie
when will they ever learn? It should be a point in any actors contract, that until at least one year has passed, none of the actors are allowed to say anything political or use twitter at all.

Are you fucking serious! What's the deal with this MeToo bullshit?

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what a bizarre combo of idiologies

>If ymir's titan-flavored cummies says so, it has to be true.
As usual, OP is a giant fag.

>film now has its figurative equivalent of E.T. for Atari 2600, an example of its medium so bad and so financially disastrous that all failures will have to be measured against it for the rest of time

>doesn't matter. They have to release movies periodically to retain the full rights over a character, so they'll keep releasing shitty movies

Mulan is public domain. Most Disney movies are public domain.

>those movies are mae to keep the ip rights
just do direct ti video shit like usual. gotta be cheaper than this.

There's a huge difference between a political opinion and "KILL THE INFIDELS."

>I think it depends on how iconic it was
Disagree it depends on success or failure chain. if Cruella, and Little Mermaid do well, they will do as usually and green light the next three into production(Snow White, Peter Pan, Sword in the Stone) if both are a failure they will restructured.

The budget simply isn't 300 million.
It isn't nearly as effects intensive as Lion King, which is one long visual effect.
Probably 200 million or so, which were the early estimates.

This 300 million figure is solely based on some offhand remark by the Chinese actress playing the witch.

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>jungle book
uh what?


what the fuck does li shang have to do with #metoo? he doesn't sexually assault mulan or abuse her using his higher rank to protect himself. he even waits until AFTER she's been bowed to by the emperor and returned home a hero to even ask her out on a date, and at that point SHE outranks him.

like are they hyperfocusing on the scene where he ditches her on the mountain? dude, easiest way to fix that would be to have mulan run away by herself assuming the worst before he can come up with a plan, and he then assumes she's either dead and doesn't see her until the assault on the emperor. boom. fixed.

Here's your context: Back in 1999 Niki Caro shared she believes the moment a man helps a woman in a film, it undermines the woman and makes the man the center and robs the woman of her power. Kathleen Kennedy and many others in Disney have said similar.

actress didnt say anything about killing protestors, she said she supports the police there's enough there to be mad at her without making things up

that twitter account is lying to you and you're falling for it

>Seeping Beauty

He kicks her out of the army the minute he knows she's a woman because women aren't supposed to be in the army in that point in time according to society. That's the whole reason she disguises herself as a man, she knows that women aren't supposed to be in the army. He never makes a move until after everything is over and she goes home. What did he do wrong that he has to be cut?

>implying Disney would put gays in a movie explicitly aimed at China
Fake news. It's postponed due to coronavirus, but it's 100% getting a theatrical release.

There was a twitter screenshot too, but my folders are a mess.

Your life is a mess. Your priorities are a mess.

>That's why the Little Mermaid is going to do very well.

not if they're still planning to make Ariel black. it's gonna be Princess and Frog all over again.

Princess and the Frog flopped because it was 2D.

I actually thought the trailer for Mulan was good. It's the only one of these live action remakes I'm interested in seeing.

princess and frog flopped, because the princess was 90% of the time a frog

> They have to release movies periodically to retain the full rights over a character
source: your ass

the quote people are upset about was from weibo
her twitter has about 10 posts

she's still kind of a cunt so it's ok but it seems like you fell for a hoax

what kind of retarded bull is that? if a character needs help, they should receive it

No it won't.

>what kind of retarded bull is that?
the radical feminist kind
"if it has a penis it's the enemy"

You're forgetting a key factor: SJWs don't care about facts

>lesbian romance

Tell us more.

female lead action movies where the women isn't sexy and wears revealing clothes are almost always flops.
if you already expect the audienece to believe that a tiny woman with stick arms can beat male warriors might as well go full retard and have her wear a bikini.
the comic industry has been doing the same retarded feminist pandering and as a result is no just a few steps away form death.
I am still amazed that liberals refuse to accept that their propaganda doesn't sell and decided to green light huge disasters like birds of prey which lost the studio millions as well.

It implies women can be attracted to powerful men and thus have consensual relationship with them.

The producer (a feminist woman) said that Shang is akin to a boss that uses his position to harass Mulan and that by being stronger than her in battle, it sent a message that women can't be as good as men. So she scrapped commander Shang and created two male characters to replace him: a new commander who is too old to fight and is more of a strategist, and a new soldier who is going to do the fighting. But here's the catch - in the scenes where Mulan would be overshadowed by Shang, Mulan will play Shang's role in the battle and the new soldier will play Mulan's role. In the scenes where Mulan had the spotlight, Mulan will do as she did in the original, and the new soldier will do Shang's part.

im going to assume there's some nuance in the original quote that has long since been gone unmentioned because it's easier to justify outrage this way

Can you source any of this?

This sounds like shit plucked fresh from your chafed and sore butthole.

No there isn't

No no, copyright of characters is there for a long time, it's trademark they need to keep in use

He might've been talking about ballad of mulan mulan, not disney's movie mulan mulan

I thought it flopped because it was the first Princess movie in a long time, and Disney didn't have many recent animation hits for the movie to lean on.

Yeah , I noticed this when a woman DOESN'T gush about said men in her awards acceptance speech

Yes , anyone can use the original Mulan character. But Disney holds movie rights of just the title Mulan and the the Disney Princess herself. Said anyone would have to use different movie titles and a different character design for her. And probably different fonts. It would be easy tho, just add any word to the title, like The Mulan or some shit

> disney owns the rights of calling a movie after a character in chinese folklore
not disagreeing, just pointing out that that's fucking cancer

Apparently just Mulan wasnt a popular choice for the ancient boomer mulan movies. Disney literally had crumbs

>leabian romance
Not that I want anymore obnoxious lesbian pandering but what is this about?

about 70% of the things written in this thread are straight up lies

Lots of things worked against Princess and the Frog, actually.
>Unconventional princess plot didn't draw the usual crowd
>Disney underpromoted it because they wanted to close their film 2D division by then already.
>It released a week before Avatar and Disney intentionally lined it up to do so.

>200 million budget
What were they fucking thinking?

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>"Kill all the protesters" isn't a political statement

>lead actress wishing death upon hong kong protestors


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>Movies make a lot of money in China
>Let's make a move about China so China gives us even more money
Big time studio execs aren't really known for their nuanced thought process. Never forget those Sony e-mail leaks.

To be honest, being against HK protests is what makes most of China root for the movie, not against it

Good, fuck these shitty remakes

I have a Chinese friend who lives in Hebei who says most common folk don't really care if HK stays or goes either way and mostly just want the whole situation to end already, one way or another. Then again that's just his perspective.

I can see that, most of my Chinese friends don't want to talk about Yas Forums topics, except one dude who hates hk rebellion and one girl who hates asian/whites mixing

You think Iger would be a bit smarter than this. He's navigated Disney around these kind of flops for a while.

1 billion dollars. Box office revenue does not correlate with quality. It correlates with marketing budget. See Far From Home: 280 million dollars of marketing roughly converts to 1 billion dollar box office, although the production company brand and the franchise brand also have some limited impact as variables.

I wonder what's gonna happen to the little mermaid.

She gonna take da BWC and get bloated with hot white cum.

>Literally who Twitter account acting like it's some kind of authority
It's posts are littered with common ESL mistakes, y'all are falling for some kind of weird shill account

Shut up, smug kitten! Stop showing your obnoxious arrogance!


No one complained when Ariel became Asian. It will do fine

The Mouse and their journalist dogs will still try to sell it with the “feminist ass-kicking” angle, so they’ll try to brand anyone highlighting these as sexists.

why it ok to black wash european history and farytales but ok to tell all black or all asien stories, unless liberals will finally admit that they just really hate white people and won't to destroy european culture.

the important thing here is to stop getting them to try and admit it
just realize what they are doing and fight back

physically if need be

there's no such thing as European culture, everything was made up by racists.

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This shit is worse than the hays code

Dumb ESL

>What were they fucking thinking?
$ = $$ & $$ = $$$ -> $$$$$ = $$$$$$!

men bad

Why are we still doing shitty wire scenes in 2020? The trailer has some fucking dudes jumping onto a wall and running up it. That alone is enough to keep me from seeing it


We're about to get live-action Hunchback of Notre Dame and Pocahontas.

I wanna see these potential future trainwrecks.

They admit it all the time, they just don't let the news cover the areas where they admit it.

I want Daniel Radcliffe as the hunchback of Notre Dame, he makes convincing hunchbacks

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The Electronic Sports League?

Never ever, unless they completely change the story so that she is a warrior who easily kills hundreds of white men and not a young girl who falls in love with one.

they'll just make John Smith a black muslim and give Ratcliffe Trump's hair.

I don't ever recall her saying that but I do in fact remember she sided with China/HK government during the height of the HK protests and retweeted some super patriotic Pro-China and anti-HK stuff.

>Movie explicitly made for China removes the potentially bisexual coded character
It's funny how obvious they are at this point.

Is there any benefit to the people for HK being part of China, beyond just the government itself expanded its sphere of influence and potential economic advancement that the people themselves are very unlikely to get much out of?

Well that sucks. I was really hoping we'd get a little surge of Chinese kung fu action if this was a hit.

This movie was why Bob Iger was fired. Prove me wrong.

The Rise of Skywalker

>I am still amazed that liberals refuse to accept that their propaganda doesn't sell and decided to green light huge disasters like birds of prey which lost the studio millions as well.
Based on the fact that Leftists are so insistent on selling their ideas to the masses, it seems to me like they are making a concentrated effort to groom the next generation to believe this type of ideology is the norm. They flood the market with nothing but wokeness, taking the loss financially for the present, but investing for the future where everyone parrots the same talking points. And it's working, little by little.

There are people in this very thread parroting twitter speak. Any time someone talks like a twitter user, it means their influence is having some level of effect.

It made $1b. The fact it and the other sequels and spin offs divided the fanbase and basically killed the franchise in the big screen for the next few years is not important. Star Wars still makes money from licensing, and by 2025 or 2030 the bad taste will have washed out enough to begin production of new movies.

Mulan, though? If even a third of all the stuff that's being reported is true, that's enough to have heads rolling.

It absolutely will.

Wrong. There are european cultures. European "culture" is the story the emerging superstate is selling. They're literally having special presentations at schools and giving out "My Country Is Europe" stickers to children.

The only thing people ever talk about Mulan are the songs. This movie has none. It doesn't even have Mushu. What exactly have nostalgiafags to look forward to?

That's not what's important, since Lion King did so well they'll go for awhile
What's important is this might start making Disney think twice about solely China pandering

nah you just retarded kys femtard

To chinese people? Yes. They get cheaper stuff via going across the border despite all cheap stuff being made in china.
To HK people. Absolutely not.

>dude! if you wanna learn about European culture just visit the museums
>uh, what museums?

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Did people actually like Mushu? I always considered him and the cricket part of the "annoying animal sidekicks forced in to sell merch" group that people hate. I know I don't like him very much.

>It made $1b.
I don't think you understand how movie franchises work. Big budget flicks like Star Wars are only as successful as their merchandise. The films themselves play a part to a certain extent. They exist to tempt consumers to buy merchandise, but they aren't the actual measures of a franchise's success or of true profit gains.

Here's another example: free to play mobile games. They don't make any money at all at first, but they end up making millions on microtransactions.

Disney's Star Wars failed not because the movies lost money (although they did, technically. Force awakens made 2 billion while its sequels did worse). The franchise failed because they couldn't sell the merchandise. The toys, games, comics, all did worse than predicted.

we probably reached 90% fake shit now

But... Shang abuses all the men as well. He's a singing Drill Instructor Hartman. And there's the entire irony that he's making "a man" out of a woman, unknowingly.

You are correct, Mushu was a forced comic relief. It was like if someone made a Joan of Arc movie and inserted an annoying lil' nigga angel into it.

> a sweden archeological site melts some viking scrap metal because they dont have the funds to care for it and they have shit to build in that land

Yeah the land is much better off as a refugee center; kys cuck.

>museums around the world wants to get viking artifact at any price and put them on display
>what!? we would never sell our ancestors relics to some foreign countries *throw them into the fire*

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>what!? we would never sell our ancestors relics to some foreign countries
The English used to have a solution for this. Egypt knows it well.

>Building refugee centers
>Not having the couple hundred dollars to preserve all that because you're spending it all on communist failures

Here's hoping their black Little Mermaid remake also gets fucked.

Ironic seeing that the lead actress supposedly supports Winnie the Pooh and his facist shithole and says that the protesters should all die.

>viking artifact
>ancestor relic
we're talking about literal scraps
this has nothing to do with diversity

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Hell, at least the Egyptians didn't burn their artifacts. Sure, some scumbags will try to steal some shit but most of them just wanted the relics and burials untouched.

> doesnt understand how national finance works
they could build 0 refugee centers, they still would not have the funds to preserve all this stuff

The political unity of Europe does not mean a unity of culture.
On the contrary, the EU is promoting the preservation of local heritage and protections for local products they literally made it so specialty products (at least the prestigious names) can be monopolized by regions.
Which can get very specific with terms like Parmesan and Grana Padano that cannot be produced under that name outside of a small part of Northern Italy.
Similarly Feta can only be produced in Greece and Black Forest Ham only in the Black Forest.

Probably because those were looted and divided objects already.
The Vikings were often utterly uninterested in the beauty or meaning of objects they stole and chopped them up by weight to pay their warriors.
There is little meaning to preserving a fraction of a brooch looted from some unknown place. Especially if you have so many objects that it would be meaningless to display most of them.
Still a sad thing, but the reality is that most museums are actually struggling with the size of their inventories.
And most of the stuff you find are not unique and priceless artifacts, but random scrap, bent cheap household items etc.
Just look at that shit in the picture! Pieces of silver wire, broken ingots, badly made bracelets, common coins...

>and says that the protesters should all die.
People keep saying this but no one has provided source. I do know she was anti-HK since you can find those tweets and I have personally seen them but I have yet to see the "HK protesters should die" claims.

in my country our ancestor relics from mesoamerica are basically pieces of mud vases or stones they used to smash corn and they are fucking valuable for our culture, and there's +millions of those practically unusable pieces stored in different museums and we made laws to punish anyone who tries to steal, damage or sell them.

Nah they split him into an old man and a cuck.

So its likely either the Witch who turns out to be just misunderstood (ala "Gretel and Hansel")

Or another Strong Independent Female who Mulan falls for.

>doesnt understand how national finance works
You move funding over or give them to someone who isn't going to fucking scrap metal it
Wow that was hard

im sorry your country is that desperate for historical artifacts
my dingy ass village in the middle of nowhere that nobody gives a shit about has a church that was built around the tenth century

>my dingy ass village in the middle of nowhere that nobody gives a shit about has a church that was built around the tenth century
We should burn that for scrap wood then make a refugee center

thanks, knowing that you hate our culture just makes me even proud :)

We should burn you for scrap organs then make a refugee center with your house.

Well, if you are a country that is very confident in its past and national identity, or drowning in artifacts, these things become less valuable.
Europe is full of castles, monuments and museums.
We have so many well-preserved armor suits of incredible make, you could not begin to attempts to display them all at once.
European history is well-documented, widely preserved and has flown into the present seamlessly.
My favorite bar is in a 16th century building and I pissed behind 12th century buildings after drinking and playing cards under the portraits of emperors.
Culture, like all things, has little meaning if you swim in it.

On the other hand, they've been crawling through every movie they can think of to make big budget live action remakes, so Mulan was going to come up eventually. It's more of a "happy accident" that the global movie economy is the way it is now. Though it did probably bump it up the priority list.

> a fully functional building is the same as a bunch of random bits of metal vaguely resembling common tools
come on dude

that's not culture, it's racism

Iger isn't really smart, he just does what the numbers tell him. That's why you see no "risks" with him

You can't un-buy a ticket to a movie you didn't enjoy.
>muh box office!
People were nostalgic about the original Lion King and enough decided to see if the remake could hold up to the original.
The movie sucked.

I wonder how Yas Forums is gonna react when the movie inevitably doesn't flop

Except they aren't. The live action adaptations make too much money. One bad/mediocre one isn't going to stop the Mouse from making more. Most of the live action stuff from disney has basically printed money, so even if Mulan doesn't do well, we will still probably get even more live action remakes from Disney.

Racism can be a part of a culture. Just look at the USA.

Now THIS is a Reddit comment

even if mulan craters producers can easily blame the coronavirus

I thought ratcliffe was a Jew in the animated version. He has nose of a Jew man and pure black hair isn’t common in whites.

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>romance fags won't want to watch it
>lesbian romance
make up your mind gaylord, does it have romance or doesn't it

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Like that time Europe forced Greece to hand over part of it's history and legacy to a slavic people in order to close the case and eventually take it under it's sphere of influence. Right?

Go woke, go broke.

There was het romance and it was removed, funny thing that no one seems to mention is that there wasn't even a big damn romantic scene in the animated Mulan

what are you talking about retard

Attached: timmy.gif (384x270, 218.92K)

>Citation needed

>no source
>make a note to include feminist
>as if to imply all feminism is bad

Attached: goingontheinternetandtellinglies.jpg (480x360, 25.42K)

Gee, its like catering to a commie nation has consequences on the domestic side! Who would've thought?

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Taino artifacts are mostly literal scraps of mud and pebbles, yet you’d be thrown in jail for destroying them. Dunno why another culture’s junk is less valuable.

Because one of the two cultures is committing assisted suicide at the behest of a third culture which hates them.

It was never a romantic movie to begin with


get shot dead

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I mean, he's not wrong.

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yes you are

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Crikee is cute. Mushu is tolerable. No songs or hot asian man is a cardinal sin

just spitballing here, but there's probably more surviving scraps of metal than there are surviving scraps of mud

It's sad no nazis are using Celtic culture to represent whites

How the fuck was the witch in Gretel and Hansel portrayed as misunderstood? She killed and ate her own children along with many other children for power and tried to kill and eat Hansel before Gretel killed her. She was an obvious manipulative psychopath. Find me a scene where the movie portrayed her sympathetically.

When it was announced that Lion King wouldn't have Be Prepared, everyone complained. Then they put in a shortened version of the song and people complained because it wasn't as good as the original. Nobody complains about the remakes being too similar, they complain about them being objectively worse.

>test viewing by chinese audience was insanely negative

Gee, who would have thought making the remake even less accurate to the original source material, when the animated film was already disliked by the chinese for not being more accurate, would make the film be better received with the chinese this time.

Disney doesn't even understand the audience they're trying to pander to.

>>as if to imply all feminism is bad
It hasn't been good for a long time.

Attached: yes.jpg (647x659, 40.42K)

>talks about the EU like he knows shit
>doesn't even know about Macedonia
you are American aren't you?

Get woke, go broke

It's even stupider because the rules say mulan should have been killed for her deception, but shang uses his position to save her life. He spares her with the life debt and then tells the others to not fuck with her because he's the boss.

Why not sell it privately then? I'm sure collectors would be very interested in viking shit, and it would directly help the national finance by bringing in more money than just scrapping the metal.

Except action movies don't need bikininwomen, they just need to not be hideous monsters that say "kill all men".

there are laws against that
supposedly they're there to prevent the formation of a market for historical stuff

you can definitely criticize said laws
which again have nothing to do with diversity

>the sinlge scenes where Mulan would be overshadowed by Shang get's removed
holy shit modern women are so pathetic, they really can't allow a single work of fiction breaking their made believe female superiority fantasy

if they want to make the most amount of money possible they do need them. sex sales incredible well, now in the current sjw dominated timeline where literally every female characters get her outfit censored and her breast size reduced even better then ever before.

Kill bill

>>museums around the world wants to get viking artifact at any price and put them on display
[Citation needed]

Good. Fuck Disney and fuck China.

Igers is almost as dumb as the rest of them, honestly without the mcu how successful would he be?

Long story short, Byzantium couldn't defend itself for shit and so a bunch of slavic populations moved into the balkans during the middle ages. Fast forward to the collapse of Yugoslavia. One of the resulting slavic countries on the north border on Greece decides to adopt an ethnic identity. It names itself Macedonia on account of occupying a small part of the ancient Macedonia's territory, claims it's people are the direct descendants of Alexander the Great, and claim he wasn't a greek. In response, Greece vetoed their membership into the EU. Up until recently, these people had strong ties to Russia. The situation between Russia and Ukraine has alarmed the EU, causing it to want to absorb a number of countries away from Russia ASAP. The EU forced Greece to recognize "Macedonia" and end the veto for no apparent tradeoff. In the end it was all for nothing as the EU changed it's mind shortly after and announced it's not in a hurry to add new members into the union.

>to a commie nation
>has been stepping on US economy heels for a while
So communism does work?

what china wants, china gets

>No Huns for Mulan to enroll to fight instead of her father
>No Mushu
>No Shang
>There is now an evil witch
I know disney got critizised for just copy-pasting animated movies into "live action" ones, but this went a bit too far

Plenty of people have mentioned that in some way. The women Disney is trying to hide behind haven't stopped pointing out that the love interest doesn't do anything until after the plot is basically over and doesn't cause any 'problematic' situations.

>Gretel and Hansel
Never post again.

That's Disney all over
>They said it was too much of this?

stay mad, burgeroid

disney sacked their entire traditional animation studio after a single movie about black princess underperformed

This and Lil Black Mermaid...what the fuck is the mouse doing?