Gunnerkrigg Court

4 Mar 2020 | 12:00 AM
Chapter 75: Page 5
Too kind

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So basically everyone and their aunt knows about Kat's super secret plan to make Arthur a body. Okay.
Wasn't that thing kind of a big deal that made Kat almost sued by an interdimensional judge or something?

I hope waterboy gets a better hairline than Kat's last project.

What monstrosity will Kat turn that once-cute robot into.

Another black man with a bad hairline.

He will get a hairline like Shaq.

Attached: shaq-hairline.jpg (720x480, 26.59K)

I think this angel may be a little more sinister than she originally appeared.

I'm confused.
Did Diego make this?
You'd think he'd model her after Jeanne...

But how will we pay for this? You can't just start giving people bodies, I don't care how good the robocaid is, it's SOCIALISM! How will these freeloaders pay us back? I think we should set up a system of PRIVATE robot body suppliers and let the market sort it out. Truth be told, I only feel good about given free stuff if others are denied basic necessities. I BUILT MY ORGANIC BODY ON MY OWN BY PULLING MYSELF FROM NOTHING, WHY SHOULD HE BE GIVEN ONE FOR FREE? NIMBY! NIMBY! NIMBY!!!!

Or does Kat already have ethereal beings working for her?
Does every god have servants like the little translator guy for wall face?
Does Coyote have any?
This chapter is pretty wild.
Some big shit is going down.

What is the Angel gonna turn the poor sap in a bucket into a hideous monster, or into another Annie?

This is likely made by the golem-bots.

Oh, on their own?
That could be.

The first thing I noticed about her is that she's kind of a mixture between Kat and Jeanne.

>set you free
robot uprising

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So, porn of this chick when?

When there’s enough of a resource glut it isn’t socialism anymore.

Not for a while. We only have one artist, and he's working on some shitty GC game that will never come out.

And who made that resource glut, hmmmmm????

Don't those people deserve to have the stuff they earned? Hmmmmmmmmmm??????

How would you feel if I just reached into your wallet and started taking money? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???

I would be shocked at the presence of paper currency in my wallet.

I would, but I'm FAR too gay.

Oh, so you're just some penny-less shlub offering up other people's hard earned resources. TYPICAL. I bet you support baby killing and feminism too.

Well shit, cute robot slave is about to be turned into ugly monster slave.

No? The level of American reading comprehension level, everyone.

Porn of Robot and Shadow when, then?

I think this kind of thing just comes together when it's needed. Kat becomes a god and the universe has to put all the metaphysical shit that makes that work in place. There's probably some older, more fundamental god like the one who makes ownership work whose job it is.

i miss when zimmy was in the comic

She succumbed to the coronavirus in the bonus page.

no in the bonus page she was just talking to gamma

I might draw her later today, actually. I'm sick and I can't focus on working on complex stuff rn.

Strange how much discussed it is here, yet hardly anyone vote for it

draw zimmy because I like her the most

Fine. I don't have any proper tools on me right now so you'll have to settle for this.

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Does anyone use that site?


how many levels of level are we talking here?

that's very creative user

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Is it?

"secret program fail safe" is usually a recipe for disaster in sci-fi.

At least 2.

You are being hysterical.

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Which one do you call the golembots? That dude is a random plumberbot, he's not one of the bots that Kat is currently testing (?). Unless you mean the winged bots that create Kat cult to begin with?

so the robots aren't even being asked if they WANT a new body? fuck you, kat

Again, she's a god. She can do what she wants. She has supreme authority.

Why would you assume this is Kat's doing? The red mark means he's been sent to the barrier with the others

Something about the uncanny shade of green of the hot not-Angels eyes...

she's another robot, already has one of those uncanny "human" bodies from Kat.

How does Kat determine the sex of each robot?

She probably uses a rng to determine who gets which body.

Kat made herself a sex-bot.
So, that's what Paz REALLY was upset over!

I thought she was a psychopomp for robots, but giving away bodies doesn't seem like the kind of job for a psychopomp, unless of course they all die inmediatly after receiving one.

The girls are told to not date robots, so they're probably all male?

So far we've had two robots wanting to be male for romantic relations with a female and Robot/Shadow2 (I can't remember if Shadow2 is supposed to be male).

>all male
pic related bonus page mentioned girl bots, but yeah they're pretty much all male

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I wonder if Kat knows about this girl.

That girl is a monument to all her sins.

That's hot!

>Rachel Green
My sides

>Kat very clearly starts a special routine to power up some robot bodies
>this chapter begins

It's a valid question. With Kat there's always this split between what she does mechanically, and the magical/ether consequences of her actions.

In other words, to Kat the "back-end" of the start-up process she began might just be a bunch of code, rather than a fucking angel talking to a program in a bucket of water.


I was hoping perhaps to discuss the nuances of how Kat doesn't really understand how the robots' original code works. Like, how this could be something the robots made up to visualize an abstract concept.
You know, have a fun discussion about what this girl could represent, either for the robots if they were the ones to make her up, or for Kat, if she consciously designed her.
Why does she look like that, or exist at all for instance, if Kat made her?
Kat isn't really one to be dramatic and mystical like this and I certainly think you are wrong in assuming that she knows about her, but if she does, I think it'd be pretty interesting that she designed her like this.
She looks about as far removed as she could from Paz. You'd think that she'd design her after her, especially considering she's a guide meant to carry the robots through a huge change in their lives, kinda how Paz changed Kat's life quite a bit.

>The character who knows nothing about the ether and is annoyed that the robots have started a creepy cult around her
>fuelling their behavior
>basically calling herself the angel
Sure, dude.
You're so smart.
That's DEFINITELY what's happening here.

It's a visual representation of what her program is doing you stooge

These ones. The ones she activated at the end of the last chapter. The ones she activated because she needed help. The ones with intricate knowledge of the robot's design. Those ones.

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Knowing Kat, it's somebody from a video game or anime she likes. I like the idea that this is just what the robots see based on their idea of the angel and her servants look like.

Yeah, no shit, sherlock?
She literally said that two pages ago.

so... you just look at the pictures and don't understand what's happening?

I don't know any video game character that looks like this.

I wonder if Kat plays Warframe...

Obviously she's from the famous title, A Video Game

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Oh, right!
Do you think that's canon, btw?

played for a month and then decided to make her own game

I do. It is handy to see what comics are out there. Strangely my tastes are found more around rankings 300 - 400.

That's funny!
I played it for like 2 months before deciding to make my own game!

What's your favorite webcomic? Besides gunnerkrigg, of course.

Nicely done, appreciate it. It makes me miss them, though.

I assume giving them a new body, and they probably want a human one, is the way to get them out of barrier limbo. At worst if they don't like it I'm sure they can be put back into a bot.

Sick, so work's slow, but ... working on it.

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Working on shit once again, Imaa.
