You know what I always really liked about Jasper?

You know what I always really liked about Jasper?

All the Gems can summon some sort of weapon like gauntlets, whips, and spears.

Jasper, however, only summons a protective helmet.

She IS the weapon.

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Other urls found in this thread:

She’s a big fat bleeding pussy is what she is

Maybe if she picked up her sore attitude instead of picking pieces of grass out the ground she could beat a fusion

She headbutts people.

I was about to ask why she needs a helmet to protect her head, but considering where her gem is it actually makes sense.

I'm gonna start dumping my favorite Jasper images now.

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I like this one.

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It's a novel idea, innit?

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jesus fuck don't make me ship them i'm only human

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It's fine.
Johnny's with Jack.

I want this so bad.

Can't help you, man. I've been on the Grasper train for well over two years, myself.

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before or after you heard this
this is beautiful

Tell me about it. Would've been a real nice change of pace and solid storyline.

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Actually never listened to that but may as well now.

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Please enjoy

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I wonder what the show would be like if Jasper, seeing the Diamonds siding with Steven and finally testing him like their loving nephew, was so disgusted by this that she built up a giant militia of Gems who opposed Steven’s galactic peace agreement and started a war to overthrow the Diamonds. Successfully shattering the ones she once looked up to as gods and taking the throne for herself, ruling Homeworld with an iron fist as she sets sites to annihilate the Earth and take over the entire galaxy

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Oh wow this lady is damn near perfect. Thanks for the link!

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This kind of scenario would be perfect for a spin off series. If maybe some gems decided to create another empire.
Except I still want to see mom Jasper.

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I like Jasper because she is best gem and was too based to be ruined by talk no jutsu or the zukening. Her new relationship with Steven is a refreshing spin on every other Steven x gem relationship, if they help each other grow past their issues with feeling lost and worthless it will be better than any other redemption arc on the show. The cherry on top of a perfect orange sorbet sundae.

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I love Jasper as a villain so much
She’s the irredeemable villain SU deserves

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I would like it if there was a soft side to her that almost never comes out.


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It also helps that Steven is both the ruler she swore fealty to and her greatest enemy, and yet also neither. It's a more complex relationship he has with any other gem save maybe the Diamonds.

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>after finding out the truth about Pink and seeing how Steven made the Diamonds extremely soft, Jasper wages war on Homeworld with millions of gems also disgusted with the peace agreement, shatters the Diamonds, takes the throne as ruthless dictator of Homeworld
>wages war on earth to destroy it, but she can’t get herself to take out Steven, her greatest foe and she can’t figure out why

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I wonder what an AU would be if Jasper raised Steven instead of Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl

Probably the same, but a little more inward about his feelings. She'd probably hit him if he expressed sadness or even joy.

Meant for and I dropped my image

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Goddamn it I'm an idiot

An AU I question is how big of an asshole is Jasper's son, Steven?

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Jasper would have turned Steven into a hard as nails, fearless, ruthless warrior

i miss her old design before she got corrupted

Instead she'll just have to live with the disappointing sentimental pacifist he is.

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Even warriors need rest and cuddles
The Spartans would realize this if they didn’t end up throwing a bunch of children off a cliff to their deaths

Same here

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Same, but I can't deny she actually makes the horns work.

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Hopefully he can work his magic and get her to unwind. She deserves a nice break.

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The diamonds adore Steven and obey him unconditionally because he has Pink Diamond's gem. Yeah it's different than Steven being their therapist which is what his relationship with almost every other gem boils down to but it's not complex.

Jasper on the other hand refuses to obey Steven just because he has her diamond's gem, at the moment they are equals who call out each other's bullshit and through consensual conflict are starting to respect each other despite holding different ideologies and contrasting personalities, it's going to end up evolving into a double sided mentor-apprentice relationship where they both heal by swapping perspectives on problems they have been mutually struggling with. That is complexity. As usual with best gem.

wasn't there one of these where all the gems are disgusted except Pearl who obviously put Jasper up to it

Sure thing, Satan. The person responsible for destroying Jasper's way of life and taking away her purpose is TOTALLY going to get her to "unwind". He's the one to do it. Yes sir. Not like she has every reason to hate him with every fucking fiber of her being or anything.

>Sure thing, Satan. The person responsible for destroying Jasper's way of life and taking away her purpose
that was pink diamond, not steven

Here's a stupid thought that will never happen

>Connie, Steven, and Jasper fuse
>Connie's swordsmanship, Steven's shield, and Jasper's helm creates a knight theme girl
>They are canonically one of the strongest fusions in history


oh lordie.

>She IS the weapon.
Did you miss the giant hammer-head on the helmet she used as a weapon?

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Love having a reason to post this

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Jasperfags this is our 4th and final month of giving a fuck about SU.
>First month - The Return/Jailbreak
>Second Month - The Summer of Steven (peak Jasper arc)
>Third month - December 2019
>Fourth month - this month where her character will finally reach a conclusion and most likely redemption

The thing is: Jasper isn’t a character like Vegeta who only cares about themselves and would gladly destroy anyone who makes her angry no matter how powerful they are. The whole reason she hated Earth and the crystal gems is because Homeworld told her they killed her Diamond, Earth is a place of defects and defective gems are disgusting things that deserve to die. It was all because of the Diamonds, and once they told her all of that was bullshit, she stopped. Jasper is a follower, not a leader. That’s why she’s living in a cave and doesn’t attack anyone who doesn’t come near her.
Besides, Jasper knows what it’s like to lose a Diamond, so she wont try to kill the other three to prevent becoming another Rose Quartz.

Post some Grasper.
Any good Jasper fics? Don't have to be shipping fics.

is archive of our own blocked on Yas Forums?

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oh nice a Jasper thread

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You know what I always liked? Her weapon is basically just Ralph's Hat of Discipline in the shape of Johnny Bravo's hair.

>I wonder what the show would be like if Jasper, seeing the Diamonds siding with Steven and finally testing him like their loving nephew, was so disgusted by this that she built up a giant militia of Gems who opposed Steven’s galactic peace agreement and started a war to overthrow the Diamonds. Successfully shattering the ones she once looked up to as gods and taking the throne for herself, ruling Homeworld with an iron fist as she sets sites to annihilate the Earth and take over the entire galaxy
I read Over Their Garden too

Since we know Steven doesn't have to be her Mother-2.0 he would first growing up trying to be like her, watching the videos were she crashes armies and mountains, but if we consider that he is still Steven maybe he will become a good person with anger attacks

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There is. She was happy as fuck to actually have someone to fight (i.e. Steven).

Yes, I believe

You niggers are coomers


She can't. She's too proud to let anyone help her. Maybe help would hurt more than what she feels now.

Could she do that, though? Amy changes shape all the time, so she is good at it.

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Yes, we can still get erections.

Jasper needs to have a reverse psychology therapy where someone challenges her to do things that take the best out of her

Jasper Should Have Won
Post your What If ideas over Jasper winning/Jailbreak bad end ideas

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Well we know because of CYM that White Diamond would have just taken his gem off, find out PD is dead and change all of homeworld.
It ends the same, and I fucking hate that

Jasper literally thinks about kicking Steven's ass 90% of the time.

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They had fun kicking eachother’s asses

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>a character like Vegeta who only cares about themselves

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was talking about pre-buu saga Vegeta, since Jasper isn’t redeemed yet

I didn't get that from your post, but thank you for clearing things up. On a side note, how well do you think Jasper and Vegeta would get along?

Pretty well I think. I like to assume that Jasper wouldn’t hate everyone if she was taken to another universe because a lot of her anger and hatred is tied to the setting of SU. You put her on some other universe and she probably wouldn’t be that bad. She would have no reason to hurt heroes and would be delighted to fight villains.

>Well we know because of CYM that White Diamond would have just taken his gem off, find out PD is dead and change all of homeworld.
So Steven goes to Blue and Yellow's process as Rose Quartz.
They decide to shatter him
When they try to destabilizate him his flesh got roasted
And they realize is not a normal Quartz
Then they inspect his gem
White Pearl comes
Ask Steven's presence
White Diamond announces he is Pink Diamond
Everyone is in shock (and Pearl is guilty)
Steven heard the story from Pearl
Steven decides to make ammend for mommy's dirty tricks
Ruby and Sapphire fuse again after all the time they were unfused after that Jasper beat them
Jasper start to punch her again
They all get poofed
It goes the same but without Connie and Watermelon Stevens
Steven just goes to WD in secret without telling anyone
WD take his gem off
Pink Steven forms
Steven and Pink Steven merge together and prove to White Diamond that Steven is the best of Pink, humans, Rose in one single person
WD dismantle the Authority.
Everything is the same but Jasper never found out fusion potential and she and Lapis get somekind of friendship.

Uh....that wasn't so interesting as I thought, tell me other ideas on Jasper wins the Jailbreak AU

need a mega milk edit saying MEGA MASS

Amyven is best, Holly Blue Agaven second, Ruven third. The rest are trash.

>Jasper is likened to Vegeta and has even copied many of his iconic moments
>except that one

>jasper as vegeta
>not piccolo
Jasper's going to teach Steven how to dodge

She has way more parallels drawn with Vegeta, but her hermit lifestyle is very Piccolo, I will give you that.

What is it about Jasper that makes her the most badass character in the entire show? And I love a lot of characters from SU.

Here's a few reasons from the top of my head
>Her regular slasher smiles
>Was born flexing
>Taken fusion hostage by Lapis, her response? ended up fucking liking it
>Has never shed a single tear despite going through all that shit
>The stripes are pretty rad
>Randomly created an army of corrupted monsters cause why not