Death Battle Thread

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you deserve the rope

wouldn't they team up?


Who's the guy on the left
Who's the guy on the right
Why do I care
Why do we need threads shilling this YouTube channel 24/7 on this fucking board

I'm asking the questions

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The anti-monitor. This board is for comics and he's part of one.

The anti-spiral he's from gurren lagann and is a pretty thematic fit as an opponent.

You obviously do care at least a little bit as you came to here, gave us a (you), and bumped the thread.

We don't but hey, it's better than Steven Universe threads and probably has more Yas Forums discussion than most threads on this board.

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Who would Xavier fight


Look, maybe you're doing this with good intentions. Maybe you're not. But unless we restrict these to once a week on Monday, the threads are going to burn out. Stop posting them.


>east vs west is better than an actual cartoon
That's how I know you're a faggot.

Uncle Grandpa

Believe In Steven

Himself. Again.

It's completely based on how many universes the Anti-Monitor has absorbed. If it's pre-antimatter cannon he loses with some amount of struggle, unless the Anti-Spirals are particularly weak to anti-matter. Post-cannon and consuming maybe 3 universes it's completely one sided in favor of the Anti-Monitor

Genos vs WM Preveiw is going to be posted soon

We’ll keep in mind that Snyder has kinda retconned the Anti-Monitor like Morrison did with the New Gods, in that you can destroy their bodies but never really kill them as they’ll just come back in a new form. He also might have the Anti-Life Equation on his side

Snyder Anti-Montior could get run over by a car.

A Speed Force car

Poor Rhodey’s coffee

Thanks Malcolm

What do you think of the preveiw

So Red Death Batman could strap flash to the hood of his car and run over the Anti-Monitor. Not very impressive.

Its been shown that anti spiral can grow to (universe multiplied by x) sizes, so i think antimonitor plus 3 universes could do shit to him
Also anti spiral goal was stagnation in the universe to protect existence itself, antimonitor just has a murderboner for erasing things

It’s a Speed Force car in the same way the Flash is a Speed Force Man

It was alright

>We’ll keep in mind that Snyder has kinda retconned the Anti-Monitor like Morrison did with the New Gods, in that you can destroy their bodies but never really kill them as they’ll just come back in a new form.
Wasn't Anti-Monitor like that even pre-Flashpoint? He survived COIE, came back during Sinestro Wars, survive that and came back Blackest Nights, survived and back in the Anti-matter universe.

Depends on whether the Anti-Monitor can absorb that I guess

Anti-Monitor in his True State

The Prediction Blog for Genos vs War Machine is going well and it should be out on Saturday (most of it is already done)

>Its been shown that anti spiral can grow to (universe multiplied by x) sizes
What are you talking about? Even in the movie, he was "galaxy times x" sized at most, and that was in his own pocket dimension where perception could become reality or somesuch.

It was alright


Actually, an artbook released relatively recently confirms that the "galaxies" swirling about Gurren Lagann and the Granzeboma are in fact whole universes onto themselves.

Make of that what you will.

Are there any hints for the battle after this one?

Or 125?

Oh come the fuck on, it's likely they just saw the spike in popularity of the VS scene and decided to come up with that bullshit explanation 10+ years after the show aired.

Theyre freaking Galaxies and anyone can tell that.

Reminder that Anti Monitor doesn't have baleen teeth, he's just ugly

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He's prettier than me

>t's completely based on how many universes the Anti-Monitor has absorbed


More universes, more power, if he’s at base he’s not Crisis level

nah that was already established in the serie, genome explains it before the final fight, spiral energy twist reality completely, space and time is nothing when the spiral power is in action, having multiple universes inside your mecha isn't rare at all

but why do you know he can beat the anti spiral with 3 universes?

I’m not that guy, just mentioning it.

okey, thanks for the info anyways

If that's the case then all those Demonbane vs TTGL threads were I was bullied for defending TTGL were truly unfair.

Amaterasu (Okami) vs Arceus


It was good.

Are we getting more like this in this season?

Tbh as garbage as it is to admit it, Snyder is literally the only writer who's ever given the Anti-Monitor a buff. Used to be when Monty got punched in the back by Supergirl or zapped by the Omega Effect, boom-he's done, and has been running on fumes while being recruited by Sinestro or bottled by Nekron.

Granted Snyder then went on to ruin Monty by making him an actual character somehow.

Remember, Snyder Monty can also get mobbed to death by human-martian hybrid Apexes. ALSO remember that regular ole peak humans scale to Apexes per the final battle, as seen when Kamandi and Catman are punching and kicking those things around-and when Donna Troy shanked a whole gang of them while being cloaked by Reach tech in Hell Arisen showing these things aren't actually that far off from regular supers.

Which means that technically speaking, there's a non-zero chance that Dan Turpin could body Monty.

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Is that the same one that said STTGL can exist in normal reality by simply creating super spiral space inside itself?

Reminder that the Anti-Monitor built the Mobius Chair, which shares the name his mother gave him, that he can't hurt you as long as you're sitting on it, and that he's an edgy emo boy that nobody understands.

Additional reminder that for whatever reason Darkseid's mongrel spawn CAN hurt you on the chair with omega beams.

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Rick Sanchez

Bullshit. Post the page and the Japanese. I best you anything it was "These (obvious galaxies) are spaces (uchu) onto themselves." The Japanese use the term uchu to mean anything from space to universe to galaxy and a lot of wank comes from translators abusing uchu.

No sorry, you're still stupid.

Everyone was buffed by the JL channeling the power of justice or something stupid like that which is why they could slap around the Perpetua drones.

No no that's the stupidest part about that whole event: The pages where Kamandi and Catman are just punching and kicking Apexes happen CONCURRENTLY with the pages when the Justice League are holding hands to generate their pandimensional Dragon Ball, because Batman's grand master plan is to believe in our civilians who belief in us by going down fighting. Everyone, EVERYONE not part of the core League just runs at the Apexes punching and kicking to buy them time. Including, and I CANNOT stress this enough because they're drawn doing it in close quarters combat with these alleged multi-multiverse creator killers, Kamandi and Catman.

Here, gaze into the abyss of stupid with me if you dare.

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Is the stuff coming from the hall of justice supposed to be buffing them or is it just stupid shit?

>The artist draws Sand instead of Wesley Dodds
Godfucking damn it DC hire people that at least read your shit.

>Snyder brings in Kamandi
>Leave out Ben Boxer and his other cyborg friends likely because all he knows about Kamandi he got from skimming wikipedia

Nah, for all their autism, the AS wanted to make the universe was safe, they just decided its overall being was worth more than a few billion lives.

If you mean in pic no, Batman just rams the Hall of Justice into Apex Lex's stupid flying Legion of Doom base because HAHAHA LOOK YOU GUYS THE GOOD GUYS' BASE IS FIGHTING THE BAD GUYS' BASE

If you mean the Dragonball than yeah, apparently the regular Totality can fuckin' rewrite Hypertime and all the dark forces underlying the multiverse and whatever so the League's Totality persumably does superultrauberomega reality warping using the 7 main forces sustaining the multiverse. It still does pretty much nothing, like it doesn't suddenly shit out Michael Demiurgos to dab on everyone or even the Spectre, except level the playing field against Apex Lex so he doesn't have an "I win automatically" field.

Brace yourself for Hell Arisen, because in it turns out /NONE OF APEX LEX'S COSMIC POWERS WORK ON LAUGHS AND ANYONE POISONED BY HIS DARK METAL EDGELORD VENOM/ for no particular reason. Not even indirectly, he can't or doesn't use the Ultraviolet Spectrum to throw buildings at them even though Batman and Superman can punch them just fine, he can't or doesn't use the Black Apple to figure out where Element X reserves on Earth are (and no, Snyder STILL hasn't explained why the League don't just instantgib Laughs and Perpetua with Element X), and he can't or doesn't just use the counterpart to the Dimensional Superstructure (the MONITOR FORCE that controls EVERYTHING IMAGINEABLE AND UNIMAGINEABLE) to hurt them in any other way indirectly. It's blatantly just there to keep Laughs a threat and make Lex solve problems the classic Lex way instead of with cosmic powers.

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The Anti-Spiral doesn't work in any kind of versus because his power level is so nebulous to the point of obscenity. Shit, didn't he create an entire alternate universe just to house the final battle in or some bullshit?

>Hourman flying

No. Fuck off with your wank.

The stupid thing had its home planet in the middle of its forehead. The "galaxies" it threw around were more like solar systems.

It could be seen fighting from Earth. That's not universe sized.

Anti-Monitor eats universes for brunch. Hell, Simon beat the Anti-Spiral with a page right out of Monty’s handbook, absorbing an infinite multiverse

Kamandi's contribution to the fight against Braniac One Million, a form of Braniac that has obtained technology from Perpetua which lets him bottle Hypertime and assimilate technology from countless civilisations (yeah basically Snyder's powering him up back to Convergence level without referencing Convergence), is somehow figuring out how to pilot the League's white dwarf ship in the time they're fighting and losing then using it to gather and transport /every Justice League and hero/ he could find to go punch this god-machine in the face.

Make of that what you will.

I think like Araki, Snyder just assumes you can fly if you're important enough to be in a dramatic action scene.

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Desu Monty isn't really a good character to wank. He nearly died from being punched in the back by Supergirl, for pete's sake. And DID die from multiple Supermen teaming up on him.

He can still kill Gurren Lagann and friends.

Dear god Snyder's shit is going to age like milk. It's going to be looked back on as one of "those" runs.

It already is