This guy was cooler than Superman

Attached: Colonel Hardy.jpg (400x400, 131.67K)

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Duh. It’s Stabler.

Almost everything in this movie was cooler than Superman, even this Chairforce guy with the letter opener.

>You like invadin' planets, tough guy? Huh? You like terraforming? Why don't I terraform your face into mush, you Kryptonian son of a bitch?! I GOT A 12-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER!

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Imagine him meeting Shazam and thinking he’s a pedophile

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wow so heckin based. I wonder why he's not on tv actual people watch?

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They should have just made him Superman, than Snyder could have the movies just be him killing pedophiles all day.

There's an incredibly slim chance that the female he is pointing his short phallic shaped weapon is simultaneously violent enough to kill him but hypocritical enough not respect him for doing his duty with extreme valor.
Just that stance alone, and the fact that he was not wildly attacking her like an idiot said more to her base-value-stack than a hundred words from Zod. She's a follower. She will regret for all eternity not getting some of that suicidal courage dick.

Easy. His lawyer's here so play nice.

Attached: Doanld_Cragen.jpg (220x317, 12.81K)

The way she went from gloating and smirking at him as she massacred his men, to drawing her own knife to do him the honor of killing him with his chosen weapon shows that his act of hopeless defiance actually made a pretty big impression on her. In the span of a minute she went from acting like a sadistic cat toying with a mouse to feeling like he deserves a respectable death.

She was toying with him too.

Define "actual people". Because SVU is on its 21st season with three more on the way.

I miss Stabler. Just not the same without him. Carisi is okay I guess

I miss the Munch

I like Meloni in Happy. It's like he's born to be an insane person.

Finally someone fucking gets this

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Yeah, he was fun in that

Man, I only watched SVU for Stabler, Munch, and Cragen. Somewhere down the line Stabler wasn't in the show and I completely dropped it. Did he ever come back?


Does US army had an agreement that only US force to fight the aliens?
Realistically Chinese or indian Navy should have went to indian ocean to stop the machine on other end . But only superman was there .

Me too. The show dramatically changed after he left. What was akin to a gritty 80s cop movie turned into something that could be compared to NCIS. The Stabler era would never do a Zoe Quinn episode.

Realistically USA would bother to fight because India and China would just chill in their own countries

>Okay gang this week we’re taking down a corrupt small town horse trainer
>also I’m an alcoholic again
>wait until next week when we go back against the evil insurance world group
>I’m not an alcoholic again

It varies on the time. OG L&O is like watching Mad Bill’s interpretation of Chicago. And every bartender in New York remembers every customer ever.

I only watched svu. I tried regular law and order but I'm not into court room dramas as much. I prefer cop procedurals.

>The Stabler era would never do a Zoe Quinn episode
We did get this masterpiece out of it

You underestimate their navy presence man .

No. The showrunners said that he will come back for the final episode, whenever that is.

>Stabler's daughter is raped and he finally goes full Death Wish on the pedos

Could be kino.

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Superman crossover with Happy when?!

This actor kicks sooo much ass.

Remember that episode where he helps a guy find his kid and the guy goes to jail in the end to give his daughter a better life? Love that one

Typical white cop who beat up everyone

This is now a Meloni appreciation thread

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Just pedophiles

You know he could have fucked this.

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Meloni ranked:

Stabler > Surviving Jack > Jonas/Gene from Wet Hot > Happy > Stabler as U.S. Army Man in Man of Steel > Chris Keller > the voice of Spike from Dinosaurs

Funny how he voiced a deranged version of Gordon

He also played Hal Jordan in an animated movie

What about rapist Gordon?

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So he’s still alive and trapped in the Phantom Zone, right?

he's the Stargate reboot movie we'll never get because of that fuckawful mess the shows degenerated into

Attached: typical Stargate episode.png (1920x1080, 1.13M)

>You make them call you Captain Sparkle fingers you sick son of a bitch!

He'd have won if he'd had his Chewties.

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I'm sorry, why are you listing reasons I loved that show? Ford's wildly shifting reliability/alcoholism made it obvious they only stuck together for the family aspect. Also the fact they're running grifts made the diverse enemies make sense for once, it doesnt matter if the evil insurance world group or the horse fucker found them out, a con's a con, you go to jail. God I loved Leverage.

Also, do insurance companies actually have investigators that get to act like PIs Sterling and Ford?

Is Criminal Minds okay, I keep getting recommenced it on Netflix

It still makes me mad that Lois failed at her one job, which was to push the button on the Kryptonian mystery box, and as a reward for her failure she gets to be rescued by Superman while everyone else on the plane gets torn to pieces.

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To be fair, plot contrivances kept her from pushing that button.

>living forever to be a human love slave to the Great General Faora
There are worse ways to live your life.

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I've been here too long I can't tell what's real and what's meme incarnate

Loved him in Scrubs.

A good death is its own reward.

Even if it’s just a little one.

Legit the best part of man of steel was that humans read: this one guy, but still, outgunned and outclassed, were still not only useful, but critical in superman's defeat of zod and his forces. Hell, Hardy alone has a kryptonian kill count of like 4 or 5 or however many were on that prison ship. Good or bad movie, I fucking love hfy shit, and even if dc has put out better movies since, this will always be my favorite moment.

I was certain he would be DC's equivalent of Coulson.

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