Character has something bad happen to them

>Character has something bad happen to them
>Tearjerker Moment

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Other urls found in this thread:!EnhT1AbJ!DezvV-B0365MlNXDA2XGBg

Post nightmare fuel.

Here ya go! Bless the archive.

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New meme?

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>Infinity Train's YMMV page
>Half of it is calling one of the characters a lesbian/non-binary

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Don't look surprised!EnhT1AbJ!DezvV-B0365MlNXDA2XGBg

Why are trannies so desperate to make everything about them?

>trope pantheons

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>Characters spend any amount of time together

>Characters do everything in their power to avoid each other

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like trans rights.

take a wild guess.
the autism singularity is too much to handle

Probably the one reason I find shippers batshit insane.
Heck, the whole Klance debuckle showed it at its worse.

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I am less bothered by the tranny bullshit and more bother by how confused they are about the fucking Animatrix of all things.
It reminds me of those weebs who can't understand the ending to any Gainax show.

Poor Lake.
You dress like an 80's punk chick one time to lay low from the cops and you get labeled a nonbinary transgender lesbian.
I like the Tulip being mildly autistic theory though. That one works.

Unwarranted self importance

Which reminds me, pic related

Also what the fuck is up with their obsession with Malaysia?

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Also wishful thinking the list

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>Metal Slug
I'm sad. This is the one that stands out the most to me.

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What was that one show that had a really really really long absolutely useless article on some fan wiki?

They had to change "High Octane Nightmare Fuel" to just "Nightmare Fuel" because people were just adding anything they found scary

Same. I am really bummed out that they never capitalized on it since I love when Japan goes cartoony.

NOW i get it, the absolute hate Yas Forums has for tv tropes.
You don't hate the website itself, it's that it doesn't live up to the idea behind it. You WANT a tvtropes, but feel like the wikipedia-ish method of how it works is ruining it.

Tv tropes, know your meme, ED, and other similar websites only encourage newfags and discourage lurking.

But doesn't tv tropes help in that regard? By reading shit on tvtropes, they won't annoy other people with questions.

Kind of. It's about the approach that a lot of users take when they feel they must catalog even the most insignificant things just because they feel like it.

>old piece of media is not politically correct or doesnt align with the person's beliefs
>Values Dissonance

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They've had a long time to make one. They even had an interesting story with each game like the mars people and the 6 aliens. And yet the most recent thing they did with the series was a mobile game a few years back.

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>Possible gay/trans character appears and is not a punchline? A female character is badass and empowered? A fully developed minority appears? An "incel" gets called out? A macho character is a villain?
>Values Resonance

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I still remember that time I saw Mr. Krabs in the Complete Monster trope.

>Deleting Five Bad Band
I know that most of the examples were bogus, but this was the moment I got off the ride.

Essentially. They've made strides to make the listings less lingo-intensive, but the modern userbase takes itself so seriously it's actually MORE cringe-inducing than back when TroperTales was still a thing.

Absolutely this. They can't separate their worldviews from anything. They constantly act like shows from decades ago should conform to modern standards without any self-awareness towards their own sensitivities.

Today I will remind them

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>fan-preferred ship: some gay pairing of your favorite character with some irrelevant twink
>subsection: 2nd place goes to a lesbian pairing of two characters who had like 5 minutes of interaction

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Narcissism, essentially

Kill yourself Facebook Frog.

>Drinking game

They definitely are alt-leftists. Trust me, I'm a former troper myself who got permanently banned for calling them out on their beliefs.

It's also funny that they also shove these pro-SJW themes into the "Values" tropes, as I've also seen them criticising Female on Male double standards on the same pages. AND they've silenced ANY kind of Trump discussion (which in my books is a rare positive they've done).

The former was for intentionally scary things, while the latter was for probably unintentionally scary things, but most people didn't bother to learn the difference.

I still remember that time I saw The Big Bang Theory's version of Wil Wheaton in the Complete Monster trope.

I don't know about you, but I think that maybe we (especially those banned for not supporting their views) should start up our own website, which would be very much like TV Tropes except much more Centrist/Libertarian than Alt-Left. I think we should name it "Rational Tropes".

I know this is bait but I want to tell you how retarded that is, just in case somebody gets the idea.

>tvtropes but with even more fixation on trannies

Err . . . what?

>it's really bad that this website became so focused on identity politics
>so we should create another website that's the same shit but even more rooted in identity politics

I never meant it like that.

>we should create a Centrist/Libertarian tv tropes alternative and call it "Rational Tropes"
If you didn't mean it like that then what else could this mean

Basically, it would refuse to associate with the Alt-Left and Alt-Right, and calling it "Rational Tropes" is just to be a giant middle finger to TV Tropes.

>calling it "Rational Tropes" is just to be a giant middle finger to TV Tropes
You're not getting it

Okay, what do you think would be a better name?

I have another name idea - “Logical Tropes”.

>it's another "Yas Forums makes fun of other websites" thread

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> “I’m gonna make my own Trope website! With blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the website!”

>Main character does anything
>Awesome moment

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Centralizing the entire core of your fucking trope cataloguing website on othering due to political differences is about as misguided as it possibly gets.

explained the issue better than I could lol

ED was lead by a neo-nazi (Auernheimer INB4 he was just pretending .Fuck off,no one tatoo a swatiska on his chest for the "lulz") TV Tropes isnt

Someoeone post parts of it. It's an autism golmine.

>Character is alittle ayylmao and spoopy
>Eldritch Abomination

The Woobie and it's sub tropes: Character X from Show Y is the most poorest guy ever. And if you don't feel sorry for them one little bit, then you're a heartless asshole.

As if everyone must still cry their tears out for one of the characters, even if they don't like the show that Character X came from.

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>Kaede Fuyou is Goddess of Yandere
>Yuno Gasai kills her and takes up her title
>both of their anime adaptations had the same staff
The only good thing to come out of Pantheon autism in my book.

Black Dude Dies First

>Unfortunate Implications

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Tearjerker moment is when I stub my toe, Funny moment is when you get gangraped to death

Here's something so awful even TV Tropes deleted.

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You do realise the Washcowkis are trans, right?

It seems laughable that the /pol types have so embraced 'Red Pill' when it was a term from a shitty sci-fi trilogy about a bunch of anarchists created by a pair of transsexuals.

Pretty much. They are almost as cringy as they people they call cringy.

>Literally, LITERALLY anything bad happens in a cartoon
>"Harsher in Hindsight: This scene became much more difficult to watch after 9/11"

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I know you two really wanted to have a "gotcha" moment, but they weren't trans when the matrix came out.

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On the pages for Midsommar, they go out of their way to call what is absolutely female-on-male rape "infidelity"

So? Its not like flipping a switch.

>implying there's a difference between Nazis and the far-left

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it's like doing a lot of drugs and getting your brain fucked up by a dominatrix.

>thing happens
>thing doesn't happen
subversion of trope!

Nah, nazis don't fill their surroundings with as much silliness as commies do. After all Hitler's wacky projects were mostly limited to architectural silliness while Mao had stuff like sparrow killing campaigns, Castro had his cow silliness and Nork leaders have found unicorns.

Doug's page has some of the worst things I've ever read on that site, especially those written by the shippers.

Hitler was probably distracted by the hundreds of drugs he was on at literally all times


I've hated shippers since forever precisely because of this shit.

yes it says so right in that screencap you fucking ninny. so?

they are self-destructive broken whirlpools that seek to drag everything and everyone around them into their own misery

RamCHYLD. I remember him well from my animutation days. He's a Malaysian guy who was obsessed with D.W from Arthur and Clifford the dog. He freaked out everyone on the Animutation Mailing List and made at least 2 animutations, which are lost forever.

A new SF cartoon would be fucking amazing.

>Japanese untranslated name for tropes when there are English translations for those terms that TVtropes can easily use on their English speaking site they claim is for English speakers, except for when disgusting weeaboos deem it important to push their anime obsession on readers.

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Bitch they had trans themes as far back as the Matrix itself. Also, pedo avatar.

>some work of fiction from the 60's depicts an airplane accident on any form
>harsher on hindsight because of 9/11

Troper here. We were all ashamed of this.

There are like 25 pages about clone episodes, which makes it a lot harder to find which shows have done that. On top of this, the glad horse show is on every single one, but always prefaced with “SURPRISINGLY SUBVERTED/AVERTED”, because its writing is just that intricate and original.

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Most of the "tropes" on tvtropes aren't tropes, they're just opinions.

My favourite is where they compare Dexter’s Dodgeball to a school shooting.

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This falls flat as a trans allegory because trans women aren't real women. They're literally, impossibly, absolutely never going to be women.

However, the gynoid wasn't arguing she's a real woman, rather a real "person". The whole drama is about sapience and self-preservation. She didn't choose to be a thinking, living thing any more than a person does, and begs to be recognized as "real" not in the sense of legitimacy regarding their physiology, but regarding their presence as a sapient being with thoughts and feelings. She isn't a toaster,she doesn't want to die, she doesn't recognize herself as some commodity to be destroyed.

Trannies don't argue that they have souls, they argue that they're something they physically are not.

IIRC SNK announced a sequel

It's not?

>tfw all the "This Troper" videos got taken down

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God I fucking love TvTropes.

Which is always peak Yas Forums.

So it makes sense to believe they incorporate trans themes into their works.

I mean, there were that Nazi Project called World War 2 that didn't exactly go well for them. At least the commie leaders survive their retardness.

Why's that?

>any character in any story does something unintelligent
>What An Idiot

That guy boasting about breaking pencils in half is still one of the best things I've read there.

Just checked the page and that part got removed a few weeks ago with a sarcastic comment as the reasoning. So I guess even TV Tropes thought that was a stretch.