Questionable Content


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They certainly are going to fuck now

Claire tried conditioner and next thing you know, BOOM, girl.

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Jesus, is that an actual punchline? I didn't think Jeff had it in him.

>for a vagina-haver
why did she just refer to herself as a pussy

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We are approaching peak robutt. Get ready.

Do not read Questionable Content.

Renee just drags the whole page down every time

Almost not terrible, remove the humans and it's golden.

Yeah, but I just had an idea for ditzdom Beeps and mindbroken toy slut Renee and I'm kinda liking it.


Last thing I want think about when I've got two hot robots on the page is Renee slamming her unshowered hairy flaps with a giant rubber dong.

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New clinton is cute and ready to take elliot's monster cock

But is Elliot ready to take Clinton's massive cyberdong?

But then how would we read it?

where is this comic even going anymore?
I'm honestly amazed it's still around

The horror.
The horror.

SoL never goes anywhere, that's why it goes on forever.

if that classifies as a joke, the bar for humor must be subterranean

>what's the best kind
I assume she doesn't shove them up her robo twat, she probably just bends, microwaves, twists, freezes, and otherwise fucks with them to see how durable they are and whether they're safe for people to use.

I mean, I didn't laugh. But it certainly has the structure of a joke, which is more than can be said of his usual fare.

Stop pretending you read QC for anything other than the titillation of socially awkward people and robots maybe banging.

Pretending? I'm one bored day away from starting to write QC smut.

Get one of those clit sucking vibrators. It'll blow your vagina-having mind.

you mean like one of these?

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Stopped following ever since the tranny scene. What’s this fucker up to these days?

Sexy robots.

Ah fuel... as in energy and outgoingness

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>Beeps will never aggressively proposition you while pulling her shirt over her head only for her shirt to get stuck
>she will never try to pretend that everything is okay and keep dirty talking while struggling until she finally has to ask you for help

You mean Women?

Men can have vaginas too, you sexist incel

Why are women such coomers

Needs more Roko.

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I'm waiting for Roko's monetary situation to get desperate and she starts stripping.

>asking for a friend, who is me
Jesus fucking Christ, Jeph! Leave the house, go for a walk, sit in a cafe, whatever - just listen to how actual humans talk out in the real world!

Yeah, sometimes I think he just lives in complete isolation and can only see the world through his monitor. There's no way someone can be this out of touch otherwise.

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I've definitely heard people talk like that though. Not for long though because fuck anyone who does.

You have to say vagina-haver because implying only women have vaginas is transphobic

Maybe we should come up with another term to describe biological females. Since vaginas can apparently be installed now, all we need do is focus on something else... like the womb.
From this, we could call biological females womben.

ive been doing that for a month, only leaving to go to the grocery store and gym, and even i dont talk like this

i always knew it would come to this point, the woke crowd realizing that having words for "people with vaginas" and "people with dicks" is actually pretty useful. soon we'll come up with a PC shorthand for both. hopefully we don't get locked a cycle of coming up with new terms for normal but it may already be too late.

I haven't been to these threads in years, is editfag prime still ded?

I haven't been to these threads in years either. I thought Editfag Prime died/disappeared years ago?

This comic is terrible.

A room with four girls talking about sex toys would normally turn me on. But this is qc so, meh.



Where is this from?

I’ve been wondering for a bit now: does the “AI nonprofit” have a name or anything?

I don’t think they get too upset when you say cisgendered male or cisgendered female when speaking about normal people.

I think someday soon AMAB and AFAB won’t be useful for identifying which set of genitals someone has as people begin to assign their infants trans at birth, or refuse to assign them gender at all.

So how do you guys think Renee and the two robots are going to leave the house so that Clinton and Elliot can have a threesome with Brun? Should they go have their own orgy in a different apartment downstairs?

Cmon this is just coombait at this point.

...annnd my penis is actually a .50 cal antimateriel rile. 'Cos I identified it as such. Shush, bigot!

Easy, Beeps will take the Rene and butt-bot to try out the new line of sex toys. you can thank me later Mc Handstab (since it's obvious you're looking for ideas)

It just needs to happen, desu. Elliot needs to wreck Clinton and Brun with his giant cock and leave them walking funny for a few months of panels so we can get plenty of jokes out of it, because it's hot senpai.

So men would be Prostaten?

Can it be?
Was it truly the same man who wrote this guest page for Dr McNinja?

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>Maybe we should come up with another term to describe biological females.
Or, and hear me out here, we can call biological women women, and biological men men.

>b-b-b-b-b-but muh intersex
Yes, the fraction of a fraction of a percent of the population that are born intersexed will require special consideration, but the hordes of post 3rd wave indoctrinated mentally ill can just be given the psychological and psychiatric assistance they need and we can all move on as a society.

this faggot just creates new characters to string his readers along on another will they/won't they story for over a year, and you idiots keep on reading it

I read three webcomics knowing full well that they're all time wasters to some degree. They're just part of my morning coffee routine.

Jesus Christ, he doesn't want to give her head and he's so fucking weak that one twitch of his ladies legs and he goes flying backwards? I hope she finds a better man.

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Are we just going to pretend that this guy wasn’t the most badass supervillain in existence?

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Hate gays and robots even more now

When did Claire get so cute

Claire was always cute, that's Clinton - whose attractiveness varies depending on how Jeph is experimenting with his artwork.

Not sure if intentionally ignoring the joke, or the first one genuinely wasn't joking, or the second one genuinely didn't realize the first was joking...

I blame eph for ruining my ability to recognize what is a joke

Fourth option: I was making a joke.

Fifth option: we are on Yas Forums