Post Yas Forums characters getting absolutely BTFO

Post Yas Forums characters getting absolutely BTFO

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The absolute ego on this lad
The fucker even knows magic hurts him

>implying Clark somehow didn't immediately recognize a magical weapon, since it's one of the few things that can actually hurt him
>hell, implying Diana did recognize the magical weapon, given that she deals with that shit on the regular
Is this that He-Man/Justice League crossover? Because if so, this is why crossovers are shit and need to die in a fire.

If not, well, then it's just bad writing, I guess.

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that was such a good fucking issue

Never read it but isn't it an Injustice crossover? I could totally God Emperor getting cocky.

... I fucking hate crossovers.

Mainline Justice League from the New 52. Not that i blame you guys for mixing it up with INJUSTICE.

No I think that's the regular cross over. The injustice/he-man was a different one


Remind me how the fuck that edgy loser got beat if it wasn't by fucking Ion

Got exploded into another universe

To remind powerlevel fags that He-Man is an alpha boss that doesn't fuck around

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if I remember correctly that wasn't the real superman

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Oh it gets worse. Later in the story, he actually kills the Anti-Monitor. Yes, really. Prime only gets defeated when a bunch of Guardians show up and teleport him to the future, where he goes on to be the big bad of Legion of Three Worlds.

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Anti-Monitor didn’t die, he just got beat up and turned into the Central Power Battery for the Black Lanterns

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I miss the thot sivana

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Babs took a wrong step here. Glad she understood that, even if it hurt at the moment.

It looks a great deal like her buttcrack is showing.

Sodam Yat, the host of Ion got lead poisoning after being impaled by lead rods. Which honestly shouldn't had happen since the forcefield from the Green Lantern Power Ring and Ion should had protected him.

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This always cracks me up because Johns had just hyped him up as becoming the GREATEST GREEN LANTERN EVER !!11!!!!1! But in true Johns fashion, its just empty words and meaningless hype, and Sodam Yat just gets completely fucked up by Bitchboy Prime.

Technically it was Moore who did that

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>Mad that Kyle had Ion ripped out of him by Sinestro to replicate Hal's downfall
>Sodam eventually gets it to power up
>He jobs and never recovers from it

Really dodged a bullet there.

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Based Guy

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yes it is
Constantine was in it too

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Guy is God

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that's how crossover and elseworlds tend to be especially when bullshit overpowered characters like superman are part of it. He just... let his guard down, didn't know the sword was magic, etc... if you think this is stupid don't read DCeased

Except for the fact that He-man is canonly more powerful than Superman.

Hahaha why didn’t Wonder Woman just immediately catch her

this never happened

Reminder that EVERY Guy VS Sinestro story is better than any Hal VS Sinestro story.

Welcome to DC Rebirth era.
It happened, it's cannon, you can't do anything about it.

dropped the book after this issue
tho i liked the fact they made Superman center of DCU

I find it funny that after Yas Forums told me Volthoom is this ultra-universe remaking unstoppable force, reading the actual issue he got BTFO back into a nearly normal human by the mere touch of black lantern energy from Hal. Nekron axing him wasn’t a contribution, it was just the coup de grace. Also,

>Someone lived up to their Johns hype for once
>It was fucking Grail

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Because He-man is stronger than Superman.

rolf in the background gets me every fucking time

this reeks of tom king. tell me i'm wrong. tell me i haven't learned to recognize a writer by their specific flavor of bullshit. dear god, please.

You are, unfortunately, completely correct. Heroes in Crisis is a hot mess.

This, honestly.

He-man's setting is full of "Supermen" and He-man is a Superman's Superman. It's not even fair to bring him in to a crossover.

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God this looks like some weird mexican fetish fan art.

Actually all Justice League was possessed by demons that Skeletor used against them, in order to brainwashed them. So Diana was under Skeletor's controll, and second this is a magical clone of Superman created by Skeletor, not the real Superman. But at any case, Superman, could never defeat a magical alpha male like He-Man.

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>When she finds out it's not a what if and she's stuck as Mrs. Luthor until the next reboot.

So satisfying to see thots getting BTFO

I just read this the other day, based Guy

Did he go to hub city?

Didn't know Starslut was such a cunt

I really enjoyed seeing all those girls get cucked.

For anyone who wants to get it, theres a lot of that in emma frosts backstory comic and a lot in xmen in general

Everybody talks about the headlock but nobody brings up that everyone got to slap Norrin in the face in that fight

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Johns hated the concept of ion since it made Hal less special

That doesn’t really make any sense seeing as how Kyle originally only got that power from absorbing Hal’s leftovers

Is John the same faggot that gave Hal the Will Ring and Will Form?

That was Verditti

No, that was Venditti. Johns run was long over by that time. Read more comics.

Dunno how he could claim this and then go ahead and make the rainbow corps.

>The fucker even knows magic hurts him
B-But muh kryptonian physiology

Technically not superman, just another fake out clone thing. So he can probably be forgiven for not knowing about the magic thing.

>muh lifting infinity
>muh containing black hole
>muh destroying Forager’s hammer

Superman is literally the product of "that" kid growing up and getting to write for him, amazing how they managed to kill his character

>she must have been very chilly posing for it
What does this even mean?

her nipples were hard

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thats good but nothing is more cathartic than thor opening a can of asgardian butt kick on tony

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as an Euro, Daisy being BTFO is what I live for, fuck that thot

this is less btfo and more wholesome if you know that bruce absolutely loves zorro

God I love Thor!

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Superman fought Death stroke when he had a sword for slaying gods and just uses superspeed to end the fight no contest but you can't have characters like the Flash or Superman subduing characters before the other guy raises a finger or else there would be no story 99% of the time

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>>implying Clark somehow didn't immediately recognize a magical weapon, since it's one of the few things that can actually hurt him
>>hell, implying Diana did recognize the magical weapon, given that she deals with that shit on the regular
But they did.....
Why did user lied like that?

pretty good, but Peter turns it around quickly and Kingpin is the one BTFO.

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Damn, Marcy. You got down syndrome so bad you got up, left, and right syndrome too!

And then Kingpin got his ass handed to him on a silver platter.

Nice filename.

This is the sort of thing Deathstroke deserves, like the Punisher other much more powerful characters are forced to job to him way too often and blatantly to have him be a threat.

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To be fair, Superman can't subdue He-Man that easily. It's been established for decades that He-Man is in the ssme strength tier as Superman.
And not "I'm holding back" Superman, but full on max strength Superman. He-Man is called "The strongest man in the universe" for a reason.

ew gross

Can you stop being a Mary sue for 5 panel, T'Challa?

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If anything, that bald fat fucker was Peter's little bitch

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he calls spider a "girl", i notice "her" ass. what is this?

MC2 I think

Why is Van Halen crudely MSPainted on Starfires blouse ?

Is this somehow not the same story where Pete threatens to fill Fisks lungs with webbing ?

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>Its a Bruce and Clark switch spots episode

These are great.

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Let me guess, another Doombot.

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... Dude, Bruces' rentals were killed the night they SAW Zorro

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That's dumb.

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This was so fucking stupid

I KNEW IT!!!... but didn't want it to be true... cause its meh

for such a groundbreaking, serious story it had a load of goofy shit
I always lose it when I see the Khomeini panel as well

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To be fair Sodam Yat was a shit Ion at a disadvantage. If that was Kyle Prime would have lost

Is sentry the ultimate jobber of all history in comics?


Sentry should never have existed in the Marvel universe, he should have just had that one artsy story and then never been mentioned again.

Kinda. Safe for when he is the main character, he will maximum job. That's what happens when a hero stronger than the silver surfer is introduced on earth

Marvel didn't need yet another fucking superman knockoff (but this time HE'S CRAZY!)

You forgot they had a lil' bit of super saiyen.
Yeah, the 2000's were a special decade

Not really. He was just blonde.

Which means he died. But death doesn't mean the same to him it does to ordinary mortals.

This means the Anti-Monitor must have been weakened (which he was) since Prime barely fazed him at the end of COIE.

Unless... was the Anti-Monitor dialed back, just like Superman was, due to it not being the Silver Age anymore?

Well, Nekron wasn’t able to control him like he could the others so there’s that. Also Anti-Monitor was pretty fresh during Sinestro Corps War as he was reborn with the Multiverse and lost all his juice

How can that be? Can He-Man heft an entire planet?

She wasn't. Kory doesn't have it in her to do this deliberately.

Don't forget she's Tamaranian. Stuff works differently.

I don't know, I didn't mind that. That happened because he wielded Krona's gauntlet, and it is meet that that has consequences. Otherwise it would be wayyyy too OP a device.

Sure, why not? Everybody gets to piss all over Tony.

But I can wait. The pendulum swings.

The moon and the Sword Of Power is just hella strong

Who's the big blonde guy?