"Bart, you're the closest thing to a man in my life and that's so depressing I think I'm going to cry."

"Bart, you're the closest thing to a man in my life and that's so depressing I think I'm going to cry."

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OP, if you wanted a /ss/ thread, why didn't you just ask?

Why is Bart so awesome?

She's cute

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Nothing depressing about that. Bart's the manliest boy in Springfield.

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So is she too good for Moe or didn't think to hit him up?

Doesn't Bart have a fat butt?

Literally everyone is too good for Moe.

Just more of him to love.

how is a reasonably attractive and willing to put out woman like her unable to find a man?

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Those bags under her eyes are weirdly cute. Wonder why I love them.

Probably her personality, either that or her being the town bicycle

You like older women.


As a kid, I knew that statement was sad but I didn't fully appreciate it.
I recently rewatched it as an adult and it was soul-crushing.
That entire episode is fucking heartbreaking.
Also, I know this has been done to death but:
Classic Simpsons has so much soul and depth in comparison to today's schlock.

I miss her.

The dark vibe of many early episodes was really mostly due to James L. Brooks because he loves his dark melodrama (he first became interested in Matt Groening after seeing the LiH 'Life in L.A.' strip). After he phased out his active involvement in the show, the writing became a lot sillier.

That ...explains a lot, thanks.
I don't know much about the back end of the simpsons.

Brooks also suggested the idea for Homer's Triple Bypass but none of the writers wanted to deal with a plot that dark so it was farmed out to some freelancer guy.

Was that the "Ways You Can Die in LA" thing? Yeah I remember that one.

>Ways you can die in LA
>Get shot
>Get shot by police
>Car accident

They make her seem kind of tired an vulnerable.

It was both things but they were from disguising her lack of self-esteem.

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You only get one chance with Edna Krabappel. Maybe Moe already blew it.

One episode I couldn't fully apprciate as a kid was Marge Be Not Proud.
Watching it now, that scene where Bart tries to cover the TV and just confess to Marge that he stole the game so she wouldn't have to see the video, only for it to be playing on every other screen in the store puts a knot in my stomach.



She fucked everyone in the city and dumped the men who had a relationship with her

Same, that episode fucking destroys me

If you want to get technical, she didn't dump Ned.


she tried to pick up Homer in Flaming Moe's and didn't even care that he was married

Wasn't this the episode where he starts crying about it? Shit, I forgot how bad I felt with that.

If you watched the last 2-3 seasons before Marcia died, she sounded really bad, like she couldn't breath. You could tell something was definitely wrong there.

When Marge stops doing a bunch of "mom" stuff for him like adding marshmallows to his hot chocolate, it just breaks me.

What would happen if Edna was Bart’s mom instead of Marge?

There was also that episode where Homer introduces her to an older Bart and she immediately wanted to fuck.

Doesn't he end up making a giant bloated marshmallow and eating it like a slice of cake? Part of growing up is that you figure out how to do cool shit like that when your parents stop doing stuff for you.

>Yikes: The Post

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All women naturally tie themselves to some man to serve as their master. In childhood it is the father, in maidenhood her lover, in old age her priest.

To normal guys who aren’t thirsty Yas Forums incels who’d take anybody, women past age 25 just aren’t that attractive

cutoff for white women is like 22, for black women it's 36 and for asians it's about 45.

Yeah. She looks so sweet and I kinda wanna tuck her in

Haha no. Christmas cake is a thing in Asia.

yeah but no one gives a fuck what asian men think since they're disqualified from the start.

i'm sorry but bart belongs to his mom

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They used up all the mini marshmallows before Bart got there, and so he's stuck doing that. He didn't seem happy when he was eating it.

A boy of Bart's caliber should not be limited to a single woman.

Most men are asian, dummy

and they're all ineligible to breed, dummy.


If most men are Asian, why can't I find 'em and fuck 'em?

Sneed's Seed

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Asians have 3 genders, women, worker drones, and traps.

bart x krabapel instant loss 2 koma mating press when?

who draws these?

people who really like off model simpsons porn

which is the only kind of simpson porn who's worth anything

nah, sfan, apostle (RIP), and nikisupostat have proven you can do it on model and make it work

also, I'm not even interested specifically on his simpsons porn. Whatever other stuff he has that caters to my...tastes..is fair game

anyway, it's some guy called ngmi

knock yourselves out

no change, the incest would continue

Homer is such a cuck

Yes she was[/spoiled]

He has only his own genes to blame. He attracts hot women like flies, and Bart’s even more powerful in that department.

I'm calling the police.

Well he needs to get firmly reacquainted with the show's writing room.


The animators were too happy to make this sexy if she's supposed to be repulsive.

at least he can pick good wife material
I would mating press marge all day

The point of that scene was that when his mom didn't do it for him, it turned out wrong, not "hell yeah giant marshmallow"

I always thought that too. What makes it even more strange is that Homer found Krabappel attractive when he saw her in this photo.

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That is completely untrue, but whatever you say weeb.

because she's not lisa

After rewatching season 2 recently can see why it doesn't get included in the "golden age" of seasons 3-8 but absolutely not because it's bad, but dark as fuck for something people were tuning into for a laugh. And not dark in a morbid "death and abuse" kind of way, just in the whiplash to reality it can take out of nowhere.
>"Bart Gets an F" where Bart just breaks down after failing a test he actually studied for.
>Mr. Bergstrom's quote to Lisa as he leaves Springfield "That's the problem with being middle class. Anyone who really cares will abandon you for those who need it more."
>"Simpsons and Delilah" where Homer's life drastically improves when he gets his hair back. Episode frames it with the message that it's not the hair, but his confidence making the difference. He loses the hair but keeps the confidence, but everyone just judges him by his appearance and his life goes back to shit again.

It really feels like Greoning's and Brooks' unfiltered vision for the show. I say it unironically that it was ahead of its time in a way that people would watch the shit out of this now more than ever if it came out today just based on how people were eating up the depressed horse show this past decade.

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remember that time homer was literally going to commit suicide

>"Simpsons and Delilah"
Also featuring a gay who's likable and admirable instead of an obnoxious chauvinist.

What? Cutoff for black women is at 0 cause they are all nasty pavement apes.

Not Mahmapuu.

you can feel they were channeling the Life in Hell strip in those seasons.

It's less 'she's ugly!' then 'that's wildly, totally inappropriate!'. She's doing a burlesque show. It's funny.

What do you make of the instant turnaround in the Bart test scene, though? With some element of mere pity, Krandell bumps up his score and it ends on a "ugh I kissed a TEACHER" joke.

what they did to maud last season during the treehouse special was fucking brutal. I was legit speechless
you are lucky if you dont know what im talking about, fuck having respect for dead characters, it was worse than pedophile cheff

she is above average attractive for her age just by not being fat and being curvy in the right wayproblem being that yougenr guys look for younger women and lder guys are either married or divorced with no intenttion of ever geting remarried
remember the simpsons first aired 30 years ago, this was a thing even more than today

it was competing with fucking alf when it first aired

god i love her

it helps but this still is a bittersweet moment that is defining the hardships that is life. He didn't pass by hard work, he passed by nepotism for lack of a better word.

>Attractive promiscuous single teacher remains single for 20 years
Only in cartoon land.

I think it was a copout It cheapened the message and personally I don't like it, but as mentioned, people were tuning into Simpsons for laughter. At the end of the day, it's a comedy and that's what they wanted to prioritize.
And I can't blame them because the following seasons got sillier and it was a massive success. So what do I know?

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Groening and Brooks vision for the show was really dark and sadistic compared to horse show. Season 1-3 Homer was a genuinely awful person trying to scheme and scam money at every turn along with being a mostly terrible father. Marge being on the verge on a perpetual breakdown and Lisa's fragility was played for laughs frequently (The way they play Lisa mourning her dead cat in a poem and Homer not wanting to hear it super dark in hindsight). Bart intentionally breaks his best friend's heart because he was jealous of the attention Milhouse gave his new girlfriend. Dog Of Death is an incredibly hard episode to watch just for how cruel the family gets after the surgery. It's kind of amazing the show became a huge success at the time because the first three seasons were sometimes unpleasant. But then they had a huge change in writing staff as a lot of them left after season 3 and a practically skeleton crew did season 4 (Which is almost impossible to believe considering it was the biggest show in America at the time), including hiring freelancers to do Homer's Triple Bypass. Which might have lead to the way more comedic tone in seasons 4-8 where they could do a darker episode with heavy themes like Last Exit To Springfield but still pull it off with a lot of comedy. Season 4 really seems to be the season they found their creative voice (And Season 10 is where they lost it)

He produced and wrote a short in 2012 about Maggie called "The Longest Daycare" that got nominated for best Animated short at the Oscars and called it quits on the Simpsons and TV production for good and retired after (He produced a live action romantic comedy in 2016 but that was the only exception).

I told him that picture would come back to haunt him.