JSA Storytime: L.E.G.I.O.N

Good evening owls/robofuckers,

Vril might be less dead now

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Other urls found in this thread:




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yes, Vril got raped and murdered and lived to tell the tale. who gets to say that?

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-003.jpg (1976x3038, 1.98M)

Apparently Ellis' Wildstorm is confirmed dead now

Omnibus collection....WHEN?

F, but oh well

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-004.jpg (1976x3038, 1.72M)

Hello, Storyteller.

It feels as though L.E.G.I.O.N is one of the rare few times the dark and edgy superhero thing actually ended up working. Compare this book with its Liefeldian contemporaries, and the contrast is staggering. It's almost like effort is important or something.


I think it's because this is also legitimately funny

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Fighting to save the life of the guy you nearly killed? Touching.

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She really didn't MEAN to kill him (this will come up later as leverage in their arguments)

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I always wanted Carol Ferris to join L.E.G.I.O.N. because they need a good administrative hand, you see

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-009.jpg (1976x3038, 1.79M)

>Who am I?
A fairly well thought out idea until you got retconned into not making any sense.

Indeed, it does help that the book has a varying tone, and the characters express emotions besides controlled anger.

here we goooo

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Hey OP.

Not to make the thread all Yas Forums, but with Booty Jig out of the race, I feel like I have to say: He was never gonna be President wih a name that hard to parse. Look at the last X number of Presidents. All easy names. Trump. Obama (foreign., but simple!). Bush. Clinton. Bush. Reagan. Carter. Ford. Nixon. Johnson. Kennedy. Eisenhower. You need to go back to the 50s to find someone tricky to spell! Butterjudge never had a chance.

>points at second post

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-011.jpg (1976x3038, 1.8M)

the insurance letter gimmick here is SO Giffen, and I love it

(also previous page, doing PG's intro in 3X3 is also so very Giffen)

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-012.jpg (1976x3038, 2.15M)

Ah finally made it in time.

Imma drop it at that.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-013.jpg (1976x3038, 1.95M)

Carol in general is so underutilzed. She's a shrewd businesswoman who builds planes for a living. Her being in charge of the Star Sapphire Corp should actually go somewhere, but it doesn't.

Hardly surprising. The Wild Storm was pretty crap, after all. Damn shame to see Wildstorm fade away again.

I still enjoy most of it, but holy shit the last 4 issues were trash. Just trash.

Every female comic book character?

Not surprised! The hype on that imposed like a neutron star.

Wild Storm was an exercise in increasing disappointment as it slaughtered people and was just about the fucking Authority in the end, AGAIN.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-014.jpg (1976x3038, 1.82M)

Why would you kill HALF the cast in the last 5 pages?

That's almost Giffen levels of grimy

Oh. Her name is supposed to be read the same as Mrs. Spiderman isn't it?

There's potential in Wildstorm. There was a chance to fit them in the DCU, if they did the New52 right.

oh Lyrissa, you and Vril do have a lot in common

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-015.jpg (1976x3038, 1.7M)

Honestly, the glacial pace killed it for me pretty much right from the jump. I don't have much patience for 26 pages of nothing happening.

I honestly do wonder why the Authority gets the Batman levels of shilling. Not like anyone cares about anyone on that team besides Angela, Midnighter, and Apollo.

Never. Too much of a chance of the Authority competing with the Justice League for fans.
That alone kills it.

The Authority still has a lot of fandom from Ellis/Hitch. I don't get it, but it's there. And they eat literally any and all Wildstorm attention. It makes me madder than Batman shit.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-016.jpg (1976x3038, 2.04M)

>Her being in charge of the Star Sapphire Corp should actually go somewhere, but it doesn't.

Nothing about the Rainbow Corps outside of the Yellows ever really went anywhere. Like, you think the Stat Sapphires were underutilized, just think about the Indigos.

Geoff Johns is pretty great at squandering potential some times.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-017.jpg (1976x3038, 1.45M)

I wouldn't even go Authority, they would be Stormwatch, the UN's answer to the JLA. But that would retcon the JLI out, instead of half assing them in.

I'm more into WildC.AT.S myself.

>was just about the fucking Authority in the end, AGAIN.

Hey, man, sometimes you just gotta run with your bitch basic crypto fascists.

Me too, that's why I'm so pissed about the fucking Authority getting all the screentime

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most people are actually afraid of rolling with them as fascist as they should be, though

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Ugh. I hate that Wildstorm got lumped in with the DCU. One of the things I liked about the Wildstorm universe is that it wasn't as cluttered, it was more consistent in both tone and mechanics. None of the characters or elements clash because they were designed specifically for that setting. It was frankly a better shared universe.

But no, we need to shove it all in to the already overstuffed DCU so that Warblade can be a villain working for Harvest, and Helspont can get randomly killed by Jason Todd. Fuck a whole bag of that shit.


i gave in and bought the Claremont lady fighter pilot novel and a Shockwave figure

how are you all

>Too much of a chance of the Authority competing with the Justice League for fans.

If only Wildstorm were an established universe that had a deep bench of characters that existed for nearly a decade before Gay Batman, Gay Superman, and their semi-omnipotent teammates came on the scene.

I would love if DC made a GL SWAT team. Led by Guy, they would go to various trouble Sectors and be cosmic shit kickers.

shut up and take my money

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-020.jpg (1976x3038, 1.92M)

Not talking 1 to 1 ROLE so much as popularity.
DC as an enterprise exists to wring money out of ancient IPs who are almost entirely dried out of any potential (thanks to status quo).
For example Aquaman. They still persist in publishing Aquaman, and its been a titanic nothingburger narratively for ages. Now we've given him another kid. Oh shit, watch out its stalker Black Manta.
The Aquaman stories just go nowhere. They barely have a reason to exist at all.
Same is true of the Trinity, they can never get them to somewhere from which they can advance narratively, its just a contstant re-arranging of the deck chairs and sailing same course. 20 years from now it will be the exact same stuff, only the mysterious Cosmic Overpower that Threatens All Existence will have changed.

lookat him, he can't believe he actually did it

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-021.jpg (1976x3038, 1.72M)

Nothing about the structure of the Green Lantern Corps makes sense.

That sounds pretty great though.

Good point. And it's weird, the Indigos actually have a solid premise to work with that could lead to interesting stories, but everyone just kinda forgot they exist.

The WildC.A.T.S are great. So is Gen13, some fucking how. I'm still baffled at how consistently solid that book was.


Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-022.jpg (1976x3038, 1.48M)

Thats because its science fiction written by people who saw a movie with spaceships once.

Yeah, I'm still bewildered at the undeniable gap between "Gen13's reputation" and "what we found when we read it ourselves"

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I should've read gen13 instead of hanging in the threads but I still think of it as a fun teen sometimes sexy book

Indeed, even just around it gets solid buzz but further than that...circles just dismiss it

No it's science fiction written when Sputnik was the most advanced example of space exploration widely known about

The worst it ever really got was somewhat boring.

There was some sort of structure with the Honor Guard and Alpha Lanterns(basically Internal Affairs) but that got thrown for the wayside for standard story tropes.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 010-024.jpg (1976x3038, 1.74M)

hey Storytimer, wassup?

Gen 13 is just kawaii echi western comics.

HAI user

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>No it's science fiction written when Sputnik was the most advanced example of space exploration widely known about
That was an excuse half a century ago.
Even recent writers like Johns couldn't create decent sci-fi if his life depended on it. There's a reason there are no "classic" Green Lantern stories known outside of its tight little fan base.

Yeah, but with a set muster strength pf 7200, there's hardly room for any kind of special officers like that. Which is especially nonsensical given that they are policing the entire universe.

Consider, for instance:
>As of fiscal year 2018, the NYPD's current authorized uniformed strength is 38,422.[9] There are also approximately 4,500 auxiliary police officers, 5,000 school safety agents, 2,300 traffic enforcement agents, and 370 traffic enforcement supervisors currently employed by the department.

imo it's a feature not a bug that the GLs make no sense as a space cop corp.

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OP is enjoying Regular Tuesday.

Amending the title to reflect CURRENT YEAR is a strategy Marvel should have considered when they were rebooting every book every three months.

True, but it takes several of them just to choke one cigarette black marketer to death. Then how many to clear those guys, and smooth it over?

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The GLC doesn't even seem to have a proper support staff. It's all ringslingers, which is probably one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of in all of fiction.

Seriously, likeable characters(Caitlin is best girl), a decent premise, solid action, well done ongoing storyline, character development... How the hell did it get the reputation of "teens hanging out at the pool"? They don't even have a pool until halfway through!

Y'know what's one of the most hilarious things about L.E.G.I.O.N? Dox basically gave Lobo a badge. It's as funny as Guy Gardner being regulated by the fucking UN.

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Nothing about Lobo has ever been amusing.

The idea of "classic" "stories" in the format of monthly comic books is entirely artificial anyways, made up to sell reprint issues. Comics are best when they're long runs of continuous plots instead of snappily-named stories you can put on a top ten list somewhere.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-004.jpg (1988x3056, 2.25M)

>Comics are best when they're long runs of continuous plots instead of snappily-named stories you can put on a top ten list somewhere.

cannot support this enough

Yeah but this was back when we were all excited about what year it was and how we were so close to 2000.

Now most people would prefer not to be reminded what year it is and how far away it is from the next millennium.

>They don't even have a pool until halfway through!

Lies. Their La Jolla beach house had a pool. Its where Rainmaker came on to Roxy.

That explains the sexy robot maid in the supporting cast.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-005.jpg (1988x3056, 1.98M)

Does Brainiac Asterisk here end up obliterating Fallon or something? I remember a lot more tribal style to the planet in LOSH era.

There are plenty of short runs/arcs in comics that went on to be influential in the medium.
Absolutely none of them are Green Lantern. Honestly, its a pretty low effort book.
Look at the thin gruel they had to draw from for a big budget motion picture. Decades and decades of Green Lantern to draw from, and they went with "Ok, he crashes from Krypton, then I guess we just go with Parallax?"

A huge stack of Nothing Compelling Whatsoever. I'm sure they got a brief chuckle out of the Star Sapphires and all the yellow villains though.

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Sorry to be a downer, but it really is unacceptable what they did to Vril in No Justice. How do you fuck a character like him? Dude's a classical Byronic hero whose a shithead with noble goals. Not to mention fucking up Vril means they fucked L.E.G.I.O.N as a concept too. A hero for hire PMC is such an easy story hook for the GL books. Much as I rag on Morrison, I'd love to see what he'd do with L.E.G.I.O.N.

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>Absolutely none of them are Green Lantern.

Hard Travelling Heroes.

man i feel like i read a different book i barely remember him in No Justice. maybe i should reread

we're getting 12 more issues of him and Liam on GL

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>How do you fuck a character like him?
Hard and without relent

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I wonder if anyone would join?
>Hey wanna help the GLs? Support the greatest force in the universe!
>How about fuck you and The Guardians!

"The Green Lantern Corps stops existing" is a far overused storyline.

It was most lasting when Kyle was the only Lantern, but even then it was the like third or fourth time they tried that stunt.

this user gets it

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Wowee. Look at those retro ass spacesuits.

No, he was in it, sadly. Made him a whiny little brat, and had him be super evil. Basically, they turned him into Lyrl. Ugh.

>maybe I should reread
Don't. No Justice was overall pretty shit.

True. That's nice at least.

>There'll be no killing today, Creep
*no more

>Let's split up

Does Cairn not have movies? Because grife, Bek, that's how you get dead.

I feel like she'd get killed during one of their perennial brawls.

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Hollywood doesn't have the stones for Hard Traveling Heroes.

the Durlan has an interesting story from here on out

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-013.jpg (1988x3056, 1.61M)

Durlan turned out to be RJ Brande right?

Two things.

1. Stealth, you have no room to talk about silly outfits.

2. Phase's subplot is so fucking frustrating knowing how it ultimately plays out. Like, they're not even trying to hide it in the beginning.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-014.jpg (1988x3056, 2.27M)

Vril, in the right hands would be great for new stories. Have him interact with the likes of Sinestro, Darkseid & Zod.


Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-015.jpg (1988x3056, 2.53M)

SO, if you happen to know some LOSH, you know that, uhhh, this is a very, very bad thing.

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>There's potential in Wildstorm.

Sooo good

Funnily enough, Lobo (possibly).

He was killed and ressurected a few times in the mini-series Lobo's back, and he was (possibly) raped by Bueno Excellente in Hitman/Lobo: That Stupid Bastich.

that's true, Lobo did get Bueno'd

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-017.jpg (1988x3056, 2.57M)

Pashaw. Ancient artifacts of mystical power are always good news, otherwise no one ever wouod ever go dungeon delving.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-018.jpg (1988x3056, 1.97M)

Hey ST! Robofucker here; I hope you've been well. I need to catch up on the last few threads, but I'll get to it!

this one is kiiiiiiiiiiinda cursed

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-019.jpg (1988x3056, 2.1M)

There was that one time Vril almost got a yellow ring, but immediately lost it upon telling Sinestro to suck his emerald cock. L.E.G.I.O.N and the Yellow Lanterns would absolutely be blood rivals for so many reasons.

The group was also mildly involved in the Rann/Thanagar war, but it was wasted potential since that story sucked.

>Too much of a chance of the Authority competing with the Justice League for fans.
Speaking as someone who read both, Authority really wouldn't be much in the way of competition. It's basically Superheroes for people who hate Superheroes. A perfect containment book for annoying ass edgefags and Snyder (Zack not Scott) apologists.

>OP is afraid of curses
It's like you don't even want to get enough XP to own land!

The Smugness League of the Multiverse


Nick Roche posted some quality:


OP is justifiably cautious about relics with weird auras goddammit. Anyway, DETECT ITEM STATUS is necessary for any ADOM character.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-020.jpg (1988x3056, 2.36M)

does anyone remember what happened to the Eye when it was in Supergirl a while back? I cannot remember

yeah, Vril and Sinestro would hate each other completely and absolutely because they are so much alike.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-021.jpg (1988x3056, 2.66M)

L.E.G.I.O.N makes no apologies for being a blatant precursor series, but I think the Emerald Eye of Ekron plot is one of the few times it goes balls deep into its nature as a prequel. The other is in the second R.E.B.E.L.S book with Wildstar.

I wish I was at my PC so I could do something more versatile than this

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Is anybody else worried that Bendis will wind up bringing back L.E.G.I.O.N?

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is great.
I can't help keep looking up small things though. Just finished Act 1. If someone had told me before that (not a plot spoiler) you get infinite respecs after act 1, then I wouldn't have been as curious to look stuff up
>get enough XP to own land!
I also may have killed every hostile NPC in act 1 to max my XP gains.

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-023.jpg (1988x3056, 1.82M)

Please no.
Also, no to REBELS too.

They've already shown up in the background of the "START OF THE UP!" issues of Superman and Supergirl.
Nothing timeline makes sense. Vril has a late costume, but SPOILERS Lyrissa's still around


I gotta go to sleep for my early day, but we'll be back TOMORROW and then SATURDAY, thanks for reading

Attached: L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989-1994) 011-024.jpg (1988x3056, 1.62M)

Thanks for the effort regardless.

Look at that! So many uses!

No. Not really. Becuase I've just given up.

Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.

Between this, and IDW Transformers, why do we seem to love protagonists who are well meaning assholes? Well written anti-heroes are just so compelling.

It's the added breadth of dynamics for me at least. Even in other mediums.

Thanks for running OP.
Dream well.

There's a number of things to compare the two on. They're amoral, but have a set of ethics that they generally follow, value their allies to a degree and cannot stop manipulating people and justifying it to themselves. Biggest difference between them is I'd say Vril is a better father figure.
Same generally goes for Prowl, actually.

That's part of it, especially when each team member has different lines they're willing or unwilling to cross.

>the two have to meet to discuss jurisdiction or some shit
>they instantly recoil in mutual disgust upon meeting
>both somehow immediately know that they're the same, just green/purple


It's not even worth worrying about, because he's GOING to get to absolutely everything he can. That's his goal.

The good news is that because of the incredibly fleeting and short-term nature of this plan, none of it will stick and will all be over quickly.

They've been in the background of his Superman United Planets stuff but I don't think he'd take on the book.

but i'm also the defender of his current Legion stuff so whatever

Really? Got any scans?

Holy fuck bump. Sorry storyteller.

The opening premise of Gen13 was basically Teen Titans/New Mutants in the style of MTV's The Real World tv series.
It's no.2 was a swimsuit issue where the bisexual Psylocke girl fondles that team's Jubilee. The series originally was drawn by J. Scott Campbell, premier pin-up artist of that time. It was pretty highly sexualized but most of the writing wasn't very compelling.
Everything changed when Adam Warren (Ditry Pair and future creator of Empowered) started writing the book.


I blame Castlevania.

It would be a consolation if that was good but it's pretty rubbish as well. I think I only liked the first season.

I enjoyed the cheeky character interactions in season 2 but overall wish the pacing could have been such that more action events actually transpired rather than have an all out boss rush montage 10 minutes before season's end.

The only consolation being that 10 minute boss rush was pretty cool.

From the way they stay in the basement of Belmont's castle and Dracula's castle conveniently arrives in there I'm reminded of that SpongeBob episode when they are waiting in the jungle.
>It's not like Dracula's Castle would fall right out of the sky!
But yeah, those ten minutes were very good.

It is my belief that Alex Milne really improved in MTMTE thanks to the groundwork that Nick Roche laid down in issue 1, including the new cleaner and more expressive character designs and the overall more cartooney style that Roche revels in and Alex adapted his style to. Compare his MTMTE Rung to the pictured Chaos Theory Rung that Milne drew one year before MTMTE started. Back in the Megatron Origin era his artwork was overly detailed and his bots tend to suffer from same-face. He did improve by the time of Chaos Theory, but MTMTE is what catapulted him into my top tier of TF artists.

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Really? I'd have blamed alcoholism and The WildStorm being a Mild Drizzle of storytelling.

That's, hilariously, the case for most of the early Image series. You'll have something conceived by some artist off the Wizard Hot 10 list, usually a high concept that can be summed up as "what if superheroes, but crossed with _____", and predictably it's awful until you have an actual writer come in and fix it.


How much longer till the rape scene?

-2 story times.

I've got some backtracking to do.

Hope you are succesful.

It's weird territory for me because I can see why it's successful as a cartoon but as someone who loves the shitty J-weirdness of the Castlevania games I hate it.

The birth scene is like 100x better my good user.

I blame every Texan in this thread for the state going to Biden.

I can 'excuse' the first season if they wanted to gear it towards normies and make it more accesible. They kept Dracula's and Alucard's designs at least. But by season 2 is clear that ship has long since sailed.

It's just not the same kind of product. I'm fine with that but as someone really into the games it's obviously not exactly what I hoped a cartoon would be. And probably that's even sensible, the games as cartoons would likely be something weird and failing that few people but me would enjoy. They're never making a cartoon for the peeps with $500 Alucard statues or Shanoa back tattoos.

It's like this comic, L.E.G.I.O.N. or even MTMTE. If you're a trve doom murderhead you gotta be grateful when something does turn out to be For You but you can never really expect it to.

Transformers Galaxies #5 storytime:

Hey OP, thanks for sharing these. I'm really enjoying them. There's not enough space stuff in DC; the Green Lanterns are good but I feel like they don't show us enough space society and politics. It was individual criminals and then the different corps.

Milne is so good he can do both Animated and Bayformers.

One of the bigger failings of this series is that it does mostly stick to it's own little corner. There's known alien races, but not a whole lot of interplanetary fuckery.
As for the GLC, they had dwindled down to around six members and were living out of John's apartment.
R.E.B.E.L.S. vol 2 had a lot of interplanetary drama, but the downside is that it followed the rough Rann/Thangar War, Holy War, and Starlin's Mystery in Space.

Ciji was pretty great though.
