ITT: Plots you are sick of seeing

>It's a illness Episode
>Character learns about some fake disease.
>Thinks they are smart to think it's real.
>Starts showing signs of it.
>Thinks theyre gonna die.
>Turns out it's all in their head.

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What a stupid trope. Double D was way too smart to fall for this. You just end up waiting the whole episode for the character to get a fucking clue.

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I liked the pentapox part from that avatar the last ab episode. I think it worked since it was only one element of the episode. It's definitely not funny or interesting enough to center a whole episode around though.

>It's an accusation episode.
>Villain of the week disguises himself as the hero.
>Everyone believes the hero is really committing crimes.
>Hero argues he would never do this.
>Everyone chases the hero angry-mob style until the very end where the villain is caught in the same room/alley as the hero.
>No apology.

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>It's a Halloween episode
>Character thinks monster isn't real
>Monster was actually a fake
>Monster was real and a misunderstanding.
>Monster never shows up again.

As much as I loved Super Mario Sunshine, this plot infuriated me to no end

>it’s a charlie and the chocolate factory spooft
I only truly realized this when American Dad did it but with Jeff in a weed factory with Snoop Dog as Wonka

the delfino people or whatever the hell they are can get fucked

Double D may be smart but keep in mind he’s a very sensitive and neurotic person and intelligence and rationality can be overwhelmed by that

That fine. But, why lesson to Ed & Eddy?

What annoyed me more was that mock trial that lasted like two seconds.

Every Thanksgiving special where they don't want to kill the turkey but instead save it is an automatic snoozer.

At least Family Guy ended up killing the turkey at the end anyways

This and the 'new guy' variant bug me to no end.
>New guy joins the team
>super friendly, skilled or talented everybody gets along with him right off the bat.
>effortlessly builds trust and is generally charismatic or sympathetic
>surpasses everything that the MC does or specializes in.
>is sometimes seen fulfilling all the favorite activities of the other members
>MC becomes jealous or suspicious
>new guy actually is evil, a jerk, etc.
>MC calls him out on it but new guy starts to dial up the charm or sympathy with the other members
>people who've trusted or known the MC for years revile him and accuse him of being a jerk.
>New guy quickly smiles through his crocodile tears at the MC
>New guy continues to frame MC and manipulate the rest of the crew.
>cue shenanigans until the inevitable reveal and the ousting of the new guy
>"sorry we ever doubted you MC' gets said at least once before the ending

This but the episode is about the shocking and completely brand new discovery that the settlers were not friendly to the indigenous people.

in other words
>i dont like good plots
pic related, its you

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Any plot involving the main character lying about their abilities and trying to keep up the facade until their cover is inevitably blown and everyone hates them, only for an unexpected threat to pop up in which the liar steps up to the plate for real and saves the day thus redeeming himself.

See: Chicken Run, El Dorado, Shark Tale

>Character finds out someone doesn't like them
>Spends whole episode being a butt monkey trying to get them to like them in embarrassing and sad ways

Ok boomer.

>New guy joins the team
>super friendly, skilled or talented everybody gets along with him right off the bat.
>effortlessly builds trust and is generally charismatic or sympathetic
>surpasses everything that the MC does or specializes in.
>is sometimes seen fulfilling all the favorite activities of the other members
>MC becomes jealous or suspicious
>MC realizes they're jealous
>Next day, MC apolizes to new guy
>New guy is actually evil

Same fucking movie.

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That's headology for you.

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Evil Superman.
I want to go back to the old Justice League and Justice League Unlimited Superman.
> Only gets called on when shits really bad.
> Is careful not to kill anyone. Including villains.
> Has some semblance of a personality.

Really any sort of relationship drama.

>tfw everytime some creator friend comes to me with an 'Evil Superman' plot for their comic I do everything in my power to shoot it down

I'm so sick and fucking tired of seeing that plot. There's still people who think they're original by doing it and it always goes the same fucking way each time.

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Anything that depends entirely on referencing a literal boomer-era movie, like "It's a wonderful life", or "Fantastic Voyage".
Like, a quick reference or joke it's fine, I guess, but, the whole fucking episode? Almost guaranteed to be a snoozefest.

New Guy. Now that was a meme with a lifespan of a week

>Family member wants the "PERFECT CHRISTMAS"
>the boy (or step parent, cousin, obnoxious friend, or idiot dad) ruins the "PERFECT CHRISTMAS" dinner and almost burns down the house
>Family member that wanted the "PERFECT CHRISTMAS" either breaks down in tears or flys off the fucking handle and yells at everyone
>person that ruined the dinner runs from home
>everyone starts looking for them
>person has to either be saved from some Snow related threat or they come back with a new christmas dinner
>everyone realises the only "PERFECT CHRISTMAS" is spending time with people you love

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Another Christmas one.
>Kid wants a toy or tickets or something
>they do a bunch of chores and odd jobs for neighbours
>one neighbour is a grouchy/creepy/elderly person who the kid avoids or is annoyed by
>Kid ends up making enough for the thing he wants
>parents about to get him the thing when he spies the weird neighbour looking sad and lonely
>Kid decides to give up the thing so he can spend Christmas with the Neighbour
>Neighbour ends up giving the kid the thing he wanted anyway

I swear I havent watched a christmas episode since Arthur when I was 14. They come up so much. With the same shit

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>character has a serious flaw
>acquires thing that negates this flaw
>instantly becomes successful and happy
>thing is somehow destroyed or lost right before the most important moment
>"oh god, what do I do"
>friends tell him he can do it without the thing
>(he can't)
>character fails and instantly loses all his success
>"well, shit, but at least you'll always have us"
>"oh you guys"
>even if the thing is easily replaceable, character never tries this again

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You mean you don't like "It's Superman but he's evil or a dictator or insane or just a giant asshole"?

Evil Superman is fine when it's an entirely different character. But when it's just Red Kryptonite or Cloned or Bizzarro that shit becomes a drag to get through. Smallville had so many of these episodes. And the Flash is doing it with Iris in the Mirror

>Characters has an old thing that's falling apart and not worth keeping
>Other characters complain about how bad old thing is except maybe one person
>They get new thing that's better then old thing
>New thing all of a sudden is to much or has something annoying
>Old thing is now better because of memories
>They get old thing back even if it's now worse then it was and they spent a lot of time/money on new thing.

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Since we’re sharing plots we’re sick of, maybe we could also share plots that we love

I’ll start
>characters get invited to haunted house by mysterious being
>characters show up in full ghostbusting gear
>ghosts try to do the typical horror movie stuff, only to be comedically foiled by the characters
>main ghost loses their shot and attacks characters
>main ghost is trapped in a box and mocked by characters
>characters leave
I always enjoy this one when it’s subverted, with a message of sometimes it’s better to let go of the past

Out of all the "Chowder is a moron" episodes, the snail car one was the worst. People buy new cars, it's not a crime.

Worst tropes:
1. Scientific discovery is made that is subsequently destroyed less than 20 minutes later, despite any real scientist writing down all the steps it took to get there and they'll probably share it with a university right away for the money.
2. Character becomes smart and starts writing calculus all over the walls despite never taking calculus in their life. Because the only subject smart people know is math.
3. Episode takes place in dreams/video games/parallel dimensions and there's NO ART SHIFT besides some lazy redesigns.
4. Travel back in time episode and it's the main cast in different clothes because the writers can't make one-off characters that work just as well. Big exception: Time Squad.

I know it's not original and has been done badly recently; but that doesn't mean it still can't be great.

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>start of episode has one of the main characters displaying a character flaw
>unrelated situation just so happens to force that character to resolve their flaw
From the first few minutes you already know exactly what happens.

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>their cover is inevitably blown and everyone hates them
That didn’t happen in El Dorado; the natives didn’t find out Miguel and Tulio weren’t gods except Chel, the bad guy, and maybe the chief.

>start of episode mentions some thing you heard IRL recently
>you know it's going to be about that with zero surprise or creativity
South Park sucks now.

The only time I've seen this done well is when it's an article of clothing. Like Jughead's hat. It's especially funny when someone sneakily replaces the clothing and it actually makes the character physically feel weird. Or when the character looks at it and is immediately like "this isn't my shit"

Basically X-men.
>J-just let me help
>I'm gonna run away sugah
>wait rogue come back we need to defeat Juggernaut

Bonus point if it's either a flaw that the character only has for that one episode or the character still has the flaw in all other episode, just slightly toned down.


>It's a Wonderful Life parody
>Main characters believe they are the only people in the World/town
>Race against time
>Size change
>Stupid character gets smart, everyone dislikes when he becomes smart and becomes stupid at the end
>time travel episode
All of these needs to die, most overused shit in cartoon history.

>boys vs girls episode
>everyone is being uncharacteristically sexist in the beginning

Certain literary juggernauts, gift of the magi and possibly some Dickensian shit in this case, have ruined entire premises. The story is lame and the way the whole thing plays out is so painfully and obviously contrived it kills it.

Rise of the TMNT did the ‘stupid becomes smart’ trope well. The smart character made them stupid again solely so that he would be necessary even though they were a far better team with the intelligence

Episodes like these made me so fucking angry as a kid

This plot.

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Fairly Oddparents did all of these.

>friendly character becomes wealthy through shenanigans
>they become a huge elitist asshole out of nowhere
>by the end of the episode they lose their wealth, if there is a libertarian on the writing staff the character will lose their money through taxes, if not then they will lose their wealth through spending money on expensive stupid shit
>once they become broke they become kind again

>also a character gains super powers and becomes an asshole dictator episode is basically the same

they're his best friends and it's kind of obvious that he will fall for their shit because they know how to push his button

Spongebob did the first one and it was shit.

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Trash episode.

Monster is real but only the audience sees them.

That is actually not a bad thou.

Yes but ultimately heartwarming despite the cliche.

Rugrats, The Simpsons, another episode of Spongebob where it’s Patrick instead, and Kill la kill all used it and it’s always a garbage episode.

>Monster is destroying town
>Literally nothing works to kill them
>Character asks the monster to leave
>Monster leaves

Only happened in Powerpuff Girls.

agree on everything but race against time, those are fun

I always preferred the subversion of that episode, where it turns out that the main character was actually the one being an asshole and the character gets to keep their money. I also like it when there’s a callback to that episode later, with the now rich character being able to fund an adventure/buy the right equipment

I think it would have worked better if Bowser Jr. hadn't disguised himself in the first place.

If there’s a commie on the staff they’ll just get confused by all the bureaucracy that suddenly comes up and then they’ll choose to give away the money

>Protagonist and antagonist join the BIG RACE
>Third-party joke character wins

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Post subversions that would redeem these tropes

>Boys VS Girls episode
>Boys win easily because they’ve been actually trained in mindset and skill for competition
>Actual lesson about institutional bias and the problems with traditional gender roles instead of YEAH GRRL POWER

> it's a character has to be in two places at once and keeps rushing between them whilst trying to keep it a secret episode

>Character saves another character's life
>the character that was saved becomes their servant
>alternatively, the character who saved their life expects servitude in response

Has this ever happened in real life?

Yes, it was rather common in ancient times

Pretty much any plot revolving around the main character/family being poor(especially since it's almost always that weird kind of "Sitcom Poor" where they can't afford groceries but can someone afford a fairly nice/big house), honestly would love an animated sitcom that centered around a rich family for once*, sitcoms have basically explored all they can when it comes to poor people, but there's plenty of relatively unexplored territory when it comes to rich people who are the protagonists

*besides Richie Rich

Marvel citizens are all dumb assholes, yes.

>Loser character finally becomes a winner
>They become an asshole, or just decide not to associate with their old friends
>Eventually become a loser again and sinks back down to the bottom of the social totempole
>Friends content to let them languish this way for the rest of the show

>"Sitcom Poor"
I always hate how they are always as poor as the plot demand. The Simpson are probably the worst example of that, they can travel to the other side of the world in one episode but in the next episode their house is in ruin.

This episode was great for the payoff. Seeing Eddy get his shit kicked in for fucking with Double D was satisfying.

Though episodes like the phone episode where Eddy just suffers for no reason felt weird to me.

I actually really liked that episode. Only EEnE could do some of the most overdone plots in all of television and still be funny as fuck.

Admit it, that cracked you up.

>its an is the end of the world but its only happenning at the other corner of the world so its a funny spectacle episode

>"Gee our main characters sure are getting along now since the montage just ended. But we need to pad out time and cause last-minute conflict."
>"I KNOW! Let's have the 1 character who was on this adventure for the wrong reason and is now finding a new reason to stay with the group to be be found out and have everyone turn on them!"

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>little kid character do something stupid/dangerous but is immediatly forgiven because he was sad
>bully character is revealed to have a shitty life so it's ok for him to be a shitty person
Basically every plot that is basically "it's ok to be a shitty person if something bad happened to you"