Would you be okay with a TMNT show where there are no humans? The universe would only be composed of animal anthros...

Would you be okay with a TMNT show where there are no humans? The universe would only be composed of animal anthros, robots, and aliens. So basically Shredder is an animal in this series. And no April does not exist in this would be series.

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Other urls found in this thread:




I would accept maybe the Turtles living in a NY that had been mutated like in the comics. But still have human characters like April O’Neil and Casey Jones and Baxter Stockman.

Why cant april exist? She could be something cute like a mouse, bat, bunny, cat, gecko, monkey or even an alien.

Or a cow so she can have that mega milk.

Ha, image fruit bat april with big ears and glasses because her eyes are now shit.

I need clarification, does the aliens and robots count if they appear almost entirely human? Also applies to demons.

Pic related, she is one of many examples of characters who aren't human but otherwise resembles one.

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Why do you people pretend that April is important? She's shit. She's just the Token Girl of any given franchise. She adds nothing and stopped being relevant once political correctness demanded she stopped being visually attractive. And another thing, most of the time April is dumpy looking. Only the first cartoon April was attractive.

April is garbage that should be abandoned. And Casey is even less relevant.

How the fuck would they be mutant Turtles then?

I agree on casey. But april can be fun and smart. No worse than any other female in the series.

Hello Deletefag that time again huh?

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Don't really see the point

>Would you be okay with a TMNT show where there are no humans?
Why are they "Mutants" if they're the norm.
Why bother being ninjas if there's no need to hide or use ninja weapons over a gun?
Why did you fail your parents?

You can still have them be mutants you dumb fuck. In the original Mirage the mutants are the result of the Utroms which are aliens. And they'll still have plenty of enemies so it makes sense for them to be careful and sneaky. Look at Sly Cooper, he's in a world of animals and yet he still sneaks around enemy territory and even defeats enemies with stealth.

Looking forward to The Last Ronin?

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I don't see how making the Turtles less special would really help with anything.

I can't believe no ones uploaded the jennika issue yet.

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>In the original Mirage the mutants are the result of the Utroms which are aliens.
A mutation significant enough from their original state to make them distinct organisms.

Not "mutations" in the sense of having being a little taller or having more fingers while still resembling other turtle people.

The brothers are just Teenage Weebs now.

Because nobody gives a shit.

Think it's because no one really cares about Jennika so there's little demand.

I am, thanks for the full pic. It seems to be a sort of Same As It Never Was dystopian future story but where only one of the turtles survived. Kinda hoping it's Mikey.

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Furfags should not be allowed to influence tmnt. It's like letting horsefags be in charge of horseshow.

Maybe if it were an extended Usagi crossover

Anti people like you are more annoying.

You need to go back.

>Furfags should not be allowed to influence tmnt

And yet you're perfectly fine with a tranny writing the IDW series at the moment. What's one degenerate with a mental illness vs. another, right?

The Coombrain Furry thread is back.

>you're perfectly fine with a tranny writing the IDW series
Wrong, I don't even bother reading IDW at this point.

The show never was about April, and it can be just fine without her.

The last 3 issuse have been fucking trash, I'm dreading this book every month now. Why can't leftists separate from what makes them cum, from what makes them a person?

I didn't know it was out! I heard it was gonna drop in like November of this year. That place looks like Moreytown from S. Andrew Swann's Moreau novels.

Explain right now.

Appropriate reaction to any nekomimi.

One issue, and I'm already done with the Mutant Fem-Four. The situation with the Turtles and Hob [as ridiculously contrived as it is] is obviously a delicate one that needs the proper pacing and time in order to handle it right. That I can deal with. That scene with Leo reconnecting with Mikey, and Hob working with the Foot? That's actually good stuff. I like that.

But spending most of the issue focusing on how ticked off the girl turtle, obnoxious probably-gay-lizard, snow fox-ex, and butch lioness all are? I don't care for any of them and now I don't even like any of them. ANd you know what else? Raph is my least-favorite of the group, but even I got mad seeing him being written in such a way as to be so crass and bitter -to the point of almost being a strawman, ONLY to cut to the Fem-Four. Ya' wanna' have Raph be a dick because he's angry? FINE. But actually DO SOMETHING with it.

I am going to be supremely ticked if they get on Leo and Mikey's case for also being gone [heck, even Donnie's, and he's currently sneaking into the mutant city]

Save the story of the fem-four for one issue. That's all wee need

Shut up.

Get help you psychotic faggot, I hate furries ruining tmnt, and I hate shitty diversity hire creators ruining media I enjoy. The only tmnt comic I'll be reading in the foreseeable future is The Last Ronin.

No. Cause humans help the mutations. The Turtles became humanoid because they interacted with a human before mutation. Same with Splinter. Same with a good chunk of mutants. Some where even fucking human before being mutated.
So fuck off, Delete fag.

But he's right, these threads have been pure furfag shit

Ross always has to make everyone ugly.

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>The only tmnt comic I'll be reading in the foreseeable future is The Last Ronin.
I hope it's about Jennika so I can see you whine some more about a series about humanoid fucking turtles lol.

Seriously, I need sauce. Not a fan of the frog look, but I do want to see this.

>it was never about April
It was about April since she became a main character in Issue 2 of Mirage Comics. You'd know that if you fucking read the original comics. But no, you want to yiff everything.

Like have Raphael confront Hob directly?

Shit can't be action all the time, and some of us gavee a damn about those characters featured in the last few issues. Deal, nigga, and quit crying. You're probably one of those fags that would be "I'm done" if April never showed up again.

Fortunately it's being written by based Laird who knows that any and all female 5th ninja turtles are and always will be shit.

Most of these Coombrains have only read the Archie comics, That's were they get their spank material.

He's probably one of the faggots who cry there's too many human scenes in Godzilla movies.

To be fair...there was no shortage there. Ninjara was putting in a LOT of work until Revyen showed up...

>user asked to explain himself
>Does so
>Deal, nigga, and quit crying.

This isn't IDW Sonic where they create many anthro waifus.

What's with the influx of April-hating furfags? I'm not even attracted to her but I wouldn't be stupid enough to remove an integral character completely.

Archie had more female characters in their Sonic run then IDW has now.

It's just one dude who can't understand you need humans to help drive a story.

Stop pretending April has fans. If you were to do a Top Ten TMNT characters poll across the entire franchise April would not make it for being boring shit.

>a 300+ issue run has more females than an almost 30 issue run

Wow, you're right man!

If Rise hadn't shat the bed the tmnt fanbase would have more sane people having discussions and shit like this would get drowned out.

Thank you!

You act like Rise is the fucking worst.

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This bait isn't very good user.

You need no such things. Only shitty writers or below-average intelligence readers with no imagination need such grounding. Read a book every now and then. Someone mentioned S. Andrew Swann earlier. Good example of not needing humans to drive a story of humanoid animals.

April would be number 5 or 6, faggot.

Are you the weird kids that also read the Redwall books?

Kek are you the same guy who claims people only like the 4kids series because it followed Next Mutation? Rise isn't the worst but it's extremely close to it. I'll concede however that it has the best fight animation.

Yeah, that's me. Rise is really a bad entry, but it's not like, bottom of the barrel. I'd watch it if it's on and nothing else caught my attention.

GAH! Put it away! We try to pretend that never happened!! I never watched that shit but it brings up memories of the OTHER thing with catchy songs I WAS tricked into watching...ugh...now you've done it

Gotta get a gift for Splinter
I hate shoppin' in the winter
what do you get the ninja master
who has everything
oh, baby

Gotta get a gift, gotta get a gift
gotta get a gift, gotta get a gift
gotta get a gift for Splinterrrrrrr

*pant* Fucker *pant*...look what you made me do.

>Ross always has to make everyone ugly.

He's a man in a wig and lipstick pretending to be a woman. How would he know anything about beauty?

It's not unwatchable, I find it easier to look at than the terrible cgi of 2012. That said, I don't much like anything Nick has done with the turtles. Except the batman crossover.

2012 is just as good as 2003, it just fails at trying to incorporate anime gags. Similar shit happened to 2003 Titans.

This here is mona pizza~

I want some of that pie.

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Of the shows it's a solid 2nd place for me, but I agree that anime humor in western shows was always cringe.

This thread, youtube.com/watch?v=4NaQRyc6BkI

Honestly, I tie the 4kids turtles with Nick's first Turtles. Maybe Nick's turtles gets more cause they bring back classic characters that were literally one offs.
And like, you can't tell me Super Shredder fighting Leatherhead and Slash at the same time wasn't a fucking amazing thing to see.

I say 90's Movies, minus three, and the 80's Toon Turtles are almost in 1st place in my book, then 4kids and Nick's 1st Turtles, then Turtles III is tied with Rise and Next Mutation.

One thing I wish the cartoons and films would do more is bring more playmate characters in. I want a toon arc where they team up with Dr. El, King Leo, and Walkabout and fight the other foot mutants.

I'd also rank the fourth TMNT movie, and the Michael Bay movies somewhere, but I'm to fucking lazy.

I was born just at the end of turtlemania in the mid nineties. So other than memories of playing Tournament Fighters and some old VHS of the 80's show, my foundation of the turtles was the 2003 series and then the Dreamwave and Mirage comics I started reading afterwards. Can't say I relate much to the 80's cartoon or the toy craze, but to each their own.

The first cartoon is shit, but I'm beginning to suspect this franchise has never been very good.

one's trash is anothers treasure. I've seen a lot of critics writing positive reviews of 101-103. people have always put their politics into comics because of life experiences and this is their way of expressing them. personally I like campbells work, it may be a little slow but to me it's conveying feelings of the stages of grief and morning of splinters death.

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It's a pretty generic 80's cartoon to me. Tmnt has its moments, but the conditions required for truly great content are rare. Even moreso with Nickelodeon in charge. It mostly survives off brand recognition.

Yes but it sounds like it stagnates by doing just that. My main issue with this franchise is that it has an uphill battle...

- Animal characters are often seen as infantile but TMNT blatantly wrecks typical expectations of animal characters.

- TMNT is very much action driven, but in general action cartoons are inoffensive censored garbage to the point they're not worth watching because it's censored action. Why watch TMNT when you can watch an anime that can show people being killed and such like Cowboy Bebop?

And this is why TMNT cartoons are so lackluster. And then we have other problems like general bad writing. TMNT is not allowed to be as good as it can be by default.

After the Bomb: The Show? Sure.

TMNT got its start in the same room parties as Anthrocon back at Worldcon.

TMNT was furry from the start.

shitty framerate, and Sipes' voice is fucking annoying. If they fixed the framerate alone it would be tolerable, though.

2k3 walks all over this just by being better animated, let alone faithful to the original comic series for most of the run.

Going to ignore the rest of the thread and ask why did the writers think that Hob mutating humans was a good idea? Human Mutants are not going to be loyal to an Animal Mutant unless they're self-haters or actual furries. I'd like to imagine most humans are NOT furries or self-haters.

It takes too much bad writing for this scheme to work. And even then? Look at Diamond who already betrayed Hob. This was a stupid idea by the dumbasses at IDW. Hob should have simply mutated other feral animals, sure not all of them will be loyal given Sally, Mutagen Man, and Mondo Gecko abandoned him. But the chances of treason? Much lower than a Human Mutant.

2012 Turtles follow the mirage comics too, asshole.

I'm so sick of Raph being portrayed as some sort of psychopath.
It's like writers don't even know what to do with him anymore. It's like they write him as "angry, rebel teenager" and that's all we have to know about him. Look, he yells, he grim, he patrools! Never seen that before!
Just look at how he's drawn, sharp teeth, red background, are you fucking serious, what's next, he's gonna kill Jennika because he looked weird at him?
Such a primitive way to write a character. It's not like Mikey is ALWAYS a party dude, he's being written different ways during the history. He likes cats, he's very kind soul, he tries to find himself, at some point he even goes in the different direction and starts living with Mutanimals etc etc. But Raph... always the same, and it's becoming even worse.

No, they use elements and adapt plots FROM them.

The city here looks oddly lively and "working" compared to issues 101 onwards, where everything was like No Man's Land with everyone living in absolute misery six months after the mass mutation event.

I still think a future toon should take characters from the Playmates line and bring them in some how.
>Halfcourt the Basketball playing Giraffe
>Killer Bee, a giant fucking bee that foot soldiers ride on
>Hotspot, a Dalmatian Fire Fighter
>Sgt. Bananas, a Gorilla soldier
>Panda Khan
>King Lionheart
>Doctor El, a voodoo practicing Elephant
>Tattoo, a fucking sumo with tattoos that hangs out with Mikey.
>Walkabout, a fucking Kangaroo
>Monty Moose, a Canadian Mounty


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Yes the writing is contradicting itself. So this is atrocious writing. It was well explained that mutants were kicked out of their homes, jobs, academia, etc. So seeing people carrying grocery bags implying that they went to a super market to buy stuff and looking calm or that hot dog vendor? All of this is garbage. The only one who looks accurate to what the main comic explained is the homeless dude.

To what end? Is this some After the Bomb shit where the humans are all dead?

Tmnt always had a large furry following.

No. There would still be buildings and signs of civilization like in say stuff like Sly Cooper or Swat Kats.

Having furry fans is fine.
Hiring those furries to create tmnt content is not fine. Eastman and Laird were not furries. Keep your fetish and self insertion to yourselves.

Didn't Laird write a story about Leonardo marrying a human woman and having sex with her? Not that I'd hold it against him because in real life many organisms have sex.

>Having furry fans is fine.
Good, because you sure as hell want them if you want money.

>Hiring those furries to create tmnt content is not fine
Why? What things do you consider a fetish that a furry writer would insert in a comic where 3/4 of the cast are animal mutants that a non furry writer would not?

What if they invented Human Mutations for animal characters? Imagine it, say the turtles find a way to infiltrate human society by mutating into humans? And don't say "That can never happen." The last TMNT live action film implied that the mutagen with enough tweaking can allow human mutations AND IDW TMNT had Null's soldiers mutate from animal to human with that gear.

So it's not like the idea hasn't been considered.

>Imagine it, say the turtles find a way to infiltrate human society by mutating into humans?
The 80's cartoon already did that with at least Michelangelo


Not really. It initially depicts Utroms as an evil hivemind with a different name, merges Splinter and Yoshi, depicts instant hybridisation mutations instead of slow anthropomorphisation, changes April's origin from magic drawing to alien (also giving her psychic powers), reducing her, Karai and Casey's ages, depicts the Rat King as a mad scientist instead of a demi-god, etc. More importantly however, it pulled far more characters from other projects and contained mostly original stories.

TMNT 2003 On the other hand was indeed as close to the Mirage comics as the cartoons have ever gotten. While by no means as close as possible, 60-75% of episodes in seasons 1-4 were clearly based off some story found in the comics, with season having some conceptual similarities to the contemporary Laird/Lawson run. And even though containing original characters, any older characters were strictly lifted from the comics.

Seriously, the only way you'd make a more faithful cartoon would be to take fewer liberties with established characters, create almost no new ones and make fewer episodes over all to avoid being forced to make new stories.



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There's one episode where a turtle becomes human, enjoys it by walking around and wearing clothes, but then regrets it when he can't fight or something like that.

I watched that shit 25 years ago, i don't remember the details.

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No because the whole point is that they are talking turtles in a world where that isn't normal. They would just be Teenage Ninja Turtles.

Whoever you're thinking of it isn't Laird. The only relationship he wrote any of the turtles in was Mikey boning that alien dinosaur princess.

Being a furry is in itself a fetish. If you draw sexy anthros, you are demonstrating that you are a furry. If your humans are uglier than your anthros, you are demonstrating that you are a furry. If you sideline humans in your story for more furries, hate to break it to you, but you're a furry. Eastman drew the turtles as sexy ladies once, except he drew them as human women, because he is not a furry. If you can hide your fetishization then fine, but most furries cannot.

Yeah, 2003 is Shella Accurate!

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Absolutely. Part of the reason I'm loving 'Mutant-town' these days.

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What is David Wise's problem? Does he genuinely believe his bullshit or is he just insecure about being nothing more than a hired hack all his career?

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>If your humans are uglier than your anthros

These days that's because you are NOT allowed to do sexy human females.

mooncalfe = Ross "Sophie" Campbell

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But you are allowed. Artists just don't want to for their own reasons. Sometimes an artist is just bad. Other times they're pandering to woke roasties or have their own self esteem issues. But if that same artist can draw good anthros but ugly people, they're a fucking furry who can't hide their fetish and thus shouldn't be in charge of anything that isn't purely for furries.

>If your humans are uglier than your anthros
You're forgetting the fact we're wired to find flaws in how humans are drawn but not in animals, even if they are humanoid. So when one of the mutants looks off they just look weird, but when a human looks off they then look hideous.

>If you sideline humans in your story for more furries, hate to break it to you, but you're a furry
Beyond Shredder, April, and Casey Jones, TMNT was never particularly human focused. Those three characters aside, it was always mostly about the turtles, their monstrous foes (mutants or aliens), and every now and then a mutant ally or another. So if a writer sidelines April for a mutant character, it's usually because there are more of those to choose from and write something about than favoritism. Especially when you want action, which April can't provide.
Would you consider every single writer that did not strictly focused on April or Shredder a furry?

This is a story centered around a chemical that turns people into furries. It's the entire point and focus. Complaining about them in these threads is like doing it in Sonic threads.

>when a human looks off they then look hideous
I'm not forgetting anything. Even humans with ugly features can still look good, as many cgi kids movies demonstrate. If you are capable of making good looking furries you should be capable of making good looking humans. If only the artist's furries look good then that's clearly all they've studied.

>Would you consider every single writer that did not strictly focused on April or Shredder a furry?
What disingenuous bullshit. There are a lot of established mutant and alien characters to work with, but furries insist on adding more and more. New human characters are a rarity, because clearly the people in charge don't give a shit about humans or find them interesting. Meanwhile people who aren't furries tend to find humans interesting. And if you think they can't be, you're probably a furry.

The entire point and focus is that there was an incident where an alien chemical happened to turn a handful of animals into half-human mutants. They then live on the fringes of society while doing heroic ninja shit. If you think the focus of tmnt is furries, you're the problem.

>The entire point and focus is that there was an incident where an alien chemical happened to turn a handful of animals into half-human mutants
It's both. And what's the difference? The result is the same. You get an animal mutant out of contact with the ooze. Humans are still not the damn focus. It's mutants doing ninja shit, as you put it.

Even the old comics, movies and cartoons have humans turned into mutants, not just animals mutated and given sapience. Bebop and Rocksteady being the most popular examples, or Splinter in the 80's cartoon.
Jennika isn't even the first case of a fifth turtle in a TMNT comic, and the previous one also started as a human. She even mutated alongside another character who became a squirrel in the same issue.

They absolutely were furries. So was stan sakai.

They were on a first name basis with several of the old furry convention organizers.

Just like the guy behind Zootopia.

Albedo Anthropomorphics was where Usagi Yojimbo had its debut and Stan routinely goes to furry conventions, so even if Eastman and Laird hid their fandom from the public light a bit Sakai has made zero moves to hide his power level. People just don't pay attention to him as much.

>And what's the difference?
This is your brain on furfagottry. Without the humans there is no story, and no point. It started as a gimmick to sell cool toys to children, and has since evolved into pandering to people who like to fuck anthros.

I know a lot of furries too, that doesn't make me one. Unless you think anyone who tolerates furfags is one themselves. Laird was vehemently against putting the turtles in relationships or dealing with their sexuality, he was against Venus and deliberately ignores Mona Lisa and others. Eastman was and is into human women, not anthros. And let me humor you, even if they were furries, they're great at hiding it unlike most people who make tmnt content today.

>Without the humans there is no story, and no point
I meant what's the difference in where the mutants come from, user. The end result is the same: They are still mutants, and they are still the focus, like i said like four times so far.
Alopex was never human and she's the most popular with furries. Meanwhile Jennika was human and nobody likes her. Funny how that goes, huh?

I'm not saying there should be no humans. Without Shredder or April it's not TMNT. That's all on you for assuming i meant that.

Alopex is popular with furries because she's a sexy fluffy fox. Jennika is not popular because she's an R63 wannabe and would take away from gay shipping.

It's like Star Fox. Krystal is popular. Fox is popular. But almost nobody draws Fox with Krystal, in comparison to Krystal x Sharpclaws or Fox x Wolf/Falco.

People draw Alopex by herself and draw the turtles fucking each other. Jennika doesn't appeal to either.

Yeah I couldn't help but notice this as well, Human Mutants aren't very popular.

Mutants were only the focus of the fucking 80's cartoon and anything that tries to pander to that audience you furry autist. There's a whole portion of the tmnt fanbase that doesn't give a shit about the mutants/furries beyond the most recognizable ones. Why do you think Laird left out almost all the 80's characters from Mirage and the 4kids show? The focus was not about the mutants.

>But almost nobody draws Fox with Krystal

I think that has to do with most masturbators preferring the anthro girls having sex with human males (notably white ones). I find it funny that once a porn artist complained:

"Why is no one drawing art of this pairing having sex?"

The pairing in question being Raphael and Alopex. No one responded but what I thought as soon as I saw that artist's demand was that no one wants to see the male anthro having sex. Especially the turtles who have very weird cocks. But even then no one want to see the male anthros.

And frankly this rule extends to other stuff, do you think people want to see Raven from Teen Titans having sex with Beast Boy? I hated that turd of a character to seeing his green ass having sex is a huge NO. No one likes seeing unappealing characters getting laid for one reason or another.

>Mutants were only the focus of the fucking 80's cartoon and anything that tries to pander to that audience you furry autist
There are two different comic series focusing on mutants when you look past Shredder and April. You can't be this fucking blind.
>The focus was not about the mutants.
Yeah, because the fucking protagonists and every single foe are human, right?

But the problem with the humans is that they seriously don't offer much besides being antagonists with a theme. Shredder is the evil ninja crime lord who is arch nemesis of Splinter, Bishop has the whole protect humanity angle, and Stockman? He has the mad scientist angle. I guess those are alright, but anything else? Especially worthless human allies like Casey who cannot contribute and fight off aliens or robots? No one likes to deal with them.

>humans can't be interesting
I get it, you love furries

Actually there's quite a bit of Raph x Alopex. At least as far as high quality art goes.

There's one guy that drew her almost exactly like Campbell did. I think you can find him under "queblock" on e621.

To be fair, most mutants are usually just henchmen

Hey now don't be a bastard. I like Harold the scientist due with the short temper, he's fine, but Angel? Woody? Or whatever? Don't like them.

God the humans in After the Bomb were great villains.

Pure autism, and you continue with the Shredder/April crap you pulled out of your ass earlier. I can tell you really want tmnt to be for furries but it was never supposed to be. That was never the intention, furries just commandeered the whole thing.

Think that has more to do with Alopex being the most popular female in the entire franchise as far as anthro girls go. So you're bound to see some Raph/Alopex porn, but most of Alopex's porn is nudes or having sex with humans.

>Shredder/April crap you pulled out of your ass earlier
What, mentioning they are the two most important and popular human characters in the franchise, and basically the only ones people actually care about seeing featured? Yeah, pulled out of my ass.

Whatever, if you can't even see that a series called teenage mutant ninja turtles is mainly about mutants, even if there are also humans, then i don't know what else to say.
Enjoy the thread and any future ones if you can, because something tells me you wont.

>something tells me you wont
As long as furries continue to flood them with degeneracy, no one will but you and the other furfags here.

>The pairing in question being Raphael and Alopex. No one responded but what I thought as soon as I saw that artist's demand was that no one wants to see the male anthro having sex
Bullshit. There's plenty of art Splinter fucking the turtles. Nobody wants to draw them with Alopex because those who like her don't like the turtles.

>Would you be okay with a TMNT show where there are no humans?

I mean, that's practically how Rise already is anyway for the most part.

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Or they don't want to self-insert as an animal, even a bipedal anthro one. I for one don't like Judy Hopp's porn because I don't want to see Nick the fox sexing her. Beastars porn is the same thing, I don't want to see the male animals having sex.

No the charm of the turtes comes from the fact that they are so outlandish physically but deep down they act like a bunch of goofball teens. You take that fish out of water aspect and they lose part of their core appeal/design

>There's plenty of art Splinter fucking the turtles.

There's not enough.

I think you guys are either projecting or spending too much time in the hmoaf threads.

The simple answer is that most of that porn is commissioned and so the majority is always going to be the canon character fucking the OC.


Read what the artist wrote. This is cringe. Alopex is garbage. This bastard isn't a TMNT fan.

If it is not strange that the Turtles exist, then the premise for the entire thing falls apart.

Where's that Thomas the Tank Engine image when I need it?

Bring back Jack Marlin, a game hunter is a perfect villain for a tmnt series featuring a bunch of mutants.

This is a good reason to support a Netflix live action series aimed at young adults. Normies would take it seriously because it's live action, and being for older audiences it could finally reach its storytelling potential. I personally prefer animation but I'll take great writing over that.

>Normies would take it seriously because it's live action
Did people ever take any of the TMNT movies seriously?

Same, animation is what I like. But sadly animation in the west is seen as infantile thanks to Disney's monopoly. The day Disney dies? That will be a good day for Western Animation.

How come Hob didn't mutate feral bunnies from pet shops? Hob said he wanted an army so a bunch of anthro bunnies have sex and start multiplying and the end result is Hob has an army of anthro bunnies.

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Probably because procreation is a lengthy process.

And yet if Hob is serious about this animal world? It's still something he needs to consider. He never mutates any females. You want to wage war against humans? You'll need more than just an army.

Why be TMNT then? If you change the entire fucking premise, just make a new IP.

Plenty of the Mutant Town residents are female.

Sonic games got rid of humans and guess what Sonic is fine. And if the games are bad it's not because there's no humans, it's because of Sega being SHIT at developing games.

They might have taken the Bay movies more seriously if they weren't busy making fun of the hideous designs. I saw more people laughing about the hulk turtles than I saw talking about the movie itself.

I too wish Disney hadn't fucked over western perceptions of animation. But sadly I don't think that perception will die with Disney.

I used to think Aprilfags were kind of annoying but as it turns out they may be the driving force that prevents tmnt from suffering this god awful fate you've just described. Yiff in hell.

Go to hell yourself. You see it's funny TMNT is a reboot fest type of franchise. There's always room to try something new, certainly TMNT can get away with no human type ideas much better than crazy ideas that actually got made, like Spiderman Unlimited.

Sonic on the other hand? It has no such reboot type of design. The Sonic franchise is linear in development. The general feel of Sonic is that all games are canon and characters can reference past events and if necessary retcon things away. Like how Shadow was created by humans and his best friend who was murdered is a human. But now humans no longer exist in Sonic's universe so Shadow is this mess of a character. Compare that to TMNT where every incarnation of TMNT is self-contained. So I'm sure this idea for TMNT can work.

And none are unattractive...

Tmnt panders to furries enough as it is. Marketing itself, even for a single iteration, as a purely anthro series, is going to introduce a certain type of fanbase that tmnt will never recover from. It's a shit idea only furries want.

Oh who am I kidding, it's already crawling with furfags. We just don't need any more of them.

Doubt that Hob is going to consider them to actually count as part of his animal civilization. We all know how Hob feels about Human Mutants. Hob needs actual feral animals to mutate and of course reproduce to naturally keep increasing his forces.

but they'd need samples of splinters blood to fix the brains or all hob'll get is a bunch of pigeon petes.

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All Hob needs is the perfected mutagen which he does hide quite a lot of.

Whatever happened to the human scientist that was with them?

Because the law of Mutant Town is no humans are allowed inside? She was evacuated. And I don't think she wants to willingly return given the Mutanimals treated her like a prisoner. Don't be fooled by seeing her chilling watching movies with them.

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You know it's funny how foxes are drawn in stuff. They have whiskers, but Alopex, Braixen, etc they never have them. And not even male foxes like Nick from Zootopia have them. You would expect that least male ones would have the whiskers.

Alopex mentioned that her shelter is running low on food, so what is she going to do? Steal from Hob?

Because your Deviantart OC needs to fuck off

Honestly does anyone like Jennika? Let's stop the whole fifth female turtle nonsense as April is the first one who did that routine. Is Jennika actually interesting? I just see her as a dull superfluous extra character in this already bloated cast.

Does anyone genuinely believe that her entire existence isn't just a purposeful controversy to revive interest in the series? And possibly get brownie points for girl power wokeness.

Why they let Casey dumped Jennika? After showing how much he still cared for her during the previous issues?

Really starting to see the contradictions between Campbell & Waltz's writing for the characters now.

I never like Utroms Shredder.

Could be the Mirage TMNT's future? Leo and Donnie has died in the Mirage future so that turtle probably is Raph or Mikey. Raph lived alone like a hobo and we still don't konw about Mikey fate.

Birds are immune to capsaicin so why is that one asking for hot sauce?

Ross is maybe doing a Transition metaphor or He's a projecting hack.

So what would make them mutants? Then they'd just be Teenage Ninja Turtles.

pete is nuts. he even makes food with puzzle pieces.

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Thanks for the legit response. Seems like he's a literal bird-brain.

>Would you be okay with a TMNT show where there are no humans?
You mean like the mad max arc of 2012?

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Killed off or put on a bus? Place your bets people!

Don't be a jackass.

Jennika is just a shitty version of Shadow.

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I guess she's too "heteronormative".

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What bullshit does he say?

Every time I see this, I can't help but think how long until those humans lynch Hob?

Shadow the Hedgehog?


Casey's & April's Daughter, But it is heavily implied that she was mostly raised by Splinter.

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>Naturally Casey is not the father so yeah original Casey is a cuck.
She was pregnant by the time Casey met her, she didn't get pregnant during their relationship.

>I Hate Children & want to COOM to Animals.

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"I hate furfags! All must die by hanging! Yiff in hell! Lol gottem!
>TMNT is literally a show where the main characters and several iconic supporting characters are anthro
You edgy punks never fail to amuse me with your utter hippocracy.

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Where was it implied that? The Turtles and Splinter were her babysitters, yeah.

I mean essentially my grandmother did a good half of raising me for the first three years of my life because my parents had to work. I'm sure that situation is similar for a lot of people.

hard truths
harder than my penis when looking at nuaprils

maybe you two should kill each other?

Hypocrisy, a hippo governed society would be pro anthro representation.

I guess I would give it a chance, but I wouldn't have any expectations since that setting pretty much would blow the entire concept.
If you make something that is supposed to be excepcional and put it on an envoirement where it is the common thing, it loses its charm.
Is not that It can't work, I mean it would be like Swatcats or T-rex but it would be a complete different concept where none of the issues the turtles have to g o through exist so it would lose a good part of its charm

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Mona Lisa is bringing most of the food. It's shown in issue 101.

She will eventually stray away from the turtles after a fight or whatever, and her solo spin off will go on for one or two TBPs before being silently cancelled and never showing up again.

Probably never? The last bunch of issues show Hob just walking around the walled city without bodyguards and nobody even tries to lay a finger on him.

>They have whiskers, but Alopex, Braixen, etc they never have them
Alopex has whiskers depending on artist. Santolouco comes to mind.

I like Jenny. She seems pretty inoffensive to me. Like even she doesn't try to be 'one of the guys' because she's not. It would be so much more annoying if she just try-harded to be one of the gang, but she's an outsider.

Humans are lame. More anthros plz.

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oh, we'll be getting more alright. campbell was asking for animal suggestions on twitter for an upcoming issue. god I love mutant town, there's so many stories that can be told.

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>there's so many stories that can be told
But they wont be told, at least not in the main series. There's only so many pages in a monthly issue for a series that's not a particularly a big seller and with an already pretty crowded cast, so we'll get a lot of background characters that will give the city some identity but that's it.

The Jennika spin off however may do it. Start from a blank slate and give her her own support cast of recently mutated people.

I think they'd find room if they'd stop showing a 4 page preview of a previously released series every issue.

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>Andy Kuhn
No thanks

>tfw no rippers want to rip this piece of shit

or have a universe where humans are a tiny mostly-irrelevant minority

Fuck Technodrome forums and fuck Tranny Campbell

What happened?

Oh that's just Sperg-chan. He rolls into every TMNT thread to bitch about how trannies are ruining everything.

seems bitter. bet they were passed over for campbell to be tmnt's writer/artist. feels like that kind of a grudge.

Ok but then how would the turtles be mutants?

By mutating from normal turtles?

could just be a form of evolution like the cowboys of moo mesa

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But everyone else is also an anthro. What makes them special? Why are they living in the sewer getting trained by a japanese sensei that turned into a rat?

I think that premise just adds unnecessary writing problems.

>What makes them special?
One thing is being mutants, another is being unique or special. You originally mentioned the former, not the latter.
Since TMNT is in a neverending loop of reboot after reboot trying the same formula with little changes (IDW gave them the reincarnation origin but kept most of the rest intact), what i assume OP is suggesting is trying new approaches to the core formula (Mutant Ninja turtles fighting robots, aliens and shit) without having to strictly adhere to things like being outcasts, special, or living in a sewer. Give the franchise some fresh ideas instead of trying the same thing for the past thirty years.

it could work, or it could be a disaster. But that's the point of this thread, to discuss about what could be.
Or we could bitch about Jennika too, i guess. That seems to be a more popular subject.

But if everyone is an anthro why are you making the turtles mutants?

Why not just make them the ninja turtles?

Because at that point you'd not be making a comic that could be called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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Good, I like it.

What's the cover this is making an homage to?

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the old EC Comic Covers

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>April you need to stop coming with us on patrol
>What? But why? I can handle myself and you know it!
>It's not that. It's just, well... a ninja must focus. We need to put our undivided attention on the task at hand and ever since your mutation there are, uh, c-certain, well, I--
>He's talkin' about your tits, April

And just like that Channel 6 News became the most-watched news station in the entire world.

My penis is interested

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Oh, your penis is always interested.

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