Glitch Techs

>more likely than Five/Miko

Attached: 1583255274676.jpg (4000x4000, 2.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the ass needed to carry the show of the year.

Attached: miko_bent_1.png (1080x1520, 191.29K)


Zahra is for Five

That's not Mitch.

Let's see how he plays out first.

Attached: Get good.jpg (756x978, 329.47K)
It's not a crop if that's what you were thinking.

Attached: kougyokuteidoku 1234899994513043457_p0.jpg (1500x2000, 1.07M)

So Miko/Haneesh is a thing too?

>It's not a crop
Then what the fuck is the point of making images like that? To bait people?
Man I feel sad now.

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Attached: ERtFvtiUcAE5bvC.jpg (1740x2048, 403.14K)

That mysterious empty back of her hijab irritates me. Where the fuck is her hair?

Haneesh is for Nica

Attached: [S1.Ep7] Glitch Tech - Collection Quest.mp4_snapshot_22.09.384.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

The writers will kill off Miko/Five by having an episode where Miko gets a crush on a girl they meet at the arcade. Five will help Miko try and get the girl.

>Five and Bergy making the s o y face

if they're smart they will keep romance out of this show

Attached: Meko Spinkick 1.jpg (1920x1080, 217.31K)

Attached: Meko Spinkick 2.jpg (1920x1080, 185.21K)

Sounds like cope after you've broken your fourth chair in rage.

must a paring be lewd? is it not enough to be cute and perfect?

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Attached: Hi5 Boss Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

It was gud

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Does anyone have that Mitch moment where he does similar smirk like pic related? I swear it looked like it.

Attached: archer.png (652x624, 248.37K)


>Implying that girl won't become Five's love interest for a love triangle between Miko and blondie fighting for the Mexican cock

Memes aside I wouldn’t mind if the only romance ended up being Haneesh/Zahra

You know despite not listening to his team and channeling his inner Mitch, Five still managed to be a fairly competent leader

Attached: hair.png (512x522, 252.82K)

I like that Five can acutally fight and isnt just comic relief

Attached: ESNM4WZXYAEU2QP.jpg (768x1024, 84.16K)

This is why Hinobi HQ wants him and Miko for their special purpose and are keeping eyes on them at all times.

It was weird. Aside from talking over Haneesh, he would have been a great leader.

Because he is smart, cool, level-headed, understanding, considerate boy. Which equals to being a best boy.

Attached: lovable dork.jpg (512x974, 78.2K)

Five is a cool guy.

Attached: Five fight.webm (1280x720, 2.3M)

I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Miko. That perfect, slender body. Those excellent, like a flower bud, breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Miko pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would God create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us?

Nice shoes

Attached: 91A893D4-18EC-4AF5-B34B-89C08474DDCA.jpg (377x266, 27.58K)

It's born special (Miko) vs hard work and discipline (Five).

Yeah, same

>tfw Miko's fantasy about the Glitch Techs being the only hope against an alien invasion was actually foreshadowing

Attached: gantz2-1-e1571462025326.jpg (500x374, 70.85K)

I like how pretty much everyone can fight and there's little to no comic relief. Bergy's the clear "White and nerdy" character, but he's a glitch tech all the same, they're all trained on some level to deal with most threats.

I did my best.

Attached: Phew not Stinky.png (2942x3500, 4M)

I still the concussion is what made her immune to the mind wipe

Attached: and the noggen goes pop.png (1920x1080, 811.68K)

Damn imagine working at a fast food restaurant with such short skirts. Also didn't the dude who drew the diaper one make a sfw afterwards?

I still think Miko's biological dad is Hinobi's CEO. Maybe her mom doesn't know because mindwarping. She might think her ex work as a salaryman or something.

Attached: ESNjDOLXUAAlB6v.jpg (2000x1112, 864.58K)

Do you not know what the point of a hijab is?

remind me of this shot

Attached: dont patronize me yoga pants.jpg (1280x720, 136.03K)

An ass made to be eaten.

Well, Bergy’s from the (((tribe))) judging by his looks and his VA. However I think he is secretly a high skilled guy when shit hits the fan, but so far he has not been put to test in an action scene.

Nah, he is based because he autistically grinds low-level glitches. I doubt he is any better than Haneesh and Zahra.

Imagine Miko stepping on you dick because she thinks you’re inferior to her

QT muslim > autistic Japanese girl

I want to see a tech who specilizes in stealth and cant stop RPying as a ninja

Attached: [S1.Ep1] Glitch Tech - Age of Hinobi.mp4_snapshot_43.44.038.png (1920x1080, 2.43M)

>Also didn't the dude who drew the diaper one make a sfw afterwards?
Well, if he did then I'm a retard for not checking before editing.

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Your mini-skirt is even better, don't worry. You improved it, let's say it.

What's up, fuckers

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Me and my BFF Ally.

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OTP, can't be beat

They are so wholesome together. Actually, that can be said about everyone in this cartoon except for Mitch (when he is not weebing at least).

How do I get a Blake gf who will eat Italian cuisine out of bucket with me?

wait until Alpha gets his transformers powers

Attached: 6ce97f7d2df9232be9edc1d9e2ec4cf8.jpg (563x613, 266.93K)

>Five! It's time for your daily dick suckening!
>Yes dear

squad allah and we're off

They're normalizing terrorists but loathe to represent what is half of America - Christians.

I want fanart of Five together with Alpha, but it's way too hard for newbie artists. I wish more people saw this cartoon, so they could deliver great stuff later.

Maybe it's tied up in a bun at the back of her head? Somebody theorized that she was actually bald, but an interview mentioned her having hair.

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Stop lewding me!!

Attached: ESNxTPpXsAUS-O7.png (405x424, 116.87K)

You'll have to kill me, preferably with your ass and/or thighs.

you can blame your mom for that

Attached: [S1.Ep1] Glitch Tech - Age of Hinobi.mp4_snapshot_42.29.382.png (1033x1051, 609.89K)

Why did they make Miko so thick?

Like, her shape design is objectively nice looking even not taking sexuality into account.

I think I just find it hard to believe that they purposefully gave an underage main character such sexy feminine curves.

because apparently they were older in the earlier iterations of the show, but then they got younger later on.

its a quote from ninja, the forthnight PROFESSIONAL player.

his whole livelihood depends on him playing well, of course he'd think like that.

i dont think miko would think like that.

One part is the whole "older in older drafts" but honestly, I think her shape still works pretty well for a 13 year old, you can really see in some shots how small she is compared to adults. Obviously it can get exaggerated in fanart and some shots, but it's not inherently sexy.

The other part is the silhouette, thanks to her shape you can pretty easily tell it's her if you black out her character. Match that with Five's super skinny and tall figure and you basically have fanboy and chum chum.

>#Miko a piece done for the #GlitchTechs gallery show at #Nickelodeon a while back. Feels good to draw her off model #characterart #ArtistOnTwitter #characterdesign #netflix
>"Feels good to draw her off model"
Yep, I bet it does

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I want Miko’s asian gamer girl bath water.

Attached: 6529B458-F64A-48E7-AE67-6D890955014A.png (1308x1033, 350.84K)

Execs think that the only possible way kids will watch a show is if the characters are also kids to be 'relatable'. Bit of a dumb practice.

It's potentially damaging too. Back-in-my-day, cartoons had mostly adult characters and the few token kids were written as such. I fancied the women as a result. Now that's it's mostly teen characters as the main interest, kids are falling for them instead and that attraction can continue into adulthood.

Attached: Centurions_cast_7842[1].jpg (318x299, 33.4K)

This looks like she took some sort of elephant leg powerup.

I'd rather have gamer girl toe jam


I think the fact that she has big calves makes her thighs look bigger by giving them context instead of just "tapered triangle legs"

Honestly I'm just a bit of a perv and am afraid of that coming out if I ever try and make content for kids.

>Miko gets Corona
What do?

But she's not that thick, also isn't she underaged?

have you tried turning her off and on again?

Fuck her until we both die, it's a win-win

>the show of the year
user this show isn't beating Looney Tunes Cartoons or Animaniacs

Yes but she is thick, and yes she is underage.

Sucks cuz I really want to draw her. She is quite cute and attractive.

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Is this porn

at least a handy will come out of this

Attached: zahra giving that look.png (890x1080, 790.58K)

She already chose her indian manlet bf

just go for it, the only people who will care are lame anyway

What if she gets The Bugster Virus

Attached: Bugster_Virus.png (311x524, 214.34K)

turn back time until she doesn't

It could come back to bite my ass later, professionally.

My cutoff is 16~ which I think is how old Wendy was


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lol, poor fool

Mitch is ugly and worst boy

yeah, that's the truth

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>ready to serve him some halal meat

>i dont think miko would think like that.
Definitely not but toxic gamer Miko is hilarious to me

It's actually growing on me a lot since I rewatched the episode they're in. They have that good battle-couple chemistry, I really hope we see more of them.

Attached: zahra.png (1229x688, 811.69K)

Imagine Miko stepping on you dick because she thinks you’re inferior to her, you crying like a bitch because you can’t take the pain of her smashing your dick and it’s all due to you you cheating in an online game against her

>those looks of concern and disappointment

they are jealous because mitch was the only one to have the miku head thing.

Yeah, I really like that the ep showed that he actually does make for a good leader, and probably would have done a great job from the start if Mitch hadn't gotten into his head.

I also liked that him going overboard was due to anxiety about wanting to do a good job, rather than generic "letting power go to his head" shit.

Felt actually bad for Miko in that ep too, she seemed genuinely hurt and rattled by Five's scolding at the start.

Attached: 2020-03-03 00_58_06-Netflix.png (879x579, 576.85K)

wait is Alpha supposed to be a reference to E-123 Omega?

Attached: TSR_Omega.png (543x426, 265.97K)

I do wish they had a tiny bit of explanation for why the characters can never actually get hurt. It's fine that they can't, it's a kids show, but even just like "ah yes, the armor is very protective" or something so that if they wanted to increase the stakes and try to sell a character being in actual danger, they could. Really the techs' powersets are pretty poorly defined overall which is a shame cause I love seeing characters get distinct upgrades and then find uses for the upgrades.

Attached: 2020-03-02 23_57_17-Netflix.png (1015x650, 800.74K)

I like weeb mitch

Attached: IMG_20200115_193242.jpg (2000x1125, 617.71K)

it's that and the robit from Titanfall 2.

It's a Mix of Dog from HL2 and BT from Titanfall I thought.

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Just how many stores are served by this one Hinobi hub? Is Phil the manager for all of them?

I keep saying, this show is just Digimon Tamers but from the perspective of the corporate goons. All we need is a ragtag resistance with their own Glitch allies trying to stop whatever Hinobi is up to.

Ally is best girl.



Look online

i've only seen the rainbow mika one, but not miko as the vocaloid.

I've always enjoyed drawing robots and mechanical shit and always forget that a lot of people dislike doing that, I need to capitalize on this more.

Attached: GT_116_155_AlphaGlitch_REVISED_color.jpg (1500x696, 276.62K)

Now that you've pointed it, out, I see it. They have really similar silhouettes and the symbol in the same spot even, not to mention the name similarity.

>Five: The desert. Count how many sand is here, Alpha. That's your first mission.

Yeah, I rewatched that episode and noticed that they walk together at all times. Of course it doesn't necessarily mean that they're a thing but their interactions are cute and the way they always stay close makes me wanna ship them.

>Rainbow Miko
Holy fuck am I dumb, I just got that FUCK

>no gore
What a bad videogame.

Stop being "that guy" dude. No one thinks you're a hero for protecting a cartoon.

There's some very very short, very out of context rough clips from some of the episodes in the next batch on the director's deviantart. It's fun digging up all the production stuff that's made its way online since this show's been in development hell for so long.



I'm guessing early Fall for the next batch.

Attached: ESOeFNBXUAA3Sy_.jpg (1500x1500, 176.63K)

I want Miko to sit on my face


Attached: 1560675036238.jpg (1180x1060, 144.17K)

Is this cropped porn?

That's not soon enough.

I also found this. Turns out digging around on instagram was the thing to do.

Attached: 2020-03-03 20_06_53-62263598_671048453341419_2949717952059997733_n.jpg (JPEG Image, 1080 × 1080 pixe.png (568x375, 598.67K)

Attached: 3535439 - Glitch_Techs Miko_Kubota phil_el_mago.png (1089x570, 135.54K)

Heres a pic with some more info. In these pics we can see Miko, Phil, Zahra, Haneesh, and the green haired girl egged. I think it's safe to assume that Mitch is extending his hand out to Five. Yandere Mitch maybe?

Attached: D9ZIchaVAAASOl1-orig.jpg (2048x2048, 591.91K)

And here is another from the last episode. DDR glitch it seems like.

Attached: EHx12TOVUAAEDRa-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 365.75K)

Is Hispanic boy/Muslim girl going to be the next big thing?

Attached: 8e3a1656cf8eeededd7f3b-imagepng.png (1241x1295, 1.1M)

So an alien parody where Mitch has to nut up and save the day or is the cause?
and a rave music video

Can't wait.

Oh hell I didn't even notice the stuff in the background because Mitch's whole look was so distracting.

You don't happen to have pic related in better quality, do you? I could swear I saw a higher res version somewhere but I can't seem to find it any more.

Attached: 1166728925.png (447x280, 234.11K)

>DDR episode
>Dancing Miko
>DJ Mitch
>Green haired girl
Looks like a super fun episode, fuck the wait's going to be so long.

Finally a show with characters that aren't walking modern stereotypes.

This is the best one I have. I really like the look of it, all the characters with their own unique weapons and all.

Attached: D3cakgVU4AAa2tS.jpg (2048x1536, 324.85K)

Why are these thread so filled to the brim with pedophiles?

Oh fuck, is that my man Phil shrugging off an attack with an energy shield? Yes please. I love his apathetic attitude but he can still have a cool moment or two.

So megane ginger is going to be important for an ep.

>Phil being a badass
>Miko + Five + Zahra + Bergy(?) teaming up with unique weapons - maybe a MOBA? MMO?
>That new tech that pops up sometimes
Yeah, I'm hype my guys, the second batch's gonna be crazy.

I'm really looking forward to it. God I want this show to do well.

Attached: plot.png (586x786, 96.86K)

Me too holy shit, I haven't feel this hype in a long time. My problem with the show is that we weren't shown even 25% of the story, I'm loving the way characters are introduced.

Took me awhile, but I found it! Was on Dan's twitter.

Attached: D3chpDXUcAAYiR3-orig.jpg (2048x1382, 273.37K)

>Zahra with the HEAVY MACHINE GUN.
IT doesn't surprise me at all.

>I put all my skills into support
>Uses a fucking minigun in battle
Why is Zahra the biggest liar in the series? Does she enjoy messing with people?

>cover fire isn't support

Oh fuck yes! Thank you user!

Yeah I'm really itching to get to see more of the actual story. It's fine the show isn't 100% serialized but I'm dying for something to really latch onto there. The characters so far are just so damn likeable though, yeah.

True but also WHERE is her boy Haneesh.

Attached: 2020-03-03 00_03_57-Netflix.png (676x651, 561.25K)

>Specs for support
>Plays DPS anyway

>True but also WHERE is her boy Haneesh.
If that's a MOBA he may be somewhere else taking an objective. Dan confirmed there would be a later episode focused on him and tagged the VA, IIRC.
My baby boy Bergy rocking that bow, why do I love all of them Yas Forums?

I'm going to need a Zahra edit of this

Attached: 1573790174850.png (497x379, 232.04K)

I don't know what to tell you man, when I see this, I don't think support. Maybe she can multispec.

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I am going to attempt this thing, but my follow-through blows so expect nothing.

is that an elf?

No that's a Bergy. As an elf.

Attached: ed0_1280.jpg (1275x1090, 123.51K)

>hey can I copy your homework?
>Sure just don't make it too obvious

Attached: MikoNakadai_stockimage.jpg (155x384, 10.77K)

he is in danger

Attached: ESOyiepUwAA0Jzz.jpg (900x1300, 126.28K)


the only think they have in common is the name

artillery technically is support as well and they do most of the kills.

Attached: NeverPissZahraOff.webm (1080x720, 2.93M)

Post Games you'd like to see referenced/Cameo'd

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Miko seems more like Sari, where it's going to be revealed she has glitch DNA or some horseshit.

Attached: 1448507483869.gif (159x146, 1.94M)

Miko dressed as Haydee when?

Attached: image.jpg (901x1079, 79.95K)

>Doomguy teaching miko and zahra how to deal with the more rowdier glitches

Attached: doom_eternal_4K_art-scaled.jpg (2560x1440, 351.99K)

Idont think that gonna be a thing, is more likely this

Attached: [S1.Ep1] Glitch Tech - Age of Hinobi.mp4_snapshot_08.32.762.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

Attached: ba-da BAH bap.png (106x104, 6.2K)

The problem with that theory is that it continued not working long after the concussion would have been an issue. Coupled with the fact that Hinobi HQ clearly sees something special in her means it's not just something that could have happened to anyone.

is more likely that the concussion at the same time of the mind wipe caused her to have a some kind of brain glitch, like some kind oermanent damage, I think is something that could have hppened to anyone and hinobi would watch that person, at least is more likely than her having some glitch DNA or having a glitch for a father


Attached: [S1.Ep3] Glitch Tech - Going, Going, Gauntlet.mp4_snapshot_13.59.456.png (624x942, 460.07K)

Honestly the state of Yas Forums is you think there's shows that get high support by number of threads and replies (see Glitch Techs, Amphibia, Hilda, etc.) but the truth is when you break down these threads you'll notice that none of them support the show and it's almost entirely pedophile interest in lewding. You can tell these shows aren't actually really liked by Yas Forums, they just like pedo fantasies
If you see a lesser talked about show, but it constantly has talk that almost entirely isn't sexulized then you'll see those shows are the ones with actual support
Sadly Glitch Techs doesn't have real support


Wendy's 15.

Go to a single one of these three threads and tell me they aren't just coomer shit

Now that you mention it, I do see Dog in him now.

I said last thread how he reminds me of Lupin in these shots. Now I want a drawfag request of Lupin Five and Fujiko Zahra

Go back.

Not a response more of an admission

If you check the board on the top left, it looks like the episode introducing Alpha was originally supposed to be ep 16, so I'd anticipate not seeing him consistently in the second batch of eps.

Attached: GT_116_144_FiveGTArmorAlphaEyeRimLitSL_color.jpg (1500x1159, 191.15K)

When all the episodes are out, I hope we'll learn what the original order was meant to be. Would make for an interesting rewatch.

Guessing this is from the same episode as Mitch and Five fighting a glitch together, probably seen from Miko's POV.

Attached: D_KyBbfU0AAcRdS-orig.jpg (2048x1718, 237.26K)

So why exactly did they air episodes out of the intended order?

executive reasons. sometimes some episodes take more time to make than others and you move the schedules so that at least something gets released in time

The first 20 eps have been complete and ready to air but sitting in limbo for months and months, I don't think that's the reason.

Looks like another upcoming one involves some kind of glitch infestation in the glitch techs hub.

Attached: GT_115_319_GlitchCrowd00001_V07_color.jpg (1500x1159, 279.1K)

This is also the same episode that this Ridley design sheet is from, though it's unclear if that's their introductory episode.

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>TFW someone else actually remember Okage

Attached: image.jpg (267x547, 30.18K)

It would be nice to see everyone pull out some crazy gear they bought with their xp.

looks like mitch is gonna leeroy jenkins that horde, would be pretty hype if he actually does it

is time for Phill to go full Rambo

Found some crew fanart of that character which makes me slightly more confident that they're a girl.

Attached: EPY8p9oVAAADO-J.jpg (2048x1519, 381.96K)

Oh no she's cute.

How did Miko's mom know that Five was in Miko's room in the last episode?

hard to notice a box walking into your house, and since Miko only has one friend, she connected the dots

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So you want to reach Gnosis or not?

Attached: dorothy.png (777x760, 471.55K)

I'd put my spaghetti in her bucket.

The drawing that saved Glitch Techs.

is there any fan art of Nica yet?

Attached: me-5.jpg (640x798, 75.05K)

We're getting a second season, right?

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Forget Meko, I'm in love.

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we just don't know
stuff's written but it's in the air

This is *literally* a landwhale.


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Would Miko use a Long Sword or Charge Axe? Five seems like a Hunting Horn guy to me for some reason.

Just a background character in the first one.

Attached: vlcsnap-2020-03-04-00h32m31s969.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

This show is only worth watching for the Asian, right?

Five-kun is great too. Looks nice on surface, but he is an absolute unit, don't piss him off.

Attached: ESHOnHwUUAE-flo.jpg (1664x1664, 240.84K)

>loaded question, right?
Come up with some more original trolling ideas.

How is that trolling? Plenty of shows are only watched for the females in it.

Attached: EQR8jpDUEAAC1Xk.png (526x319, 303.87K)

Habibi, we're about to commit dhanb.

>tfw Bloodborne was the last game you really played the shit out of, sinking hundreds if not thousands of hours into it, and after that your gaming just slowed down and died until you just occasionally sunk a couple dozen hours into an older game or indie game at most

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This is cute as hell.

When will Five cook for Miko.

I know, it's kinda overused in these threads but still, imagine:
>Five goes nuts trying to understand the story
>Miko just destroys everything and everything and everyone with Arrancadora
And what do you think of other techs in this setting?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x293, 55.64K)

I hope we get an episode with no glitches, just everyone hanging out outside of work (phil included)

Attached: bentaur_54800867_552531978566984_5804416951768947065_n.jpg (1080x607, 106.52K)

Generator Rex's was better.

yoooo where did you find that pic? All I had was a bad quality photo version and couldn't find anything better

Attached: 20200303 225603.png (665x578, 353.59K)

bentaur on instagram

Point-and-click adventure games and referencing how some of the puzzles solutions did not make any sense in those games

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 43.71K)

I think it's unlikely to happen but I'd love this too. Even if it's not a whole episode, I'd love more scenes of the characters just hanging out together having fun.

Attached: 60756284_360709337917115_7642273245678407634_n.jpg (868x1004, 84.69K)

This show is worth watching for Mitch

They must feature a puzzle like this in that episode. God I hate this goat.

Attached: 1583309490844.png (340x211, 138.84K)

So this whole show's on Netflix, right? If my family's got a subscription I don't have to download it, right?

>thinking that asian with colored hair is exclusive to TF

Attached: 4c2a8f1123fd3f2909cf15299c05de30.png (500x670, 587.6K)

Yes, all the eps available were on etflix first

>I'd love more scenes of the characters just hanging out together having fun.
This is probably why I like Collection Quest so much. You get Five/Bergy and Miko/Nica bonding throughout the entire episode and the glitch is mostly in the background.

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It also felt like going back to teaming up with your bro to go on a good old grind

That, and that one computer game that required the player to save a rat from being caught by a cat in the first scene or else the game was entirely unwinnable.

is there more?

much appreciated

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Mieko just going full on leg augments while calling five a filthy jian

as a not english speaker

i dont get this reference

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>Filthy Jian
Nah, Five is Culter-bro. If anyone should be filthy Jian, it's Mitch. He can actually play as Huan.

I would buy an Alpha figure, also I could see Ally merch for girls.

Its just short for "pretty cool' fellow non-EOP

thank you

Care to look over the window? She might be in *that* thing again.

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Blake has been forever claimed by diaperfags.

Is this realistically possible to be in such situation? Just alone together in the house, all fired up, playing video games with a girl...

Get out, exercise, invest in hygiene product
Those things boosts confidence and confidence does wonders

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I'll be very surprised if nobody's drawn Miko dressed as Cammy as of now

We got Juri.

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So we have a Chun-li Miko, Juri Miko, R. Miko. Are we just missing a Cammy Miko?

Ibuki Miko would be great ngl

For me it's Mikoleena.

Sakura Miko too. Kinda basic, but she has her own aesthetic.

I was gonna suggest Sakura Miko as well, but Sakura's legs and butt aren't as large as other SF girls.

these are from KoF, but a Miko Angel, Zarina, Mary or Sylvie could fit her

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>Why yes, Blake is my favorite Glitch Girl, how did you know?

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>these are from KoF
it's not strictly limited to SF

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I don't know enough KoF girls to know which ones would be good for Miko to dress as, but Angel does sound good. I'm trying to think of any GG girls that Miko would look good as. Maybe just May.


Will our Kween ever return? I mean she must if the creator bothered to give her a real name (maybe in a cameo sense like Sabrina the Mabel Clone).

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Before /d/an deleted the tweet I'm pretty sure he said she would make a reappearance.

he crossed the self imposed limits!

welcome to the dark side!

Bernie Bros are you okay?

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huh, they are turning the duo into a trio?

looks like it in the bottom left corner.


Miko needs some real competition. Her jobber sisters or the suicide vest don't count.

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CAW! best bird looking shaaaarp!

well, anything made by garabatoz is legally porn so......

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Everytime I see this face it reminds me of the "say the line" scene from the Simpsons.

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Yas Forumsros.... when glasses qt comes out, I don't know if I can remain faithful to Miko.

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Mitch has the perfect attitude to cosplay geese howard. Hell, he's even a westaboo like geese as well.

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I’m bi so I already lost my loyalty to Miko when Zahra, Five and Bergy appeared

You mean weeaboo.

>but Angel does sound good
My nigga.

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yes. my brain got confused with the terms.

The show needs more Zahra.

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Just started this show. Still on the first episode, shit's enjoyable as fuck. First piece of "gamer" media that isn't cringey as hell.

Miko is thicc as hell too.

I cannot believe Nickelodeon handed this to Netflix, I mean I can because they're Nickelodeon but it's still a bafflingly stupid decision.

Episode 5 and 6 are my favorites. I love the corniess of the dialogue.

>First piece of "gamer" media that isn't cringey as hell.
Really? I enjoy the show and still find a lot of the dialogue cringe. it's mostly from Mitch though
>Like a boss
>good job ganking some minions noobs
>thanks for the distraction noobs
>Any time the characters look at each other and say "gamer logic"
Still the show is fun.

God, I want an Arab gf so badly.

>I love the corniess of the dialogue.
It feels like it has actual heart and inspiration, unlike most other "FOR THE GAMUUURZZZ," media like that one CN Real show.

Garbage bait OP.

You know what they say about OP...

What about that Disney shit that's literally just a collection of popular let's plays that the target audience probably already watches religiously on YouTube?

Never heard of it but sounds cringey as hell.
Apparently there was also some shit called Parker Plays?

This is what people should cringe to, not to COME AT ME BRO.

Absolutely adorable. I feel like cute art is underappreciated in these threads. We need less lewds and more cute art.

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But they don't want you, nerd.

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Maybe she's bald, to complement Miko's piglikeness.

>that softness of Five's puffy part of hair
God I want to ruffle his hair so badly.

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Based Snom working them Hinobi smarks

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Good lord, the cringe.

Also, not gonna lie, Miko's "Hype hype!" line in episode 1 did make me cringe and laugh a little.

God, she's beautiful.

She has a waist.

love geometric shapes ruined star vs. keep it simple. slow realization that they like-like each other culminating NOT at the end but halfway into the last season.

I absolutely guarantee that she will. 100%. It may just be as a background character, but she will be back.

This is flash animation. She's not a drawing, she's an art asset. Recycling her is therefor far and away cheaper than drawing a new asset.

Nah, nignog, the love triangle shit in the first two seasons of SvTFOE (Marco, Star, Jackie) was fine, perhaps even the apex peak of the show's discussion when all that cucking shit was going on. What ruined it was in season 3, Daron Nefertiti panicked and pulled the ripcord on the Jarco ship that she had spent 2 seasons crafting just because of butthurt fans, recreating a lackluster "will they, won't they" tease that went on again until the show ended and Starco got together in a barn during a World of Warcraft daily grind quest, not to mention randomly turning Jackie into a carpet muncher just because. Hell, even some of the Tomstar and Kellco shit wasn't too bad and not the main cause of boring episodes, that was Ponyhead or Eclipsa the Guitar Shredding Wine Auntie.

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What would his hair smell like?

frying grease and nacho cheese.

A whole can of axe body spray

Tacos. Dude's been marinating in it since way younger than should be legal. That smell does NOT go away over night.

What's the controversy surrounding this character? Was there lewd official art or something?

I would not mind smelling like authentic tacos

a literal can of axe spray.

Dude, you skipped all the fun. Basically one of the creators of GT retwitted that art, but it had one twist - she was diapered, but he didn't notice despite te text clearly stating she is in diaper, and he didn't check full image, only thumbnail.

Short version: there was a diaper fetish version of that pic. The show creator retweeted it and complimented it at like 2 in the morning without opening the thumbnail or noticing the artist's name. He deleted the tweet and apologized but now it's already become a meme and now he's being flippant about it (which is, imho, the best way to handle something like this).

He joked that he was writing a diaper fetish episode. Which is pretty funny now but will be EXTREMELY funny if there turns out to be a "Mitch gets transformed into a baby" episode or something.

What is it about Mexicans and axe spray?

i don't know. you tell us.

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This is what I am trying to understand. There should be a reason why not one, but two people responded similarly.

>Mitch gets transformed into a baby
That'll be the IGN episode.

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>another victim of the twitter cropped lewds

I don't know I was more thinking about early teen boys and body spray not Mexican dudes

let him be. the dude probably has a fixation with mexicans.

I just thought it was some stereotype related to Mexicans. It is, in some way, for young teen boys as you said.

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Based as fuck

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fortnite is a game for children. if you get mad at a game for children then you are completely pathetic.

A character action game episode would be fun

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>a professional gamer turns out to be pathetic
Didn't see that coming

It would be a great excuse for awesome over the top acrobatic fighting. I want some DmC style humor too please

I wanna clap his asscheeks while pulling his hair. Then do the same to Miko

Oh shit, it's Pidge. Will Ridley/Five be Pance 2.0?

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Based bi user.

Only acceptable answer. There are only two sexual orientations: Bisexual and repressed

They're both cute, so it's already a plus I guess.

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Fellow bis with taste.

I'd be down for that if Ridley didn't have such fucked up teeth.

>Chomp Kitty
Maybe that's Ridley's pet if not there just for aesthetic reasons.

Just wait till you see her in motion. Miko was my instant favorite, but until I saw Five directly in the cartoon, I had very low expectations on him judging from promo art alone.

same here its not even a legal thing it's more like one guy will randomly try to cancel you. hopefully there will be a birthday episode.