DC Superhero Girls thread

New episodes this month.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bumblebee is getting another doll. You guys better be buying the dolls to support the show.

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are you?

New episode next sunday is called #AllyCat and it's gonna be a two-parter
any ideas on what it'll be about?
i say it's on how selina created her small villain clique

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Lauren, NO!

that gap

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My ideal ticket would be Sanders with warren as VP

women's suffrage was a mistake

I love her!

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If they fucking had them in Canada I would.
So sick of having to buy (some) stuff online. I want to actually see things with my own eyes before I pay for it.
And I don't want to buy all the characters but I want to look at them.
Same with the She-ra dolls. I want to at least look and them and consider buying one but they're Target exclusive and super cheap on clearance apparently. Target opened up stores here for a little while but the company SUCKED and had to close them all down.

Though we should have gone without a thread for 5 days, we're only going to get dropped off the board again until then.

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>believing the Bernie Bros meme

Is there anyone in the animation industry who isn't a Warrencuck?

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>tfw one of the new episode titles is #AllAboutZee

Best girl gets another time to shine!

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jess is best girl, prove me wrong faggots

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the beanie reminded me more of those devo hats rather than an actual beanie
it kinda looks like a green bootleg of those

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tiny selina looks cursed
so does taller karen

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Why is catwoman a black midget.

>Diana tallest
As it sho-
>Babs taller than Kara, Karen taller than Jess, Selina and Zee
Yeah, this shit's fucked

finally a size comparison

Still waiting on Dr Fate

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Warren will dropout. What the fuck!?

time for best girl

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for some reason they scaled the characters differently
she's normally slightly shorter than kara

I fear Warren doesn't have enough momentum to get the nomination, that looks like its down to Sanders or Biden, but I'd like to see her get the Secretary of the Treasury job, or head of the Federal Reserve.

so isn't a Cheetah episode after all

It's prospective

Bee a shit

So does this mean shortstack zee could become a thing?
Cause holy shit, that would make me hard as diamonds

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>probably a member of PETA
>not white
>shitty lantern

>Elizabeth Wigwam

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breast size user


From most to least important, Zeefags btfo

bat bot

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Where is the deluxe Zee doll?!!!

I want Bernie/Yang

I want her to bite my burrito.

that gave her a perfect pear body

did you even know what is a hipster, retard?

>not white
spciy latina with delicious brown skin

>shitty lantern
but she is not hal

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all of this is discredited and made irrelevant by
>mommy gf
>birthing hips
>pathologically drawn to grumps and loners

My one concern is that she'd not want kids due to "muh overpoulation" bullshit, but if she wants a dozen kids since it's "natural" then hell yeah.

They are doing magician Zee

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If she doesn't want kids that's okay because I'll be her little nino

those fucking thighs

dominatrix boots

We know who the large blonde in the leather jacket is?

Who is the best for rape?

I need a Babs with a spankable butt


Babs because you'll get to watch her go from a ball of energy and optimism without a sexual bone in her body to a hollowed out shell with dead eyes who jumps and cries whenever she hears a loud noise.

user, wtf, Babs is for love her and respect her.

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I like it... Actually.

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I love how Zee just fucking gets two costumes. It's totally in character for her, AND it means Faust got to give her a neat superhero outfit while also paying respect to Zatanna's classic costume. It's a perfect example of how this show repeatedly makes good decisions with its characters and plots.

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Keep going.

your mom

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if you don't stop insulting my wife i'm going to hotglue yours

When will my girl Black Canary show up?

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It also means someone wanted to show off Zee's birthing hips in toy form. So they know their ancillary markets.

I hope we don't have to wait until a second season, I want to see how she cucks Zee.

Want to see more of the models they used for this, they certainly didn't half ass it.

straight up imagine short zee giving you a blowjob while she just stands and doesn't need to kneel to do it

Haha, I have masturbated to that exact same doujin too, user.

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Eartha Kitt Catwoman

Lauren, you really don't have to write serious replies to a guy calling himself "big fat moose pussy"

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>we're only going to get dropped off the board again until then
There is no need to have a constant thread you retarded autist. You can have threads that don't reach 500 replies. Keeping threads artificially alive with page 10 bumps is retarded. You can have threads that have one or two replies and then die off. Having a constant general is cancer and only serves to bring in the fat fetishists and other retards as it perpetuates bad content.

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things that are farther away...appear smaller

oh boy here we go

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

Where in his comment said that we should keep having threads even though this shit is practically dead even with or without the fucking shitposting about fetish shit. You're the retard who keeps complaing about the fetishes, yet everyone else is fine about it. If you want to talk about the show, go to Twitter or Tumblr, moron.

It's correct until Kara, then it starts becoming inconsistent and awkward. All the girls whether they fly, stand straight or are on a lift should all be same height. Selina is like half the height of Diana, and if it was a normal plane-- she would be farther than that stage's curtain would even allow to achieve that height difference.

not size comparison retards, it's importamce role in the show... bad news for zeefags

>Hi there, Lauren Faust here. I am writing this to let you know after the new wave of DC Super Hero Girls Episodes, I am writing Zee Zatara out of the show for complications. I am sorry to inform everyone who has enjoyed Zatanna's appearance in the series, but it was the only option to make sure that people were interested in the show for the other characters like Green Latern or Super Girl.

>it's importamce role in the show
in lauren's heart*

well ''lauren'' I think you overdid with kara

>It wasn't me, it was the executives at DC. They took me into a dark room in the basement of their headquarters, and they said to me: "Listen, we will pay you good money to write a super hero show with Batgirl, Super Girl and Wonder Woman" and being as silly as I was I took the offer. What I did not expect is that I loved my renditions of kickass super heroes, I couldn't let them go. They were like children of mine that I never would have. Kara for me, is an eyeopener. The more people who like Kara, the bigger my heart gets knowing that my message is getting across to people. Zee, in this instance is nothing but a lure to get people interested in the series. Kara is the meat and potatoes, and Zee would be like the dessert afterwards.

Babs is for wholesome courtship, marriage, and then first time having sex on the honeymoon

Do you think i am stoopid? Post proof you're Lauren

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No roleplaying.

>both dubs

Party poopers.

>I'll let you in on a little secret though. There will be a second season. 16 episodes, but not directed by me. I have another project I am working on. That is my two cents.

No pet dexie?

but user, that's a vicious psychopath cat. little girls dont like that

Wut happend?

>we're only going to get dropped off the board
This here, user, >implies quite strongly that getting "dropped off the board" is a bad thing.
It's not.
Bumping a thread with bad content perpetuates bad content and attracts more bad content. Letting threads drop off the board hones threads so newer ones are better without the dead weight, like retards like you who post fetish shit.

She looks like a grandma now. So adorable.

Looks like she has cat ears

Babs is for ______

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He's implying that constant threads will cause exile.
It's same shit all over again.

I wonder if we'll ever see Batman and Joker

>He's implying that constant threads will cause exile.
Read it again retard:
>we're only going to get dropped off the board again until then.
This is wrong, retard. Threads should die and not be artificially bumped just to "not get dropped off the board".

Next up, a fat fetish post or some other cancer because this user had to do a contentless bump for this "general" instead of making a new thread, perpetuating this mostly-contentless thread that's already deteriorated to politics and roleplaying.

Diana would rape the shit out of anyone.

Diana already has a good friend with Katana but they should be besties too. They always have great interactions in comics.

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Cute buns

Power Girl water! Get your Power Girl water! Only $5 a bottle!

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Because cats are black and small.

>Supporting a snake
Lauren... I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed.

She’d never not back the female candidate. Doesn’t matter anyway, Trump’s going to win again.

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Okay this is a buy for me


It's only water

Yeah. But she really shot herself in the foot. Warren split the Bernie vote. Had it just been Bernie and Biden, we wouldn't be talking about Trump winning again. Now Trump is going to win again and Faust is never going to see a female VP.
This is what identity politics does and people like Lauren aren't going to learn from this.

And in drawing lewds, artists can focus more on her hips.
Fuck, shortstack zee would be the best thing ever.
I would try my best to get a piece of dat ass, or die trying

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It's "water", or at least it's liquid.

This show is fucked.

>30 year old fat ugly retard goes and buys a toy made for literal 6 year olds
brony tier


Fucking moron, go back to whatever shithole you came from and stop plauging our thread. It was just as calm and random before you got here and you ruined it. This is peak autism at its best, no one can be able to be this upset about a post on a Chinese medicine board.

>tfw old fat ugly retard but self aware enough to not buy kid stuff
>see all those others who are having fun with it

You can respond without bumping, retard.

A coomer needs a name

Jessica Cruz hoards her own shit so she can eat it later

I bumped to make a point you fucking faggot.

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yfw you will never get a full body hug from jess

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having fun is awful though. I'd rather just sulk and mad

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Reminds me the bad hug from Tangled

I was talking about my replies, retard.

You're not very bright aren't you?

lookit that donk though

>another fucking pointless page-10 bump
You could have just started a new thread with Jess's ass in the OP.

Stay mad, autist.

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As fun as it is making me mad, imagine all the fun you'd have if you just start a thread with Jess's ass in the OP.

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Anyone have the copy paste about the girls reacting to Babs and Barry having sex?

yeah man, water...

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>DC Girls Super Star Saga

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Plus tip

Imagine the smell


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When Kara was sick from the Metallo kryptonite explosion she made Diana wax her butthole.

I’m not going to watch until Starfire is in the show

>that pussy
well played Mattel, already ordered on Amazon

holy fuck this looks like a high quality product, where can I buy her??


I want her natural water on my face if you know what I mean

How fast do you think Kara sneezes or spits?

2 times per hour

I want more of Lois.

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Clark no!

Who is going to stop him?

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I want to buy a bottle of Power Girl's bathwater!


Only a force of nature

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