Average Frozen 2 fan

Average Frozen 2 fan.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Average Frozen 2 fan.

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>Average Miraculous Ladybug fan

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The girl's face on the right kills me.

I love the elsa girl face, she cant stand the cringe

He went around little kids at a theme park to get this picture.

Did you just assume its gender?

He's wearing diapers too, right.

Wait...you think millions of people worldwide are like this?
No wonder you post like that.

Reminder that the actors have stalkers they are powerless to stop and have to interact with them everyday, in character, whether they like it or not

Right arm is positions that the hand should be right on Anna's ass.

What's the middle princess name?




I don't get filming cum tributes. Seems like the lamest shit ever.

kissy kissy sissies

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You dare invoke the name of the dead without a proper offering?

Anna can no longer kissy her sissy now that she's gone. She can only missy her sissy

Average Frozen 2 fan.

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Average Frozen 2 fan.

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Average Frozen 2 fans.

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I don’t get it. Isn’t the average fan a young girl? Is this thread just for weird projection and self-loathing?

Yas Forums likes to pretend they are somehow better than this, but many are either grown ass men in their thirties who like children's cartoons, or trannies from tumblr

This image makes me upset as an actual lolita

Average Frozen 2 fan.

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Yes. For everyone of these people: there is going to be at least 10 kids/families. Plus a decent amount of people like who are obviously just having a giggle.

Doesn't Disney parks have security to curb this shit?

Average Frozen 2 fan after Elsa's abdication.

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They're not going to get in the way of paying customers, and it's not against the rules to repeatedly visit a character meet and greet.

Curb what? Repeat customers?

>it's not against the rules to repeatedly visit a character meet and greet

Tell that to the Arab chic who got banned from Disneyland CA.

How do I get an Elsa gf?

By being Anna

Be a cute brown girl

As long as the guests aren't being threatening or making the cast members or other attendees uncomfortable, there really isn't much Disney can do. If I go Disney, do nothing but ride Space Mountain, and make awkward small talk with the cast members, there is nothing security can, or has a reason to do, unless Disney wants to bring a lawsuit on themselves. If I move on to behavior or speech that would be considered reasonable grounds for intervention by security it's a different story, but until then you can go to the Frozen meet and greet and sperg over Elsa all you want.

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Did it work?

She would have to bend down in an unladylike manner to retrieve the chocolate so no it did not

Hans would do the same trick, but using a bear trap.

The return of Bane pose

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>he's posting pictures from 2014
get with the times.

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I can only post old images since I don't have the energy or drive to search for new ones

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>ancient filename
Things were simpler then.

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I went to Disneyland a few months ago just to visit Elsa and Anna. You can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't qualify as harassment, sexual or otherwise. There was a guy who got canned from the park a few months ago who Snow White said acted inappropriate with her, I don't know if it went anywhere or not.
I can't flirt for shit and tried my best with Elsa. Too nervous.

>Space Mountain
Based moutain user

I'm still here and I wish Anna existed in another franchise separate from Elsa.

Anna deserved so much better than to get overshadowed by Elsa as a mere accessory.

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But that's Elsa's position!

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I'd be crying too if my legs turned to jelly

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The first words out of Elsa's mouth in the short BETTER be "I'm sorry". Or else.

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>unrelated but same artist
Perspective is hard

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pushpop dress is flimsy in more ways than one I see

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We'll find out in...about 12 months if comes out in the same time frame at Frozen Fever. In the mean time have more of Elsa in her natural state

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What in god's name is the carrot for

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>Broadway Hans
I think I like this look better than the original
Don't make us spell it out for you

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Did Elsa freeze her tits off?

I rewatched the opening scene, where Agnarr tells Elsa and Anna the story of the forest, and I registered something I hadn't before. Agnarr hears the Voice! Agnarr hears the siren call. Why in the fuck does Agnarr get to hear it, but Anna doesn't?

This one is clearly just some lads having a laugh by posing with some hot chicks

That'll go over swimmingly

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Because that time the voice was coming from Idina herself, not from Ahtohallan.

Anyone else think that Ahtohallan is essentially a hallucinogenic?

Just artistic liberty I think, drawing tits gets old fast

More evidence that Elsa was a magical virgin birth and Anna has a different mother

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Space Mountain best mountain.

Big Thunder Mountain is pretty great but loses out because all the false drops irritate me.

Bah, it's still fucking stupid. If that wasn't Ahtohallan, then why was Iduna doing it? Who was she trying to call to? Is it a call the Northuldra know to summon the spirits, or each other? Why was Ahtohallan using Iduna's call (that Elsa had never heard before) instead of coming up with its own?

I'd be curious if the idea of Anna and Elsa not being blood related was tossed around in one of the dozens of drafts for Frozen 2. Would the ship be bigger or smaller if it were canon?

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Didn't they do something like that in a book. It's a non-canon book series called Twisted Fates or something. It actually kinda ships Helsa too, since Elsa meets Hans initially. I haven't actually read it.

They were still related, except Anna got put up for adoption because anyone who writes Frozen shit doesn't know how to let the sisters be happy together for five minutes.

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Definitely much bigger. We may be warped by this place, but incest is a real deterrent for people.

It’s still crazy to me that Anna is the younger child
Iduna gave birth to an unholy magic abomination and then decided to risk it again, but apparently Ahtohallan’s “gift” is one use only

And then apparently the answer to everything is making both sisters "the bridge" except Ahtohallan doesn't give a shit about Anna.

>Long after little Iduna left the forest, the great Spirits blessed her with a child who would grow into magical powers and achieve a great destiny and right the wrongs of the past (Iduna later died horribly btw)
>there was also another kid the Spirits had nothing to do with but she was unceremoniously promoted to co-Bridge after everything was over
It seems a bit lopsided

Cute, but needs more sideburns.

jesus christ i hope these girls get paid well

The whole thing was stupid. Idina didn't deserve any such gift for being kind to an enemy. Elsa shouldn't have a destiny and Anna shouldn't be important.

Also, the whole Fifth Spirit destiny thing seems rather... forced on Elsa? There's literally no reason she should be happy about it and she certainly shouldn't be sobbing for joy. She had no choice in the matter. Why doesn't she at least initially protest?

Homo or female?

Elsa's not that bad, even if she needs a good smack from Anna. Also world building wise it is good to have a spare heir for the kingdom

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>Why doesn't she at least initially protest?
There's one explanation...

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She must get everything telepathically explained to her because she’s way too accepting of the whole thing. And then infects her sister with her new serene aura because Anna is way too calm at the end as well.

>Elsa's not that bad, even if she needs a good smack from Anna.
How the reunion scene should've gone:
>"Is it really you?"
>"Yes, Anna. It's me."
>"Are... are you alright? Olaf is gone, I was worried sick..."
>"Anna, it's okay. It's me, I'm here, I'm alright."
>Anna slaps Elsa across the face so hard she staggers.

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A child of the forest rescuing a child of the invaders is exactly the kind of “pure heart” bullshit spirits just love rewarding

>Elsa...do you think you could make me another ice canoe?
>Sure, why?
>So I can bash you over the head with it, dumbass

Average Yas Forums poster

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A 2-person canoe (well, 1 person and 1 snowman) seems like it would be heavy, but Anna does have proven tard strength

goddamn these girls are good at controlling a disapproving smile

they must me literal master speech crafters, scary kinda

Frozen II fans should be sterilized.

All hail the original Frozen master race.

>Frozen II fans should be sterilized.
Those exist?

>Anna does have proven tard strength
This reminds me of when she used Olaf's arm to make a sharp turn off the ice path Elsa made. If that were to happen in real life I think she definitely would have broken her arm or wrist. She also got conked on the head by a branch when they were floating down the river.

You're pretty much not allowed to be a costumed cast member at Disney if you aren't a master at speechcraft. If you can't smile and nod for the most retarded shit, then your ass is out.

This comic has a similar take

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The sad thing is the boat scene could've worked and even been a good scene if they were at least willing to write even the smallest of conflict between the sisters, no retarded ice boat required.
>"It could be dangerous, Anna! The Water Spirit could be waiting for us there."
>"So what? You handled the Wind and Fire Spirits like they were nothing! If you can handle Fire, then surely Water won't pose too much trouble. Come on, let's get going."
>"No, Anna..."
>"...Elsa, come on, we're wasting time."
>"Anna, you're not coming with me."
>"Elsa, you don't have to worry about me. I can handle myself. You need to stop--"
>Elsa sighs. "Look, Anna, I... I'm sorry. I love you with all my heart. But ever since we reunited I haven't had five minutes to myself. You're smothering me."
>Anna looks hurt at first, then narrows her eyes at her sister. "Gee, I'm sorry, Elsa. You had thirteen years to yourself, I thought maybe you'd had enough. Not to mention, maybe *I* missed my sister."
>"Anna, that's not fair..."
>"No, clearly I'm just the goofy, bothersome sister of special Snow Queen Elsa, who's good for nothing but loving people who hurt her." Anna glares directly at Elsa, who looks heartbroken at her last few words, hearing Anna compare her to... him.
>"Anna, I'm--"
>"Goodbye, Elsa. I hope you find some answers at Ahtohallan."
>Olaf looks worriedly back and forth between the two of them as Anna walks away, unsure what to do. "Elsa..."
>Elsa sighs, holding herself in her arms. "Go with her, Olaf. Keep her safe. Please."
>Olaf frowns, but nods. "Be careful, Elsa."
>"I will."
This even builds off of Anna's clingy, must-protect-Elsa-at-all-costs-ness throughout the movie.

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Damn. I just thought of an evil fic idea, where she punches Elsa, and the other spirits spring to her defense and kill Anna right there in front of her....

Not after I’m done with them.

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I will pay you to never write this

Yeah, this rewrite works a lot better with few other changes needed. Just need Anna run into a cave due to a stone giant or something and add a fleshed out resolution during their reunion scene.

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And Elsa has a reason to skip the coronation, because she selfishly made everyone hate her again.

Pretty dark but I can see it as a one shot. Does Elsa go on a blood fueled rage against all things magical?

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>ywn have your bros discussing about frozen.

The pain

No amount of money can stop Frozen angst.

Either she embarks on a one-woman revenge bloodbath until she’s the only spirit left, or she collapses with enough grief to freeze the entire ocean. Maybe both.

Why is he dressed like strawberry shortcakes? Is this a trans LARP thing?


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me in the middle

Hell, let's crank the angst up to eleven while we're at it.
>"Do you know what a burden you were?! I lost my childhood because of you! I was a prisoner in my own home! Mother and Father said they loved me, but I saw how they looked at me: With fear."
>"I'm sorry, are you complaining because you shot me in the face? How dare you. Just because I had the entire castle instead of a single room doesn't mean I was any less trapped than you were. At least you knew what was going on, Elsa. All I knew was that my sister suddenly hated me for no reason."

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>ywn be a chinese fangirl drawing incest smut among friends

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Don't remind me that we almost had Life's Too Short in Frozen

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Timothy Hutton Accused of Raping a 14-Year-Old Girl

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>she’s probably dead now

They are living the dream, bros.

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Why are they all so sweaty


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Florida gets very hot and humid during the summer season

If they're English, that's not sweat. That's grease.

See, this is much more effective and tragic than FTFTIF's reprise because it actually starts off well, with both sisters wanting to reconcile, instead of Elsa being all "NO ESCAPE FROM THE STORM INSIDE" from the get-go.

I wish he would fucking die already

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This is why you don't give a pale, blonde girl, living in a constant winter a fucking white outfit.

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I love Listerine. Fuck UK leaving the EU, now it's doubled in price because import taxes and I have to buy a cheap local knockoff which doesn't burn my flesh as much.

Splash Mountain

>Oooh, a deleted, never-before-heard song from Frozen
>It's just Making Today A Perfect Day

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Average Frozen 2 fans.

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Anyone else thought the song in the short was garbage?

Disney needs to make an official statement denouncing Elsamaren

>Disney needs to purposely alienate fans
You are fired from marketing

Average Tangled fan.

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I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

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>wearing shoes

She cute

now that is one dangerous Elsa

We were so close, we could be like that again.

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Why would they denounce that when they won't even denounce the incest shipping?

>alienating 2% of fans
Well, there's also the majority of fans who don't want to have corporate disney gay shoved down their throats to think about, too.

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absolutely and irredeemably based.

this really makes me want to go and my picture taken with these maidens of lust

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Is that Mandy

>It's too white!
To be fair, she's a literal snow queen. Why is white such an issue.
Your chart didn't even include the best outfit.
>pic related

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Because her F2 outfits are absolute trash and her spirit look is terrible. F1 outfits were great.

Yes it's Rapunzel's VA.

The only thing I don't get about the Snow Queen outfit was the split cape. Some commentary said they were supposed to be like fairy wings, but it looks like a bigger snag/tripping hazard than her regular capes.
>Long hair is absolute kino
Her night gown was also awesome too. Whatever she wore underneath her travel outfit was also cool too. It reminds me of a gymnastics leotard.

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>Whatever she wore underneath her travel outfit was also cool too.
I like how it gave her cleavage (kinda), left her barefoot, and accentuated her butt. Mmm.

>that little Pascal on his shoulder

Wetsa is bestsa

Does... does he not know how to cross his arms?

The line is always 2 hours long, took my daughters and they said it wasn't worth it.

Either get there right when the park opens, maybe around lunch, or before the line cuts off. Or you're going to be waiting awhile to see them, everyone wants a piece of them. At Disneyland it looks like Olaf has returned to the line up too so that doesn't help.
Or do what I did and get an "autism" pass

I need a green.

>Elsa is immune to the cold
>Can wear clothes as thin as paper and not even shiver
>And she loves capes

>Elsa walking down a hallway
>Anna comes running down the hallway behind her
>Elsa turns around
>Just as Anna stops in front of her, she takes one more accidental step onto Elsa's cape
>Rip & tear
>Anna trips and falls over
>She hardly gets a look at her sister before she runs into the closest room and freezes the door shut

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I was thinking he was trying to do a cool pose, but now it does seem more like he was trying to mirror Raps and failed

Official Disneyland Paris actors.

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I mean, that's basically the movie

>Elsa's costume
Weird but her hair looks better than the film
>Anna's costume
Damn girl I love it, love the gold
>Kristoff's costume
Look at that thick-ass patch on his elbow

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>Elsa will never hold you into her cleavage until you pass out
running out of reasons to continue waking up in the morning



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Seemingly related comic by DemonFencer.

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shut the fuck up, Elsa is a GODDESS of beauty, your fucking fat fuck, get the fuck out of my board you faggot

I remember this from the last thread. It's probably what inspired the green. Just a thought in general too. She can wear practically nothing and not get cold.

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>Taking the least reliable mountain over GOAT LAND


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>rapist pedo voice actor obsessed with rapunzel who forced his girlfriends and little fangirls to dress like her
average tangled fan

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Is this how normal sisters hug? Can anyone confirm?