
You can pinpoint the moment her soul left her body.

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Other urls found in this thread:


how many dykes taken this line too literal?

More like "I love you, Braps" haha

The mouse should publish long brown hair Raps merch

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>the entire series was about Cassandra accepting the fact she can't have her straight friend
>the reason she is kind of happy in the last scene, where she goes out of the world is because she heard there is another blonde queen who is actually lesbian
Also WHAT THE FUCK the Captain didn't appear until the end. You think someone who is the fucking step father of Cassandra should have been there when her fate decided. The granny who hates everyone was there for Christ sake.

Stop making threads for this piece of shit that no one cares about. The ratings for this shit were bad. No one likes this garbage. Fuck off. And glad that it's finally over. Kill yourself!

I love you, user

I... I love you too...

Man I wish this show got more merch. The 7 am time slot is what really killed its popularity. I feel like it was mildly popular in the beginning, did it have a different/better slot then? It was popular enough for several dolls and a figure set.

>Stallion is completely fine with getting with Brock

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I just started this show, is it normal to want Cass and Eugene to fuck this bad?

It's what I wished to happen in the finale

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Seething Varianfag, or didn't watch the show?

Or maybe Starcucks who still in denial that almost every show has the better finale than theirs.

>/u/ shit only hurts a series
Hmmm, who could have foreseen this happening?

The mouse promote the show effortlessly in purpose because if the show gains more publicity, the fans would pressure for spin-off series of other popular characters and it would disturb the mouse's plan of pushing soulless live-action film for cashgrab in the foreseeable future.

Your obsession with /u/ is alarming.

Cass has been in the wedding venue, but the camera just didn't show up

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You know I like Cassandra's development in season 2, I love her songs and especially her singing voice, and she had cute moments but ultimately I think i just don't like her much. Kinda wish they had committed to full villainy.

how differently would things have gone if gothel didn't abandon her

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>Waiting in the Wings starts playing

>Seething Varianfag
what do you mean, he litteraly had the best ending from them all
he didn't get that dyke tho

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>The biggest take aways for me are 1) the fans. Thank you all for embracing the show and Cassandra. It means the world to me. 2) the message. The show has taught me so much as an adult. It’s astounding. The one that will be with me forever is “plus est en vous”. I have it tattooed on my arm to always remind me that “there is more in you” I’m so proud of this show.
Eden going full Cass and ruining her arm.

He got to do what he wanted way back in season 1. It's not bad, but pretty surreal of an end to settle on after you've launched a full scale assault with an army of robots and biochemical weapons on the kingdom less than a couple of years ago.

Dang she really did that? I love her even more now.

I actually like how Eden seems so into her character

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Someone post the season1 cuck edit set

I hope she will have a singing cast for future disney musical movie. Cass' song is great addition of the show.

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Didn't you watch the previous episodes? The captain deliberately left the battlefield, because he wouldn't be able to fight against his daughter, so he probably left the kingdom in fear of doing treason

I hope Corona starts a lewd will festival and have their queen and Stalyan meet at the finals.

The rule is simple, while Broc and Eugene is trying their best to not nut in order to win, Raps and Stalyan has to put in everything they've got to make them nut as soon as possible.

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>not Raps and Arianna

Did you? We had a whole episode about how he came to resolve about not giving up trying to get through to Cassandra, just like Rapunzel.
Leaving the guard because of the conflict is one thing, but he should have tried to reach out to her on numerous other occasions. There's no fucking explanation for it other than some variation of "they couldn't be assed"

I can buy that as an explanation, but it's still both extremely irresponsible of him (how about confronting her as her father, if you can't as the Captain?) and most importantly it sucks for the story. I get that the plot is meant to be about Cass and Raps before everything else, but it would have been a kino moment for sure. I think lack of Cap and Cass's bad death scene are the biggest gripes I have with the finale.

remember that Raps was the only one who thought there was still good in her, everyone else was going to kill her(for good reasons. Raps was clearly in the wrong the entire time)

>I think lack of Cap and Cass's bad death scene are the biggest gripes I have with the finale
Gotta agree. Stuff like that takes me out of it, and reminds me that this isn't a real living world and there's a "man behind the curtain". Luckily there aren't too many moments like that.

Any fanart/fic about if Raps didn't throw away the sun/moon fusion power and took it for own to ascend to cosmic goddess?

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He was treated like many of the characters except he was extremely important. He just simply disappeared in S3. Raps comes home "Ooops your daughter is death incarnation now, lol let's have cakes and fun" and he is nowhere. Then at the end there is a half assed completely self contained episode "Oh he went away, nobody cared" and then he disappears again! Same thing as we didn't know where the king and queen are for several episodes, Raps just simply took over Corona! Then it turns out they were brainwashed and restored in a self contained episode because as you can guess they do fuckall until the end. Cassandra walks in Corona and they stand far back in the throne room when she puts up a death threat on their daughter. S3 had so many filler episodes when it was the perfect chances to spend time on every main character how they feel about things. Nope, just as in S2 characters who aren't needed are hibernating on the shelf until their dedicated episodes.

Hahaha she looks like she's about to have an emotional breakdown. This show is amazing. The animators are true heroes.

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Don’t forget the smug queen.
3 makes a pack.

Okay so... what is it, Yas Forums?

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>no fic with Rapunzel and Eugene helping Cass unwind because she's insatiably horny and it's distracting her from her duties, but she's such an uptight bitch she doesn't even know how to touch herself

Guess I need to do it myself.

It really doesn't make sense unless Disney cut their budget and forced them to downsize season3 to 17episodes.

It's not all their fault tho, they could've cut out the hourglass episode and the monkey scene etc.

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What the picture says. A memento.

I mean the headgear is white. Is it the lady in waiting underwear or something?

Pretty sure it's the bonnet itself. Looks darker because it's white fabric draped over her dark green jacket.

It's partially transparent silk, user. What happens when you put a thin white film against a dark green sleeve?

Boy, they sure had no fucking idea what to do with the Captain in Season 3, did they?

The most fascinating thing about the finale is that Cass’s story is so far from resolved. In the last episode she is totally humiliated and broken. She not only has betrayed all her friends, but she finally is revealed to have been manipulated into bringing a demon to ultimate power. Then she finds the last power in her and must give it up to Raps, because she and everyone else know she’s too incompetent to use it. Then she gets resurrected by her betrayed friend in front of everyone, proving how much better a person Rapunzel is than her. All this and she is still further than ever from getting anything that she wants; no position in the guards, no glory, no valour.

I always mocked Cass-sufferingfags as exaggerating, but the finale is damn harsh on her

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IT'S A RIDDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Cass' act of stealing the moonstone probably protected Raps from dying in the sun/moon fusion process. Also she costed her life to shield the power shock of fusion for protecting Raps so Raps can grab her last chance to cast the final healing incantation to bring everyone back.

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my speculated Big Five of Raps and Cass

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thing is that Cass was never in a position to be truly content. She was surrounded by people who made it easy for her and would have given her everything she desired without much complaining. All her problems came from wanting to prove herself to people who didn't expect anything from her and that made her mad. Without all that baggage she has the opportunity to actually find out what it is she wants. Even if she just ends up finding out that being with her loved ones for the sake of havinng them around is more important than proving that she's awesome.

You guys have no idea, the Mouse will use Cass as a gateway to finally connect the Disney Princess Universe together, her first stop Arendelle. Of course they would have to retcon almost everything but what does that matter when you could cash in loads from kids to adults right?

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It won't work. Half of tumblr hates Cass for taking screentime away from Eugene, and for not getting with the science twink.

>Disney starts merging all their medieval-ish princess movies
>big bad super threat that must be stopped
>Cass is the Nick Fury of the franchise

The duality of user.

It would work guys, Cass would be there as tertiary character, a mercenary/bounty hunter, occasionally fighting the other Kingdoms' thugs or monsters and being pestered by the Princesses to act and dress more girly apart from Merida of course those two would probably be rivals.

It could be Mandalorion in Tangled vibe

God I need this. Please writefag. Deliver us from the content drought ahead.

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Not to mention her final hopeless 'I love you'. The whole finale is a humiliation train. Raps forgives, redeems and saves her even though she knows full well she deserves none of it.

So I watched episodes season1~3, and it seems like Cass always used her right hand and carry the sword so the handle is on her right shoulder...

Even after her right hand was burned in S2

Even after she grabbed the moonstone.

ONLY in that finale green outfit, she carries it on her left shoulder... wtf??

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S3 soundtrack release when?

The obvious answer is that the writers had a stroke.

IIRC, she was practicing left-handed sword fighting during the course of S2 and maybe the Moonstone reinforced her decayed hand.

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they accidentally flipped her turnways

>default "bad writing!" response
What do character dolls and animation have to do with writers?

S4 announcement when
But hey let’s not forget that the storyboard user said good Cassandra stuff coming soon

>It's not all their fault tho, they could've cut out the hourglass episode and the monkey scene etc.
Here are the episodes they could've scrapped and replaced with something more substantial:
1. Return of the King (just have Eugene's dad go with them to Corona in episode 1)
2 .The Lost Treasure of Herz Der Sonne
3. No Time Like the Past
4. The King and Queen of Hearts (just scrap the whole amnesia story line)
5. Day of the Animals
6. Pascal's Dragon
7. Islands Apart (just have the Captain stick around for the whole season and give him a season-spanning side plot)
8. Flynnpostor (the Baron should've been the main antagonist of the premiere)

Now this is actually believable

>Raps just simply took over Corona!
7-YTD tv series, they need to make it ‘there is a someone-the-age-of-my-big-sister doing big deal stuff she’s my role model’.

nope, that's her practicing her right hand skills.

She never really had a good reason to be bad. Even with the ghost manipulation it was ultimately "Raps I really want a destiny and I'm gonna block yours and fight against all my loved ones to get it, as vague an idea as I might have of it." Then it was jealousy over bullshit that Rapunzel didn't want and had no say in, then it was anger that she's not 100% welcomed back and had any amount of precaution taken against her threats to kill people and destroy shit. Some said her return to good was too quick and easy but honestly that's all that seemed right to me: backed into a corner she can't moonstone out of, made to face both her friend and her actions. I wouldn't mind full villain Cass but she'd a lot more buildup than "my friend doesn't 100% listen to me" and "I'm petty and jealous about someone who has more experience in this matter." Hell I'd almost want Adira to be the twist villain but that would've meant she didn't immediately fuck off once the season was done. At least they didn't make her swoon over Lance I guess.

Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder

How do you think Cass would have felt in this scene if she'd seen Rapunzel in her room?

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>good Cassandra stuff coming soon
What? There's nothing coming.

They should have given Cass some kind of goal. Something to actually do with her newfound power rather than just mope about in the woods.

Look at us user, what have we become? Clinging on to a cartoon that ended before it even started. All good things come to an end.

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She'd definitely shlick herself while hiding in the shadows, but she would insist she hates it and hates Rapunzel.

I think most of the slice of life episodes are okay to watch. I just don't get why S3 has less episodes than the past two seasons. I think it should be given one more episode to cover more backstory of the Brotherhood.

The problem isn't she did but they way she did it.

it's confusing af. I hope her hand is fine now.

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now i believe all the suffering shit anons were talking about

Cass singing short reprise of Wind In My Hair would've been pure kino.

I'm bummed she didn't sing anything.

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>no Zhan Tiri hazmat suit edit

Why do scorned lesbians make such good villains

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It surprised me that Raps hasn't been ear-fucked by Pascal's tongue before.

>I'd give anything to relive everything with you

They're just trying to rub salt in the wound with this song aren't they? It's only a couple days and about half a dozen rewatches later that the finality is starting to sink in. The ride is over.

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What else do you want him to do? He tried to come to her as a father and she beat him up.

anyone have the user cut of the last episode from previous thread?

Quite simply try again, since he has completely changed his mindset and approach in the meantime.


It's unironically a much better episode this way.

>why won't you just give up on me

She nailed that line. That's a reel feel right there.

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Writefag here. I’ll cook something up.

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Eden (the VA cast in general, honestly) has delivered such a consistently great performance throughout the whole span of the show. She really brought Cassandra to life.

Guys I’ve been fucking depressed for the two days since the finale, moping about how things all come to an end and how painful it is that Raps and Cass had to say goodbye. I feel more like these cartoon characters are real than I’ve felt about anything else, what the fuck.

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Hey, spoonfeed user? Amazon webrips are on torrent sites now.

You know? You're a little shit but deep down I'm gonna miss you too.

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At least Raps and Cass separate in a promising way and it's good for both circumstances. Unlike the forced separations in the mouse's recent movie sequels.

>"This is the biggest challenge this kingdom has ever faced"
>"No offence Varian"

Dad-user here. We made the finale an all day thing. Made a pot of hazelnut soup to go with dinner, but nobody ate it. It wasn't good anyway. It's just pumpkin soup with hazelnut scrapings. I should have made Nutella hot cocoa or something else diabeetusy

What can I say that hasn't already been said? It was a beautiful flawed masterpiece. Girl got her emotional melodrama, boy got his anime fight and giant monster. Xhan Tiri was lame but it was never the focus. Girl felt vindicated when Cass was depowered and was immediately crippled with self-loathing and guilt, still smug she saw something I didn't. Boy got all worked up when Eugene got the shit beat out of him but kept getting up. (Captain America is his god now.) Tears were shed, hands were clapped, it was great.

Gonna get them started on Avatar next. Thanks for the good threads guys!

>Cassandra is free around the country fucking cute blonde / brunette girls who remind her of Rapunzel, to try to fill the void of her heart, but she will never succeed.

and then one day she hears of Arendelle, an entire nation of blondes

>nation of blondes
Isn't it occupied by half of black/brown people now

that's only if you hang out down by the docks or the slums


Now all we have left are fanworks.
God help us all.

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Yeah, Cass going her own way and forging her own path makes sense, especially after everything she’s done and said.

>woody gets with bo peep
why is this one considered bad? if Toy Story 3 came out today, would people bitch about Andy getting rid of his toys?

Abusefags are just trying to restore the cosmic balance. Rapunzel needs to suffer a bit, Cass should be cuddled and loved.

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Cheers, user. Your kids and you are alright.

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wow her face look much rounder here



these are good stuff.
just need to work on the part how 'rapunzel and eugene help her unwind'.

You and me both user

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Because if a man is hopelessly pathetic it comes off disgusting. Not to mention men are only allowed to suffer in very specific ways or they can't get any respect afterwards.
MaleCassandra would be alcoholic and has a dead wife who looked like Rapunzel.

Because Woody leaving Buzz in TS4 ruined the meaning of Woody's decision to stay with friends and Andy's advice to Bonnie in TS3.
TS4 handled this issue pretty forcedly, and it also devalued Bonnie's character, though it's still not worse than that in RBTI and F2.

I want to see the sun drop popping out of Raps' chest in CGI model.

>different films in a series can't have different meanings
Does it not making the most sense compared to Frozen 2 or Wreck it Ralph 2, though? Woody chose his toy friends 3 times out of 4, and in the second and third films, he was given a choice between those friends and a "better life."

I didn't see TS4 so maybe it was executed in a shit way.

This is going to appear as coming out of left field but there's a recurring villain in current ms marvel whose main reason for becoming a villain is basically "my gf turned out to be a lesbian" and he's decently liked even around here.

They couldnt up her villany because of the shows rating. If it was a bit higher i promise cas would impale zan thiri and rape raps

Writefag here i sooo want to write an edgy fic where cassandra can kill and murders zan thiri on the spot.

>Wedding short
>Pascal and Max is about to lose the wedding cake
>Cass gently secures the cake with her now healed hand
>"This place is really falling apart without me, huh?"

Attached: 14.jpg (1920x904, 170.46K)

Animator fags get on that

>no spinoff with cass going around the countryside rescuing princesses from towers

>no porn of Cass getting brutally gangraped by barbarians shortly after her terrible decision to roam around the world solo as an attractive young woman who is only second best in combat.

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I, too, would like to see Cass suffer for hijacking the Rapunzel show.

Could make a fanart comic to cover this part

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This would only happen in my dreams

why would she put herself in a situation like that?

bandits, camp raids, a slight loosening during a long trip, etc.

Hey, how about this, "trusting someone unnecessarily because that's what Rapunzel taught her"

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>>the entire series was about Cassandra accepting the fact she can't have her straight friend

>tfw never saw /u/ shit until this season when they beat it you over the head with it
man, I feel like I watched this show wrong. was I just willfully blind? I don't remember this being a thing in season 1.

It doesn't matter when your eyes were opened, only that they're open now. Welcome.

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Commission user here to inform you all that the Cass suntanning idea is currently in development. I'm also mulling over an OT3 piece as well but I'm willing to hear out more suggestions

>Not Cass turning into a lesbian version of Johnny Bravo: saving and trying to woo chicks only for them to be solidly straight.

If they were to ever make a Disney Princess Crossover, Raps would definitely be the leader.

And they'd make Aurora the twist villain because she's bitter about sleeping through her entire arc. Hell, she never even met Maleficent

It's not even really a cuck thing, I just love the bantzy chemistry. The way they argue, they are the epitome of "just fuck already." I guess there is a little bit of a sense of taboo there also.

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garbage gif, cutting out the crucial parts. safe with that user who made lub dub gif.

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we need a short, desperately...

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Any discrepancies can be explained by the presence of Cassandra hiding under the sheets getting as much sensory information as she can.

Is this the discord where the crew hangs out? I joined there and literally just said "so is this where Chris is lurks?" and got banned forever.

apparently they have a policy against irritating crew members but fuck them I just wanted to check.

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>I decided to be obnoxious and got banned
A happy ending.

Cassandra ended the series as she began: a failed attempt at becoming a man

She'd never trust anyone, the only exception being Raps. She'd probably get fucked in a bar/tavern after trying to outdrink the local bums.

Attached: Chug! Chug! Chug!.jpg (739x415, 17.52K)

>Was considering writing a rapefic where Cass takes out all her pent up unrequited love on a captive Rapunzel.

The fuck happened to my post? I was considering it but never got around to it. Should I?

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Good to hear user. That was my idea so I won't be selfish and make another suggestion

Yeah they were probably wise to do so considering all the degenerate lewds I've dabbled with.

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just post it on paheal when it's done!

>tfw cass will never visit berk and crossover with "that" astrid

Flood their discord with bots that post all the rape pics. That'll learn em.

Why wasnt Cass into Adira? Is it like two bulls in a pen?

If a discord doesn't disable image uploading from new users, they deserve that

Nah I just want to say thanks atm. They became very exclusive nowadays I've heard. I want in :(

Maybe the issue is them making it to be run non-sequentially. Everything is too self contained when it would have been better to properly connect the things episode by episode like a continuous storyline.
But then, why would they write the show like that when it's always aired sequentially and they wont even rerun the show anymore?

If Varian was going to get redeemed so fast, it shouldve happened back in season 2, maybe on the prison ship episode, so he could travel with the group.

>inferiority complex dyke
>general lack of trust for anyone
>Loves Rapunzel
>better fighter than her
>knows more than her
>Raps trusts Adira
>Raps regards Adira's opinion higher than hers for the most part

what a mystery

Sounds pretentious and annoying. I hate that glorified chatroom.

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Cass shouldve used the moonstone to fuck off from Corona and try to do her own thing and maybe build her own kingdom. Instead they come up with a million bullshit reasons for Cass to do nothing with her power but go after Rapunzel even though it goes against her motivation for taking the stone in the first place.

I knew it wouldnt be good when we got back to Cassandra suddenly not being able to do anything with the rocks then we're told Rapunzel took her power and needed to be destroyed, which never even happened. Then Cass finally restores her rock powers to how it was in the season premiere and she still does nothing with her power but antagonize Rapunzel.

Imagine Now I See The Light with the fucking horse on the boat.

Tinfoil time, I'm wondering if they had different plans for season 3 but because of budget constraints they changed the story in a way that would allow them to reuse assets like backgrounds, models etc.

When is this coming to Disney+?

>Cass insatiably horny
>Rapunzel and Eugene seek help
>Varian has invented the vibrator
>they put it up Cass
>she's so happy!
>it explodes

I know how you feel. I purposely drove into a pothole once and now I hate roads

>All her problems came from wanting to prove herself to people who didn't expect anything from her
Which is sad because everyone, including the Captain, knew she was the best even before she took his place.

Brunette Raps got a massive beauty buff this episode

Attached: 3.jpg (1020x1080, 138.59K)

This is the only correct answer

I can't tell whose unrequited gay lust is sadder, Cassandra's or Sasukes

All of that could be easily solved though.
>Dark kingdom is rebuilt
>Eugene shows up from time to time
>Varian and dad eventually move there
>Varian goes over Demanitus' research, creates another portal that goes to various Disney worlds
>After proving herself the best swordsman in Tangled's 7 kingdoms, Cass is given the duty to enter the stargate and explore other worlds with the Brotherhood, Eugene, and Varian as supporting cast

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It sinks probably


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It's happening because you spammed it to someone on twitter?

I dont understand how twitter works, wheres the confirmation

fuck you user. Chris liked it so that means it's happening.

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I’m going through his likes and I don’t see it user........

I knew they'd never do a goodbye kiss, but goddamn it I wanted it still.

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If rider was not there I would be shipping it as hard as catadora

I wonder how she'd look in CGI. I really hope the sequel movie shows her, if only as a background easter egg.

Imagine the thread implosion if Rapunzel has kissed her on the cheek ‘as a friend’

>blind user

Attached: 1580979840281.jpg (945x1241, 284.32K)

The crew seems to like the OT3 idea. One of them made their own fanart for it.

Attached: 1518336734339.png (1280x885, 1.46M)

>drawing the main characters together means you endorse them fucking in a polyamorous threeway
I mean, it's a cute pic

I either wanted a cheek kiss or "I love you" so I'm happy.

is this from the show or did they draw it just for this

Attached: 1580744044.jpg (422x500, 62.8K)

I could hunt you down a more verifiable statement, but that would probably require me to scour twitter half the day and I don't need that much poison in me.


>not "Ra-puzzle"





>I really hope the sequel movie
bruh this was the sequel

What displeased me most about the ending was that once again, they made Eugene on the ground defeated while Rapunzel and Cassandra handled all the action.

But God, I loved the whole final scene in the boat.


I actually modelled Cass in zbrush but I have no idea how to render it to look all pretty and movie like.

What the fuck was Eugene supposed to do? He got drained.

When will the assault on men end?!

>Cass looking at Raps
>Eugene trying to scope out 4 tiddies at once

3 seasons and they didn't give her a last name?

Even pre-draining he was a worthless mortal with no powers.

You're just dense, user. Now ponder on all the girls at school that were sweet on you and you never noticed.

Ah shit, now I want an SG-1 AU. I get the feeling Cass would become best buddies with Teal'c.

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People forget that Eugene is a rogue. He doesn't fight head to head, he pickpockets and wins with his agility. In fact that's exactly how he was winning against the Brotherhood.

When you are all enslaved sperm donors for the glorious dyke empire

What Darkest Dungeon class would each character be?

An epilogue episode would've been nice, to see how everyone is actually doing instead of the generic couple seconds of "by the way, Lance adopted two lolis!" just for some characters.

>Rapunzel uses a pan
>isnt pansexual

The age of men is over, it's shota time now

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Yes, but nobody gives a shit about WIR2 and Frozen 2 nor will miss them.

Because theyre doing a sequel where Cass returns for the wedding. She enters in the last frame of the short as the cake rolls out of the room.

I really wish we had gotten a Followers of Zhan Tiri plotline instead of an Amnesia one.

They’re saving that for the gritty HBO sequel. Expect graphic scenes of human sacrifice

>want to write
Just write it, user.

How much time passed between the series finale and Ever After? Is it enough for Cass to finish her quest for the magical mcguffin that heals her charred arm?


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That was pretty shitty of Raps, honestly. Other than a magical plot device they took from the tree, Cass turned out to be right. I'm sure they could've found the hurt incantation in either Gothel's cottage or Demanitus' tomb without having to "waste time" bypassing the tree. Fucking around for days in a shell house or weeks on the island was a far better use of everyone's time.

I doubt it was for lack of background assets. It would've been cool to see Cass retread the party's steps except now she can fix every problem with brute power and fear rocks. Imagine both Vardaros and the Dark Kingdom ruled cleanly under a tyrannical Moontone fist.

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>In fact that's exactly how he was winning against the Brotherhood.
Bruh, he was getting his ass kicked until Max showed up.

well She wanted the sundrop first, remember? Being a god is not a little thing.

honestly there should've been a Cass solo adventure episode, what a shame.

Right, and he used Max to tank while he pickpocketed what mattered. He won against them by being a rogue. I agree with you that he absolutely wasn't winning before Max came in though. Once he took the stone, he was winning until it got knocked away from him.

user, what the fuck. Do it.

Still gotta admit his whole "let's call this a draw for YOUR benefit" line was a great example of his overwhelming confidence.

I'd edit the hands off of their shoulders, and do a second shot where you can see that Cass and Eugene are both getting a handful of each others ass.

kek, based

literally anything involving raps, cass, elsa, and anna

>go through portal
>come face to face with xemnas

Cass's last name is Gothel

How about all 4 of them having a sleepover? Sharing a bed and cuddling.
Doesn't even have to be lewd to be incredibly sexy.

I joined that place and left after two weeks because I couldn't be myself. On instinct I would have said some dumb shit to them like "would anyone like to read fic of Cass eating Raps' ass?" etc, or I'd talk about Raps getting PASCALED. But yeah it's very very Tumblr filled and limited on what you can say/do.

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Yeah, save the lewds for the Koreans. I need some cute art.

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It's sounding better and better with every edgelord who cries about rules here

yes, holy shit
please commission user

discord is lame as fuck
>joined a youtuber's discord and just was talking about normal stuff
>a mod pings me in the general chat and tells me to send messages slower
>ask why
>they say one of the "popular" members of the server has anxiety and a fast stream of messages triggers them
>reply "wtf does that even mean just close your eyes nigga"
>get banned immediately

don't really know what i did wrong but the moral of the story is discord sux

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Kek. I only use it to keep track of friends on it but most servers, especially if they're public are hot garbage. Also there's a LOT of Varianfags in that Tangled discord to the point that they had like 7-8 channels just to talk about him. When I was in there I muted them all pretty quick.

I guess it sucks for autists who can't adapt to different social situations without spewing memes. Which makes it better for everyone else. Based mod.

hello, based department?
what a pussy tho

uhhh you can't just tell a member of the feared ANONYMOUS to not type "nigga" wherever he goes, you'll get a meltdown about free speech

Dew it

>no postcanon novels announced
It can't end like this

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When did Cass want the sundrop? She didnt try to get it from Rapunzel in S3E1, and didnt they both know about the prophecy that says theyd both be destroyed?

brock thundercock and stalyan

If Cass got raped Rapunzel would probably say or do something insensitive enough to turn Cassandra against her

she will get her own show

>main audience would be sexually confused teens and womanchildren dykes
I don't think so.

main audience would be people who don't want only good/evil characters but something in the middle.


So I'm pretty sure all the suffering fags are just /frz/ people come to shit up more threads with their faggot shipping.

Varianfags are all Starco posters. Shit. Faggots. Shit.

Why don’t you Tangledfags just go back to /g/ already?

>come to tangled threads
>find yurishitters in abundance
I was honestly shocked. Cass sucks and is a shitty friend.

How do you figure?



just joined these threads
why do people dislike varian and varianfags? he seems alright to me

Are there any novels at all other than Lesbian Lagoon and Vanishing Village?

Not me. I'm just here to see the characters getting raped.

Varian is fine. People that hate him are more than likely lesbians that resent him for liking Cassandra, and by extension hate people that like him or ship him with Cassandra for the same reason. That being said, there's also Varianfags that harrassed the creators of the show basically demanding more Varian stuff. And thats a dick move.

Varian haters are small forest birds who hate him because he reminds them of the Onceler who cut down their tree homes

Cassandra should have sacrificed herself or something

A much better end than being an eternal loser

Even if she did, Rapunzel would still deny her the sweet release of death.

What's with people rolling in here with lazy bait AFTER the show is done?
You had three years to lay the groundwork for persistent shitposting. It's just sad to kick a fanbase when it's down.

Cas never did anything wrong.

I don't like Varian because he looks kind of weak and effeminate, especially in comparison to all the other male characters on the show

They are not worthy of a sacrifice, this way she can find happiness elsewhere.

I have not gotten to season 3 yet but so far he seems to be an annoying twerp who has autistic social skills. people played up his song so much I expected him to be a cool character but instead found this

>she can find happiness elsewhere.

They can set a channel to require cooldowns before your next post, so that's a pretty poor reason.

>the entire channel should go into slow mode for one ADD retard
nah, better to ban the spamming idiot

All merchandising for Tangled series came to a halt after S1's less than promising numbers came in, novels included. It was because of the poor timeslot and lack of promotion, but the mouse doesn't care to know why, and so into the trashbin it goes.


Yeah you're right, we do need less filler in the #what-does-varians-taint-smell-like channel.

>the Tangled movie came out 25 years ago

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Is Cass arm still jack up?

Anyone posts short hair Raps smug in the finale

Well it is her main masturbation arm, so technically yeah it's jacked.

Imagine if she'd have been bonded with the full space magic. No one would ever leave Rapunzel again, in this life or the next

he's literally a 15-year old geeky NEET, but let's compare him to the other male characters

>26-year old
>spent entire life as a swashbuckling thief

>same as Eugene
>same as Eugene

>trained warriors

Varian... looks like he should be wearing a dress and belonging on the end of a thick dick

Only if the crab is involved


Cassandra thinks she'd like Rapunzel to use her, but she will find out that it is not the experience it is cracked up to be

>Tangled was Walt's last movie before he died


>that one part in Tangled where Eugene sees his wanted poster with a big nose
>They just can't get my nose right! I look like a damn dirty jew!

this definitely wouldn't fly today, so glad they put the content warning before the movie after they released it from the disney vault

Nobody “uses” Cass unless they’re a demon loli

>Stalyan Thunderstike after getting married
Like a horse name


a picture like this with the 4 of them would be cute

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Me remembering the show was announced five years ago

Why not angel hair pasta?

sounds like it's pretty fucking gay

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Still no idea if Stalyan has a sister named Bronco

The old time is no more.
They used to say ‘this goes back to Walt Disney’, Glen would talk about his apprentice time with Nine Old Men and animation stuff in Tangled relevant archive.
Time has changed, the old fashion of linage is no more.

Yes! The world needs such a pic!

>Gothel was hot as fuck
>Cassandra's hot as fuck
And yet we've never seen any of them with a lover

Cassandra was conceived via magical means, Gothel was a Lesbian pedophile which is a trait Cass inherited sans being a pedo.

they are both my lovers

Girls like science nerd

Speaking of lewd, I always think arianna must have had her moment with her future son-in-law.
Totally can imagine it given how the series panned out.

Only twitter and tumblrfags hate him, because on twitter and tumblr the target audience for this show, horny 13 year old little girls, are really horny for him and bitched about how he was missing for an entire season.

Now life's wide open from here to the stars...

Living happily ever after after all...

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Any theory that what would happen if Cass didn’t steal the moonstone and Raps fused it instead in S2 finale? Will the fusion explosion still happen and kill Raps or will Raps ascend to cosmic goddess to the outer space and never come back?

Only the purest of hearts can wield it, unlike ZT she could use it and we saw that she can.

Goddess it is.

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As much as I would like to see the Age of Rapunzel, I think she would've just yeeted that shit out like the finale.

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Maybe that's what Demanitus implied in his "purest of heart" comment?
Only a person with pure intentions will be able to yeet that shit out without temptations to live forever, etc. Which would eventually end up killing the user.

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The problem is Raps and the sun drop were all-in-one until the eclipse happened and separated them. I doubt Raps can throw away the fusion power like how she did in S3 finale if the sun drop wasn’t separated yet.

So why did touching the rocks give Rapunzel sun powers again?

Honestly, Cassandra X Elsa is probably one of the most understandable, reasonable crossover pairing ideas I have ever seen given the circumstances (sans powers for Cass unlike this picture, but just do some handwavey bullshit where it's "still inside of her" if you want her to have a more benevolent form of them for your fanfics).

And I like Raps X Cass and even Cass X Varian (in however many years). But this pairing does just make sense.

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Cameos aside, does the world in Frozen even have steam power? I'm kind of guessing that if they did exist in the same world Frozen would have happened sometime before Tangled.

Also fuck of /frz/fag

black rocks also work as some kind of probes, pulling out the sundrop and cutting her hair caused some reactions for moonstone

moonstone sensed the sundrop when she touched it, ZT explained that moonstone lend some of its protective power to Raps so the sundrop will safely come and reunite.

She was able to use the decay spell because of that and that's why Cass was reeing, too... it's probably why Raps was winning against Cass 1vs1

Also it helped Raps defeating the robots, and the rocks making the path for her was quite explicit... I think moonstone kinda awakened the sundrop inside her

>Why do scorned lesbians make such good villains

It's not right, but people see scorned men as losers sometimes because of victim blaming, it's "their fault."

A lesbian incel cannot help it: because of "society," and the way she was born, her lesbian femcel status is imposed externally. Statistically, finding a happy match is hard and in some of these settings (medieval Europe, Japan for the most part) it is actually straight-up impossible through no fault of their own, no pun intended. In these settings, they can't just "move on." Drop the oneitus and the social condemnation remains.

This is why the very first Incel, ur-incel and coiner of the term, was a lesbian femcel. A lesbian femcel can be hot as hell, in great shape, busty, an extremely kind person, a genius inventor, a successful businesswoman, even want to be a loving mother, famous, make a ton of money, none of it will ever matter in societies where it is totally forbidden or nearly so. They will be stuck as as incel no matter what because they hate dick and love tits and (female) ass and that's all there is to it. Their rage is something many can empathesize with as they have no choice.

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So could Raps have used her healing and shit the entire time she had short hair, but now she's 100% depowered.

I think the hair is like Cass' sword. A magical extension of its power but still not essential. Her hair working as a shield and being undestructable would be at least partially moonstone's power.

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>I think the hair is like Cass' sword.

Wasn't that just made from the black rocks? I mean Cass stole it from Adira, unless I'm remembering stuff wrong.

No, it was not essential but still an important extension of the power like Cass' sword (maybe a little more so) after it was cut the sundrop was in a battery saving mode or something. Hence Raps only being able to save Eugene with her tears.

Remember, Raps was not able to use the healing incantations and the full power of the sundrop even after her hair grew back.

She had to gain the control of the power through... I guess having faith like at the maze?

yeah but it got a new nice coating thing when Cass took it.

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I think Raps power inside is the tiny fusion of the sun drop and moonstone so that’s why her hair shielding power is superior to black rocks alone and she can produce a nuke explosion in the maze.

I think they do. In the Great Ice Engine book they have this weird machine that harvests ice by itself, though I’m not sure they specify what powers it

>steam power
Don’t we literally see Anna running along train tracks in F2? It’s been months since I saw it, but I remember the tracks, which must mean trains.

>the Great Ice Engine book
that what now

Weekly reminder that dykes are the most based type of gays in fiction since they’re the most prone to seizing godlike powers and rewriting reality to make girls like them

I'm not a lesbian so I never watched that.

For OT3 how about Rapunzel guiding Cass on her first time with (Eugene's) dick?

Hey, I’m a bislut and I only just saw it this week on bluray. But Tangled I saw multiple times in theaters. That’s where my loyalties lie.

it pains me that I still have yet to actually find a OT3 story that isn't Eugen and Cass with Rupunzel, rather than all three together.

>Still not seeing someone draws the lewd fanart about the sun drop popping out of Raps’ chest

Arendelle suits Cass’s chilly demeanor better too.

>a glowing stone ripping out of Rapunzel's chest, blood spilling everywhere and her bones being exposed
>lewd fanart
That's guro. Kill yourself.

Fredric's incest rape adventure when?

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It deserves being washed out by the flood.

>rainbow Rapunzel will never suck your penis and balls at once

why live?

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>the rainbow hair Raps
So is it a clue that it’s a lesbian episode

I feel like it could easily explode on Disney+.

>does the world in Frozen even have steam power?
Me all expecting onsen service ep when rapunzel said ‘first of seven kingdoms to have hot water’.

I dunno, I feel like Cass wouldn't approve of Elsa's choice to ignore her duties and live as a hermit

So aren’t they the same thing user?


There should be Industrial Revolution era Corona fanfic

Yeah I think outside of aesthetics Elsa/Cass wouldn't work.

Most like all the time. Men are valued by their achievements, a man who can't produce valuable results is worthless. Women on the other hand are expected to be pathetic so it feels natural.

Raps and Elsa are strong contrast
>warm sun power v. cold ice power
>cheerful, sunshine personality v. isolated, autistic
>giving up magic to ascend to goddess and choose her royal duty, family and friends v. giving up her duty and people, choose magic and live with the spirits she just met

Should find draw fags and start a project to materialize all the erotic fantasies in my head, into a sort of novel-with-some-illustration stuff. Let me Heck mah schedule.

Or it could just as easily be buried. Disney doesn't give much focus to it at all, and at first glance it looks like just another stupid princess show for very little girls. Even the few promo videos they make for the show are generic and have zero intrigue. Nothing Disney's advertising has done have bothered to do the show justice.

>Forzen: the Series
>Cassandra becomes the bodyguard of Elsa then (maybe) even more
>Elsa wants to let go of her responsibilities and Cassandra is against it
>things eventually reach a boiling point where Cassandra - no matter how much she loves Elsa - leaves
>Frozen 3 trailer is Cassandra meditating and seeing a vision about Dark Spirit Elsa
>trailer ends up with her riding towards Arendelle

Is that actually meant to be Tangled fanart, or did someone slap a blue streak onto some random game art character's hair?

Close. Gothel sexually abused Cass which is why Cass turned into a lesbian

Probably the former, but weebs have trouble with staying on model

And that would be the conflict.

Im pretty sure there are some good scorned male villains that arent just losers.

>trouble with staying on model
It has nothing to do with the characters aside from "blue hair streak" and "short bob cut black hair". The fact that both characters have the same exact motif, weapon, and design schemes make it seem like it has zero to do with Tangled. Pretty far cry from being "off model". Makes it hard to enjoy it as fanart.

Wouldn't that make her terrified of women, especially milfs? I'd rather a series of lewds where Cassandra is gangbanged by Stalyan, Caine, and Willow. Has Willow even ever met her niece's "sister"? That would make it even hotter, holy fuck. Rapunzel could watch.

You can find both Eugene and Cass have strong bonding to Raps in different circumstances.

Raps and Eugene are bonded by their royalty birth - The lost princess of the kingdom holding sun drop and the lost prince of the kingdom holding moonstone
Raps and Cass are bonded by their magical powers and “sistery” - sun drop v. moonstone and were raised by the same “mother”

>a series of lewds where Cassandra is gangbanged by Stalyan, Caine, and Willow
lol, what a coincidence, I actually have something I'm working on with these 3 (also Faith) and Cass. Not really lewds tho, but maybe that'll come later

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bollocks, rapunzel and Eugene Bond by wat they went through together in the 2010 film
No need of royal blood shit. dats just for marketing and ideology reasons and purposes.

>the lost prince of the kingdom holding moonstone
meh. I guess it sounds cool on paper, but it really wasnt necessary and the execution was boring.
If anything their contrast makes their bond stronger. One an innocent and optimistic kidnapped girl who lived a sheltered life under a cruel and manipulative mother figure. The other a cynical orphan boy who learned street smarts from the school of hard knocks and respects no authority figures.

I wish the time travel episode had a flashback to little Cass instead of baby Varian. The entire Gothel twist is weak since we dont know exactly what her childhood was like. At most Cass complains that he has higher standards for her than anyone else, which just makes him sound like a good father.

>Not really lewds tho
Then what's the point?

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But it’s cool addition still. Thinking that Raps was kidnapped by an old lady intentionally for her own interest while Eugene was abandoned unwillingly by the king for protection and the safety of the people.


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I mean, Cass just set out on a quest to find her own destiny outside of the home she'd known all her life. If anything, she'd probably understand Elsa being more comfortable as the guardian of the forest than the queen.

Remember back in S1 when Cass+Eugene shipping was the big thing?

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Nah. They're similar only on the surface. Elsa had everything Cass would want: powers, position and love and respect of her people and choose to ignore it to chase some vaugely described destiny, dumbly risking her life multiple times. Exactly like Raps in season 2, and you saw how that peeved Cass. Not to mention this dumb fixation on destiny as a whole was the reason of Cass and Raps problems. She learned to carve her own destiny.


still no?

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Eugene kissed her hand and commented on her beauty the first time they met, if I remember correctly.

OH SHIT come to think of it, Rapunzel beat up Eugene with the frying pan and Arianna beat up Eugene with her book when they first met, and at both instances he was being a thief.

And she's Rapunzel's mother so they look alike

Oh shit at the very least Eugene was attracted to Arianna wasn't he? He said he fell in love with Rapunzel at first sight so...

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Why this scene was cut

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I'm kinda glad this was cut

Kind of out of character for her

Good, good.
I slow-moed dat ep but didn’t know they made dat much.
You are a hero user.

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It's an edit user. But I'm glad you liked it.

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I prefer non-edit fanservice captures like that

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leaked season 4 footage, bois

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>short hair
One job.
Still awesome.

Raps & Eugene's final proposal scene make F2 have to be ashamed how they handled Kristoff's character and proposal in the dirty and embarrassing way.

I'd like to watch Cass get raped, but I'd like to see her powerless and humiliated more

the crew who made this scene really know how to play the trick.
i never noticed her boobs but her hands, until reading this in earlier threads.

no real rape level rape user, we want to see her got 'developed' by smug queen and eugene.

After the haircut, I found Raps' smugness is fading out

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>She always gets there JUST after they get rescued by charming princes or heart of gold rogues.

I refuse to believe in a world where she isn't getting emotionally cucked.

Even your parents probably don't want any of your shit at this point, why would anyone want thanks from your kind?

Cassandra will adopt a boy's name and start referring to herself with maaculine pronouns as she '''progresses''' on her journey to discover herself, mark these words

this is pretty smug isnt it?

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Why I didn't see Raps wear this dress in the show

look at this, they never managed to do another princess movie like it ever again.
man look at eugene's face, 'i totally know how i am gonna get wasted and i am totally ready for it' lol.

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The only thing that's unfortunate about the last season is that they had to cut Cass out of all the episodes. Feels like a big waste, she was a gigantic part of the dynamic of the show. There had to be a better way to go about it. They reconcile in episode 2 or something but Cass doesn't want to give up the moon stone, then she goes crazy because of the mirror episode.

In those years the mouse is devoted to push "strong and independent female who don't need a man" propaganda to dump down the male character's masculinity and hetero romance. You can see how Ralph and Kristoff were treated in their sequels. Raps and Eugene are perfectly balanced duo. Raps can be strong and independent most of the time but she won't deny Eugene's support and she gives him enough respect when she's in need.

wow, that's a bit too much user...

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any finale appreciation lewd ideas?

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No, one has them just love Rapunzel, the other all three love each other.

Where's Pascal? I want him in on the fun!

>so is this where Chris is lurks
he got banned a week ago lol

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I mean, in the porn version of Tangled, Eugene's fucked Arianna and Willow, probably at the same time at one point. I mean, Arianna probably used the "I need to see if you're good enough for my daughter" line on him even.

No I was banned like 1~2 years ago. I'm surprised the mods there are still doing that tho...

I guess the justifications is that "you didn't read the rule before you speak about anything" but seriously who's gonna carefully read through that 20 paragraphs of that bad writing...

I just assumed it means "be decent" and asked about the very first thing anyone who join that discord would wonder.

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Zhan Tiri tentacles bad ending.

And I remember there's like 60 confusingly separated rooms there. I'm still obsessing over that discord because of FOMO

Did the guys share anything exclusively there? arts? anything we can't find on twitter and instagram of the crew? If there's none like that then I can finally rest in peace and just chill in our mediocre subreddit discord.

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Yeah this idea was popular in the porn subreddit too. I hope it comes out.

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Now tell them to post deleted scene of Cass' death, because I'm convinced it exists.

>Did the guys share anything exclusively there?
nothing that isn't already available elsewere, the crew made some FAQ's but they also got screencapped, you find them on tumblr now if you seach hard enough

did they forget to keep coloring the rest of the heel black?

He doesn’t know about red bottom pumps

No, I mean about the conspicious grey part that doesn't even look like it's part of the shoe, but it must be because if it isn't that means that they drew a shoe with a heel that doesn't even reach the ground.

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Ehh, I can see a few examples of shoes where the heels are a different material. I agree in an autistic art composition sense that it would look better if the black extended.

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>Talking about shoes in Tangled thread

Attached: Raps sad3.gif (305x480, 1.96M)

Sorry footfag, we can't all be metal retards.

I own 24 shoes, but sometimes barefoot is best.

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Do you care to post one here user? Thanks in advance.

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>24 shoes
That's just too much

Do you give your cobra man occasional footjobs?

This is my favorite version of Punz from now on

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Koreans knew about it all along. Based brunette long haired punzie.

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It's normal for women

Short hair Rapunzel will always be better than long hair Rapunzel.

Any fanedit about short blonde hair Raps

>cobra man
is this a reference to something

Just noticed this. Fucking awesome.

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I want ponytail Raps

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twintale also cute

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So as a big Star Wars autist, I felt like a lot of moonstone Cass was inspired by Star Wars. Her gestures while using the rocks and throwing her sword to herself felt so Sith.

Guess its similar to a knight thing. They tended to wear things of their ladies favor. Especially on their arm.


Kinda of a rant, but I'm a little pissed. Cass was the daughter of a mother who had obvious Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This is real shit, this is heavy shit, and the de-humanizing, soul killing effects of it can weigh on you for the rest of your life.

Cass was lucky to have gotten out around age 4, because if she didn't she was going down to 3 common paths of learned behaviour.
>hyper happy self delusion : Raps
>professional asshole : Cass is a mild version of this. If she had violent outbursts, and broke down crying about literally nothing, it would have been spot on.
>dead : either via suicide or walking depression

Cass go robbed by the 'trauma vacation' trope, where a victim has to 'just go away' to heal, with no therapy, no goal, no help, no money, nothing. They just wander off because the writers can't address, or don't know how to addres, adult victims of child abuse without depressing or horrifying the audience.

Fuck this ending.

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>So anyway, I'm leaving
>I thought you'd like to know
>You're faithful, come what may
>But clearly, I can't stay
>We'd both go mad that way
>So here I go

>And anyway, I'm leaving
>I guess that you can see
>I'll try this on my own
>A life I've never known
>I'll face the dread alone
>But I'll be free

>With you always beside me to catch me when I fall
>I'd never get to know the feel of solid ground at all
>With you always believing that we can still come through
>It makes me feel the fool to know that it's not true

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>Cass is a fundamentally broken and utterly
mentall ill person because of childhood trauma!
>She wasn't a person who was conscientious and functioning before the shock of realization and the outside manipulation!
>People can't get better on their own!
>I won't be satisfied before they make a season of Cassandra's psychotherapy!

Okay I want more Cass stuff too, but stop projecting too much on her okay?

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They keep making that kinda stuff, but this is the one time that would actually be pretty great.

Like she gets some hokey book that gives her the idea "So you want to rescue a princess?"

Ends up falling for someone totally unlike Raps

>every episode is a new section of the book
>the events start to feel more and more familiar with each episode
>gets to the end of the book
>"Written by Eugene Fitzherbert"

Unlike Eugene, Kristoff barely has a personality. Te problem is that he's boring user.

last night I had a dream they were making a Cass comic spinoff.
then I woke up disappointed

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Long brown hair Rapz>Short brown hair Rapz

people rarely get better on their own. I'm not saying she's a broken shell, whichis what rapunzel would realitistically be in her situation, I'm saying I'm mad on the internet that a children's cartoon isn't depicting mental illness and early trauam in a realitic fashion... dammit.

Flower hair Raps > all

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Remember when Eugene freaked out about Rapunzels hair? Yet Tangled the series has weird magic shit every episode like its the norm.

those rocks look kinda bad

anime cass spin off when?

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Cass v Eugene

W...women post here?!

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Binging the show right now and I must say Lance has became my favorite character after his very afraid song. Biggest respect from me.

Cass is stronger than you think!

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I think magical artifacts werent a thing in the movie's background. In the show, Eugene would have encountered at least one mystical object in his life so he shouldnt have been so surprised

Is this porn

the ratings were always bad because the writers are coward cucks, Cassandra and Raps having a REAL lesbian relationship could sell tons, but as I said, Tangledcrew is full of coward monkeys, now the show will end and nobody cares about it, so much potential WASTED

Yea I fuckin love Lance, I definitely think he's underappreciated. He's a total bro and one of the funniest characters.

yeah, I'm on his patreon for 2 months now but damn he's slow as fuck. I guess he deserves a leak. some user posted the dropbox link in one of the previous threads.

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That is our thread pet bump barker, user.

cringe but redpilled

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I've said it already but this is why I'm especially disappointed that we're realistically never going to get new material on Cass's solo adventures. She is SO FAR from having healed and become a healthy person. All she's done is finally acknowledge she has deep issues and resolved to work on them, which is a fundamental first step but no further than that.

There is so much more of her wonderfully multi-faceted character to see. Rapunzel's growth may have reached a satisfying conclusion, but Cassandra's story is not even close to being over, even if you were willing to accept an open-ended epilogue.

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I'm genuinely puzzled why you fags insist upon Cass going solo hurting her. It could be a liberating and therapeutic experience.

Like, for god's sake, her biggest complex was that she felt the urge to impress people around her. Being a hermit is a good opportunity to have some fresh pokes at that.

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God I fucking hate whoever is responsible for that monkey scene.

God fucking damn I viscerally hate "obnoxious monkeys snatch objects" tropes in general, and the crew had the audacity to pull that shit off during their finale, well fucking done.

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Oh I guess the posts I quoted may give that impression, but I don't think it's necessarily a problem she's on her own. I just think she still has a very long way to go and would really like to see that.

Buy all the Cass merch (the little there is) so the mouse will let Chris make it.

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Fuck, dude I joined the server that allows smut but that one was so overrun by cassarian shippers I got shouted out for requesting a cassunzel that wasn't even smutty.

The main gripe is that writers aren;t allowed the time and freedom to put in any real healing, rip the bandaid off, dig the bullet out moments in regards to mental health. Instead, it's agknowledged at a surface level, with no clinically accepted words, no real clarity, and no real world implications on how crippling untreated mental illness can be. Being a hermit is just ignoring the problem, and that ain't gonna fix a damn thing, it would be like letting an uncleaned wound fester.

Cass is mostly just resentment from an inferiority complex brought on by a lack of parental approval that she replaced with approval from friends.

Basically she had very little idea of a sense of self, and solo time and reflection is what you need for that. Going off on her own is literally the treatment.