As much as I love DT 2017, I have to ask. What was the point of this character?

As much as I love DT 2017, I have to ask. What was the point of this character?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is she supposed to be black

1. Gives a "black" character when the series is really lacking on it
2. Makes a "girl group of three" to counterbalance the triplets
3. Cabs is better :^)

They needed a pointless female side character they can make lesbian later

More shitty donut steel OCs to make the hackish show creators of this garbage cartoon feel important.


Duckversity Tales looks great.

Likely a self-insert

Also, so they can give her two dads and find a way to give Lena a family since the McDucks rejected her.

She's cute.
Serious answer is Violet is the brains of the Team Magic thing they've got going. Very into research and plays the deadpan friendliness compared to Lena's sass and angst.

Violet and Lena will be quietly married in the background of an epilogue, completely forgotten by the rest of the cast

>implying magica won't take a day off work for her spawn's wedding day
>implying she won't blast the boquet out the air and turn it into ravens and crows
>impying Donald won't cry through several boxes of tissues after he gives Lena away

>completely forgotten
Shunned, like real gays.

Lena needed someone who cared to bring her back from the shadow realm and then a family that would actually take her in.
Whoa, spoilers.

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I'm happy I dropped the show before she was introduced.

She's supposed to be Jewish you racist pricks

To make trio of girls obviously for boys vs girls episode

Missed out.
Sounds fun.

It's for shipping.
>dewey webby
>lena louie
>violet hubert


Why does the bird have hair.

It feels like she's there to move the plot along. Without her any stories between Webby and Lena wouldn't have gone anywhere

It makes Webby the third wheel of the bunch you ask me. Lena lives with Violet, let her run rigorous experiments on her body, and Violet offscreen knew Lena was having trouble sleeping. Plus Violet's the closet to Lena on her friendship cake and I feel that means something.

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>Disney Ducks
>getting porn

all day bro
I saw a magica de spell futa fucking a snowglobe yesterday

Could someone please explain why her name is her species name?

Reminder this show has just about been confirmed cancelled and you're better off trying to get Cabs season 2 which still has a shot then trying to hold onto this show

>Webby's so bad a character it takes making another one up to move the plot along
It just bothered my autism when they're all on the krill and Webby's posing with the newphews as their generation's Della because all I could think is how she completely left Lena and Violet on their own and where they fit into things. Sure Lena is a good Magica but who does that make Violet? A sane version of Quackfaster?

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They wanted a "smart" character despite the fact she is just unnecessary

It's good to have Violet be the smart one. Makes Webby less a mary sue that there is a character who's shown reading books rather than just knowing what the plot demands she knows.

That’s stupid there’s already two smart kids Huey and Webby.

So they can have a girl trio, to have the inevitable boys vs girls episode where the girls win and the boys apologize.

I'm a cabsfag too but theres no point in starting shit with DTfags.

The nephews are assholes and I'd sooner root for the girls.

I hope there's rape involved

Latina, if Frank Angones tweets are anything to go by

>Boys vs girls episode
>Except the nephews are like a well-oiled machine together and dominate almost every challenge
>Girls feel inferior and start bickering, with Lena wanting to cheat with magic and Webby going nuts trying to figure out the secret to HDL's cooperation, thinking they must have some kind of special trick they learned from Donald or Scrooge
>Sage-retarded wisdom from Launchpad talking about how he envies that Huey Dewey and Louie got to grow up together, while he never had anyone to be his player 2 on video games makes Violet realize the nephews aren't better because they're boys, it's because they've spent their whole lives together.
>If they hadn't learned to get along and cooperate, they'd have fucking killed each other by now
>Twist of the episode that it's not about boys vs girls, it's about siblings vs friends, and to teach the girls to stop comparing themselves to the nephews and instead take this as an opportunity to learn more about each other and improve their teamwork
Do I get my Emmy now

Where's the scene where Violet's dads have raging buttsex at the end of the episode?
That's what you need to win an emmy

Violet's for cuddling

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I don't think she's as outwardly proud of being nerdy as Huey

Legit sounds like it could be an actual DT17 ep.

Her dream is to read more.

I’d love to see that but I’ve lost all faith in that happening in modern cartoons with modern feminism.

No but you got dubs

cuddling? more like cunnying

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This is what bothers me the most. It's like when they give reptilian female characters tits.

>my age makes such a union illegal in duckburg

It's a shame there is no porn of her.

It runs on cartoon license so it's fair game, and I say this as somebody that generally prefers female anthros without tits but has no problems with hair regardless of species.

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>nothing about her getting raped by tulpas
>no sexual tests with Lena
>no sex with one of the nephews
>not even any solo smut being dry and clinical pickup lines

Better than Huey's.

Lookit that smile.

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Twitter Token

People like you piss me off like no one else and I really don't know why.

You know what bothers me the most? Autistic people like you.

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She's supposed to be goth I'm pretty sure.

>turtleneck shirt and pants
She's a bookworm. Lena I think is the goth or grunge, though I'm sure someone well versed in all the subcultures could slot Lena in a specific niche.

I want to fist fenton

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I don't get the appeal

What's Huey's?

Yea because that proves she’s not a fucking nerd.

> What was the point of this character?
Adding on more girl for a girl trio. Because the other triplet group in this show was just so endearing already.

Also to shoot down the headcanon of Donald adopting Lena.

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>Implying the Show will even show Donald anymore.

>DT 2017
>having the triplets use team work to accomplish things rather than just declaring one designated plot mover while the others are kinda supporting character or, in the case of Dewey, bad comic relief.
>Not having the Triplets sit up for differing A/B Plots
What show have you been watching? Because it obviously isn’t this one.

Why so flustered over someone's opinion anons?

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>What was the point of this character?

to give you a boner

to prevent Lena and Webby's lesbian relationship from advancing

Didn’t Frank say on Tumblr that Donald’s arc in S3 will basically be all about dating Daisy, now that he thinks the kids are taken care of? I swear, if Donald isn’t mostly absent from the show, then he’s given terrible storylines. Where exactly will his character go with that kind of simplistic storyline? If season 3 really is the end of DuckTales, then it just feels like Donald was wasted as a character for the entire show.

Once you go hummingbird you never go back.

Feminist tales

For Donald's and Anselmo's sake I hope the show doesn't have him anymore. Just bad blood all around

>Because the other triplet group in this show was just so endearing already.
Playing devil's advocate, the two trios were actually fun when they were all together in Lena's dream. Even the slumber party was so wild with them getting along for hours. It's the dynamic that they should have of being kids doing kid scaled adventures.

>Didn’t Frank say on Tumblr
Yea that's the show's problem.

Totally, it’s actually funny how relegated to the background she’s often been
Not even the background, they couldn’t bother to just have her hanging around the mansion and had to shuffle her off on hummingbird nerd
At least that tongue game ridiculous

I'd cuddle her with my arms

>Violet could have said "I wish to run some tests to make sure the shadow realm had no adverse effects"
>Lena could have shied away from the idea of being with Scrooge because she still felt guilty about lying about Magica
>Donald could have offerred his houseboat only to have it explode
Any of those would have been better than Launchpad's careless "Oh hi Lena" which avoided the whole situation

Don't forget "writing out what happened on tumblr when someone asks where the fuck they went instead of showing or mentioning it in the actual show"

That goes without saying. You know what would have been good? Seeing Magica at Fuzos react to Lena showing up back in the mortal plane again. Like she makes a birthday cake explode and realizes her niece Lena and the amulet have somehow fused and she wants it back.

Haven't seen this posted here but supposedly this is a season 3 poster

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Huey at front confirming this will be his season.

What directions could the writers go with Huey being the main focus of this upcoming season?

Uncover the FOWL plot against the duck family?

Downward like the rest of the show's quality.

He's gonna fuck Violet


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>he is going to fornicate with Violet

What nation are goth people from?

At this point, it’s pretty clear that S3 will be all about making backdoor pilots for Disney Afternoon spin-offs. It’s the only reason I can imagine saving so many cameos for one season.

Norway, I guess

>Lena lives with Violet
Oh THAT'S where she's been living? I thought everyone just let her still be a vagrant.

>duck bill
>human teeth

Was your usual tumblr post. The hooligan idea even looked more probable when Lil Bulb found Lena alone in a park. I saw, but didn't save another such post that said Mark Beaks had almost no money after he roided out because he fluctuactes on having money.

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Lena's got that covered.

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Can someone post the greentext where Lena cucks Webby while fucking Huey

"cut for time"
stop bullshitting us frank, just admit you forgot about her

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>sjw types
>ever admitting fault

>At least that tongue game ridiculous

he’s a virgin

Violet "loves the pussy labyrinthine" Sabrewing

Violet "makes her scream" Sabrewing

Of fisting, actually

>humanoid ducks
>with cloacas

Yeah, no

He doesn't know what sex is

Well I guess someone will have to teach him then

>Violet can give a french kiss that can go down Lena's esophagus
>can wrap her tongue around a ball of ice cream
>knows every erogenous zone

Yeah his momma.

Yeah, me.

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>Also to shoot down the headcanon of Donald adopting Lena.
We were robbed

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It lives on in my heart.

Writers need to give Webby another friend so her group isn't thst reduced. Show could develop her more i agree.
I also love the DT17 reboot too.

She'll probably be more relevant in the gosalyn/webby/lena episodes.

Good point. Lena also started very slow but now has some character development, so Violet can go that route as well.

Eh, i prefer Faris Djinn, and Blackarts Beagle.

didn't they just wanted a girl version of the triplets ?

Well, Huey IS the most handsome triplet

>Writers need to give Webby another friend so her group isn't thst reduced
But why though? She’s already far to prominent for a character that doesn’t even have any strong familial ties to the Duck family besides her obsession with Scrooge, worrying about her friend group not being rounded out is just focusing on the molehills rather than the mountains.

DuckTales 2017 is one of those shows that would be better if the entirety of the crew avoided social media.

>implying Gosalyn will show up more than once
Lena and Violet are already struggling to remain in Webby's show and they're her bffs. Some new mexican punk doesn't have a chance.

Poor Lena

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>Didn't keep up Duck Thread
>Kept up Cancelledtales thread even when it's the worst duck content in a long while

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Lmao the first jewish character they introduce has a long ass beak
Based Disney

The Duck Thread didn't stay up because nobody except Europoors care about the comics.

>Implying Legends isn't better in every way

What do you think DuckTales (2017)’s legacy will be? I know the original had its detractors, but I think being revolutionary in its time for American TV animation made a difference. Whereas the new DuckTales feels like its riding the coattails of Gravity Falls, leans too heavily on making references, and doesn’t fit the spirit of any other Duck universe. It’s hard to see DT17’s Della working anywhere outside of DuckTales 2017, for instance.

How so? I thought it to be rather boring; the humor failed to connect with me, and Daisy was completely mishandled as a character. Moreover, if I wanted to watch something with three gay birds, I'd watch the original Three Caballeros. At least that one's a fun acid trip.

>why did the more direct question format thread last longer than a in all but name general with two "obscure" comic versions of characters
You should know exactly what styled OP has to do with reaching bump limit.

>being this contrarian

>being European in 2020

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Keep seething eurofag

The cartoon community likes it a lot, and its often said to be one of the best 2010 cartoons.

>Uses Donald properly
>Isn’t just le ironic jokes
>Actual fights and credible villains
>References that actually work
>Heavy continuity that reinvents that kind of animated series
>An actually developed and intricate world
It’s universally considered better by everyone who has seen it

>by everyone
Do you mean retards on Yas Forums

The community doesn’t even watch it and it’s dropped in stature dramatically
See 40,000 views for the season finale

The only people who don’t see it this way are a couple of Webbyfags on the Ducktales reddit and tumblr drakepads

>the community doesn't even watch it
They do on tumblr, twitter and reddit

Care to provide proof of this? Because from what I've seen it's the contrary.

To make all of the Yas Forums faggots seethe harder over how superior the new show is

I definitely think LOT3C will age better. It fits more into the Disney Duck brand and has more of a timeless feel. DuckTales 2017 feels like it will be dated within a few years.


>no episode of Lena making her way to Duckburg one concert at a time

>At times more twitter and even tumblr likes then DT is getting
>Continuous discussion in many places despite the last episodes coming out close to 2 years ago
>Dedicated enough fanbase that it can hold quite even arguments with the DT fujos
>Unlike the DT fandom the interest extends without the fujo interest
>Staff at Disney like Tony Anselmo has called it their favorite Disney project ever
>All of this without any advertising, being buried deep in Disney+'s catalog and almost everyone not knowing it even exists, while DT got millions in advertising and news articles
There's reasons that there's still talks of a season 2 happening while DT's staff hid posts of their post-production party. They know this show was the one that should have been picked instead of DT. But hey, can't really change the past

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>At times more twitter and even tumblr likes then DT is getting
Do you mean as in posts being liked? Because I havent seen anything like that.
>Continuous discussion in many places despite the last episodes coming out close to 2 years ago
Continuous discussion on a few Yas Forums threads by a few dedicated fans maybe, and by the same logic DT gets continous discussion for season 2 and 3 as well.
>Dedicated enough fanbase that it can hold quite even arguments with the DT fujos
Why the fuck are you even arguing with DT fujos? Why are you starting shit with teenage girls and not doing your own thing?
>Unlike the DT fandom the interest extends without the fujo interest
I'm a cabsfag as well and the amount of sexual posting about Jose/Panchito/Donald fucking each other isnt minuscule.
>Staff at Disney like Tony Anselmo has called it their favorite Disney project ever
I don't see how this is relevant, it's not like the DT staff doesnt enjoy working on the show.
>All of this without any advertising, being buried deep in Disney+'s catalog and almost everyone not knowing it even exists, while DT got millions in advertising and news articles
And it got what? Some dedicated fans on Yas Forums and a few other sites? Listen I like Cabs as well but constantly comparing it to Ducktales is fucking stupid since it's the only thing talked about half the time.