Garnet is way too unappreciated on Yas Forums

Garnet is way too unappreciated on Yas Forums.
We have so many Spinel, Pearl, Lapis, Jasper and Peridot threads. Let’s have a Garnet thread. Ruby and Sapphire are welcome as well.

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Other urls found in this thread: no kaytranada

Post Garnet

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Dicks out :(

Estelle’s voice is sex and Garnet is best mom

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She became way lesss cool after the fusion reveal. Should of stayed a solo gem

Garnet is hot but I wish her character wasn’t assassinated for the sake of a lesbianism allegory

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If a white sapphire, then maybe

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>We have so many Spinel, Pearl, Lapis, Jasper and Peridot threads.
And you shouldn't have any. All these characters are ugly and tranny looking as fuck and that the people who waifu them have such tribalistic autism they cannot co-exist in one thread together is telling on how bad your fanbase is. Can't wait until the end of the month when you're all gone.

You are literally one guy who appears on every SU thread and calls them trannies when nobody else cares

Dude half of your post is buzzwords

Favorite Garnet quotes?
>”Hey. Don’t mess with his funky flow.”

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Believe in Steven

Believe In Steven

Good one. For me it's

Very relatable. Also a great episode.

>It won't.
>He's not gonna like it that it's square( Sapphire's)

stevened universe is gey

Nah I’m pretty sure Steven is straight


>you have to beat the game

I enjoy that Ruby and Sapphire asked for the new Meat Beat Mania as a wedding present

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>Estelle’s voice is sex
Estelle is a cunt.
Estelle is an horrible human being that never studied voice acting but got a career despite real voice actors that studied all their life not getting an opportunity.
She was never a voice actress, and she is a fucking insult to the real voice actresses no kaytranada

This was a contributing factor to me abandoning the show. She was never the same after that.

Shut the fuck up

Not stoic

Wow, what a gamechanger. You faggots only like characters that seem cool but hate ones with actual development. Same shit with Peridot and the limb enhancers. Nothing about the character, just the aesthetic or "cool" factor.

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>Estelle is a cunt.
>Estelle is an horrible human being

Okay, let's hear it.
Did she kick your puppy or something?

She never study voice acting but she dares to be the voice of a character.
And she isn't even an actress.
She had everything come to her in a golden plate while others that studied had to work harder for no recognition

Which role were you turned down for?

It's not a question of roles.
Is to have the possibility to do it.
If for Garnet they seek a voice actress and I got rejected that would be fine, at least I had the opportunity.
But Estelle didn't. She was just popular and they didn't even tried to find out if she was a good voice actor before everything.
And she is a bad voice actor

>she is a bad voice actor
nigga what
She’s fantastic as Garnet

Garnet is the perfect character for someone who can't act.

She is so banal and souless as voice actress that even if she was a perfect voice actress it would miss the soul that real voice actors were worthy to have.
Give Garnet a voice actress that it's not here just for the paycheck and you will get a character whose lines aren't as talented as the paycheck.
Because there are cheaper voice actress that do more work than she ever did.
She can't talk because you heard that she want just it to end.
She is souless

Fucking based

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I don't have anymore

>I drink coffee for breakfast!
>I can't say 'no' to that face.
>What an unforeseen turn of events.

> Hello. This... is Mom Universe. Yes. The children are playing swords. Sorry— playing with swords. They're bleeding. Oh no, they are dead. Don't call again. Sorry, I panicked.

sauce pls

Slow down there hombre

don't listen to speed up

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I thought it was cute every time she told Steven she loves him.

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He’s 1/2 sexless alien overlord.

He can only be half anything.

It's more important to have a good singer to voice act than a good voice actor who can't sing.

he's 100% sexy

>Oh! Steven! There’s one more thing I have to mention.
>What is it?
>[Garnet makes a heart symbol with her hands]
>I love you. Bye!

I rewatched the series recently, and there honestly isn’t a point where she goes from stoic to unstoic. In her first starring episode she is revealed to feel deeply, she shoes excitement periodically throughout when she splits or reunites, and otherwise is calm.

I think its people seeing her as less mysterious once the backstory was explained and conflated it with losing a stoic demeanor.

Sounds like industry bitching to me.

Like John K. tier.


....Rose was the most sexed gem of all.

I'll just keep plugging these...

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I mean she does express herself emotionally more often, smiles more, and doesn’t constantly use a deadpan tone of voice as much as she used to. Not that I think this is necessarily a bad thing.

Also she cracks jokes more often than she originally used to. Not nearly on someone like Amethyst’s level but Garnet has developed an actual sense of humor.

Huh. Now that I think of it, she usually had a slightly higher inflection when talking to Steven even in S1 unless she was trying to give him a lesson on something. The deadpan was mostly for the other Gems, can’t remember how she spoke to Greg.

Next time I rewatch I’ll have to pay attention to who she speaks to the most. It may just be she had more dialogue with Steven.

I don’t think Greg has interacted much with Garnet in the show. It seems like Pearl is the only gem to have a decent amount of chemistry with him (outside of Rose/Pink Diamond)

Remember when Garnet was a character in her own right and not just a person shaped car that Ruby and Sapphire walk around in?

Its odd, we know Amethyst used to spend a lot of time with her and Vidalia, probably others given how throughout she’s very aware of Earth culture and style but we never really saw it.


She still kind of is a character in her own right despite being a fusion
The point of the fusion is to show that Ruby and Sapphire’s love is so strong they combine to create one person that is the best of both in perfect harmony

Yeah, I remember seasons one through halfway-through five.

*with him and Vidalia

These are breddy gud, you make them yourself? Please do post more.

The real question is Who do you ship with Garnet?


A human, if only because I want to know what the result would be. Two little people twins who could unfuse? One person who couldn’t? If they unfused in pregnancy, would one twin go to each or would one fused twin exist in the same component? What if a pregnant Gem fused with a non-pregnant one?


If Garnet gave birth like Rose did, would the kid have a garnet as its gem? A sapphire? A ruby? A sapphire and a ruby? Two garnets?

Spinet? The character who is obsessed with love and finding purpose with the only one who can tell others she loves them unprompted by near-tragedy and can see mental breakdowns before they happen?

This is apparently the choice of the Gem.

Any ship involving Garnet would just be really fucking weird in my honest opinion since Ruby and Sapphire are so deeply loyal to one another

Could a Fused Gem occur naturally?

Are all Garnets only a Fused Sapphire and Ruby?

Could you artificially split a non-Fused Gem into two new fully-functional lesser Gems?

Could a Peridot Fusion shapeshift? If Steven stated Fused with a Gem long enough would they need to eat? Could a Fused Steven enter Lion/Lars’s dimension and Unfuse? Or Rose’s room?Could the healing tears/spot power be boosted or altered with a Fusion?

There’s no way such fertile worldbuilding ground won’t be returned to years from now.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean she's already raising a kid with two other gems.
Besides ruby and sapphire are basically one person.
You can't make me give up. I will marry Garnet.

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Convert to Mormonism then and get her to believe in that shit too because they’re all about polyamorous marriages n shit
Or you could convert to Islam

There are nonfusion fusion gems and there are single gem fusions.

What’s the matter user, don’t want a threesome with two midgets in a trenchcoat?

Based on what we’ve seen, temporary fusion is close friendship and permanent is romantic.

But I wonder if you could have something like a swinger friend fusion. Or something like the situation of the Wonder Woman creators, a three-way relationship but one isn’t always physically intimate with the other two.

How can I get her to not be gay?

Yeah , she doesn't get talked about much because she's so incredibly one-note after season 1. She's just really boring after that, and you can even see as much in the movie where she's shafted for most of it until they need her to sing something.

>But I wonder if you could have something like a swinger friend fusion.
Garnet was willing to try that with Peridot, but she refused.

So could she have just posed as a natural Garnet on the zoo?

I mean, I don’t know if Garnet herself is gay. Garnet might not have an orientation/sexuality as Garnet since she is basically Ruby and Sapphire being permanently happy with each other

Wasn’t that like regular friend Fusion?

real friendly

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Garnet has always just been a solid, stable character. Most of her development happened before Steven was even born.

Different gems.
Regular garnets only have one gem and are all a different type of garnet from our CG garnet.

Fusions like Opal, Sugilite, Sardonyx, Smoky Quartz, Rainbow Quartz 2.0, Sunstone, Alexandrite, Obsidian, and Steg are fusions that have no romantic basis to them. Just either friends or family fusing together to get tasks done. The only other romantic fusion in the series is Stevonnie, but unlike Garnet, Steven and Connie aren’t a permanent fusion

They're also colony managers according to Unleash the Light.

Single gem fusions?

The Cluster and The Cluster Monsters.

Honestly she only became bad when fusion just became her only identity trait. It's kind of why she's the weaker of the main three CG for me. I don't hate her...just wished she wasn't turned into a walking lgbt message in the later seasons

Look at S1 though. Fusion was her thing before, just with Amethyst and Pearl. Other than that it was “the cool one who leads” which we only saw less because monster of the week stories ended, and “the one who is warmest to Steven” which continued to be a thing even as her components.

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Anyone know how tall Garnet is?

I think Rose is like 8/9ft tall so Garnet is probably like 6.5-7.

>tfw people still don't realize the only reason Garnet was stoic was because that's her way of mourning rose and also because Garnet is the parallel to White Diamond

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She's not underappreciated. She's just boring and poorly acted. Also imagine shippers not going out of their way over character that is canonically lesbian with herself.

We're talking about shipping Garnet, not Ruby and Sapphire.
Garnet is one and only

Ruby and Sapphire are the reason why shipping Garnet would be weird because Garnet is basically a committed monogamous relationship and I doubt her or either of Ruby or Sapphire are interested in adding a third partner

You know how Rebecca said in an interview that Spinel's form changed because the grief of hearing that Pink found new friends and died was too much and poofed her? Well, the gems changed outfits between when we saw them with Rose and Steven being born too.

Garnet's has muted colors.

nah garnet's always down for a threesome

A threesome is definitely not the same as a polygamous relationship

Think that wound be an AU alternative to corrupted Steven? Or would the extended time of motherly love on the rebound mess up his already Anima archtype-addled brain?

Garnet IT'S ONE! NOT 2 GEMS!

I kinda like that she wasnt a voice actor. She got alot better throughout the series and I really like that we're able to see the growth of it, even if it was ass at the beginning

Synthetic Gems.

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fuck now im not sure

Not sure about what?

OʍO nvm

Fucking this, damn.

So if the Gems adopt human gatherings, and one of them dies, how many funerals do you throw?

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How many gifts would Steven have to get for Mother's Day.



Brick joke?

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Bigger one (probably the biggest) was "I AM a child, what's your excuse?" from the pilot to CYM.

One funeral should be held per individual destroyed Gem.

Why hold a funeral when you could forcefully fuse all the broken gems together into a single gem permafusion?

Why does Garnet, the largest Crystal Gem, not simply eat the other Crystal Gems?

>Why does Garnet, the largest Crystal Gem, not simply eat out the other Crystal Gems?
Maybe she does.

That’s only for emergencies.

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So how long until they try to make a live action one to chase Nick?

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Not until the we are so many years into the future and the show has lost all relevance

I keep requesting on /aco/ but no drawfag would make my request

>It's more important to have a good singer to voice act than a good voice actor who can't sing.
If that was the case then the little Britanny Bitch wouldn't had to study voice acting for giving the voice to a character.
Because the teacher always said "You idiot! Being a singer is not being a voice actor! I invalidate all the years of opera you had and singing performances you had because that's not what being a voice actor is!"
And you know voice actors have to study how to sing? How mindblowing is that?
And Estelle can't even sing without sounding uncaring and waiting the paycheck.
>implying Estelle got better
Before the series got popular Estelle was just as uncaring as someone who was forced to do it because needed to have a distraction, throughout the series she went from uncaring to do it for the paycheck in the most souless way. You hear by her voice that she never had passion, she has no tone even when Garnet's body language is about tone and should have a voice that translare her body language into a tone, Estelle talks like a mechanical speaker where you put textes into it

imagine being this retarded

Dude did she piss in your cornflakes or something

That user is a voice acting student that got rejected

I love Garnet.
And Jasper.
This is now a Jasper Should Have Won thread.
Post your What If ideas over Jasper winning

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The Earth would be gone since the cluster never would've been investigated.

On no you don’t



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Obviously Jailbreak was probably Garnet's most iconic moment in the show, but she has some good stuff in the other seasons too.

Her speech to Pearl in Friend Ship about the stress of being a leader
Hard season to find something in S3 since Garnet doesn't really have a featured episode besides Hit the Diamond and that's mostly a comedic episode. Probably her "Steven...we love you" line in Super Watermelon Island.
Mindful Education as a whole
Pool Hopping as a whole and also her standing up to Blue Diamond in Reunited (not de-fusing at all despite fully experiencing the depression blast)

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Garnet was my favourite character until Ruby/sapphire happenned
I miss all the speculation threads, by the way people working on the show totally posted here, I know because I guessed an important plot point early on and I got 3 replys immediately telling me I was wrong and it was nothing

Just got these

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>we never got to see them wear cute pajamas because gems don't need sleep

> I thought violence would be the answer
Character peaked right there.

>"All comedy is derived from fear."

He was just trying to provide a better life for that child

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Technically Steven just has to ask.
That’s why they wear summer and winter outifts.

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I like how Garnet looks like she's wearing armor or a bodysuit while Amethyst and Pearl wear regular casual human clothing

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>No Lego tie-in, knockoff or otherwise
>McFarlane figures canceled
>No deal with Hasbro

>Just chibis, Funkos, and vending machine balls

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Just gonna drop this in here but, how's everyone feeling about the idea that Garnet is basically a completed character before we see her?
It's totally a dumb fucking leap in logic + a cop-out, but it explains why she barely gets shit after Season 1, she didn't have much more to get.

damn, her thigh game is on point

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She sort of always was. After coming to terms with what she is which was not long after forming, she herself had no issues. Her components did on the level of Pearl and Amethyst, but when Fused they compensate for each other’s issues enough to not be important for most of when we saw her.

Really, her biggest thing was developing Steven. She was able to foresee his life problems when they were quick and simple childhood worries, and in general was team leader.

The problem is we saw less of them fighting monsters, where Garnet shines most, and saw more Pearl training and Diamond issues which is primarily a Steven thing. Since Steven’s issues mostly became human or Diamond ones, Greg replaced her as role model and Pearl as secret-keeper.

The biggest problem with Garnet is a recurring late-season thing. The character who can react strongest to a situation often isn’t there or is in the background.

Corruption stemming from Fusion for example. In general, Garnet was there to show up afterwards if at all.

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>It did tried to kill us


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These shade-less Garnet edits are great

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She’s strangely adorable without them

>Tiny hands! My only weakness.

God Garnet is so adorable when she goes full mom mode on Steven

It was actually pretty jarring seeing her just as confused as the rest about dealing with baby Steven. The episode where she deals with chaos theory trying to understand him as an older kid bookends it on a bittersweet parenting note.

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>those are big thighs for 2020's standards
I'mn starting to get old to remember when that was the minimal

>The Earth would be gone since the cluster never would've been investigated.
Yes I like this!
Steven and the gems are on Homeworld and are forced to not beng able to do anything for saving earth.
More like this.
I demand more Jailbreak bad end ideas

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I miss season 1 bros

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>I keep requesting on /aco/ but no drawfag would make my request
tell us your request

A few.

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I dunno, man. I think I would be more worried about a distant cry of "I'M BORED!!"

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I don't think they'd even try. It would be so weird and wrong.

I mean ATLA featured normal humans doing unusual things, but they didn't warp their bodies or had giant monsters pop up all the time.

She would have loved to win.


It's weird to me how Kimberly manages to voice Jasper when she looks so cute.

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What is the request?

I don't just make autistic Transformers knockoff files, I can also do shitty drawings.

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Yes...I hope Ruby would like the minimal consolation of having a zombie cluster gem whose mind is splitted in every corner and can just have a fragmented memory of what Ruby was for her old alive self.

It's time to move on Ruby, Jasper killed Sapphire laughing and forced Steven to eat her shards

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Is that SLB?

>Implying Steven couldn't restore her fully.
>Impying Jasper is better at destroying than Steven is at healing

Impious child.

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That's really young and child Steven.
He is inexperienced.
but let's assume he isn't.
Jasper stomped and crushed Sapphire, then she take the crying Ruby back in her jail, and Steven....punched again and his limbs broken so he couldn't try to escape anymore...

Jasper won

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Steven heals fast.

Why do you enjoy fantasizing about brutes harming and killing people weaker than themselves?

>Steven heals fast.
I don't think having limbs broken and being in a now solid jail will make his "accelerate" healing useful
>Why do you enjoy fantasizing about brutes harming and killing people weaker than themselves?
I've got a fetish for bad endings based on canon endings
And Jasper is just a wonderful gem
So I want some AUs angsty ideas for my bad endings fever

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It's weird to see a board without Spinel threads.

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Reminder that Garnet is voiced by the same woman who made the only song that actually showed love for short guys.

We should be glad to a cunt for showing love for short guys!!!!!!!
Does she wants to make a difference?
Then don't make one single song about short guys for "short people's points".
Also, this song is savioristic as fuck.
Not only she didn't put any short guy in the song, but she also didn't even bothered to ask to short people their opinion on this or even dared to ask them how write a song that talk about them.
She is just a souless singer that wants to exploit short people's pain for money without actually giving a shit about them

Chill, I was just making a joke about how short guys have no actual songs showing them love and cling on to American Boy because of that one “I just met this 5 foot 7 who was just my type” lyric. It was just written there because Kanye was featured and that’s his actual height.

This is why girls don't like you. Not because you're short, but because you're full of impotent rage.

5 foot 7 is not fucking short.
Kanye West is medium sized, nothing more.
Danny Devito is short
Wanna give to REAL short men love? Then 4 foot 8 is the minimal

Why all the short jokes about Tom Cruise then? He's 5'7

Drop it already, you whiny wankbag.

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She was fun until her fusion fussiness fetish happened.

Not a fan of it cause it really made her an uninteresting character in the late game of the show. As people have kept saying here, her status as the leader of the CGs became kinda muddled due to Steven dealing with more shit, less time spent on official missions and more on events that came as a surprise to her future vision. Her being the "by default" leader of the team was when her character shined since it forced her to deal with everyone on the team and allowed her advice to be a focal point.
The disappointing thing is she still could have been an interesting character despite this but the writers just gave her too little to do. Her problems with becoming the leader by default were only ever explored in Pool Hopping, which was kinda too late and didn't explore it nearly enough since she only ever opened up to Steven about it. And after the Sardonyx arc she got scant interactions with any character 1 on 1 besides Steven. She was always just there, never really conversing with anyone and that made her really boring since the meat of this show ended up being character interactions and conversations.
I think it says a lot that there's an argument to be made of her not getting a focus episode in between the forced fusion episode and Pool Hopping, since I'm not counting episodes that focus on Ruby and Sapphire as episodes that focus on Garnet.

What's the consensus on Garnet's latest form? It was the one that took me the longest to adjust to after CYM, but I really like the colors and stuff now.


Technically we know Garnet stories were happening since missions were happening during Connie training and the barn roommate stuff.

If they ever come back to the series with some between-episode stories, that’d be it.

Superior to the other banal forms only contrarians like

Not that I want to speak for everyone, but pretty sure once people got used to Garnet's new form, people realized it's dope as hell.
The finale made it seem like it should have been her LAST form ever.

But now Garnet has a mini-skirt.

Sorry, what? Mini skirt?

Assuming we get one more episode that isn’t connected to the climax and it was focused on Garnet, what would you want it to be about? Season 1 badassery, or character development? Dealing with something we thought they skipped? Another silly episode like Garnet Universe?

Garnet resolving Jasper’s plot instead of Steven, bookending her first appearance?

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>t. 5'7 manlet

>he think there is a garnet after s2

I don't know he was more about how shorter men deserves love.
He is at least 4'4

>Could a Fused Gem occur naturally?
That's basically what Rutile is.

I thought they were a split. One mind in two heads. Not two minds in an almost single body.

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Two individuals exist within their form. Their minds are melted together, making them effectively one entity, but there is still a lot of duality to their being. It's complicated for them. having their gems combined mashes up their souls. It's different from a light-form fusion. They're like gem mutants, but stable. The fragmented consciousnesses aren't competing for control. They are harmonious, yet distinct.

Damn. Too bad they were introduced so late, I want to see more of them now.

If we're getting into Garnet's issue as a character it should also be mentioned she unnecessarily drags down Ruby and Sapphire with her, just because Rebecca never wanted to write anything with any of these three.

Which is the fundamental issue, Garnet was just never planned to get anything after Season 1 for some reason or Rebecca thinks what she slipped in is actually 'content' for her.

Still the biggest problem being the other characters not needing her. She was group mom to more than just Steven, she gave life lessons to all of them.
But Pearl started working through her problems herself and resolving them with Steven at the end, Amethyst’s stopped involving the other main Crystal Gems at all and were resolved alongside Peridot and Steven until S5 when she was actually stepping into Garnet’s role with the two of them. Of course Steven’s were Diamond-related and instead of being the caretaker the last big reveal actually broke her somewhat.

The Off-Colors had Steven as their primary teacher, and mostly during the timeskip anyway. That was probably the last dangling plot thread other than maybe Jasper that Garnet had relevance to. Any time any of them have had a problem for the second half of the series, it was usually hers too and didn’t have her save the day like in Jailbreak.

Pray for our boi and Greg

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God she has some real winners

Christ I want more Sugilite, just get a new voice actor who even gives a shit?

All they really need is publicly given permission from Minaj. I doubt she’d make a big deal about it, it’d be bad PR to pick a fight over a popular cartoon.

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I'd be way more terrified of Sugilite, bitch is a genuine fucking monster and she clearly delights in doing damage

Fo they really need her permission? Can they honestly not just do it?

Oddly, the trinity seems the most stable.
They could. But then if she did make a thing about it, she’d be seen as being in the right. Plus it would alienate guest celebrity voices working with the team and channel going forward.

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I know the other version of this pic

She got that anaconda like Nicki Minaj

Wouldn’t she be more stable if they Fused now since Amethyst is over most of her problems? She’s impulsive, but is so with respect to those around her.

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>she’d be seen as being in the right.
How could someone think a cunt like Minaj could ever been in the right
>Plus it would alienate guest celebrity voices working with the team and channel going forward.
With dubbers and they not coming back a second time they need to dissapear

>How could someone think a cunt like Minaj could ever been in the right
Public opinion=/=perception of respect from one industry to another. Getting out of the animation ghetto we’re in will take a rebuilding of multimedia bridges.

>Bismuth missed this

Considering its a yearly thing she was probably at the one after that.

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>Getting out of the animation ghetto we’re in will take a rebuilding of multimedia bridges.
Literally no other studio want to work with Minaj again after Ice Age 4

You recast a voice without permission being out in the public waves and suddenly every manager pitches requests for guest voice talent or theme work straight in the bin and never considers following through when clients suggest getting in touch.

Doesn’t matter who it is. Once the waters cool in inter-medium cooperation they take ages to warm again.

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The glasses still look stupid.

>You recast a voice without permission being out in the public waves and suddenly every manager pitches requests for guest voice talent or theme work straight in the bin and never considers following through when clients suggest getting in touch.
>Doesn’t matter who it is. Once the waters cool in inter-medium cooperation they take ages to warm again.


Shit like that is why cartoons don’t have Leitmotifs anymore and why guest characters are rare as fuck.

better than most spinelships by far

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Rutile is a single gem fusion like the cluster monsters.
There are also nonfusion fusion gems such as pyrope, hessonite, snowflake obsidian, etc.

you're overthinking it. a fusion is a metaphor for the relationship between two people. rutile is just two gems stuck together, but probably cannot fuse with each other because they share a gemstone.

Cartoons have dubbers.
You think frenchies give a shit about guest stars in cartoons? They dub your super expensive celebrity with a voice actor that finished school yesterday

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Rutile is a different type of fusion.
And one that's actually permanent.

fusion is 2 gems, rutile is literally one gem split in half

noun: fusion; plural noun: fusions
the process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity.
Rutile is a fusion in much the same way The Cluster is a fusion.

We actually need to get more complex.

Rutile is an incomplete split, just like real conjoined twins. One thing that developed into two things but failed to completely break apart, leaving them sharing part of their bodies.

I doubt they could Fuse together since they share the same Gem unless one of the prongs broke in a way that didn’t severely damage one, but what their resulting Fusions would be is a fascinating idea. If or reproducing with a human would result in a two-headed human. Real life conjoined twins who are reproductively viable don’t pass the condition on, but then again their kids aren’t kept alive by a forked magic rock either.

Fusion, as in the Gem process shown in the show, leaves their Gems physically intact and separate. Their light body projections mix into one entity and their separate Gems take on a mixed or refracted multicolor coloration instead.

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We've seen multiple types of fusion within the show.

>We've seen multiple types of fusion within the show.
And so?
They're all a meta-emotional amalgamation of 2 sapient light based minerals

The Gem never merges.
Rutile has one Gem that is forked. No pun or innuendo intended.

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Type 1) partial gem fusion
>two or more separate gems merge their forms to create 1 single body with multiple gemstones
>examples: opal, garnet, alexandrite, mega pearl
Type 2) full gem fusion
>two or more separate gems combine their gemstones to form 1 singular gem with 1 singular gemstones
>examples: cluster monsters, the cluster
Type 3) partial non gem fusion
>one or more gems merge their forms with one or more non gems to create 1 single body with every gemstone present within the fusion
>examples: steven
(btw im not headcanoning anything im just giving a name to what was seen in the show)
Also I think Rutile might be a type 2 fusion.

I suppose which one of us is right depends on their formation.

Either they were one Gem that made an incomplete split, or two who grew together into one body and fused physically rather than just energies.

We know they were like that when they emerged. But I lean towards them being incompletely split twins because the clusters broke apart into individuals when poofed. Rutile looks like its actually one singular Gem, which would poof together and reform together.

And now you know the secret of being a success in life has jack and shit to do with how good you are in your field and everything to do with networking and how good you are with people. The most memorable people of their field are often subpar or average at best but have great personal skills and connections.

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Lmao how much of a salty bitch are you. Get a real job you whiny cunt lol

Fucking favourite moment right there.

She was right. If the gems weren't arguing with each other Steven wouldn't have grown a pair

I ship Stevinel, but I found Garnet and Spinel’s friendship after they were rejuvenated to be extremely cute. I hope to see more of their interaction in Future

>Kanye West will never be a guest VA and do a sequel to “American Boy” with Garnet
Boo at least stop making another million Yeezy 350 V2 colorways

Does an episode count?

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This is great

Post >yfw this episode has a rabbit with a scar over its eye and a fox guy (voiced by Lars' VA) who dies and is brought back to life by a magic gem

We need more Garnel/Spinet

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same it was sweet, garnet needs more friends. i like the idea she's good friends with garnet in the 'crystal spinel' au.

>garnet needs more friends
She already has Steven, Pearl, Amethyst, Greg, Connie, Lapis, Peridot, and Bismuth. Plus is a fusion of the close romance of Ruby and Sapphire.
Loneliness is probably not one of Garnet’s life problems

friends who see her as an equal and not a leader she doesn't have a lot of, though.

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Pearl and Amethyst are her two closest companions and are her loving sisters
Steven is basically her adopted son that she (with Pearl) adores

She’s not really the leader unless they are facing a decision, problem, or fight.

That’s less and less of a thing now. No war, and no monsters to fight. Technically this is the first time Garnet has known peace.

Unless she gets more involved with townie affairs, she is free to be an equal.

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If Steven and Conniw have kids would it be better for them to be raised by Steven or by the gems.

Steven is kind of stuck spending most of his time co-ruling the universe now as the voice of reason, and Connie would presumably get a job in Empire.

Thanks to Gem teleportation technology it would be more like ordinary jobs in terms of distance, but its still better to have free and experienced babysitters. Especially since they’d probably be normal human children.

I don’t be reading much Crystal Gem Spinel au stuff but it’s nice to know that fans catch sight of that to continue their relationship

pearl would totally volunteer to look after steven's kids whether he wanted her there or not

We don’t deserve Pearl

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They wouldn’t have kids. Connie wouldn’t want them so she can stay independent.

I like Garnet a lot but she's incredibly overrated just about everywhere.

Except here where the only liked gems seem to be Pearl, Spinel, Lapis, Jasper and Peridot

people just think of her as the lesbo bait here. even on tumblr people pay lip service but they only draw fanart of the more problematic and thus interesting gays

you're retarded

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>Having four fulltime babysitters and the forces of the empire that spans the universe
Not a bad option. Now or later.

It’s true. It’s why Connie rejects Steven, she doesn’t want to be tied down in life, she wants one beyond him. Having kids would just be a trap to her.

No 16 year old would because Steven’s being a fucking selfish idiot
This does not mean that Connie wouldn’t want kids of her own one day just because she doesn’t want to get married AT 16 YEARS OLD

She doesn’t want a future with Steven. Having kids with him would be even worse. If she doesn’t want it now, she never will. It’s best for Steven to move on. Steven can be with someone who would marry him and Connie can be with someone who also doesn’t want marriage.

>She doesn’t want a future with Steven
You’re retarded
Her not wanting to marry the guy doesn’t mean she doesn’t want a future with him, dumbass

What future there for someone who wants to marry with someone who doesn’t? Why should either of them sacrifice their wants when they can move on and be with other people?

For the record its not like being a Fusion would result in pregnancy.

Plus, he was talking perma-Fusion. Not moving in together after high school.

Lapiven isn’t happening move on

Give me an actual answer, what future is there? What’s the reason for staying together if marriage won’t happen?

Because they have had so much history together as childhood friends and romantic interests, there is no reason why Connie saying no to marriage right now =/= her leaving him and it also doesn’t mean that they won’t get back together once Steven gets his head out of his ass
The only reason why Steven is begging for marriage is because he’s slipping due to the feeling that his friends are drifting away from him
He’s not thinking rationally
Otherwise he wouldn’t even think to ask Connie for it

Childhood romances rarely work out to begin with, they’re a fantasy most of the time, one Steven also believes in that will be shattered so he may grow from that. He wanted marriage, she didn’t. What is there to do now? Never get married? Give up a dream of a wedding and eternal love for someone unwilling? Why not be with someone who wants the same things you do, history isn’t as important as chemistry and sharing hopes and dreams

You’re implying he always wanted to marry Connie and still would by the final episode

He’s expressed this since about the birthday episode where he wanted to be first man. This is something he obviously wants and won’t find with Connie.

Six years flew by real fast

I gave a shit only about the movie, amdfor me these months have been long

That was a joke
Lemme guess, a Spinelfag?

Not to Steven. It’s clear Connie never wants to get married and judging by how much time Steven has spent planning weddings, is something he’s dreamed about before. If Connie doesn’t want that, Steven has no obligation to stay with her.

Yeah, but I ship Spinelnet

I’m done arguing with retards because this is going to go on for decades if we keep this up

I like Spinel too but I fucking hate the ones that only watched/give a shit about the film
It even makes people who like her look even shittier than they already do
So fuck you


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You just can’t come up with a good reason for them staying together if marriage isn’t an option.


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Hello, based department?

Not many people seems to care much about Garnet outside of her being the literal metaphor of Sapphire and Ruby’s relationship for Lesbian points
Amethyst need more love

I have something for you


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Only reset Spinel and reset Garnet work

Punished Spinel first of all sliced her and wiped her mind, ended up taking reset Garnet hostage, then was wrecked by Garnet when she got her memories back, and never had another interaction ever again


>spinel dick

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>could alienate guest celebrity voices
good! get em the fuck outta here, if it means a character can never be used again in a speaking role for the next 5 seasons then the show is better off without em

Lovely ship and lovely art!
Love this

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And give me some Jailbreak bad end ideas

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I still way more prefer Stevinel but this is really nice

I can go with both reset and normal versions of this ship. Plus that’s during the time when Spinel was still pissed about the whole abandonment. Now she’s over it, I don’t see why she and Garnet wouldn’t be friends again, even if we won’t canonically see it in Future.

If she became a regular she would probably first befriend Steven and be closer to him, but she would probably also be friends with Garnet based on memories of her being nice to her

Here ya go

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I’m cool with that


Garnet is surprisingly hilarious and actually gives Amethyst and Greg a good fight for the title of “Funniest Character”

Considering Jasper was never the paragon of mental health, the possibilities are limitless. From taking all the humans in town for the zoo to shattering every single Gem that had been on the show at that point.

> Amethyst need more love
Agreed, both from the fandom and the crew. It's absolutely not a coincidence that she got sub par episodes (especially compared to Pearl) and gets so little fan recognition.

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Amethyst is as quotable as Garnet.
>”I got hit by a airplane!”
>”Imma winna airplane!”
>”Which way to the baby war? EAT TRASH, DIRTBAGS!”
>”Never started a car with a key before... Hah! That was WAY easier!”
>”Yeah, and we’re gonna BURY you!”
>”This time, let’s build a moat. I can be...THE CROCODILE! Jazz hands!”
>”Pfft, just go in the ocean, bro. Like a feesh.”
And others I don’t remember off the top of my head

Pretty much this. She’s kind of like one of the best and relatable gems in this show

>”I swallowed a rock.”
>”Yeah, you got this, Pearl!”
>”Let’s mash it up”

>"Bismuth had no physical weaknesses."

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It's always nice to meet people who actually know who the best gem is, but y'all come too few and far between. Can't help but feel like Amy get shafted out of a big emotional reunion with her family that would have been cemented in the fandom like other moments in the show have. Doesn't help that her feeling on Rose being PD got shelved and she never got an extravagant song like Garnet or Pearl.

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Most favorite Garnet song?

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It’s a damn shame, too. Never thought many people wouldn’t care much of her. I would’ve thought she be on the same level as Peridot, even if people don’t find her attractive

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Here’s a better quality

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how can he be so based?

>almost invencible

I have grown to love many gems. Steven, Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, Lapis, Peridot, Bismuth, Jasper, Spinel, Off-Colors, Pink Pearl, Rose Quartz. I’ve even warmed up a bit to the Diamonds (Blue in particular). Only gem I can say I dislike is Aquamarine.

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I like to image Bismuth’s chest actually being openable and containing treasure if you found a perfectly shaped piece of Bismuth
and slid it into the hole that is her gem
I bet she’s holding gold or really rare weapons

Wouldn’t it just appear if she was poofed?
Unless you mean like Pearl’s headspace.

Nah I’m talking about a regular piece of bismuth from the earth that isn’t containing a genderless space alien rock woman
Maybe her gem contains boring stuff but her chest is also a literal treasure chest, and the regular bismuth rock would be a key to unlock it

That skinny Amethyst is a crime against goodness

I demand more Stevenet/Garneven

Have a short comic of Steven and Spinel fighting over Garnet’s affection.

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>That art

No. No. No.

1) No, she did not. If a guy got injured because he was hit by a truck, would you consider "Not being invulnerable to speeding trucks" a 'weakness'?
2) It's a colloquial phrase in this type of character file. Most Transformers have some kind of physical weakness which makes them vulnerable. "Isn't particularly strong". "Armor gets brittle when it dries out". "Susceptible to electrical shorts". But some of them - Megatron and Grimlock for instance - have no obvious physical weaknesses at all. Hence it's stated with a certain chilly finality.
And the same applies to Bismuth.

Accurate, wouldn't you say?

Bear in mind I was deliberately emulating the language used in the original Transformers character files.

My stupid headcanon views them as evolved Transformers - a more advanced, or degenerated form of Shifters (Transformers that can take any shape, but pay for this by gradually losing their identity and form the more they do it) who adapted immutable crystal cores to maintain an unchanging essence to build themselves around.

Steven Universe, but with Jasper in place of Garnet. What happens.

What if she was just there with them from the war?

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Jasper can't take care of a kid so she runs away.

Jasper doesn't run from a fight!

Then you should say
>strenght superior to mostly gems

That's Lapis, who runs away and neglects the child. Jasper is the tiger mom who beats her child when they fail and does weird shit like tries to breast feed them in their teens

>Garnet and Jasper swap places
(based on Momswap AU)
>Garnet is a fusion of lust and not love
Sapphire is worshipped by Ruby and Sapphire only cares about her for the love she gave to her, but would change her with the first gem that show more veneration than Ruby
Ruby is a will-less worm that doesn't have a mind for her own but just live for venerating Sapphire, she doesn't have a personality, she hates herself for being weak and inferior to Sapphire
They're "Made of Lust"
>Jasper the perfect quartz
Listening to Rose's ideas the perfect soldier Jasper decides to go against her program for proving to Pink Diamond that she isn't just a machine for fight
She wanted to use the point-breaker on Pink Diamond herself but Bismuth disappeared misteriously...
Jasper defeats Garnet alone
She proves to the fusion of toxic love that the power of the fusion isn't something that needs to be abused of, she remembers how her first fusion with Rose Quartz made her feel complete and beautiful and Garnet poisoned that emotion for lust
Beating Garnet, that kept singing "made of lust", again and again until she shut up and defuse Jasper is about to crash Ruby and Sapphire to death, but refuse only because the ship is going down
Garnet runs away and when they're forced to ally with the crystal gems for stopping the cluster they will never fuse again
Jasper respects it but says to keep an eye on them if they ever thought of a betrayal
Ruby and Sapphire moved on from each others but they still remember what toxic relationship they had.
Ruby first fusion post-garnet will be with Amethyst
For Sapphire it will be Padparadscha Sapphire
Jasper is content they will not abuse of fusion ever again

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I likey this AU

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>What is there to do now? Never get married?
>people remain the same throughout their entire lives
The fact that you're missing this in Steven Universe Future of all things is real funny.

It's not a fight. So she won't care.

>>strenght superior to mostly gems

...How would 'strength superior to most gems' be a weakness?

I didn't just write these as files - they are obsolete to anyone who has seen the show - but as an exercise; Bob Budiansky's Transformer files are very curious in how verbose, yet sparse, and how incongruous they can be. My versions omit critical information, as if they were written by someone who knew only part of the story and not necessarily the interesting part.

If you want to be breastfed by a giant woman just say so. Don't project it onto Jasper. She is not nurturing or caring - she is profoundly antisocial as literally everything we have ever seen about her demonstrates. She likes to fight and that is literally ALL she likes.

This is trash. Wow.

Well, I guess you had to find out this painful truth about yourself sooner or later.

>This is trash. Wow.
Yes, I'm a momswap AUs trash
Glad I could help you feel

Captain Planet in the same continuity?

Like I mentioned, I think it's a product of the show not highlighting her. Even her own arc got pretty overshadowed by Jasper and the PD name drop, and that's reflected in the fan reactions. Smokey's design isn't conventionally appealing, Tiger Philanthropist barely featured her and framed why she quit wrestling so poorly that even one of the music writers didn't realize why until a fan pointed it out, only focus episode after that was explicitly about her not dumping her emotions. She just hasn't had a stand out moment bigger than On the Run and that's what fan engagement runs on. Even her becoming the most mature gem and a good sister to Steven is being muddled now that Steven is breaking down regardless.
She's in that abyssal middle ground where she neither has the stand out moments and popularity of Pearl, Peridot or Garnet, nor the lingering controversy of Lapis, Jasper, or Spinel so no one really talks about her. It fucking sucks being an Amy fan.

Smokey is cute as a button tbqh famalam

I’d say trying to grow flowers in Kindergarten was a split starring role with Peridot.

It kind of stole Garnet’s role as group therapy/lesson mom and gave it to her, but still was the first time we saw that she was over her shit.

In general, late S4 and onwards Amethyst is her finally coming into her own, partially from having to pick up slack for Garnet and Pearl and partially from encountering the other Earth Amethysts and being accepted as an equal. Her growth in turn results in Steven growing up more, as they support each other heavily in that time.

Speaking of Spinel, when's the next Spinel thread? We really need those drawfag request deliveries from the previous thread.

I have many Momswapped Garnet AU ideas. Glad you support the AU too.
Tell me if you need more Momswap ideas

Attached: momswap-garnet-sutrash.jpg (768x1024, 74.22K)

Make a general character thread. These solo character ones are getting out of control.

Elaborate? Do you mean like IDW's Hasbroverse?

I wonder what Smokey would look like now.

>I wonder what Smokey would look like now.
user.....did you.....even....watched the first 2 episodes of SUF.......

Maybe more like the second one. IDW 1 kind of required a favored character to die to introduce another IP.

It just seems to be the main three cartoon IPs that feature “magic” beings who merge getting along with humans. Not really counting things like Power Rangers or Voltron since that’s more of a combining vehicle than characters.

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The only major changes in the Fusions are their clothing.

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Captain Planet was more like the Infinity Man and the Tomorrow People.

Only once. Oops.

> Due to Steven's aging and change of outfit, Smoky Quartz now appears wearing Steven's black shirt under Amethyst's outfit with Steven's pink varsity jacket tied around their waist. They also appear very slightly physically larger, and more of a visible neck, as compared to their debut episode.

>skinny Smoky
Why ruining her like this?

I agree here less so here Still doesn't really matter what I think since the general audience only cares about characters that look like Lapis or Pearl.

I'd say that was for sure a majority Peridot episode but I agree that Amethyst really grew, especially more so than Pearl or Garnet. My point and main trouble though is that there was no grandeur or pizazz to that growth and that results at best in "Amethyst Appreciation" posts on reddit and tubmlr that barley get any traction instead of an explosion of fan art and discussion that you see from other characters. It's awesome that Amethyst grew so much, it's why she's one of my favorite characters from this show, but there's a lack of entertainment and wow factor in the results that makes her consistently overlooked (not maliciously by the way) by the fandom at large.

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Its actually a bit odd. Amethyst and Garnet switched roles.

Ruby and Sapphire became the immature ones who need attention to get over their issues and get into a but of a mess, Amethyst popped in to other character’s plots as the lesson-teacher.
Peridot kind of became the new version of early season Steven.

Having less of a barrel and more of a can for a body helps.

Swoll adult Steven Smokey would probably look like the original concept.

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I have this pillow

There's a bit of everyone in everyone but no one switched roles.

I loved the OG trio, can't believe they switched out Jasper for Bismuth though, it's weird because she's closer with Pearl and Garnet

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Jasper became the bismuth of the nuCGs.

Never realized this.
Why though?

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Who knows, only Becky I suppose.

She's not a cunt/horrible human being but she is a shit voice actor

Yea, she's godawful at emoting at all. When Garnet is calm and isn't being emotional, she's fine, but when it's time for Garnet to emote, dear god Estelle is dog shit.


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Unedited screen cap.

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And you accuse me of editing screenshots.

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Been here since Log Date. I'm not ready

Ignoring how much faster I can reply than you.

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Meant for

it takes two clicks to edit the image and im working

If it only takes two clicks then who come it takes you so long?

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Cause I really don't care.
It takes less than a minute.

You care enough to edit multiple screenshots.

That's dumb.
"I can't" is the truth because Rose made her unable to ask questions

call her Rebecca

Why should I

Amethyst is the new Garnet that is always the voice of reason
Garnet/Ruby and Sapphire are the immature childs that don't know when stop acting like children

it's a meme I think

That was the episode with Smoky and Sardonix meeting.
It was Garnet saying that she herself could not ask why Amethyst and Steven were hiding something from them. So Pearl asked instead.

that episode was literally a 4th wall joke.
So it's not canon