Why does IDW sonic comics suck so much?

why does IDW sonic comics suck so much?

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The Tangle and Whisper comic are good

No. They're shit. You faggots only think they're good characters because you masturbate to them. Sonic is shit and hope this comic dies soon. Would suck if TMNT is canned but this pile of shit thrives. Fuck you.

Wasting too much time on a zombie virus arc.

No porn

Constant delays and the zombot arc being sluggish are the main problems.

Ian Flynn has ran out of his already generic ideas.

Every single Sonic sucks, literally every single one of them

It's a comic about fucking Mickey Mouse style animals acting super duper serious, for fucks sake this is autism.

There's nothing wrong with some stakes in a story about a mad scientist turning animals into robots. It comes down to how it's written.

Hey Mickey Mouse detective comics are 5000% better then whatever this shit is

Why is it that you colossal faggots can’t do anything other then bitch about the comics? How about doing something different like talk about the movie that came out?

I think they do, with my points being:

>they relay too much at shock value; so frequently there's disaster and melodrama everywhere
>there's no quick variety of tones to use besides one that is overly-serious, always
>the first arc, mediocre, was essentially only a homage to Heroes, while the second, current one manages to be worse; at its core, it's simply a twelfth retread of robotization
>unnatural dialogue, where there's no slight grasp of unique voice and agency for each character
>the pacing is utterly slow and decompressed, with no light, short stories
>nothing sort of effort is being made to brush off and twist the noticeable common usage of formulaic storytelling
>too much of "tell, don't show" and too little of "show, don't tell"
>all such and other non-mentioned quirks being caused by an writer that has never learned from them

With theses, annex the mandates who are restricting the creativity factor, at least to some extent, consider the delays it keeps receiving, and remember that it's succeeding a certain previous comic book that has carried years of familiar characters, content, lore and such, now all sadly destroyed to pieces, thus consolidating rancor to many of faithful fans including myself.

All in all, this comic is destined to always suck, at least being worse than Archie and Fleetway, imo.

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Mickey Mouse is shit and Disney is shit. Death to Disney.

Ian Flynn is a worn out writer who used all of his ideas over 15 years.

Sega mandates make the comic feel too safe, less fanservicey to avoid the fanfiction that was Freedom Fighters and co.

We need new blood, better art styles, stories that adapt the games and then make new ideas for games that were cancelled or off the table. And go back to contained one-issue stories instead of 4 month arcs.

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Cringe and doesn't know they were from the 1930s pilled

I remember that game. I played hundreds of hours of it and enjoying every single moment

>Another problem is they already made Eggman too evil while avoiding consequences so he's a Gary Stu.

This. At least in the games, it was played for comedy without the seriousness, even when he was at his most evil in SA1 trying to nuke and flood Station Square. Plus, he had backup plans in SA1, Unleashed, and even Forces.
Here, they treat Eggman like an idiot with "NO CURE" and he decides he'll fuck off to another planet if he can't control the zombots. It's just bad writing.

Good luck telling that to the old warlords that run SEGA who'd rather churn out another yakuza game

Yeah, I wanted more of their story, also more Mimic, it was a good change of pace, not a shitty zombie apocalypse.

You act like super duper serious stories featuring Mickey Mouse don't exist or aren't widely popular.

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Shut up Mickey Mouse is a glorified cameo in the Kingdom Hearts franchise he largely doesn't even do anything and don't even bother mentioning that stupid DLC Only moment where Mickey Mouse combined the powers of the other characters to beat those darkness clones and yes it's as cringy as it sounds. And Mickey is NOT the reason anyone plays Kingdom Hearts for.

And finally as a fan of Kingdom Hearts? Kingdom Hearts is SHIT. I deeply regret ever wasting my time on that autistic piece of badly written fan fiction shit by Nomura. Say what you will about Sonic, but at least he's an original property. Kingdom Hearts is a literal fan fiction with a budget composed of pre-existent properties like Disney's characters, Square Enix's characters while SE's characters are also notably bastardized in one way or another while the story is focused on the Original Characters like Sora. And the sad part is I've seen fan fiction that's better written than this mountain of shit.

God Kingdom Hearts is shit in every single sense except graphics.

>Sonic will always be Sega's restrictions
Archie Sonic HAD no restrictions and we ended up with the worst moments like this. What we need is standards so Penders doesn't happen again. Nor, furry drama by non-vidya OCs.

I don't read IDW TMNT, but I did watch Rise and enjoyed it for the animation. It went far out of bounds for a TMNT idea but it got cancelled too soon. I think we're in the same boat. (Think about Sonic Boom)

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Knowing the Sonic series and how childish it is. Turning Eggman into a criminal instead of a mad scientist was their downfall of a character. At least The Joker and other villains get satisfyingly beat-up at the end of an issue. Eggman will never get punched in the face (outside the Movie) or get his shit-kicked in by an angry Sonic out for blood.

Now their trying to make Eggman walk away by using his plan to stop the Zeti's, SA2 style. Oh the irony.

Reminder that Sonic was always shounen and you're an outsider for thinking Sonic should be some kind of Spongebob expy. In other words, leave this franchise if you don't like the foundation from Day 1.

I love how Whisper's whole backstory is just MGS: The Phantom Pain.

Her entire design is a reference to Sniper Wolf and Quiet.

Go away Penders. Go suck Midnight´s Edge cock.

And I love it.

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Fuck, Sally was never good.

How many times you gonna use that line?

You are actually seething. Get a grip on your life, bruh.

>Sega mandates
Doesn't exist. Don't fall for Ian's deceit.

Thankfully she'll never come back especially since Amy has taken that leadership role and does it way better

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Hi, /sthg/.

By Sonic Heroes standards, yes.
By character standards, no.
Vector, Shadow, and Rouge are the only competent characters not pussy enough to fail at being a leader.

/sthg/ hates Sally though.

I'm glad someone else her knows this. The only people that still like kingdom Hearts need to grow the fuck up and move out of their mothers basement.

sally was furrybait and annoying as fuck despite being in the series even longer than amy, whereas the only thing grating about amy was the stalker shit and even then that's been over with since 06

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Not a furry but I actually hope she shows up in the games at one point or something. I feel like IDW Sonic is going to crash and burn at some point and I think it would be a waste of a good design if she dissapeared completely.

Because its not Archie and you can't jerk it to Slut Princess and Hick Rabbit anymore.

Sadly, it's just non-Yas Forums enough to get threads about it deleted.

Why do you make this goddamn thread every week?

>this is autism
yeah, that's what makes it good.

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It feels poorly handled. Despite the zombie apocalypse going on, Sonic seems like he's not taking it that seriously. The pacing keeps shifting between either to slow or rushing through things that SHOULD be taken slowly so they have emotional weight. The fact Eggman didn't have his legs broken the moment he showed up after the Deadly Six (why the fuck are they even here) betrayed him is inexcusable, to the point a comic OC of all characters was the only one to try what the game characters should have done. Also, the fact they literally spoke aloud "Super Sonic will fix everything" is really sad moment of self-awareness that doesn't work outside of Sonic Boom.

Also, Whisper feels like a DeviantArt fancharacter, and Tangle is just another Sonic when we've already got Blaze. They didn't deserve their own mini-series, at least not this soon. I suspect they were the ONLY characters who could have gotten their own issues though.

So funny

I never understand this joke, if you care about the thread you would think of something to say so it is like ironic?

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too much like archie

Because they carried over writers from Archie, they should've just done a complete reboot with a new team.

IDW didn't want another Penders scenario (as in hiring a writer who absolutely knows next to fuck all about the games and adds their own bullshit that veers off the official canon)

A good decision overall, the Sonic series does its best when it’s ripping something off.

I’m very curious about that ever happening myself. Sticks the badger started appearing in the olympics games and she was from the boom games, another western created property only that a lot of people would like to forget. Boom was still a game but it’s still interesting to see Sega add western characters like that.

I specifically do not enjoy those characters.

It’s was 4am user, that’s called Stu posting.

>whereas the only thing grating about amy was the stalker shit
For a very long time that was the only thing about Amy period.

When will Archie get the rights for the Egg Bosses?

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They also axed her for the new one.

what a lot of noise for a 0 argument pant shitting moment, kid.


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Why is it that, nowadays, 90% of people who sperg about Sonic are the ones who hate it?

And it works, and fills an archetype slot they never really had.

They're either CoD or Fortnite fans.

Well it’s not like they ever expand the roster count in those Olympic Games anyways. Point is if Sticks,(a character better known on the cartoons than for her 3ds game), was recognized by Sega then there’s always a chance for even these comics characters to show up.

Then Sonic was never not autism

You don't need writers that possess a base idea of Sonic through the games. While it can be helpful for knowing the games, it's nowhere enough to instantly produce good stories.

You need writers that know how to make good stories, true professionals. Penders was a bad writer for many lot of reasons, but none of them are because he never played the games.

>that veers off the official canon
The official "canon" as you speak has been bluffly broken and retconned to the infinitum now. There's no continuity to care about nowadays with Sonic, and I suggest that you shouldn't care about it.

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Well, yeah, he was always a video game characters. In the 90's people were bullied for mere fact of playing video games or reading comics, it's a new thing to segregate them on tiers of autism. Even then Sonic is lesser evil than new MLP or Dark Souls fans.

Pro tip: any story, no matter how silly the concept, can be an entertaining and worthwhile experience. All that's required is that it's told the right way.

You're not any cooler or "less autistic" because you don't like thing X or thing Y.

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Sonic is on par with MLP

based and sammypilled

Does she breath through her fur?

As a Sonic fan since 1996 and a brony since 2011 I can confirm the factuality of this statement.

>and a brony
fucking kill yourself for ever calling yourself a brony unironically nigger

>Mad Sonic fanatic calling a borny a nigger
What was that sentence about pots and kettles again?

Sonic is based

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>tfw Amychads are so autistic they worked on the Sonic comic solely to sabotage SallyXSonic, ruining her character and turning her gay.

How based?
>Aliens that happen to have dark skins invade planet and cause destruction everywhere they go
>"Disgusting black creatures" -Shadow, a black hedgehog, 2004

Kingdom hearts unironically is peak action games

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>Sonic tells Shadow to kill nogs for him
Dangerously based

On one hand I’m glad Scourge is never coming back ever but at the same time Fiona is never coming back

>Despite the zombie apocalypse going on, Sonic seems like he's not taking it that seriously
This is a problem with all of new Sonic as a whole, not just the comics. The writers seem to be terrified of writing a semi-serious Sonic for some reason

At this point the anti-Sonic posters seem far more autistic and retarded than the Sonic fags ever did.

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They're very one note, people who at least like sonic have new things to say.

That's been the case for years now. They've deluded themselves into thinking that anyone who even mildly likes Sonic is Chris-Chan tier, so to them, the bar of autism is set so high, they they will never cross it, so they go all out and lose all semblance of self-awareness. The most obnoxious part is how they just repeat the same 3-5 talking points automatically and with no real thought put into it.

>Vector, Shadow, and Rouge
The worst choices possible, a bunch of short minded and traitors scumbags no one likes.

The best leaders would be Blaze and Knuckles, yes he's kinda slow but a pretty loyal and determined person.

Based Trips.

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Because there's little left to like.

Because Sega won't let them.

Blaze is literally characterized as a loner who reluctantly accepts help in her original appearances in the Rush games and is just Silver's sidekick in 06.
Knuckles is consistently an easy to fool hothead.
Horrible choices.

I feel like internet fandoms have become more openly degenerate in the last few years, so much so that Sonic doesn't even stand out anymore.

At this point it's clear the mandates are made up bullshit.

Sonic's arm is around her ass.

Honestly a really good point. They are more characterized by the lack of creativity of their OCs than standing out as exceptional deviants anymore.

No other franchise has their version of two babies one fox. Sonic is still the king of foul degenerate porn.

>Girls' sidecomic

Oh please tell me it ends with them getting rekt by, you know, a real fighter again.

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They're really not. This is Sega were talking about.

>short minded and traitors scumbags
His only real lapse is his inflated sense of intuition on things that are obvious and an inflated sense of involvement in things the Chaotix's aren't that influential in like Metal Sonic's uprising, which they didn't even figure out in time to warn anyone about, or the Black Army's invasion and being useless in Generations.

In hindsight the best, not necessarily good, case for a leader in Sonic is Eggman.
He's obviously good at organizing his empire's tasks, but whenever necessary he often proves able to coordinate otherwise uncooperative figures like Chaos, Shadow and Rouge, and technically he's instructed the Chaotix and Sonic and pals if ever their goals align.

Why is Starfox allowed to tell a serious story with anthro animals but everyone shits themselves when Sonic attempts to do the same?

user,, I....
You know what. Fuck it. Cupcakes. Sweet Apple Massacre. Those two are form [REMOVED DUE GR15]. And if you think just one other fandom, then there's Jojo's Kakyoin Egg Laying hentai. And if that's not enough, then there's Transformers Kiss player.

Because Star Fox is Nintendo's property. They have (or at least had) better Quality Control.

Kakyoin’s egg isn’t hentai, and if you really need to bring out the horse show we’ve sunken incredibly low.

It's not even that. Every fanbase that involves anthropomorphic animals is going to have degenerates, Sonic didn't have an exceptional amount, it's just that Sonic being such a well-known IP that had a massive fall from grace in the mid-2000s, it became an easy target for everyone to make fun of with little backlash. I'm pretty sure that most anthro-based fanbases have their version of TBOF, buried in the depths of furaffinity or pixiv.

>other fan bases are just as sick as us! It’s just that we don’t SEE it
Jesus Christ, this cope.

quadruple amputee hajime

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He's not wrong, it's harder to talk about Klonoa on Yas Forums than Sonic without degeneracy within the first 10 posts.
Before /vp/ and /vg/ acted as containment Pokemon threads on Yas Forums would regularly turn into someone's personal folder dump of babyfur or some shitting dick nipples-esque content since they'd go so fast.

>Implying we had risen any to sink from

I challenge you to look through a MODICUM of the absolute degeneracy that was pumped out by other fanbases on multiple, easily available, websites across the internet and then, with a totally straight face, in good faith say that the Sonic fanbase is still the worst or that it stands out in any meaningful way.

>It’s just that we don’t SEE it
You can easily find Pokemon shit just as disgusting as TBOF

The problem is that Sega STILL hasnt moved on from the failure of 06 (which is retarded because its been more than a fucking decade), so they refuse to do anything similar to what 06 did, even when the game had great ideas, just executed badly.
This is true both for gameplay elements and story elements. You can tell Sonic became way less serious after 06, and the transformation into nu-Sonic was complete after Colors

That's more because the last decade of games have been sweatshop affairs.
The first three issues were good but clearly padded. The finale sucked.

>Ian Flynn is a worn out writer who used all of his ideas over 15 years.
Kinda, yeah. I think he'd be fine if he had a good editor behind him. All his best work was done under tight constraints.

>Sega mandates make the comic feel too safe, less fanservicey to avoid the fanfiction that was Freedom Fighters and co.
Kinda? Leaning on references is a weak crutch anyway.

>We need new blood
>better art styles
Kinda? I think more variety in approach would help, the artists are a bit stiff overall. Like, ABT and Evan do good work, but they have trouble conveying exaggerated ideas.
>stories that adapt the games and then make new ideas for games that were cancelled or off the table
Not a fan of that idea. It's better to just make new stories based on things from the franchise that catch the writer's interest and do new, interesting things with the cast.
>And go back to contained one-issue stories instead of 4 month arcs.
Variety's a better option here. Mix it up. An A plot and a B plot this issue, a two issue story next time, a one issue story, a four issue story, etc.

They're not made up, it's just that the term has turned into a scapegoat and exaggerated to death. Sega doesn't really ask much more than any other licensor. Mandated stipulations aren't even a bad thing; they inform creators of what's accurate for the brand and what the parent company wants. The problem is Sonic fans see Ian list things he can/can't do and indirectly blane bad stories on them and take that as mean ol Sega trying to ruin comics.

Like, yeah, they probably don't want Sonic wailing like a baby in official media, it's way out of character. That doesn't mean the comic is chained down or something.

Jesus Fucking Christ, I've never seen someone so fucking butthurt before in my entire life. Every day, literally every single day for the past 2 years, we've had this thread, you've been here, making millions of posts about how much you hate Ian Flynn, with arguments that never amount to anything more than tried litany. If you had a life I'd request that you end it right now.

I know for a fact it's different people.
Source: I made a thread about this once.

>and we ended up with the worst moments like this. What we need is standards so Penders doesn't happen again.
While I certainly agree that standards are a must-have, I disagree the restrictions being important (if that's the implying you're expressing, from what I'm understanding). The Slap was quite a stain upon the reputation of Archie Sonic's image (which you could argue it already was stained multiple times), and an awful malnourished story that made no sense, but it can't be regarded as the consequence from having no mandates, as the said story is a product of bad execution rather. The Slap is not bad and harmless in regards of concept, and the intentions were never to accentuate more shipping wars. It's bad because of its whole chosen execution.

And to clarify, The Slap was written by Bollers, not Penders (in spite of the said culprit being the champion at scoring suffering and melodrama always over Sally and other relationships).

Wholeheartedly agreed. We may say some concepts are bad or good, but in the end of the day, it's all about execution, managing, and professionalism.

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>Why is Starfox allowed to tell a serious story with anthro animals but everyone shits themselves when Sonic attempts to do the same?

Don't they just re-hash the same Lylatt vs Andross shit over and over again?

Yeah, it's bizarre how little distance the Starfox series actually covers. And the ones that actually try to take the series in a new direction (Adventures, Assault, the Switch exclusive Starlink stuff) are generally ignored by a lot of the fans.

I actually find that fans have grown more attached to adventures and assault over the years, (not Command though). I expect Adventures wont be nearly as hated 5 years from now.

>(not Command though)
Even if you like command, it essentially boils down to a bunch of what-if non canon scenarios that will likely never be mentioned again anyways. Not really an escape from status-quo.

Because Sonic is successful and people care about the franchise.

Is Sonic easy to hate because he's been around for so long?

Not in a million years.

Is there longclaw cheesecake yet

He's been around for so long, with so many different handlers, so everyone has a different idea of what Sonic 'is' and are generally opposed to other interpretations. Big part of why Boom failed, even when they made a decent game on the 3DS.

I want Tyson Hesse to destroy my boy pussy

I want to hug Whisper the Wolf.

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She's gone through lot.

>Big part of why Boom failed, even when they made a decent game on the 3DS.
It also came out like a year after they released the shitty Wii U version. WiiU Boom was the worst Sonic game yet

I can't believe fan favorite character Longclaw is fucking dead

Heese is gay?

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I ment IDW, will IDW have the rights for the Egg Bosses
this is what happens when you're are half-asleep

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Go take a stroll on /trash/, any of the containment chans, or deviantart.

Sonic at this point is just level one.

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What is that Spider-Man comic where Venom and Spider-Man fuck and make a symbiotie cum baby?


Roboticization isn't a thing anymore plus one of them was Rotor's dad.

The fact marvel has produced legit rape comic of this already makes the existence of your post not even shocking.

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>You can tell Sonic became way less serious after 06, and the transformation into nu-Sonic was complete after Colors

And thats a good thing.

seethe turtlenigger

Damn sonic you really going to let her chirp you like that?

If you hate having SOUL maybe

Sonic was never meant to be serious and grim.

Says who?

The guys who designed a blue hedgehog that runs at lightspeed and fights an egg-shaped manchild?

What part of that suggests it should be anything more than a goofy, Looney Tunes-esque romp?

Your limited imagination.

It's not the first time a design was "inspired" by other media. Remember when Mighty's sister was R Dorothy and had Big O's pile bunkers?

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Ah, Scourge was fun (when he was actually NAMED Scourge and not just evil rapist Sonic)

For starters, the fact that Adventure 1 + 2 worked so fucking well. I mean, you're welcome to knock the bugs or the less-fun alternate play modes, but if you say the plots were bad you're just lying.

Pretty sure there's a middle ground between "super serious" and "looney tunes", my guy.

No one has the rights to any character except Sega. No one gets to use the characters except those Sega decides it wants to.

That said, probably not. Sega seems more interested in all new characters to draw in new readers.

>Cartoon characters are only allowed to go WHOOP WHOOP ZOOM YIPPIE YEOOOW!
People like you are the reason that storytelling is as sectioned off and held back as it is.

>You don't need writers that possess a base idea of Sonic through the games. While it can be helpful for knowing the games, it's nowhere enough to instantly produce good stories.

This is true....but it's still wrong.

For this particular franchise, being familiar with the games will get you a bit more farther than others in gaining the trust of SEGA.

Look at the movie: utterly fantastic re-introduction of Sonic to a general audience but you still little GameCube bitches crying that it's not 100% game accurate.

being such a shill for the game means that you can co-operate with SEGA and you don't really question their decisions because you love the source material that much. Flynn is just one big pillsbury doughboy for Sonic. so when SEGA says jump he says "ok, but this will be shit on my knees". That also means he can build a defense squad of sycophants who only care that everything is on brand & can care less about the overall quality of the story.

I can't imagine trying to do something fresh with the series but always needing to have eyes on the back of your heads in case SEGA wants to shoot down your ideas. This is in contrast with Alan Denton & the Sonic Boom writers, who went carte blanche cuz they knew getting canceled.

There's also the gist that MOST Professional writers or artists don't WANT to waste their time writing about a video game character that they have no stakes in creatively or passionately.

Can you imagine if Warren Ellis gets contracted to do a Sonic comic, but he can't use it to mock the conventions of society or tell us that Mark Millar licks goats? He'll quit after the 1st issue.

Fuck, Bendis would have broke down in tears cuz he wouldn't be able to take an editorial environment where he CAN'T do whatever he want or create another expy of his daughter (I wanna say Bendis is above making Sonic OCs but....)

That's how bad things have gotten. Where Bendis would have been an improvement from what we got

You are a retard, which isnt surprising considering you are a tripfag.
Sonic was never supposed to be Mickey Mouse. It's because of mongrels you that Sonic as a character has devolved into a meme spouting machine. Unironically kill yourself

>not being in the gray area between goofy and serious


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>It's a "Adults finally realize that thing they like as children was always lame but don't want to abandon that one tiny part of childhood innocence still left inside them" thread
Sonic went to shit since Advenure 1 and never really recovered since.
Not even a 2Dfag, first game was Adventure 2 Battle and people forget that Sonic Team also had a bunch of garbage 2D side games like 2/3rds of the Advance series and the coincidentally forgotten in every discussion Sonic 4.

Sonic was always that one property that was perfectly crafted to pander to kids, even when it was good. It's whole conception was built around creating a super marktable mascot for the express purpose of compiting with Nintendo by the research and development department.

It's the reason why you have so many types of fans that after a couple years start shifting the line more and more. Origonal hardcore fans didn't like Adventure but now we have Adventurefags who says the game stopped being good after 2. Well, now we have fans who argue that Heroes and Shadow were good and some even go as far as to say that 06' is a "misunderstood" and "overhated" game. In 10 years, we will seethe same claims about the boost series.

It's a franchise that always thrived in appealing to the youngest market and nostalgia, from the very beggining. Sonic didn't get particularly bad, you just got old.

>The guys who designed a blue hedgehog
Also helped make Sonic '06 where Sonic fucking dies and helps trigger the apocalypse.

>egg-shaped manchild
Away! Or I'll make mints meat out of you!

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Now you're just saying stupid things for attention.

Shadow only has black fur. That's like having black hair.

Good men.

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The ironic contrast and juxtaposition is the entire point. It's like having child soldiers. You generally don't associate children and murder, but that's what makes it so dramatic and shocking. In theory, anyway. The execution is usually bad for Sonic, unfortunately.

Pingas botnik may be gone, but he lives in our hearts.

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>Sonic was never supposed to be Mickey Mouse

That's right....he's supposed be Bugs Bunny.

Holy shit, the Archie comics are never coming back dude, get over it.

Most of these reasons are why the old Archie comic sucks ass, especially the melodrama bullshit.

What about Dipper goes to Taco Bell?

Didn’t read the whole thread, but has anyone stopped considering even for a moment that Flinn found himself with an awful situation at hand?

Leaving the whole Archie debacle out, which is already rather awful on its own, he had to start everything from Sonic Forces of all games. He had to contextualize horrible writing choices such as making knuckles, the literal hot-head of the games, the big rebellion leader.

He needs to explain Wisps, he needs (because sega wants to) to show every character he can from the games as soon as possible, all the while making sure their awful motivations and origin stories (many of which originated to be in a single game just to be forever forgotten) fit within a universe that has yet to be built.

Not only that, but he has to do it a second time in a raw because he was already reworking everything within the Archie canon only a few months prior to the IDW stuff. Remember: everything has to make a certain logical sense all while keeping Sega, us and hopefully old Archie fans happy.

I’m not saying he’s the best, but under such tight conditions and in his specific situation I doubt I’d be doing well from the start myself. It takes time to find a new balance and pacing.

And what’s with this “if characters goofy they can’t be serious” you can not enjoy it, but that’s hardly why the comic isn’t working. Or would you rather go back to writing that looks like it came out of a pop-out book for 2 years old? Which is undoubtedly better than what Sonic did in anything so far, to be frank, but surely not what it’s supposed to be like.

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And Sonic can't hit it for shit.

>25 issues in
>Super Sonic hasn't shown up once
Not even against fucking Super Mecha Sonic. What's the hold up? What are they waiting for?

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Super Neo Metal Sonic* Sorry. It's late.

So they hire a shitty writer that worked on the old shitty Archie comic? Great move there IDW.
Also pretty sure it's SEGA that don't want the comics to go insanely off the games and introduce shit they will never do things with.
And there's nothing to get with Sonic, it's a series that rips off other things featuring a blue hedgehog, just don't write it as bad as the Archie comics.

Super Sonic doesn't really show up in the games anymore, so they're probably not allowed to use it.
Still the best cartoon version of him.
Autists that keeps saying Satam was the higth of the franchise or the insanely misguided and adorably edgy turn the games took with Adventure 2 and Shadow.
Oh and Sonic has constantly ripped off Dragon Ball, which isn't serious either but autists like to pretend it is.

>the fact that Adventure 1 + 2 worked so fucking well
no they didn't, besides being just awful games their stories are shit.
But tonally Adventure 1 is a better fit then Adventure 2.
No Sonic devolved into a meme spouting machine because of SEGA allowing that fag that was running the twitter to do that, it's all on them.
And it is kinda fitting because Sonic was always a uncool "cool" even since the 90s that only kids thought was cool.
Thats because they decided to rip off Dragon Ball, and it still doesn't make anons point invalid, Sonic just can't be taken seriously.

Dragon Ball transitioned from having an overall comedic tone with some serious elements, to an overall serious tone with some comedic elements over time, the latter happening from the King Piccolo arc onwards, 3 years into its 10-11 year run- and even then the story had gotten serious before (Tao Pai Pai). Not too dissimilar to Sonic, from its debut up to 06 (though yes, Sonic shat the bed when it came to execution and general concept after SA2).

>it's always an archietard who screams about the new comics

>Adventure 2
Retard and probably a colorsfag

>Sonic just can't be taken seriously
Why? "Muh bugs bunny" isnt a valid response btw

Adventure 2 was insanely edgy compared to Sonic stuff before it, fucking goverment conspirencies, kids getting killed ect.
It's partly because of how the brand has been used, but also because frankly, Sonic has nothing about it that can work in a really serious story.
One example would be Transformers, it's a silly franchise about robots hitting eachother, but there is things inherient about the setting that can be worked into something more serious, political views, war ect.
Sonic meanwhile is about a blue hedgehog that runs fast and beats up a crazy scientist, there ain't much to work with there.
Now this doesn't mean it has to be Looney Tunes, Adventure 1 did have a decent tone for Sonic.

>Dragon Ball transitioned from having an overall comedic tone with some serious elements, to an overall serious tone with some comedic elements over time
Except Dragon Ball is still has an overall comedic tone and just got slightly more serious as it went along, sure in fights it's not really that comedic, but outside of the big fights it's still very much a comedic story, (fuck Super was just a slice of life show at first which was unironically the best part of it) which ironically is one thing Sonic hasn't really understood despite ripping of DB constantly.

>that time Penders showed this movie trailer to a bunch of producers
Gotta love that man.

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I think a good way to look at it is how irrelevant Sonic is to the story of SA2. He moves from A to B hitting objects but is not much of character. They had to create a new edgy Sonic for that to work. He can work as a concept or to play off people but not much of an emotional lead. SA2 is Shadow's story, 06 has Sonic in focus and look how awkward that turns out. Alternatively Sonic did not become a worldwide phenomenon for being an emotional story driven character. You can have a little bit in there but he isn't all that deep. It requires heaps of baggage that mess with the character's simple core appeal. If you want that focus just make your own characters and franchise.

>Look at the movie: utterly fantastic re-introduction of Sonic to a general audience
It's fucking ET with a coat of SEGA paint

Slightly more serious is an understatement. Look at the King Piccolo arc: the only comedic element is Yajirobe, and from then on, the rest of the arcs would be like this, having one comedic part in an otherwise serious story: Chi-Chi in the 23rd budokai, King Kai in the Saiyan arc, Ginyu Force in the Frieza arc, Mr Satan in the Cell arc. The Buu arc is the exception to the rule, but the point still stands that the majority of Dragon Ball has very high stakes with little room to breath. You admit that it's serious in fights, which takes up a majority of these arcs too to the point where it's fight after fight after fight, so I find it hard to believe you genuinely think Dragon Ball has had an overall comedic tone throughout its run.

And that's the part of Dragon Ball where Sonic takes its inspiration from, and just looking at the Sonic CD opening and the OVA, it's pretty obvious that it wants to be a shonen, especially with how well known it is for spectacle. And honestly, other than Shadow and 06, I don't think the series has ever gone full retard with tone- SA2 is definitely pushing it, but the Hero side has a tone consistent with that of SA1 so it's not like it's grimdark or anything.

>WiiU Boom was the worst Sonic game yet
No that still Chronicles.

Nobody made him choose a zombie plot as his opening play. Should have started with a bunch of easy enemy of the week stories alternating between Eggman and [OC VILLAIN HERE] so he could build the world and the cast without getting caught up in a slog of a plot.

I don't think Sonic needs a comic or a piece of media that elaborates on his "world" or characters. He's a mascot for platforming video games. This new comic feels more like an obligation then something inspired by an author with a story that needed to be told.

The reasons I have spoken can also refer to Ian's writing in Archie, as well Penders's. Writers such as Angelo, Mike, Bollers and others, in comparison, have laid down good and great stories for Archie.

>especially the melodrama bullshit.
The melodrama is becoming a common theme in IDW too. The difference is it now involves constant shock value, not triangle dramatic relationships, and the complaint towards it is still the same.

>being familiar with the games will get you a bit more farther than others in gaining the trust of SEGA.
Good point, but I don't think so. Pontac and Graff have been the mainstays writers for the franchise for many years, even when they have admitted lacking any knowledge of Sonic. Having little or great of intellect for Sonic means nothing for SEGA. Besides, I'm certain that in order to gain the trust with SEGA, all you have to do is be japanese.

>he can build a defense squad of sycophants who only care that everything is on brand & can care less about the overall quality of the story.
This is true, indeed. After all, he has been fighting for the Freedom Fighters, most likely not because they present a lot of potential for lashing out developments and good qualities and such, but rather for simply pleasing his nostalgia. I don't trust Ian, so I agree.

>Professional writers or artists don't WANT to waste their time writing about a video game character that they have no stakes in creatively or passionately
While I concur with this, I must admit that this doesn't really bother me, simply because that's better for the said professionals. I myself wouldn't like to work for a comic book like Sonic under constant stress from SEGA and its mandates, and I suppose the feeling is mutual to them.

I suppose so.

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Id like to add that the comic has too much recapping. So many panels are wasted having characters explain to one another events we've already seen ourselves.

this is legit one of the best posts on Sonic and why certain tones doesn't work with him.
Really good user.

kino Shadow the Hedgehog:
Is looked down upon for its serious plot

shitfilled IDW comics:

These, I just want more fun comics like the Sonic Boom ones. Don’t wanna read about melodramatic furry featuring 2 soon to be lesbian OCs for the fanbase to jack off to

So once this zombot shit is taken care of, everyone's going to be out for his blood, right?

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what if their plan for eliminating the virus isn't able to cure everyone? What if some people just straight-up die for good?

Both comics are products of their time really. Archive was a weird hold other that most franchises would have squished a long time ago. Like imagine if the Street Fighter cartoon just kept going forever, with people getting very attached to these versions of the characters. This did allow for a more imaginative time, we got a lot of weird spin offs. Archie was its own thing that people liked for different reasons. I think many sort of forgot that they were in a precarious place and weren't a main part of the franchise. Nowadays it would be a furry webcomic that hard a weirdly large following despite being kinda shit. Sonic is kind of irrelevant to the whole deal, it probably would have worked better if he was some OC as that gives more freedom.

Conclusion, Tamers12345 is the only valid Sonic media bitches.

>take archie comics Sonic
>sanitize the story
>make it safe

Scourage had his moments and I was interested to see his return after him and the gang did their prison escape, sadly that's a never ever.

One day we can have a real idw sonic thread and not pointless bait.

Probably not. IDW mistake was being reminiscent enough that Archiefags will always come and bitch. They should have gone the mega drive, something completely different

The aftermath they're hinting at is that the warp topaz is going to go haywire. Maybe a story in Blaze's world.

Oooooh, I touched a nerve.

>Not getting a quick feel of that ass

If Sonic hasn't tried to tap that by now he never will.

The fact that no one has is the real crime

Its not like she's playing hard to get, either.

As it should be, Eggman thrives on that kind of scenario.

Why do people think the series has to contain either Looney Tunes slapstick humor or serious edgy melodrama when things like the OVA, Adventure 1 and Unleashed exist?

The Sonic fandom generally only thinks in extremes.

Not helping things is Sega's Classic/Modern split. For some dumb reason around or a little bit before Forces came out, Sega decided that the Classic series should be it's own universe. This pretty much means that the foundation that Modern built itself from in Adventure on wards was pulled right under them.


Hopefully, there's no forgiving him on this. If we take the game plots into account, this is his worst one yet because it hit so close to home for various characters (this is the first time we've seen Cream so dam down in the series). Hell, even Zavok knows this and it's why he has his own little army of zombies made up of all the main characters' friends and family.

They're the ones that are more likely to want to the series to go one way with less flexibility.

Yes, but the arc will probably end with him using the Topaz to make it impossible for them to find.

It's ok when Nintendo does it.

I'm not saying sonic can't be serious but adventure to 06 sonic was nothing but serious and it was fucking stupid. Sonic works better when it's majority light hearted action with a bit of goofyness to it.

>most generic statement you can make
Yes, you may remove the trip

>nothing but serious
Thats not even true for SA2. Was Heroes "serious" too?

At SEGA HQ at Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan, executives are laughing at Americans mauling each other over Sonic as they plan to make another virtual idol.

Shut up Boco

Do chaos emeralds even show up anymore? I’ve always sort of kept a passing interest in Sonic stuff but didn’t play any more sonic games after 2006: that game turned 10 year old me off the franchise for good.

More like cursing America's name for forcing them to keep Sonic alive.

they showed up as story things for games until like Unleashed, but not really in gameplay outside of Mania.

But they still have the last laugh


The problem is that that franchise has proven to be a slipperier slope than Heroes controls. Though it also will randomly spike into over corrections. SA leads to SA2, then we spike back to silly with Heroes and back down more serious than before with Shadow and 06. then on the less serious end of the spectrum Unleashed being a bit lighter leads to Colors and Lost World. Which then in the worst and most muddled attempt at over correction results in Forces. I would count Generations in the silly no story line, but as a anniversary kind of game I think that was somewhat forgivable.

Sonic isn't very good at balancing ideas which is why keeping stuff simple often works out best.

Fucking this. Also can people please stop calling anything that actually TRIES to not be ironic and self aware autism? The fact that we have self-aware Sonic doing ironic self jabs is what's ruining the series, and the fact Ian Flynn rolls with that is what makes him a terrible head writer. What we need for Sonic comics is an unironic shounen writer.

I'm pretty sure Heroes's plot was intended to be serious, but somewhere along the way it turned into the weird fever dream that it was.

Probably because in America thats what Sonic was at the start, aside from the "Cool alternative to Mario", his first Cartoon was a Looney Tunes comedy, the comics were just comedy at the start ect, and they were better then the more serious takes that came after it.

Not to mention just how positive the reaction to meme twitter Sonic was, basically accepting that the franchise was a joke and ran with it removing all dignity it ever had.

>The fact that we have self-aware Sonic doing ironic self jabs is what's ruining the series

You mean saving.

Fiona...oh those were good times...
>Your best friend & "brother"
>Lets your father, who you've never known your entire life due to being a war orphan, get arrested for staging a peaceful protest calling for democracy against the monarchy that directly caused the last 3 wars
>Then, despite him hearing from the king himself that he'll be publicly executed without trial, decides to stop you from freeing him solely because he's banging the princess
>Proceeds to boast to your parents - in front of you - how you won't begrudge your father being executed because, in his very own words, you "worship" him instead
>The only thing you're fucking mad about
>Is not him treating you like a weak, pathetic piece of trash who should sit-out every adventure despite being the 2nd protagonist ever to exist in that universe
>Is not him trying to let your father get beheaded, despite being the self-proclaimed hero of mobius, while preening about how they don't matter in the long run
>Not him, a 19-year old man, fistfighting with you, an 11-year old boy (both aged up 3 years in Archie) because he thinks that YOU are the one who just stepped out of line by hitting him
>No, no, no
>The only reason you're mad
>Is because of that one time he cucked you

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>I’m glad Scourge is never coming back ever
What?! but I'm a fan favorite character! I am the defacto army builder!

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>You mean saving.
Yes, because this thread is about how good the IDW comics are.

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I mean the games.

Just accept that Sonic Team can't do serious anymore, and everytime they try you get garbage like 06 and Forces. The time has come to embrace Sonic for the cartoon it is.

And like the hugely successful Mania Adventures cartoon already has.

I've heard that the idea was it to make a light hearted break that fell more like the classic games. With weird unrelated levels, which isn't really what the classics did but it isn't like Heroes got much right anyway

>defacto army builder

Army of shit.
Reflector is back on the menu these days, you're obsolete.

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>everytime they try you get garbage like 06
But 2006 is good in terms of story. Tonally it's on point, has some nice references to the series' origins, and Shadow is at his best. The only thing that's kinda fucky is the time travel, but that's a given.
>The time has come to embrace Sonic for the cartoon it is.
And when the games do that, we end up with garbage like Colors, Lost World, and Rise of Lyric.

>But 2006 is good in terms of story.
Necrophiliac bestiality. That's just what Sonic needs.

>The time has come to embrace Sonic for the cartoon it is.

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And it’s a damn good cartoon, too.

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>Necrophiliac bestiality
Exaggeration. Can you not handle a reference to a classic like Snow White in a Sonic game?

>and everytime they try you get garbage like 06 and Forces
Because Unleashed didn't exist. I know it's hard for a tripfag to not be cancerous, but please try for at least 5 minutes.
Just because your retarded amerimutt ass watched the shitty Sonic cartoon as a kid doesn't mean that's what Sonic was supposed to be

Snow white wasn't an anthromorphic blue hedgehog. Or dead.

Not really the same thing here.

I will never understand the reaction that got. Anyone that spent 5 minutes on the internet probably saw shit that's way worse.
I has to be autism

Well, its apparently what Sega is embracing, considering they dumped Forces like a hot turd and embraced Mania's tone wholeheartedly, so...

>Sega did it so it must be the right choice
This is what classicniggers actually UNIRONICALLY believe

>Or dead.
Um, yes she was. VERY much the same thing in that regard.

Depends on the version. She's usually poisoned into a deep sleep, not dead.

Still can't accept your little OC fanfic sim was a failure, huh?

I like the art style

Hint, triptard. Forces sucked too

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At least I can form an altmode by myself and don't need my bros to form one thing!
Just watch! WfC part 3 is gonna be the grand return of me and Mighty Galvatron! This time not as a headmaster!

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Ok really curious, was Scourge one of the characters Penders took with him, or is it just a case of Sega does not want him around anymore because he was a bad character?

Aesthetics do make a difference. A noodle-limb cartoon hedgehog with a realistic human woman is going to raise some eyebrows to the average layperson. A more cartoonish woman would even work but that wouldn't have fit the tone the story was going for.

This. Presonally, I think it seems more on the ironic side a lot of the time as well, especially with Sonic's characterization. Doesn't really fit the shounen style Adventure era story telling

>It has to be autism
Agreed. It's funny, but the group that hates Sonic and the fanbase is just as autistic in its hatrid as the "autistic" fans love it.

Both. According to Penders, since he created Evil Sonic (who eventually became Scourge) he called dibs.

Sega just doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of even acknowledging him, so Scourge is gone.

Is the next issue confirmed to be coming out tomorrow? I just want this story arc over with

I'm trying to think of cartoons that are a good mix of comedic and serious. You see a lot of cartoons that have very colorful happy aesthetics, but then they are too juxtaposed with genocide or shipping or death, and I feel like that's not appropriate. I would like Sonic to be more along the lines of Kirby I guess, where the threats are big and serious, but there's always a sense of hope and whimsy that goes along with him. Sonic shouldn't really be that kind of character to have angst, but others are allowed to angst around him

I didnt like 06's aesthetics either. If the thing people complained about was that the realistic humans didn't really fit, I would not disagree.
The thing is that people bitch about is that she was a human to begin with, which seems like a preety dumb thing to focus on


That's honestly pretty hillarious, I can't wait for SEGA to make a evil Sonic in the future and for Penders to try and sue the crap out of them, it's gonna be amazing.

And I'm saying it only became an issue because of those visuals. If she was cartoony, people would give less a shit because Sonic showed interest in cartoon girls outside his species before. However the average person isn't going to go oh, this weirds me out because something cartoony is with something realistic, the immediate response is oh weird, Sonic is with a human woman.

>But 2006 is good in terms of story.
06's story is told awfully, especially Sonic's. I really love seeing Elise getting captured each time Sonic turns around, making all your previous work for the last half hour pointless. Most of the stories are just exposition, at best it is bland.

>t probably saw shit that's way worse.
Seeing shit and wanting to see shit are not the same thing. Even more so when it is a companies mascot. This was especially true in 2006, it was a more innocent time for many with the internet. You don't want that shit in an official product. I'm really not sure how you can not tell the simple difference here.

Plus it doesn't help that she is such a bland waste of time, with her and Sonic having less than 0 chemistry. It is incredibly awkward with her giving a JRPG princess story while Sonic wanders about going NO WORRIES WAY PAST COOL. They very clearly didn't know how to work him into this story so it never gels correctly.

Because Sonic isn't a dick

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This. I want edgy asshole sonic from the Fleetway comics

yeah, if she'd looked like gazelle from zootopia or haru from beastars people wouldn't find it nearly so weird as the human girl.


>Implying Fleetway is the only version of Dick Sonic.

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>Has anyone [considered that Flynn found] himself [in] an awful situation?
Yeah, but it breaks down under the slightest scrutiny.

>He had to start everything from Sonic Forces
A. He chose to do that.
B. That limits him no more than any other starting point, because it ends with a return to status quo.

>He had to contextualize [bad ideas, like making Knux a leader].
He didn't need to reference it if he didn't want to. Even if he had to, he could play it as a joke.

>He needs to explain Wisps
And he did an awful job. It's really as easy as having a story that vaguely points at those weird aliens and says "they're made of energy and are friendly."

>he needs... to show every character... from the games [ASAP], [without contradictions].
And he chose to do that by telling the same story multiple times and a big three issue slugfest instead of just making a few 20 pagers using the characters or just throwing them all out there at once. Introducing characters isn't hard. Every writer has to do this. No invisible hand is demanding Ian try to make them DEEP or something or create a sprawling epic. It's an adventure book for kids.
>[and he just did a reboot!]
Which means he should understand where he screwed up and succeeded last time. If anything that's an advantage.

>under such tight conditions and in his specific situation I doubt I’d be doing well from the start myself.
That means you're a bad writer.

People aren't being harsh when they say this comic has a bad start. It's failing at the basics. The writer is too caught up in trying to rebuild a long term endless drama to pay attention to what's immediately in front of him and adapt.

I hope not. I'm really tired of Eggman being the untouchable uber evil dude who sits and schemes for 20 issues at a time in comics. It'd be nice if he could just show up with a goofy robot and then have a crazy heist for the next arc before taking a break.

>having less than 0 chemistry.
I don't know, that worked even if done terribly.

With her forced history as sad, caged princess, Elise does have the right character premise to hope for a wandering hero to sweep her away from her worries.

Sonic's just trying to keep her head up because she's having a bad day.
He's cordial with every girl he runs into during his adventures like Amy, in so far as literally letting her down easy instead of dropping her and running off, Rouge, Cream, Blaze, Shahra, Merlina, when she wasn't being a bitch, so it's nothing new or bad.

The thing is Sonic usually gets it across he's just being friendly on his way out the door, so there's never the impression something is meant to be developing from anything said or done even if the girls start blushing.

They didn't do that with Elise until the end, in fact they went the opposite route and had scenes of them frolicking with meaningful music, possibly to frame things from Elise's side, not Sonic's, but by the time she's looming over him, lips moistened, it's not clear to the player what's about to occur isn't wanted by Sonic or recommended by the writers.

Elise's side of things is also mostly to snowball the story since she has to feel strongly enough to cry, dumb as that whole plot was, and then try to save Sonic and everyone because of her earlier weakness.

Though you're still right in that regardless of all this Sonic doesn't feel correctly integrated in the on-goings.
The most he's given is his usual opposing of Eggman, and Silver's idiotic assumptions.

I'd be more forgiving of a lot of Sonic '06's narrative hurdles if like SA1 and 2, which have just as many writing oddities we're distracted from, they at least gave a clear personal involvement for Sonic to be pulled to and focus on like pursuing Chaos and Shadow for crossing him, with Elise he isn't interested in her personally, he's just doing his job.

Man I just want to crack open an issue and see Sonic exploring a colorful, whimsy city plagued by a robot bee epidemic.
The solution is the introduction of yet more bees.

What's the BEST song from this game?

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Beginning to notice a trend here...

Ah, insulting and putting Amy down. The best part of that game.

And? What else it could've been?

Only other thing that would've made sense was CARS with a cot of SEGA paint but then you wouldn't get Jim Carrey appeal.

I swear you zoomers can't get over the fact that regular humans don;t give a fuck about Sonic or his lore; we just want to see him run fast and make jokes.

Go fap to some bat tits and play your dumb games already.

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>Bitch slapping Charmy and Vector in one go
>Telling Charmy to shove it after
OK, this is based.

>The thing is Sonic usually gets it across he's just being friendly on his way out the door
>They didn't do that with Elise until the end
This is all because it was intentional. Elise was a throwback to the scrapped idea of Madonna, the whole real woman with cute cartoon animal thing was weirdly such a thing back then. Sonic is trapped in needing to be a love interest, needing to be basically the atypical JRPG hero (which I'd say is what the story most closely resembles), needing to be Sonic the character and needing to be Sonic the corporate mascot. It feels weird cause they really miss judged everything.

>I don't know
I really don't think they do, they don't bounce of each other at all. Elise will monologue about her dumb princess problems, but Sonic fails to really be a comfort or able to relate. Occasionally he has a line which sounds like a bad motivational instagram post. Sonic can work great with a female companion, for all their faults the story book games have some pretty fun stories. Secret Rings even has a good scene where he comforts Shahra. She is actually a good example of how it can work, they joke together and have to figure each other out a bit. It actually feels like a pair of people, instead of two cardboard cut outs.

>SA1 and 2, which have just as many writing oddities we're distracted from, they at least gave a clear personal involvement
See I think they work cause he is separate enough without needing to be the focus. Events relate to him and characters come into conflict with him, but Sonic isn't key to the plot outside of being the one to solve things. He is a good medium for it to flow through. With that you can make certain interpretations of Sonic, like the thematic idea that he is the natural form of the ultimate being. 06 would have worked better if it was actually Elise's story with her doing things that aren't being captured, Sonic simply being nature helping her. I like to think of Sonic as a force of nature.

I don't get your fucking argument.
Mania Adventures wasn't ironic self-awareness nor was it looney tunes shenanigans.
I agree though, the rest of the franchise should be more like Mania Adventures, but it's precisely because it's none of those things.

You act like this game didn't have a good mix of serious and silly

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Anything with Knuckles felt right out of Looney Tunes, from his hugging the emerald to that whole scene with Ray.

Do you know all of them?

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>removing all dignity it ever had.
Wait, Sonic had Dignity? when?

Don't forget that virtual idol will be raised by former member of the Japanese Mafia with a heart of gold.

Funny enough, Sonic & Kirby was made around the same year and Kirby is more or less a better version of what Japanese Classic Sonic was supposed to be. In hindight, Kirby should've been the Nintendo Rival

But thas not what happened. Mario is his rival, so Sonic can't "be cute but cool" like Kirby , he had to be just "cool", and that is always a slippery slop depending on the region you are marketting that "cool" to. I mean, just look at American Kirby.

>Archie died because Penders thought Chronicles was ripping off his work
>tfw you realize Bioware was aping the OTHER Sonic comic

motherfuc -

I'm confliced about a side story starring OCs ended up being more tolerable than the main ID Sonic Comic...

Eh, that's pretty much how Sonic Universe went.

Funny how things turn out when everything isn't some big world ending threat that has to be dealt by Sonic all the time.

I really hope the next Sonic movie has the echidna tribe front and center. Either Penders will seethe himself to death or he'll try to sue a major production company and get completely BTFO. It'd be hilarious.

Ehh personally, I'd rather they wait for the 3rd movie, so then we can have "SONIC 3 & KNUCKLES: THE MOVIE".

But either way, everyone wins.

No reason they couldn't do both, really. Have Knux as an antagonist in the second movie who switches sides at the end. Then he's on the hero team from the start of movie 3 and they call it Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

Agreed. Second movie should be about Jim Carrey coming back, and establishing himself as a continuing threat. The end credits scene could show him discovering Angel Island/the Master Emerald and have him say "I recognize this from my Grandfather's notes..."

>Wait, Sonic had Dignity? when?
Epic. Simply heckin epic

>What else it could've been?
An action movie starring a blue hedgehog? A shounen tournament arc? A superman ripoff? It could have been almost anything else.

>check thread
>rotor avatarfag again

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I miss Fleetway bros

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Shadow is unironically my favorite sonic character.

Because it's had the same writer for like 15 fucking years.

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I only know the game niggas. All those characters look like fucking shit Deviantart OCs which I guess they technically are.

Just caught up to 25. I really hope they don't spend another 10 damn issues trying to get the Chaos Emeralds.

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It's the next 4 issues. Issue 30 will be the aftermath and set up for whatever new plot is coming.
Assuming no more delays, the metal virus will be over by the end of May.
Realistically, it'll probably keep getting pushed back until June.

Guys...I think is time to admit that Ken Penders was the soul of the Sonic comics...

The Dark Souls of Sonic Comics


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Based. Penders era had its issues, but it's not not borning and fucking souless like Ian Flynn's.

I'd argue Karl Bollers was the best of them all though. Some of it was cringe, like the famous slap scene but it had a shitload of soul.

Yeah, but people will be equally after Sonics blood

Penders stole material from Byrne

how do you guys keep getting baited into the same 600 comment thread EVERY TIME?

And other than a bunch of fat nerdy weebs, who the fuck is gonna watch and enjoy that un-ironically. Those ideas sound like the trainwrecks we thought THIS movie would've been.

We're aiming to make that Minions & Shrek money, not straight to DVD fan fiction like Advent Children & Tekken: Blood Vengeance. Get with the program.

Didn't he just stole material from practically every 80's Marvel writer?

Didn't he steal material from tv dramas on at the time?

New issue tonight that will likely suck.

Never said he was original

Arcs that has a duration of longevity has been the main staple of Ian. Once the Metal Virus, Ian is not afraid to set up another one that will last as long as, or even worse, longer than the current arc, and this will stay in a constant repeat. He has been doing this ever since the Moebius arc.

IDW Sonic is doomed to be like this, forever, as long Ian either never learns or never step out of his occupation.

Oh, lord christ. I almost forgot this, and its origin can be traced back to his first Archie issues.

And to make matters worse, this is where his overly-dependence on "tell, don't show" becomes quite noticeable (pic related, as an example). It becomes practically info-dumping, while panels are indeed wasted and sadly deprecated. Why can't he just mention the past events quickly and vaguely instead is something I cannot fathom. Great point, yes.



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Is IDW Sonic too dark?

>That big chunk of white space with a wall of text

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Honestly no.
The metal virus stuff isn't really all that dark, certainly no darker than a lot of Archie stuff, it's just dragged on too long, which makes it feel very melodramatic.

What about Zik threatening to torture a kid?

More specifically, I would say it's being too serious and melodramatic, for the sake of being as serious and melodramatic. Interestingly enough, such type of constant tone can be traced way back to Other M, the Sonic fanfiction made by Ian.

Depends. With the exception of the peculiar gang following Rob and his wife, I can easily identify all of them, albeit hardly remember their names. I can only name Elias, Barby, Lupe, Mina, Jack Rabbit, Monkey Khan, Harvey Who and a few select others.

And I quite like the added minor detail of Rotor and Nicole raising simultaneously their index finger. Adorable. They would be nice friends to each other, methinks.

I know you're obviously joking, but please, no.

Wow, another Bollers fan? Finding other fans such as you and me is like luckily witnessing a Halley's Comet.

Cool taste. Yeah, he's not perfect, but still managed to lay down many of good and fascinating stories. He's my favorite Archie Sonic writer, too.

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Archie's given us a high standard for how dark a Sonic comic could go.
>Adult Charmy being turned into a drooling amnesiac manbaby in front of his wife because Eggman gave him permanent, irreversable brain damage in the Egg-grapes
>"Tails" isn't the real tails, but a weaker clone of the real one who's been kept in stasis, & doesn't know this until he uncovers the plot by Master Mogul & helps defeat him. Then dies in Sonic's arms crying about how he doesn't want to go, even if he is a phoney Tails, because he didn't know that
>Eggman's Killing Joke moment where he beat Sonic into utter shame & humility
>Eggman's torturing the Eggbosses with the constant threat of being locked-away in a vegetative coma for millenia should they fail him
>Light Mobius Sonic sacrificing his marriage to Sally (promptly then replaced by Shadow), the birth of his 2 kids & his title as King to become a drunken hobo in order to fix the space-time continuum from destroying the universe. In fact erasing the happy lives of many happy couples & children, sans Tails because he invented a device that nullifies reality warping solely to use on his own family & noone else's

Wasn't that hated?

The whole crossover?
That moment in particular?
No, as far as I'm aware.

>Not mentioning the time Eggman had a mental breakdown

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I do rather hate such shitty throwaway characters like the Zeti doing that to Megaman. But their whole unexplained "controlling robots" power does make it seem at least plausible.

He's all but an actual tripfag at this point.

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this page

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That felt like it was going too far even for Sonic standards. It was the last idea in the bucket, but it jumped the shark long before that panel.

Don't forget Dr. Eggman being the new body of AoSTH Dr. Robotnik complete with robot eyes and a robotizing touch.

Silly in the first 3 character arcs, serious when you start Shadow, Cream, and Emerl's story.

I'm still wondering if there are more Zeti out there and if they're good or if the race is inherently chaotic.

Also, what the hell even was the Lost Hex?

I liked original KH for the novelty of Disney/FF characters in the same universe. Then it became Bleach. Literally the only franchise whose appeal I understand less than RWBY's.

anyone got a mega

Sonic Team won't spill.

It's the lack of Nicole.

Of the newest issue of IDW?


And that's some bull. Here's a brand new world that could really be anything, but nothing about it is told to us (and anything introduce in the comic might not even be canon) and a new race of creatures that so far only have villains in it.

>But their whole unexplained "controlling robots" power does make it seem at least plausible.

Their horns are magnetic. With these horns they can transmit magnetic fields. They use magnetic fields to reprogram the robots. It was all in Lost World and related to ADF technology and direct neurologic programming.

Its implied that there are more but the six are the strongest the species. The old mustache one chose each one specifically because they are exemplary of the species. So they are all evil.

A flying island chain surrounding a spatial anomaly that travels from dimension to dimension. The nature of the anomaly shapes the islands into hexes.

Am I the only one that read the manual of Lost World?

They aren't shit because you don't like them, bruh moment


Stuffing all that justification in the manual is a really shitty thing to do. I would like some of that plot revealed while I play the game. Instead LW feels like a no-stakes, no-plot disposable entry in the series.

I don't think the Steam version even had a manual.

Shouldve specifies, my bad. anyone got a mega of EVERYTHING in the IDW series so far

Yeah I'm thinking they may wind up trying to shove abridged vague allegories to Sonic 2 & Sonic CD:

Tails drags Sonic (& hopefully Tom) back to his world because they need Sonic's power to activate The Chaos Emeralds (or other mcguffin) in order to save the world or whatever.

Dynamic is shifted where Tails is the more experienced mature one & has to figure out how to work with Sonic the Goofball. Less Batman & Robin, more Speedy & Green Arrow or Wong & Strange.

If Tom makes it, then he would just be there for comic relief & would be the ACTUAL Sonic sidekick, trying to act like a buffer between Sonic & Tails and emotional support while trying to figure out how to get back home.

Sonic has to deal with any residual guilt or angst he has about coming back home and Longclaw's death while trying to see if he has what it takes to be a real hero. This is the movie where Sonic is taken to his limit and may have to mature (a bit)

Not helping things is the returning Robotnik, who took his remaining tech and put it all into one machine with one purpose: fight fire with fire. The big bad is Metal Sonic, who beats the hell out of Sonic & steal the jewel. Jewel starts making him self-aware & he's gonna StarScream Eggman for more power. Everyone works together to win Round 2 & maybe there's a hint of Super Sonic, but nothing definitive yet.

Eggman is sent flying. Mid-credit scene shows him on Angel Island. Captured by echidnas, he is taken to the chief. Knock, Knock, it's Knuckles.

I have no fucking clue how to put Amy into this without either making her comedic cute bg character or making her a studio mandated girl power character with limited screen time. Maybe if Tom doesn't make it, she can take his place, but at that point, you might as well make it all animated.


You hit the nail on the head. I don't care what other people say, I enjoyed 1FM more than most games in the series. I'm not a fan with how the story played out because it felt like it was making things complicated just to look deep. Add all that up and the main villain getting away with it in the end and it's a dump heap.

I didn't think games made after 2010 even came with manuals

tangle and whisper are shit the only good thing to come out of the mini series is mimic cause hes just fucking with whisper for shits and gigs the entire time and is the most entertaining part of the mini series t&w are awful characters the only people that like them are coomers

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Yawn-bore-fest all-around issue. I see no reason to waste half of pages depicting who will engage who and another half at shadily teasing the initiation of the combat between the allies and the Deadly Six, the pacing is still terribly slow, unnecessary recapping between Sonic and Eggman instead of interesting interaction (as well already hinting that there won't be any change at the status quo for some reason), the dialogue mostly still feels unnatural and decompressed, nothing sort of intrigue and slight breezes are being implanted over the formulaic predictable story, Sonic blaming on Metal for starting all of the mess seems dumb, and others.

This was bad. Not to say unexpectedly, but still bad.

This one hoards the issues up until 23#. Sadly, that's all I could find for you. Alternatively, tails.kicks-ass.net can be your troubleshooter.

Hope this helps ya.

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>mfw this thread has lasted 3 days

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Shut up, Boco.

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why do people like these 2 cunts again?
closet furries?
they are fucking awful characters and i hope both of them reunite in hell

and why hasnt blaze killed the dog yet?

>multiple post by salty user weeb constantly dick riding Sega of Japan's divisive decisions
>Always harping on and on about how Sonic should be some generic shonan protag like the ones from BayBlade or Digimon or some other kiddy shit
>Actually took the time to make a chart

And I shall dub thee, ShonenFag...or Sho-user...Shanon!

Fuck off to Yas Forums, Shanon!

Tails can be a part of some group along with Amy, along with some irrelevant extras.
Those spikes were intentional damage control from sega that tried to fix thing that were fine.

That was my first post ITT, amerimutt.

Hey putz, Sonic was influenced by both Eastern and Western elements
West- Felix the Cat, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Bart Simpson
East- Astro Boy, Kouji Kabuto, Seiya, Son Goku

I want to nurture, date and eventually breed that wolf.

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Good job, user. You're on the right path, but still off a little since there IS a lot of western influence in Sonic. (We KNOW his personality came from fucking Bill Clinton). Bring up more specific examples from Japanese source material, and be sure to remove ANYTHING form the western canon (IE Robotnik, etc) and you'll have unbreakable argument.

But he's right.

And yet there are still autists who think it can only be one way or the other. Sonic stories are usually shit due to the execution/writing, not the concept (will make exceptions for Shadow and 06 to be fair), Sonic's tone can be so varied precisely because of its different influences.

You never will, so rip off that plaster now.

i want to lodge a screwdriver into this bitches skull

I don't really think that the stories are much of a problem considering that they're good enough out of a usual Sonic comic that'd you expect.

The real problem with the comics is how extremely slow they push out issues, once per month instead of once per either each week or two. And this would've caused the entire story to feel like a complete slog to get through due to the fact that the comic itself takes time to set things up, much like Archie Comics. Along with people starting to get impatient with the schedule, wanting the story to move on far quicker pace just so that they get to see new things out of the comic.

I can see this being fixed. Is make the pages longer to get the story moving on "quicker" or release the comic on more frequent schedules so that they have enough flow to keep the readers interested. Or as like the general consensus, is to just make the story shorter which also means that some smaller details that would help the story might get omitted out.

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People didn't appreciate the MGS5 parallels enough.

That's a very negative attitude you have there, sport.

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You’ll always be lonely with yours.


Words cant describe how grateful i am, bless you user

I'm just really fucking tierd of "muh looney toons" tards.

here is your answer right there.

Same. Unfortunately, most of them live on Yas Forums. I prefer unironic SA~Shadow the Hedgehog style. So much more SOUL, and there were some legitimately good stories from those games. Shame that looney tunes fags will always autisticly cry "but that's autistic, but that's autistic," when you bring them up.

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Sonic is clearly inspired by Felix the Cat and should emulate rubberhose antics more.

Well it is autistic.

Okay serious note, it’s just badly presented and thus appears autismal as fuck. SatAM and the comics showed such a take can work (though SatAM is a bit jank), but the games squandered any good will after 4 tries

Congratulations. You got played by fucking Boco.

OK, I know this is a bait post but this is something that legitimately bugs me. So imagine you're a western cartoon/comic artist that needs to make original characters for this hedgehog to interact with since the games only have a sidekick and fat man. Well his design is clearly influenced by early rubberhose mascots like Mickey Mouse and Felix the cat, so his co-stars SHOULD ALL BE FURIES, YEP THAT DOESN'T AESTHETICALLY CLASH AT ALL

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>Okay serious note, it’s just badly presented and thus appears autismal as fuck.
But it really isn't. ESPECIALLY SA2, which was the perfect culmination of high stakes action, a beautiful character arc, and excellent gameplay and a brilliant soundtrack to make Sonic's greatest adventure of all time. Meanwhile, people simply poison the well with games like Shadow the Hedgehog, which is an excellent game and adds to SA2's story in ways that deepen the experience.

>SatAM and the comics showed such a take can work
Holy shit, no.

i fucking love dorothy

I just now realized seethe is just see and the together.

>You generally don't associate children and murder
Japan does.

What is this image meant to prove other than your limited knowledge of Sonic's influences? Pretending that Sonic doesn't pull from many western sources will result in most just laughing you out the thread. Just cause another series progressed in a way doesn't mean Sonic should necessarily do the same. A series does not have to become more serious with time. In fact one of your examples with Lupin does generally keep a light hearted feel with a looser canon.

Plus what many object to the execution, and the fact that one is a game where they believe it doesn't need a story. Saying but DB did it means fuck all when the execution of both's progression is at the very best only comparable in broad strokes. Your image is pointless when they can just point to the classic games or mania shorts and say I want that again. Especially with Mania coming out it shows that the series doesn't have to progress in the way you demand, and the opposite in fact produced the best received Sonic media in a long time.

You're welcome. That's wonderful to know.

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He is normal idiot, who for some reason decided to use trip.
Just because Sonic is not 100% dragonball, dosen't mean that he should fight with dr. Robotnik over GHZ for the rest of time. Even back in the genesis era scope of the sonic story evolved. Adventure is a logical escalation from 3&k and 3&k is direct sequel to 2. Complaining that Sonic is not looney tunes is like complaining that Link is blonde.

>Just because Sonic is not 100% dragonball
The comparison is bad in general though, there are vague shonen similarities just like there are vague looney toons similarities. It proves fuck all, even undermines the points with comparisons to Lupin. Saying the classics were just DB doesn't land with anyone but those who already want Sonic to just be SA/2. Someone could just as easily make the reverse image, saying the Mania shorts are the true direction.

>dosen't mean that he should fight with dr. Robotnik over GHZ for the rest of time
Yet it is still very much an option, one that has recently worked out considerably better than the alternatives. You can say it evolved but maybe some people were simply happy at that level and didn't want more.

> Adventure is a logical escalation
Adventure is a possible escalation, but that does not mean the change was as clean and easy as you want to portray. Your image doesn't really address anyone's issue, while also being flat out wrong about Sonic's inspiration not being a huge mix of international and Japanese sources.

That image doesn't deny that there are western influences- downplays them, perhaps, but I'm fairly certain the purpose of it is to show that Sonic 1 to SA2 is a logical progression that isn't exactly unheard of, using one of Sonic's most obvious inspirations as an example. It's not a bad comparison just because Sonic didn't have to go that way, the point of the comparison is that the Adventure games being somewhat more serious isn't absurd, all things considered.

I'm also not convinced that Mania did well just because it had a simple story- it did well because it's a good game that obviously has a lot of passion put into it, along with nostalgia for the classic style of gameplay and level design. I don't see why people who enjoyed Mania can't also enjoy an Adventure-styled game, and there's a lot of assumptions being made here about what the average person feels Sonic should be.

As for whether Adventure was a clean transition, I'd argue that if its story was put into a theoretical Sonic 4 back on the Genesis, it wouldn't feel out of place- it expands on the history of the Master Emerald and Knuckles' race, which feels only natural seeing how these were elements introduced in the game prior. The shift in art design and presentation is what makes that game feel messy, but the story expands just fine on previous titles.

>monthly issues
>currently March
>"It'll be done in May!"

>That image doesn't deny that there are western influences- downplays them,
The point is to undermine them though, pushing that anime influences with considerably more important when we all know that isn't true. The whole image is based on that idea that because it is anime it must must follow shonen ideas. It fails to actually justify the direction. Sonic was also inspired by Clinton, so logically it makes sense for him to become a politician. Even put his quote on one of the box, don't see a Goku quote there.

>I'm also not convinced that Mania did well just because it had a simple story
Well I could bring in the success of the shorts to show the Looney Tunes style is something of a factor. I think it is fair to say a section of fans are against Sonic having prolonged stories, there isn't a necessity to progress so saying other series did doesn't convince them. Yet the image is used to somehow prove that Sonic shouldn't just be looney toons.

>As for whether Adventure was a clean transition
My point is the image does nothing to prove this idea. You'd actually have a much easier time embracing the western influences for the argument, cause SA has a pretty stupid story. With a lot of moments like knock out gas and Eggman yoinking the chaos emeralds with massive acme claws. But I think this is intentional by many Shonen Sonic pushers, because they want the series to get even more serious and to lose any looney toons aspect.

Well the only other furry was Tails, and he’s fairly ‘normal’.

In any case, that’s why AoStH was better, at least at trying to be rubberhose.


>The whole image is based on that idea that because it is anime it must must follow shonen ideas.
Where does it say this? The image is supporting the transition from classic to adventure due to Sonic's variety of inspirations, it never says it's the only way Sonic could have gone.

>I could bring in the success of the shorts to show the Looney Tunes style is something of a factor.
They're successful because they're well executed, first and foremost. This doesn't prove to me that Sonic shouldn't do serious stories, just that when Sonic is written well, it succeeds.

>Yet the image is used to somehow prove that Sonic shouldn't just be looney toons.
It's trying to make sense of the transition from classic to adventure, it says nothing about what Sonic should be. I'd be more inclined to agree if it flat out said that Sonic has little to no western influences.

>You'd actually have a much easier time embracing the western influences for the argument, cause SA has a pretty stupid story.
I don't see how silly elements in Sonic is purely a western thing, it's not like shonen is devoid of jokes either in an otherwise serious story, Dragon Ball is a prime example. But on that note,

>But I think this is intentional by many Shonen Sonic pushers, because they want the series to get even more serious and to lose any looney toons aspect.
I don't think wanting Sonic to take itself seriously ala the Adventure games means having no comedic elements- hell, a large chunk of SA2 is pretty lighthearted, and just look at Sonic himself, he never becomes melodramatic at all. I hate this idea that if you vouch for the Adventure games that means you think Sonic can only be serious, and if you want something akin to the classics that means you think Sonic should never have an involved plot. Sonic has so many influences, both western and eastern, so tying him down to one tone is a waste of potential (well, tying him down to Sonic Team is even worse, but that's beside the point.)

>Last issue: Exposition followed by five pages of setting up where the Deadly Six are.
>This issue: Exposition followed by four pages of characters confronting the Deadly Six and three consecutive pages of the Babylon Rogues jobbing.

For why? Just tell a story. Holy shit.

But SatAM and Archie were way more autistic

>best received Sonic media in a long time.

Are you that seething faggot who has a personal vendetta against Tyson.

No, I just don't think Mania Adventures is that good

Why do you keep posting this thread if you have gotten your answer already?

I could see shadow going on a crusade for him. That said the next arc will probably be more straightforward with simpler arcing plot.

Then they will really try to make Vanilla or Tangle some of the ones that survive.

I think plague likes Whisper.

user said Mania, not Mania Adventures.
And even then, that cartoon wasn't just wacky faces, it was a short and simple series of gags and conflicts.

But that's right, people do love it when they make silly faces. It generated so much positive attention they've kept making funny animations for other games. I like more serious Sonic stuff but it is hard to deny this side of things has given a more consistent amount of positively received media.

I also find it funny when people cry about Mania Adventures, cause it tends to be the same group that complains why doesn't Knuckles guard the Master Emerald, why isn't Eggman the main threat any more etc. That more focused story with grounded characters can exist alongside a more lighthearted adventured.

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>Sonic Boom
While it's entertaining Sonic Boom isn't truly sonic. It's a parody of Sonic.

Forces was ironic and self aware as fuck and your blind not to see it.

>embraced Mania's tone wholeheartedly
No they didn't

Issue 30 is slated for 27th May. There's going to be two issues per month for the next few months, assuming no more delays that is.

Well they hired Donut Steel artist to make most of them.

Well look what came after. Mania has got rereleases since, Team Sonic Racing got animations in an even more comedic style, then we got a Christmas one of a similar tone and Hesse being brought into the movie largely seems to be from his style of Sonic has blown up in popularity since moving onto the main franchise. Hard to say on the merch side as Classic has been getting pushed for a while. But I'd say it has only increased with time.

Meanwhile Forces is only present in the comic

>truly sonic
Sonic Team didn't even know what that was by the time Boom came around, that's not a zinger either.
Pontac and Graff got it across they were given little guideline by Sonic Team what to do for the proper "writing" of Colors and mostly just quick browsed Sonic media until they got a vague idea.

LostWorld, Mania Adventures, IDW and the movie all seem to lean more on the satirical ideas of the characters that viewers have more than anything. "True Sonic" has been a fuzzy concept for some time now.

people love the silly faces but not enough to do much more than follow the epic self-deprecating twitter

>but not enough to do much more
How do you judge that? Mania sold well, the official compilation of episodes has 48 million views which is pretty good for an ad and general brand awareness.

I like both Tangle and Whisper but their interactions in the latter part of their mini were max furry drama cringe.

Also I want to see the new characters interact with the game characters, not get shipped off to their own containment comic.

Those dates are based on a combination of solicits not based on prior delays and revised solicits based on delays.
It's an issue a month.

This is Japan. They were deathly serious.


The truth is here

That's ridiculous, dude. If it was merely a scheduling problem, complaints about repetition and non-stories wouldn't hold up. Even if you read it all at once, the first arc was a slow, plodding, boring, strangely composed mess. The Zombot arc won't suddenly become good once it's finished. Please don't fall back on this shit excuse forever.


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>Also you,

The fuck you talking about? Plenty of people have bitched about Assault's and especially Command's melodramatic story.

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Adventures is hated for being a bad, unfinished Zelda clone, not for its plot.

>The only good thing to come out of the mini series is Mimic
>The only peoplethat like them are coomers
I am, and I do

What is with all the people who demand dark and edgy mature Sonic for mature people like me? Are you that terrified bout enjoying something silly and light-hearted? Your girlfriends aren't going to leave you and your fathers aren't going to beat you for not being ultra-serious and enjoying something "kiddy".

I don't know, what is with your propensity for unsubstantiated flailing projection?

Nice deflecting, champ, there's 421 posts of people whining about "silly faces" and wanting Sonic 2006-level drama and maturity while also screeching about how the comics reference the franchise in funny ways.

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It would be nice if they just ditched the human world altogether. Live action human companions were the weakest part of the movie much like why the Smurfs and the Chipmunk movies were a cringfest

>there's 421 posts of
Not nearly
>and wanting Sonic 2006-level drama
Not even, there's one guy at most excusing 06 as mishandled, not wanting for it, the rest as usual is ridicule of its incompetence.

So despite what you've come to assume empty hyperbole that doesn't address anything doesn't help your "argument" for or against any matter that anyone is supposed to legitimately engage instead of "deflect" from.

I read the thread, friend, there;s pkenty of people throwing shitfits about Flynn doing something as horrendously evil as making references to the franchise and angry about how Western influences shaped the very creation of Sonic.

A lot of posters who complain about Ian's constant references want less melodrama you dork.

I appreciate that they went there. So many comics like to play it safe with their characters, not allowing them to tread to far from their status quo.

>Eggman then returns to status quo within his next five on-page appearances.

>isn't truly sonic. It's a parody of Sonic.

Well I have seen the face of the true Sonic...and I have found him wanting.

I'll take a parody any day of the week, as long as they are consistently entertaining & likable.

>Plenty of people have bitched about Assault's and especially Command's melodramatic story.

Uh no.

People bitched about Command's melodramatic story.

People mostly bitched about Assault's imbalance of on rails Arwing missions with the myriad of on foot & free range missions that was given (a.k.a the "MUH 64" problem that has been plaguing the series for a while)

A lot of people criticized Assault for it's weird, unbalanced, sloppy story. The ideas were okay but the execution was awkward. Panther came off weird, Pigma got a strangely large chunk of the story, the aparoids weren't used very well, the double kamikaze fakeouts were lame, Slippy's dad is just odd, Krystal's bantz needed work, Wolf was kinda out of character and has a sort of skimmed through character arc, etc.

Is the new issue already out today?

Remember when Pigma got mutated into a giant monster and then fucking died?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 154.55K)

It was cool.
It was also 1/3 of the campaign for some fucking reason. The reason is a lik lack of time. Game is clearly one of Nintendo and Namco's joint arcade games repurposed quickly to a Gamecube exclusive.

Yeah. Since it's the start of a new trade, the first half is reminding you of the current situation and planning out who goes after which Zeti and filler where Sonic and Eggman argue morality again. Also reminding the audience Rouge exists. The second half is everyone getting one page to go confront their Zeti and immediately get put at disadvantage and three whole pages of Jet and crew jobbing to Zik. It's bad.

Espio jobbed so hard in this issue.

Everyone jobbed because they all needed to start in roughly the same situation. I'm down for a bunch of fights happening at once, but it's hard to do right.

>A lot of people criticized Assault for it's weird, unbalanced, sloppy story

Wel that was the first i hear about this. Most of the discussion was about the gameplay.

>The ideas were okay but the execution was awkward

Well considering it was Bamco in charge of this, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Unless it was the Tales team, they are not capable of good stories.

>Panther came off weird
Creepy? Yes. He's a creppy perv.
Weird? The only thing weird about him I could find was his last minute inclusion

> Pigma got a strangely large chunk of the story,
I always found that this was some awkward acknowledgement of Pigma's prominence being founder of both Star Fox and Star Wolf, so they try to make him a bigger deal than he is.

Like he's finally getting his reckoning after all his backstabbing...but like, nobody really gives a shit about Pigma, so it was mostly a waste of time.

>the aparoids weren't used very well
I thought the part where they can use the consciousness of an absorbed host to taunt their enemies was creepy and should've been used more. Otherwise, they where a cheap faceless horde to just get points.

>the double kamikaze fakeouts were lame
Yeah that was Nintendo. I don't know why the fuck they bother creating a universe of endless war if they keep pussying out any hard consequences, even if they do so Disney style.

I mean, you wanna kill Pigma & Andrew, but you're not ok with heroic sacrifices?

>Slippy's dad is just odd
Was it the mustache?

> Krystal's bantz needed work,
Nobody knows what the fuck to do with Krystal cuz she wasn't meant for this franchise. She's just there to be the girl.

Again, Nintendo doesn't wanna commit to the tropes SF is built upon. Krystal should had an arc trying to find her place among the team.

Falco should be giving her shit, Fox condescends her cuz he's trying to protect her, and Slippy now has to level up his skills in order to impress the newbie. Peppy could be her only support.

>Wolf was kinda out of character
Am I the only one who likes redneck biker gang Wolf? I liked him, it made me wanted to play a game as Star Wolf, going around the galaxy doing dirty ops while not crossing some fuzzy ass ethical line

Pretty much everything that is wrong with SF Assault could be summarized in what said in the spoilers.

still holding out for a sequel though. Cuz it's my favorite Star Fox

You realize you're directing me to my own comment, right?

Are you both & ?

Babbies first gore fic. Fucking tame.

SAM is close to the darkest parts of Sonic, but it is also obviously written just to troll. Tails on a bench was not a troll, and the artist was paid on commission to draw it.

Yes. Why do you need me to say it twice?

>Yeah, it's bizarre how little distance the Starfox series actually covers.
Not really. Nintendo, specifically Miyamoto hates complex stories and is content at just telling the same story over and over again. only franchises that progresses is Metroid,Splatoon and somewhat Zelda.

Nigga, this an anonymous thread board. All you user faggots look & talk the same to me.

How the hell should I know which comment is yours?

Came to a screeching halt with Fusion.
3 decides if they're allowed to progress or not.
Somewhat is being too kind.

Congratulations on being triple correct, user.

Paying attention to the reply chain?
Want me to confirm a third time?

Attached: 1580770723778.png (1280x1279, 249.41K)

Thank you, my penis is huge.

What said. Plus because everyone will never get off Super's dick, every game will be an interquel between 2 and Super, or Super and Other M or just anywhere set before Fusion.

We're never getting Samus: Galactic Fugitive are we?

>Somewhat is being too kind.
Want to explain? Is it because of the time line mess?

I thought they just decided to pull a Turn A Gundam and made BOTW the canon end of Zelda.

Zelda is only a story insomuch as it makes references and some nerds occasionally create a timeline to satisfy autists. There's no real story or path. They make a game and the write whatever.

If that is the case, why do they keep re-treading the same material and just go nuts on the premise of the next game after BOTW2? If all the story is a flimsy justification for the game's premise, then why are we still trying to save Hyrule from Ganon?

Dammit, where is my Zelda in Space already?


I know that. I'm just saying if the story is in service to the gimmicks and the premise of the games, why don't just go wild with the new gimmicks, and just toss in a flimsy no nothing story to justify the new changes?

I'm just saying, they're going to eventually run out of ideas on how to make saving the same old Hyrule fun anymore; even the post-apocalyptic world of BOTW is threading a lot of old ground.

So I'm saying they should just rip the band-aid & make a game with whatever crazy ideas Miyamoto wants to put into a game and then add in Zelda stuff, then write a tiny story that justify why it's Zelda.

>Hey, see that crazy Steam Punk kingdom in Mars where you can sail on solar sailboats and ride giant Tingles while shooting at robots with your space sword? That's Hyrule. This Zelda now.

>Wait? What? HOW?

>STFU. The game is fun. Enjoy the game

>Shit. He's right. It's fucking weird, but it IS Fun. tAKE MY MONIES!

I mean, yeah you could have spent that energy on making a new IP, but how hard could i be to just turn anything into Zelda if the gameplay & fun factor is all the matters.

>The thread is still here

Attached: 1577499570481.png (235x355, 133.61K)

>still here
>no new issue storytime
>despite faggots spoiling the issue

I mean though, wtf did you expect? it's an IDW Sonic thread.

Nobody actually give a a fuck about this book. We just want to shitpost about it as we read it illegally then shitpost about SANIC before jumping into a better topic at the last bits. Rinse and repeat.

Yo right though. Can someone kill this please to make room for the next one?

You better sauce me up on that, user

>The only people that still like kingdom Hearts need to grow the fuck up and move out of their mothers basement
>this comment, posted on Yas Forums's Yas Forums - cartoons and comics board

>fan fiction
Find some new vocabulary holy fuck
It's obvious that it's only one specific that's posting this shit in every thread

Nightmare fuel

The thread we had on Yas Forums yesterday was a hundred times better I mean around the 150 reply mark it went on a gay fury tangent but recovered shortly after.

I still miss them, bros...

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They will come back once the zombot virus is dealt with.

>Dammit, where is my Zelda in Space already?
The fact that from the beginning Zelda dabbled with with the idea of Link traveling to the far future but never committed makes me sad. Even BotW had futuristic concepts including alien monsters. Zelda is clearly heading that direction starting with Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword, but we are getting there way too slowly. We need to go back to New Hyrule and make a steampunk Zelda.

Attached: A Link to the future.png (1237x1442, 2.02M)

how long does it usually take before it's storytimed or uploaded to that "readcomicsonline" site? I got into the comic shortly after the release of #25 so I don't know how much I have to wait