HYWC #636 Pizza edition

Does your character eat Pineapple pizza?
Whats their favorite pizza?
Whats the best pizza chain?
Does your comic have a fictional pizza joint? Products etc?

>/hyw/ CONTACT SHEET - add your webcomic site, contact information, etc


People: deviantart.com/senshistock/gallery/
Scenery: shutterstock.com/
Character Design: pinterest.com/characterdesigh/

Blambot: blambot.com/
Create your own: calligraphr.com/en/

Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme: tumblr.com/theme/39018
Dos and Don'ts for starting a site: pastebin.com/raw/kNR2W5mV
Promoting your comic: miss-melee.tumblr.com/post/143483233951/a-guide-to-zero-cost-webcomic-promotion

Basically how creativity works: youtube.com/watch?v=Pb5oIIPO62g
Terrible Writing Advice: youtube.com/channel/UC3ogrx6d9oohf6D42G44j1A

> Brush Packs
CSP: mega.nz/#F!5xlV2IzJ!bg8BZB-oYaVrmD31S3fJHw


Attached: PIZZA EDITION.jpg (937x703, 407.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Heres Sketches of Admiral issue 6 page 7, in this page the ROAST BEEFSTER the cook harasses paying customers and steals their food. Who will fight such injustice? We see a figure presumed to be the Admiral-But..ITS ADM. PIZZARO! an unstable magic sand clone to further the gruelmasters agenda In the next page he falls apart and slowly melts-Then the counter guy sprays his skeleton outside with a hose. A barrage of supervillains wreck the city. H.B's Bike gets stolen. By the BIKE THIEF.

Attached: Admiral pizza issue 5 page 7.jpg (1200x1950, 532.35K)

>Does your character eat Pineapple pizza?
He would if there were any pineapples or pizzas around.
>Whats their favorite pizza?
Flattened mecha with laseroni
>Whats the best pizza chain?
Little Caesars, because of the low prices that enable me to binge
>Does your comic have a fictional pizza joint?
It will. I'm still slowly grinding through chapter 1
And I must shill, because 4channel will not allow my posting images:

I'm already laughing in anticipation of Pizarro. What will he put on top of his pizzas??

Sand, glue, rocks, pee, dirt and sticks. With extra farts.

Attached: IMG_20200229_185925_778.jpg (1080x1080, 91.46K)

Here are images of the new and exciting Admiral pizza videogame Directed by hideo kojima and quinten Tarantino

Attached: IMG_20200229_185941_104.jpg (1080x1080, 114.79K)

Today i am going to reward myself for drawing and exercise by making some new characters! Gonna try making Nightmoose, gruelmaster..And a surprise just for this thread!!

Attached: IMG_20200301_091412_973.jpg (962x962, 82.71K)

Been a while friends, hope everything is well.
>Does your character eat Pineapple pizza?
My main girl? Nah, but her friends will
>Whats their favorite pizza?
Meat Lovers with extra Bacon
>Whats the best pizza chain?
I've been loving Above the Crust
>Does your comic have a fictional pizza joint? Products etc?
No, but I want to come up with a silly one now.

Attached: Scan_20200216 (6).png (1106x1495, 2.91M)

tapas.io/episode/1672868 webtoons.com/en/challenge/series-of-baffling-creative-decisions/slowpoke-18/viewer?title_no=226608&episode_no=36 hey i make this webcomic with yuri mechas and monsters and some people like the antagonist please try reding it

Attached: michael zoe redesigns basically 2.jpg (1977x3264, 2.91M)

A quiet girl that looks like a cute boy and wears baggy boyish clothes - big tits or flat chest? Please don't think too hard about character implications or design consistency, answering with your dicks is not only allowed, it's preferred.

Colored rough draft of the last party member - the sexy demon girl. Struggling to bring myself to finish since I want to just get started on the comic already.

Attached: Nanaye.jpg (750x1050, 230.19K)

My opinion is probably the purest answer you'll recieve since I'm more of an ass guy myself. But big tits in this scenario is the correct choice.

Page 3 of Volume 1 Chapter 1 is out, many more pages to come.

Attached: C-1 Front Cover.png (640x960, 861.1K)

shailing taim

>Does your character eat Pineapple pizza?
There is no pizza in that world.

me like. Is this the comic with the shortstack?


post on tapas pls

Attached: 23.png (918x1351, 1.08M)

really disappointed with the way this turned out

This page is non-canon.


>Is this the comic with the shortstack?

You mean this one? Because yes. I'm hoping to bang out this picture pretty quick today and post a rough draft of a short sketch I've got in mind of the party in the middle of a fight later tonight.

Attached: huppermageNicolett.jpg (750x1050, 219.07K)

h-how is it non canon?

yup, I meant this one. I'm ready for that sketch. Comics with teams are fun.

>h-how is it non canon?
Rau and Priest aren't doing it

doin the Impish thing


Attached: Ale n Ang comic.png (2400x3450, 1012.38K)

it looks like you're hiding behind overly heavy line work

n Farms Way part 5 is up!
Let me know what you think!
We are 23 pages in and only just now getting to the action. This is going to be the longest chapter yet!

Attached: squishy gurk.gif (372x351, 84.76K)

I see what you mean. I might make the line work thinner in future pages, I think that would be better. Sorry about that this is all a big learning process for me.

It'd be my first actual attempt at paneling and I may not completely grasp how to make each individual panel punchy or at least important enough to be a panel in itself.

How's this sound, just from descriptions if you can imagine it?

Panel 1 - big pandabro is carrying sexy imp under arm while helping barbarian knight lady drink a potion. maybe while a bird is pecking his skull

Panel 2 - Young elf boy gets completely blasted into the air by a monster

Panel 3 - Tall tattoo lady who is currently killing something yells at Panda bro, informing him that elf boy needs help as he hits the ground in the background to establish distance

Panel 4 - Maybe a mini panel of Pandabro looking confused

Panel 5 - A full body shot of the elf boy laying face first in the grass

Panel 6 - A thrown potion hits him and shatters against the back of his skull

Panel 7 - He twitches a little with a small +1HP

I feel slightly bullied

>Does your character eat Pineapple pizza?
Whats their favorite pizza?
Whats the best pizza chain?
Does your comic have a fictional pizza joint? Products etc?

No tomatoes in Oi, and at the most they can make hard sheep cheese that isn't optimal for pizza. There are also no pineapples or pizza chains in 340 AD Ireland. What say you to that, Admiral? A time before pizza.

So is this for a dungeons and dragons style comic?

>Round 2

Tad vs Amish
>Waiting for both

Loki vs Gasparro
>Waiting for both


Kyaung vs Chloe "Taffy"
>Kyaung entered, Chloe WIP

Attached: DB Template.png (900x643, 488.9K)

don't be sorry and don't do it just because some stranger on the internet said so. do it because you see it and feel it too. not saying that you're not.

still gotta color these pages so here are some wips


Attached: 1.png (2400x3000, 1.65M)

You're right

sort of. It's a comic based on the wakfu MMO. It's loosely following the plot of the MMO, which is to go kill the big bad evil guy. But most of the attention and focus is brought to the misadventures of a bunch of dumbasses and all the bullshit they get into from one destination to the next. That's the part that's inspired by all the dungeons and dragon's style shenanigans I've been introduced to over the years

I'm getting started on mine tonight. Should be 2-3 pages. I'll probably have it done by Wednesday provided I stop sad posting on discord like a bitch.

Finished this drawing last night!

Sadly, no one eats pizza in Oni x Fox due to the time period, but the Space Pack characters do!

>Does your character eat Pineapple pizza?
Only if necessary
>Whats their favorite pizza?
>Whats the best pizza chain?
I usually order from Papa Johns or Dominos
>Does your comic have a fictional pizza joint? Products etc?
I have one in Space Pack!

Love the drawing!

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 1.49.17 AM.png (1149x800, 1.04M)

I just finished some fan art and will continue working on Amish vs Tad tonight!
Gonna be a fight to remember

Did you guys start thinking about new thumbnail art for the Tapas thumbnail revamp?

I think I'm ready for a weekly schedule. Maybe I should start a site sooner than planned.

Attached: file.png (916x672, 593.27K)

work on those gutters

What about them?

Thanks, that's what I've been leaning towards myself.

What is going to change? I can't find anything about it.

Nice to see at least one oldfag is still lurking around instead of moving on somewhere else or to different pastimes

your right and left margins are inconsistent and from that i'm not getting that the variable space between panels is intentional
also what's going on with the window panes?

Really well done. You may want to consider spotting your blacks so that you can tell what the light source is before you put the color on.
Also varying your line weight might do you some good too.
Just suggestions though.

dude i posted both link to tapas and webtoons

Attached: k_02222.jpg (1285x2047, 1.65M)

I've been in and out, but for the last two years I haven't done anything, so I hadn't anything to contribute. After my drive got wiped out, it was really tough getting to work on comics again. I decided to start this one shot, and see how it goes. Maybe I can start any of my past projects once this is done.
It's sure nice to see people recognizing me here, but if you're in the Discord, that's cheating :^)

Oh, yeah, I eyeballed it, I didn't feel I need to go by pixel precision on that. I don't think I can do much about it, I'll try to be careful, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it.
Really appreciate the feedback though, you made me aware of it, so maybe I won't go pixel precision, but can arrange them better.

>It's sure nice to see people recognizing me here, but if you're in the Discord, that's cheating :^)
I don't even know how many Discords are there. There was an old one that had like 10 active users left, then there was a newer one that I think doesn't get posted here anymore? Then there was ANOTHER one I've only heard of and also one unrelated to these threads that some people have been invited to. Is there any official one now?

How's your Johnny story anyway? Ever going back to that?

>I don't even know how many Discords are there
I know that feeling too well. Too many cliques for my tastes, I think I'm in all of them, but with so many discords channels in my list, I don't have the time or will to check on all of them. The clique faggotry is really tiresome for me, especially because I have no beef with anyone, so seeing this really sucks, IMO.
Johnny is on ice for now, the story got harder to write when I came to terms with my own sexuality, and because of that ended up being pretty cringy, so until I figure out how to get out of that mess, it's iced.
This is the last time I drew Johnny back in mid 2019

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your art says that you're better at judging distance than that. it's ironic in that it looks lazy but being really lazy in this case would look more professional. it would take you two minutes to setup some guidelines for your live area in a template file or make a layer in whatever program you use and you'd never have to think about it again unless your hard drive takes a shit. even if you eyeball your interior gutters which is a lot more forgiving your layout will be much sharper and more consistent and for having done less work on every single page.

I used to do that back when I used photoshop. I had settings for vertical gutters of 1cm long, and horizontal gutters 5mm long.
I am working on CSP now and I cannot do that anymore, the rulers is set in pixels instead of cm, and my pages are 5000 pixels wide, so it's harder to make calculations compared to cm, so I didn't even bother doing them.
Not to mention, there are a lot of different setups for each page, making hard to streamline the process the way I used to.

If you're working in CSP, then you really should have no problems setting up your margins however you want them, this software has great comic making tools. Use the comic page setup and adjust gutters accordingly, you're not bound to only standard sizes/layouts.

Oh, I have no issue setting the workspace, what I don't have is precision, which is something I could do in Photoshop easily.
The way you talk about setting gutters is like if I could tell the soft "do this" and magically, it'll do it. As far as I know, I still have to set them manually, but without a proper ruler to measure the space, I've been eyeballing it.

Attached: file.png (1928x1048, 889.92K)

flat is justice
but baggy clothes demand perky little B cups. Possibly mismatched.

>lanky bushy haired introvert redhead
>tinkerbell in spats

Baggy clothes should hide big milkers.
Perky palm fulls require tight and thin tops.

Tapas: tapas.io/series/PREDATHEOSIS
Tumblr: predatheosis.tumblr.com/
Webtoons: webtoons.com/en/challenge/predatheosis/list?title_no=227480
Newgrounds: newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1434168/1
Russian translation by Prov22 : newgrounds.com/art/view/prov22/predatheosis-1-russian-translation

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Attached: p099.png (600x800, 63.76K)

Uhhh, before you go any higher, the fairy is male.
Other than that, it's a modern take on Cinderella, it's pretty cheesy, but that's just how I like my shit, so yeah.

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I like it!

there was a nice reference sheet for Gasparro, right? Did anyone save it? Admiral?

here i come to save the day

Attached: GASPCARD.png (1000x1000, 871.75K)

it's easy to just not notice your page isn't centered.

You gotta good reference for Amish I could use?

Thanks! Man, Loki keeps ending up against guys even bigger'n him.
Anyway here's this in case Gus needs.

Attached: loki ref.jpg (1280x960, 312.24K)

So. More about GWAG. Because I was wondering about this one sequence in the story:

Gabriel confronting some of his former, now dead from old age, bullies in purgatory. He basically goes on this rant that involves him saying "This is your fault. You made me think this is the only thing I could ever be."
Then he realizes that they lived full lives, and he kind of just storms off in anger.

Gabriel is a character I wanted to give flaws. Like, actual, serious flaws. Like his racist opinion on Asia, nonchalance towards horrific violence, and just being an unironic dick sometimes.

And by "Nonchalance towards horrific violence," I mean he killed a family of Yokai who were begging for their lives via immolation because it was his orders. Kind of the first major sign that Gabriel is NOT okay in the head.

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no your page. don't project your lack of attention onto me.

it's easy for a person not to realize a page is centered. I often have to select the whole thing and nudge it at the end

get good

am I being punked?

no you're just being dense.

Did I miss something? I made some slight changes on page 2, but still eyeballed for the aforementioned reasons, but managed to reduce the difference a bit.
Rulers in pixels is definitely harder for me to work with.

Is the pink creepy Yas Forums ?


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I did two pages this weekend, that feels good.


Attached: Titan Bout 1-12.jpg (800x1182, 424.18K)

it's nice to be able to work efficiently sometimes. I bought my first display tablet yesterday and the feeling of accomplishing something much faster is a very good one. Also I feel my art here is closer to what I can do on paper heh

Attached: Titan Bout 1-13.jpg (800x1186, 515.78K)

I love diamonds on anklebones.

Tried spotblacking with lots of eerie details!!

Attached: Admiral pizza issue 5 page 7.jpg (1200x1950, 365.96K)

Admiral pizza kinght by MechaBass !!! Winner of my Admiral pizza power campaign fan art contest!

Attached: ESDYqVmXYAEY7Lk.jpg (1448x2048, 405.66K)

whoa nice!

Drew this

Attached: DA GWAG.png (1108x706, 33.29K)

>Love the drawing!
Thanks friend.

Attached: Purple Plant Robot.png (1161x1565, 259.76K)

>Does your character eat Pineapple pizza?

>Whats their favorite pizza?
Pizza Hut stuffed crust filled with cheese

>Whats the best pizza chain?
In my country, there's a chain called Shakey's Pizza. When it comes to international chains though... idk. Yellow Cab?

>Does your comic have a fictional pizza joint? Products etc?
You gave me an idea.

>Shakey's Pizza
You've got great taste!

You're welcome. Keep up the great work!

ayy it's the r63 batman thread user.

Shakey's made it to other countries? that's neat. I would have guessed that was a pure Rockies-area thing.

It's very popular where I'm at. It's a shame that it's dying out in the US tho

interesting, I didn't know people in other countries made the grammatical error "where i'm at"

Here's a repost of my Eizouken redraw. Please go read the newest pages, I just finished chapter 2 so it can be binged up to that point


>Does your character eat Pineapple pizza?
yes, both pam and hildas favorite pizza is pineapple since
1) they are MY favorite
2) they both don't like greesy pizzas

>Whats their favorite pizza?
Hilda - pineapple
medli - extra cheese
satan - anchovies
peter - banana
dyson - meat lovers
dorophy - vegetarian
Hancock - doesn't like pizza

>Whats the best pizza chain?
Local, fuck pizza chains

>Does your comic have a fictional pizza joint? Products etc?
yes but I don't have a name for it.

Attached: eizoukencombined.png (1920x3240, 130.21K)

where I'm from*

That looks incredibly badass.

Funnily enough, werewolves don't exist in the CI world--along with vampires and ghosts.

I need to finish the Admiral Pizza comic, too... and the Gasolina one as well...

Well being something that doesn't exist sounds like a good enough excuse to get a lawful good guy to fight another good guy!

>werewolves don't exist in the CI world--along with vampires and ghosts
Maybe it's just a guy in a mask

Wait, so past entries were unfinished?

I never finished my loser submission for Gasolina vs Estella, and I mean to have a follow up to my AP vs Gasparro submission.

basically they're just changing from boxes to comic book rectangles

Attached: unnamed.png (1080x843, 616.44K)

You know i wanna write a comic about teenager terrorist.

The main source of conflict is the views of revolution by the main characters Linlin Zhou who simply wants to cast off all Authority, and Thomas Alooma Toure a young man who wants to make society more equal economically and Socially

This mostly done.

how in the fuck did I not see that
i'll check it out

Attached: 24.png (918x1263, 971.35K)

It feels like you might be overloading yourself with things to do, take it easy.

Predatheosis might be my major guilt because its the comic that has been on my "I gotta read this some day" shelf for the longest.

Some day.

won't lie, I'd need a storyboard to understand at least. Or a lazy sketch.

Let’s maybe not push our luck here, Rau.

This is issue 2 of my comic. It's taking me forever.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-02-00-54-01~2.png (1080x1200, 1.27M)

the nerve of this bitch

there is zero ill will from her there

yeah she touched a nerve for sure

And the 6th character is finished.

Nanaye the Osamodas

Was originally going to be a stereotypical lust succubus. Went with a more oldschool interpretation of lust, and changed it from a purely sexual desire to an intimate desire to be as close to a person and share with them, whatever they value most about themselves. So she still wants the Panda dick since he works on his body so much, but she values the elf boy's ambitions and want to share with his dreams and aspirations. For the scientist magician who values her knowledge, Nanaye wants to learn from her and share her research and discoveries. etc.

>Beast tamer archetype along with high charisma for all the social interactions
>May or may not be able to turn into a dragon hybrid at a later date
>consistently pulling pranks on her more gullible or stupid party members
>Most likely to have an 'Ohohoho' laugh

Attached: Nanaye.jpg (1000x1400, 388.16K)

neither of those is an accurate, nor an old definition of lust. it's definitely cute though

uhh pan pizza is pretty Delicious desu

Attached: tapas 2.png (940x2268, 1.55M)

I once read a paper on how the 'lust' and 'intimacy' have changed over time and also how a different culture has different views on how similar all the different forms of 'love' (platonic, romantic, physical, etc.) Might have been ancient greece but whateves, the point is the same even if I'm remembering it incorrectly.

that it is

Old lineup.

Attached: lineuproughdraft.jpg (2000x909, 428.85K)

New lineup(Minus Elqen since her picture used a pretty extreme angle). Watoo and Nicollet are colored because I combined layers accidentally or forgot to use multiple layers in the first place.

This'll be my last excuse to share a picture that isn't a comic page or strip so excuse me patting myself on the back for finally sticking with it and drawing shit out for once. It only took 10 years of procrastinating and being an idea guy.

I'm unreasonably proud of myself right now and finally feel like I'm doing something with my interests.

Attached: newlineup.jpg (1000x714, 215.58K)

feels good, right?

It'd be embarrassing to describe how good exactly. Normally I wouldn't make such a big scene about it because I'd think to myself "Oh but what if I end up not drawing anything again after this?" but for once I finally feel like that isn't even a possibility. I'm finally hooked on drawing

why did the other writing thread get deleted?

If hyw characters sat down to play a game of dungeons and dragons, who would play what race and class? what stats would they have?

There was a writing thread?

incredible it's been a while since I've seen your stuff, I love it!
two questions, do you have a link for your comic? and are you in any of the discords?

I'm ashamed to admit I still don't know much of classes. But if its Rau, she would probably try to be a healer in order to feel praised. Definitely human.

Azu would go with something like berserker hobgoblin.

sheeeeit this is gooood

how are you not providing a link

Page 4 is up, also from the criticism I got I eventually did make my line art a little thinner and I think it looks better now.

Attached: Thumbnail 2.jpg (237x199, 23.36K)

I love your character designs, they're all so distinct from each other. I've made some character designs and I've started writing a script for a comic. I'd get started on it but I'm anticipating my animation class to bite off my free time as we're about to start a big project. Good luck with your comic!

Just updated mine, and yes my character likes pineapple pizza.


sweet first panel with the silhouetted trees and figures. also good lighting on the 5th panel

Where do I find someone to draw my webcomic?

lazy sketch of next page

talking heads help keeping a fast pace.
wont last.

first panel was inspired by the Chase story in this collection

i have realized its hard to pull though

Attached: 25.png (1020x1403, 375.58K)

Im bringing this comic back

Attached: 82E0192A-74F5-4181-8E97-AA3667DE4E38.jpg (950x930, 445.92K)

yeh how you did the trees and making the characters stand out with a light silhouette looks great. I will have to try to use this tactic one day

how wholesome

Twitter? Lol what? Am I supposed to tweet out: "Hey can someone draw a webcomic?" And hope for responses?

If you pay them, they will come. I for example will be happy to draw your webcomic for you if you pay me.

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Some artists are really shitty writers though.

Cloey is finally speaking !!
interesting designs

Attached: page10test3.png (940x1253, 732.3K)

I would take you up on this offer, but I'm broke right now. I not trying to get started immediately anyway.

Got a little money set aside and have a few artists I’ve got in mind for 8-pages of 9-panel porn goodness starring Allison from Strong Female Protagonist and Zenith from...Zenith. Both because she’s evaded the full Rule34 treatment for far too long and I think they’d make an interesting couple especially if you give Zenith’s book a read. Bit of spite, bit of sugar. Almost done with the script.

Attached: A60D4842-5245-4AC6-82BC-E9CBFEFBEE1C.png (486x492, 194.77K)

it's alright, I've got plenty of comics from here i need to read as well too!

btw, last thursday, February 27, Predatheosis turned two years old. Can't believe it's been that long already.

Attached: idk2.png (339x432, 11.05K)

can people post even if they are bad artists and draw with traditional mediums?


happy birthday Predatheosis!

They havent chased me off yet, so yeah.

Newest page of Tom N Artie is live! Sky put alot of great detail into this one.


Attached: TNA 3 Letters Page 05-01.png (940x1428, 1.33M)

I also got this sweet fanart for BITE of Olivia from my friend Cyborgkale

Attached: Olivia by Chio.png (2048x1906, 2.73M)



Spears Guy would be a chad half-orc barbarian
Swords Guy would be a virgin halfling

Opinions on this character design?

Attached: 1583175876502_Capture.png (348x673, 12.5K)

I think I'll just start cleaning my WALKING EYE!

Attached: Walking Eye ref.jpg (909x533, 62.08K)

Mike Wazowski sure looks scary

New year, new comic attempt. Last year I reached 4 pages before stopping. In 2018 I managed to do 13 pages, but it was fetish porn, so I'm not sure if it counts. I wonder how many pages I will manage to draw before quitting this time. My lifetime record is 28, so making a short story is not impossible, in theory at least.
The biggest problem is actually writing something that wouldn't automatically bloat into hundreds of pages just because.

Attached: rough 01.jpg (653x909, 124.37K)

I like how the shirt is real but the shorts are painted on

Based fellow slowbro, i've been working in the same 22 page comic for 2 years now.

We are all gonna make it lad, we just have to catch a rythm i guess.

Attached: file.png (301x479, 332.54K)

There's nothing wrong with traps when you're on the internet.

what kind of fetish porn did u make?

You know, I started going through finished pages to post a properly censored example, but they're all pretty cringey. You truly think and create differently when thinking with your penis rather than your head.

more intrigued now...

I got a nice Rhiannon fanart. Respect the selkie booty

Attached: Rhiannonbutt.jpg (640x1240, 93.62K)

I'm just Bass (like the beer company), but thanks Admiral! I am happy seeing you like it :) I'm sorry it took so long, I keep having dreams where I am left left alone and finish all of the art I wanna do, but then I wake up and go to work.. One day my pizza dreams will come true and I will draw Mechanism all day every day :3

Cute butte

That's some excellent fanart. You have great fans.

Excited rn, I have everything I need to end volume 2 of Ringo and start my mini-hiatus lined up!

Attached: pg21.png (1700x2200, 2.55M)

yes I'm lucky and very grateful for it. I always appreciate the lewd ones too ^_^

I like the colors, this is pretty trippy

Bro are you finished yet? You got to get it out there!

Star Seal would be a druid and Bryan would be a bard.

yes traditional mediums are chad tier..

Attached: Bryan by shane.jpg (733x960, 137.26K)

thnx bruv

depend on rather how rich and famous the "writer" is.

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Not sure if this is the right thread but what's considered the best program to draw and compile rigged characters for 2D animation?

CSP if you can overcome the weird entry barrier to animate. If not, Toonboom is a bit overrated, but it still does a magnificent job.

Who is the goodest character from here? And the evilest?


Attached: uwu.png (650x700, 116K)

I vote Nega for good too, and Ellie or Azu for evil.

Attached: tad skyhigh.png (1200x1920, 960.97K)

>Azu for evil

Girl from my own comic, I'm shamelessly shilling. She eats people, but then recovers her conscience and eats more people.

Attached: fvfv.png (603x458, 513.58K)

most evil

Attached: evil.jpg (310x174, 73.54K)

Finished this page!

Attached: PAGE 2.png (2250x3300, 1.18M)

Angel obviously is the goodest, it's in her name!

Attached: angel 3.png (1000x1008, 177.12K)

Can I nominate Nismo for good?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 5.53.41 PM.png (493x797, 530.46K)

today's progress. Time to reward myself with some Admiral pizza dreams

Attached: Admiral pizza issue 5 page 7.jpg (1200x1950, 466.95K)

Bump with a question:
What's comfier? Post-apocalypse where the people settled in a bit or fantasy?

Here's the new Monster Lands page. We get a rare wholesome Marcus moment: monster-lands.com/

Attached: monsterlands.219.png (792x1224, 1002.12K)

I still have no idea of what short story should I try next...but hey, at least got the next update ready for wednesday.

Anybody else takes pride their of earlier drawings? In my case I won't ever redraw anything just because I think I can do 'better' now. All my previous chapters were a product of their time and I can't ever deny the love i put on them, as rough as they may be. Better focus on the present.

Still can't figure out how her hair works tho.

I even made one pic of Ellie eating pineapple pizza. Just to show how evil she can be.

Is this Dreams of PS4?

And where's issue 1?

Congrats bro. My comic turned one in january and feels good man.

I've never asked for this feel, yet it looms closer

Attached: originalmeme.jpg (812x712, 231.29K)

I think I like more the current art. Not that the other one doesn't have charm.

Yeah man, All my pizza dreams can finally come true! Just messing around making characters. Tommrow gonna try some actual gameplay stuff.

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The Nightmoose

Attached: IMG_20200302_195617_502.jpg (1633x1080, 148.24K)

Attached: IMG_20200302_195543_184.jpg (1080x1080, 191.75K)

old art is great. the flaws only show you how much better things could be.
also I seem to always be more creative in the past

This is the character dynamic in a nut shell.

Attached: neptunia.png (1500x1000, 155.65K)

Does the neck look weird?

Attached: WIP.png (343x653, 101.46K)

Isn't much of a neck but it doesn't look weird..
I'd say her upper torso (and the upper arm that is lined up nicely with it) is too long.

not to me

>Anybody else takes pride their of earlier drawings?
I don't, although some days ago I checked them and I felt I had way more soul in how I drew scenes. But I think it might just be that I didnt knew much so whatever shit I was pulling seemed cool at the time.

Your art is better now for sure. Although I gotta add the non-colored hair makes me think blonde

I would hug him

Attached: kid tamamo.png (174x173, 76.33K)

>And where's issue 1?

Attached: SPOOKYBOIS_O2_01.jpg (2480x3508, 2.75M)

Also give me requests to draw or make gifs. But zero compromise on my part, its always depending on my mood and energy.

Attached: azu dazirak.gif (1200x892, 1013.01K)

hyw party

Sneak peak of Tad vs Amish. Its officially going to be 4 pages.
Ill dump the whole thing when its finished.

Attached: Brobrawl amish.png (660x940, 356.28K)

I love this so much!

I just finished a 14 hour page. Drawing sucks cock why do we do this.

Attached: fuck.png (466x469, 193.9K)

i moved to photoshop and inking has made my pages take literally 10x longer to produce
im going back to msp

What the best place to post your webcomic? I'm new and I don't know where to start?
>pic related is first doodle with my new surface tablet

Attached: export-0002.png (936x936, 254.31K)

Post it

Draw muscular Ellie

Sometimes I wonder if I should completely ditch it. It's a passion project that makes no money and it will take over 1000 pages to finish with some frames taking over 10 hours to create.

Help me work out my idea for a webcomic
>Alien qt lands on earth
>Its in america during the 1950s
>She gets married, has kids and assimilates perfectly
>Webcomic is about her journey to earth and her assimilation

I kind of wanted to display that Gabriel is a man who really has stopped giving a shit about basically everything except his work.

Because no one else writes or draws what we want to write or draw.

Its not making money.....yet.

If you enjoy it, keep at it

Cute hostage, please don't kill.

Hyw party

To those that post on Webtoon, whats the experiance been like? I'm thinking of psting there since Crunchyroll is doing that collberation with several webtoon series. I'm kind of curious about what you are allowed to do for things like page layouts for there site. I wanted to do traditional page layouts for printing purposes later, but maybe you need to draw them differantly for the web or something?

It sucks if you're not doing a webcomic format, there is a 1280x780p size limit per page/image.

My early pages were only designed for print and some of the text was hard to read on webtoons. Webtoons format lead to me developing clearer and more streamlined storytelling, but it doesn't give you any customization of your webcomic page. I put my stuff on webtoons just because the sheer amount of potential readers that are there.

Ah so they do have certain requirements for how you need to do pages. Thats good to know. What are some other sites that are good for hosting webcomics?

Tapas is the best other option other than making your own wordpress site I think

>Inking in progress 1/2

Attached: ink 1.jpg (1200x900, 1.21M)


Attached: ink 2.jpg (1200x917, 1.1M)

A lot of people here are on Tapas and Twitter too.

Tapas is very similar to webtoons in most ways. They have their own page sizes, 940px x 4000px. Probably better than webtoons as far as how much interaction you'll get. There's a wide variety of content but a lot of it is gay shit like "Boy Love" so just know that you're probably courting a some obnoxious-about-it fags. There's also a lot of new and small creators there that are very willing to scratch your back if you scratch theirs so don't be afraid of a little nepotism.

Twitter is something else entirely. There's a pretty significant community of creators there but it's a very niche thing on Twitter itself. It's a good place to network with people and that's about it. The ADHD nature of Twitter means that the vast majority of people that see your comic in a feed will ignore it completely. You gotta know how to make hashtags work for you and if you can do that you'll probably get some retweets from dedicated outlets and friends you've made along the way to score a couple of new interactions. If you're not interacting with people first and posting your comic second though you're probably wasting your time there. It can be a much bigger commitment of your time than you realize so keep that in mind. I think it works better as a centralized place to pass along news and little tidbits that don't really qualify as updates if you're spread out over social media more than as another place to shill your comic.

Tumblr is dead after it became SFW. The people that stayed are mostly hardcore brainwashed *L*gb*T* zombies that will want nothing to do with your comic unless it shamelessly sucks their feminine penises. That shit really needs to be removed from the OP.

Don't bother with SmackJeeves it's a ghost town. Ain't nobody going to find you out there.

There's devianart. Also a pretty gay place. Not the best place to pick up readers but people will take an interest in your art if it's any good.

SchizoJenny! France edition!

Need help coming up with a name for my wakfu fan comic.

>Story is based on the general plotline of the Wakfu MMO
>Most of the substance is inspired by Dungeons and Dragon's style shenanigans with a "Chaotic stupid" party
>Primarily Comedy with action and adventure
>Sexually charged as all French based properties should be.
>Wakfu is the name of the world's magic that everything revolves around
>The evil villain and final boss is called Ogrest and he's crying or some shit

Any ideas? So far I was thinking like...
>Wakfu and...something that starts with W. Wakfu and Wiggers. fuck.
>Wakfu: The Quest for Ogrest(?)

Bleh, I'm currently doing storyboards (with dialogue) at work so I have no energy left to blow into my own comic. Good thing it's temporary.

Why not both?

Hiveworks is another site, but you have to submit an application there. Does anyone have experience with them?

>forgget the jpg

Attached: skyzo vs corona!4.jpg (1798x1200, 979.77K)

Man, drawing in Adobe Animate is terrible.

I summon Bumpodia the Forbidden One!

Ideas guy leech parasites BTFO

>bought a tablet
>no time to draw because i need to paint warhammer models for a necromunda campaign
Having two hobbies is suffering

Attached: 1388310408374.jpg (919x720, 59.43K)

>She gets married, has kids and assimilates perfectly
>Webcomic is about her journey to earth and her assimilation

It sounds fucking boring, shouldn't she have difficultly assimilating to 1950's earth?
if it's super easy for her and she does it perfectly where's the conflict? why not just make it about a 1950's family?

Attached: why.jpg (1134x709, 453.85K)

10/10 there's not a single original thought in your comic get over yourself.

Ideas guy leech parasite is butthurt.

maybe he is idk but you certainly are

Based and ...pilled

there aren't any that are both popular and good anymore.

These girls are fucking gross man. I love them.

Page 5 is up, also I spent a couple of hours adding more colour to my first couple of pages because I think it was lacking it honestly. On top of that I re-drew my front cover as well because I didn't like the original one I did.

Attached: Thumbnail 3.jpg (307x333, 37.24K)

Me too, wonder how much can I improve by just tryharding a year from now.

>Pizza dreams literally became true
Imagine the possibilities, you could like use screens for future tournament entries with that...
I'll be waiting for that gameplay

True, you become more technical with practice. At first I intended to do a way more cartoony approach...but ended up being more worried for anatomy and perspective.

So much soul you had that it inspired me to do an homage of your famous baby page. Never forget.

That's because she WAS blonde. But people kept picturing her as a redhead so I went and declared that oficial after a poll.
I personally like both ways.

Not sharing is bad, user.

I have to split my scroll updates in many parts so I can upload them in webtoon. They have more people but less engagement in my experience, can't blame them though as I only shill in here.

I like how all your main characters have the same face.

Attached: notcool.jpg (570x524, 159.42K)

??? are you continuing an argument you had before?

nope just not going to stand by while you or whoever acts like a toxic little bitch to aspiring creators for no reason

Why is ideas man parasite leech so grumpy? Stop trying to hijack the thread and make it about you, Ideas Leech. Come back when you finished a comic page.

you can keep insisting i'm your imaginary friend but you're just making yourself look like a moron user. post your comic. guaranteed mine is doing better.

I can't tell who is trolling who anymore...

Attached: 1488227641627.png (706x525, 230.09K)

yeah that's what i thought faggot

>idea guy
That's a kringe my dude

enjoy your vacation user

>Post it
Sure, i butchered the quality to fit it all in a webm but still.

Attached: Sure.webm (767x1333, 2.66M)

This was for

This, i'm heading to bed i fucked up posting it like 3 times already.

lmfao that's not even a comic

reddits the other way.

it reminds me of how i grew up watching I Love Lucy and, in black and white, she looked blonde to me. i expected red hair to be a way darker shade of gray.

>Draw muscular Ellie
Okay. Seems similar to my Squires for Hire fanart. In the meanwhile have this comic as a place holder, Cole tries to bully Azu and Ellie's training is very sucessful.

this one I might do but after I finish the chapter since it will be complicated

im excited!

Attached: sorry.png (1608x4848, 347.66K)

>this one I might do but after I finish the chapter since it will be complicated
Excited to see who gets invited to the Pizza party

Everyone who wants to go is invited.

Attached: non hungry.png (242x331, 82.08K)

sometimes..........progress is a mistake,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
its not worth making things take days compared to a scribble you can shit out in a minute and it looks acceptable

Attached: Untitled.png (827x548, 422.73K)

>its not worth making things take days compared to a scribble you can shit out in a minute and it looks acceptable
Highly disagree with this

Wanted to share this cute Valentine's Day Oni x Fox fancomic I got the other week! The artist paired up their own Oni x Fox OC with one of my characters and I think they did a great job with it!


>I would hug him
Nismo would hug you back!

This is a nice gif! I'd love to see this with some adjustments to the timing.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-03 at 4.36.44 PM.png (742x381, 171.43K)

I kinda liked the way she looked in between. it was cute how she had this more innocent, cartoony face compared to the others.

Cover Idea for my comic.

Attached: Seven-Days-00-Cover-RS.png (1275x1650, 208.12K)


Some whiny weeners can't even get one page done. You can do it!

which in betweens do you mean? as much as id like to just throw in the towel and just do minimum OPM style i think ive gotten too far in the visual look to go back
or maybe not. dunno. certainly will never do something like this again

Here's a naked pic of hunter because I want to get banned.

Attached: 1559172622594.jpg (1920x1080, 257.94K)

Don't call me out like that man

post your comic

you are gonna need way more than that kiddo

Yeah this, there was a goatse thread up last year for quite a while without being touched by jannies

My story is postapocaliptic so there's no pizza there. Napolitan is the best, tho.

Is the kind user who proofread my esl comic here? I released a new chapter and a reading would definitely help: webtoons.com/en/challenge/teddy-and-olive/list?title_no=383981
Argentinean thick crust pizza is the best, by the way.

Attached: Illustration.jpg (300x300, 50.57K)

before the eye change but after you learned improved anatomy.
TECHNICALLY SFW. the best kind of SFW.

No one has anything to say to this?

pictures in* that bo
"with others you mean humans?" needs a comma after others (or an ellipsis)

that's it! though.. if it ever comes up in the comic, it's 'postapocalyptic'. remember 'calypso' meaning 'hidden' and you'll remember the y. (or not, because I guess they write it 'calipso' in Espanol...)

awesome, there's lizardmen and this bear has powers. I'm loving this comic. The style is so perfect, it avoids looking too goofy.

Between your shallow theological understanding and this le damaged incel skellington character I am thoroughly disinterested in your writing.

I like happy comics
when my life is happy again, I'll probably go back to liking edgy comics

Oh man, thanks. I´ll change the title. too many letters in that word and too similar from spanish to english.

Yeah man. This is my newest page. What do you think?

Attached: AP6PG7.png (1200x1950, 1.87M)

>Having two hobbies is suffering
>Mfw trying to juggle 2D art, writing, 3D art, music production, game development and a 37 hour/week job.

ADHD is suffering.

Attached: 1531264781026.png (198x322, 94.07K)

it's garbage bro

Sometimes I truly wonder if you are an MK Ultra psy op or not, admiral. Carry on.

Any constructive criticism? What would you like to see improve?

>Any constructive criticism?
i would have to look at it for that. how about let your psychotic pizza dreams just be psychotic pizza dreams

Not that user, but it lacks visual depth. I think the style is valid if you aim for a grungy (was it called?) look, but try to give them a bit of structure and some perspective once in a while. Some perspective in the 2nd panel for example, otherwise the characters look like stickers, not inside the actual scene. Not saying that it's easy, but aim for structure and that. You can keep the messy inks even then.

So I should just adhere to the Bible and not have any sort of creativity?

Honestly, what the fuck else should I do with his character? Because I’ve got a bunch of other personality aspects of his

>Seems to really look up to Alvin York.
>He really cares about his parents.
>Surprisingly good with farming equipment
>Has a fondness for mentally ruminating on his much happier childhood.
>His bitterness hides a lonely man who really hasn’t had a long lasting friendship because of circumstances. And how, in the military, when he did get friends, he outlasted all of them. It sucks being a one man army because no one can keep up.
>He doesn’t really whine about his issues. He prefers to keep them bottled up. This, however, is not presented as “Cool and manly” but is rather a really unhealthy habit that’s probably contributing to his poor mental state
>He has a very blunt viewpoint

Long story short, Gabriel isn’t meant to be likable, but he is made to be sympathetic.

I wanted to make it a kind of bleak story on an individual scale. Because while they stand a pretty good chance of winning the war, Gabriel is a man who just wants to stop existing because he’s tired of it all. He’s basically choosing death because he’s tired of life. But this makes the few genuinely heartwarming moments where he shows a softer side to his personality hit harder.

It isnt easy at all, it takes her years and is awkward and embarrassing as fuck. Perhaps i didnt explain properly. it tells the story of her life on her original world, her multi year long adventure of nearly dying from injury and illnesses from her new environment, escaping capture from the government and people she pissed off, failing miserably to fit in, learning a completely foreign language. She will overcome the challenges of adapting and become a picture perfect 50s housewife(except for a few obviously non human physical traits which i have yet to decide on)

I think that other user means you should study the material better before writing fanfiction

I'm not sure how well I'd enjoy a comic about a guy who's beaten down by (after)life and is just tired, because that's how I feel when I'm NOT reading comics. But you should make the comic that interests you, and not be so concerned with other people that you bump your own post to ask for more input.

For pizzaro hes mess grungy and gross, and thank you! Depth and perspective is something i should definitely practice on! Sometimes i feel like i forget how to draw sometimes. I wanna go back to art school.
If i was...Would i know it?
My pizza dreams are no longer dreams, they have escaped into reality. Deal with it.

Attached: IMG_20200303_162313_961.jpg (1134x1134, 127.52K)

This isn’t to say Gabriel is a total edgelord. He’s more of a stoic, to be honest.

But he does genuinely have a lighter side to his personality. His allies merely help him come out of the shell of trauma he’s built around himself so he can actually show it.

>Really likes old timey music because he finds it soothing
>He’s actually really good with children
>He grows to genuinely care about his allies. So much so that he basically condemns himself to eternal war in the end so they can escape Hell. After thanking them for helping him feel like a human being again and find the will to continue onwards[\spoiler]

The premise is pretty different from that. We basically follow an undead soldier who gets resurrected by the heavens to fight in an army of the undead so they can clear out a demon infestation in the mortal world.

You went to art school?

I would happily read Doom: the Comic if that's what we're talking.

It’s sort of Painkiller+MGS

less talky talky more making comic
at least make a demo of what readers are going to expect

A friend said a cartoonist should have a hobby that´s not drawing. I can´t see how´s that compatible with doing comics. There´s no extra time unless that´s your 9 to 5 (I even work as an illustrator but have to work my stuff after hours until they pay the bills, if they´ll ever be)
So it´s not an adhd thing. It´s a cartoonist thing.

I intend on doing so, actually. I’m drawing this thing where God and Death speak

>should have a hobby that´s not drawing
like what


Fuck no. Last time I tried I played cuphead and it gave me tendinitis. never again.

Today I hit 100 page views on my deviantart after 3 weeks. I'm trying to foster a community of questions and answers for my Wakfu comic that someone could ask and I could draw a short comic of the characters answering in-character. Any advice on specific ways to do that? And I would love a first question to start things off but don't want to fake a question and make one up of my own.

Would anyone like to do my the honors of asking the first question?

Still working on brobrawl, but needed a short break. Its almost finished though.
In the meantime, have a Peroperosite.

Think you can take me in a fight?

Attached: cool peroperosite.png (827x1157, 310.69K)

Ha, this works. Any specific character or other details you'd like me to keep in mind when I draw this out? Got a race you like in Wakfu? If not, I'll freeball it.

work your magic my man. i trust you.

>So I should just adhere to the Bible and not have any sort of creativity?
Nowhere did I say or imply either of those things and neither are those two things mutually exclusive. You can use the Bible and still be creative and you're free to be uncreative without it. What degree one can adhere to an incoherent text is another matter and one that you should be informed on already. All that aside the Bible is hardly the only source material and it's not the most interesting or abundant on its surface. Whatever material you're drawing from though you really ought to learn something about it. And please don't tell me that being a Christian is all the information that you need or some equally retarded shit like that.

>I think that other user means you should study the material better before writing fanfiction
A hard this. Not doing your homework is just insulting to your readers many of whom have done that homework.

>Long story short, Gabriel isn’t meant to be likable, but he is made to be sympathetic.
We've all seen anti-heros before. Your character piece isn't exactly unique for that.

Will do. Working on a thumbnail and some other required things to start posting my comic on Tapas first, just to get it out of the way, but since I already thought of a 2-panel answer to this question, hopefully I'll be able to post it for you in a few days.

do you have any art

Yes, I try to post something new every thread.

is a lineup of the main cast of 6 characters.

Is the latest character in her solo picture. I've posted the others already in previous threads but if you're interested in seeing them all my deviantart is deviantart.com/keiaga

I’m not religious. Hell, the way I depict God is pretty unique, in my opinion.

>O Lord Almighty, I give up myself unto you, for thou ar-
>Look, I get you’re trying to be respectful, but my vocabulary isn’t exactly stuck a thousand years ago.

Yeah, you're the first to think of that!

Attached: aw dammit sammich.gif (480x360, 1022.13K)

>I can´t see how´s that compatible with doing comics.
i can't speak for somebody else, but i feel refreshed after going out doing another thing, not to mention meeting new people from hobby #2 helps me come up with ideas for when i get back into comics, like new characters, settings, etc.

Attached: Scan_1f.jpg (1045x1350, 427.77K)

The best work I've ever done was when I got into a top quality groove and started alternating gaming for like 15-30 minutes followed by drawing, flipping back and forth for hours.

Hey I haven't seen you in a while!

Attached: IMG_20200303_213033_094.jpg (1033x1033, 142.1K)

Tadds little run Animation is soo hilarious i need video of this shit

Attached: IMG_20200303_212953_972.jpg (1080x1080, 173.43K)

Attached: source (2).gif (500x239, 935.58K)

My what now

This is giving me some weird vibes from that one surreal sonic fangame, you know the one

fuck off you hypocritical pizzafag

When you press the circle button Tadds face turns red and he bends over for some reason? This game is so fucking weird. Next im gonna do some other HYWC characters. Oni X fox next

Attached: IMG_20200303_213150_445.jpg (1080x1080, 185.14K)

Do you think maybe this guy has just had a stunted upbringing with regards to shows and movies? That's why he's thinking of things that have already been done and thinks they're new?
Because they're still clever things. They're just not unique anymore.

I am both scared and fascinated. You are still an absolute madmiral my man.

Attached: abject terror.png (517x500, 99.37K)

Question for patreon users: When you start and have no patrons, is it better to let people know that you have 0 users or just hide that info? What do people react better to?

Attached: 1564771395047.jpg (660x938, 73.7K)

What other comics are you adding

They are sick fucks.

>If i was...Would i know it?
Excellent point.

WTF how did you make this? This looks amazing.

Attached: ink3.jpg (1000x750, 865.98K)

I hope he adds Oi! People!

Attached: ink4.jpg (1000x750, 875.72K)

game. fuck lemme look it up
Sonic Dreams Collection, that one

Batman >> Tad >> Red Gurk >> Admiral

I really like your style. I'd kill to be able to draw anything other than generic sameface moe blobs.

This user is an enigma. The way that they write, their syntax, diction and a relative disparity of colloquialisms would all indicate someone who's relatively well learned and who thinks as much. That they've never read or seen or heard of an ironic depiction of god is irreconcilable in my mind. God has always been an ironic prick it's been canon for thousands of years.

Attached: giphy (4).gif (480x366, 634.07K)

thank you. If you can draw a moe blob then you can learn to draw anything. Have you ever tried just copying pictures and faces drawn by artists you like? That's what I like doing in my sketchbook when I see a cool style I like and want to figure out how the artist does it.

First question and answer thing will feature Nanaye the Osamodas and also Watoo the pandawa to a lesser extent.

Very rough draft but this is my first attempt at paneling(took me fucking forever just to figure out how to do text)

I'll draw all of these under the assumption that someone around town is asking these characters directly. Going to use these short bits to flesh out their personalities more.

Attached: question and answer 1.jpg (800x1280, 268.48K)

me in the overlap

thanks man, i still lurk around every now and then to see if people here are getting shit done.

yeah, i dont think ill ever stop playing video games, but i do it a lot less than i used to now because theres plenty of other fun stuff to do out there too.

>When you start and have no patrons, is it better to let people know that you have 0 users or just hide that info? What do people react better to?

in my experience, i dont think most people care that you have 0 patrons from the jump. everybody on there started from zero. just focus on making the best core content that you can; you can't sell something without having a product to sell to people. (if it's a comic, focus on making that comic as good as it can be)

on that token, just be prepared to follow through on any advertised benefits once patrons start to roll in.

Attached: twit_banner.jpg (1847x587, 268.35K)

What are some examples of basic benefits and stuff you can offer people?

early access to upcoming pages, behind-the-scenes stuff, merch, streams of you drawing, depending on the tier

Can’t sleep. Kill me.

Attached: 3F21F3EB-AFDF-49C0-92A8-E58DD57482C3.jpg (989x1280, 264.74K)

For patreon I've seen a lot of people do fun stuff like a monthly trading card, and a new one each month. I think stuff like that would be neat, but then again, I like collecting trading cards anyway..

I was thinking of making trading cards so that's a cool idea I like. My ultimate pipe dream is to make an Oi! TCG one day.

Dreams for playstation 4

Page 6 is up.

Attached: Thumbnail 4.jpg (236x206, 17.07K)

Rise from your grave!

>you can't sell something without having a product to sell to people.

Attached: source (3).gif (480x270, 1.64M)

But you can always have a patreon even if you don’t produce!

Bumping with progress. I have wasted (invested...?) my time these days in drawing Tamamo lewds but I promised myself I will finish this page today since its my free day, so lets roll with it.

I think I needed a sort of break.

thats amazing dude

I think -and I have experienced it myself- that people dont feel too keen to judge writing ideas unless they are short concepts. Work on the comic and then we will be able to judge it. So far my only concern its that the character feels like an author avatar, which could make the way readers and you judge it very different.

I am just currently attempting gifs. If I dont have a reference (like that one) it does feel scrambled. But well, I will learn as I go. I love your gifs btw.

Attached: 25.png (1020x1403, 419.14K)

How's that working out for you?


Attached: 60674329-E3E7-484E-90B1-CDACE8D09456.png (720x405, 569.78K)

Attached: IWANNAGOBACK.jpg (960x837, 297.88K)

keep dreaming

That's a very cute rare Ellie.

dreaming what

I guess you're right