Post Average Movies

It was pretty good but to be honest I was just in it for the somewhat attractive alien chicks and Dwayne Johnson's hammy acting.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Also kind of enjoyed Robots but don't have any real strong opinions on it.

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TMNT was alight. Do I think I'll ever feel the desire to watch it again? Probably not.

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Up is nothing without Dug.

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Robots was a bland generic movie with some killer world design. Robot city feels like a fisher price steampunk Mega City 1.

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This hurts but I gotta post it.

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thought this was this Brendan Fraser movie for a second

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Frozen 2

not enough lewds of the mom or any of the females in Planet 51, it's all just Lem and Chuck for some reason...

it's not a bad movie but someone out there sure loves Chuck cucking the alien

One dude made an OC he's really into apparently.

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im always on the lookout for sexy alien chicks in kids movies

got to watch a movie with the kids...might as well make it entertaining for me.

Theres one i think in the Ant, everyone slept on her...

>noseless bimbo ayla mao

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I fucking love this movie, but it's crazy how nearly everything that came after if for 10 years was so much more impressive.

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Not a clue

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I popped my first boner to akima

>slept on her

Would I

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>Write story where the human is the alien fish out of water.
>Make aliens and their planet exactly like earth.

Fucking failure of imagination

Robots was the kind of “social commentary” kids movie everyone strives to make now but can’t because they don’t know how to write with subtlety.

Kids will see it as a simple movie about being yourself and following your dreams. Adults will see the deeper underpinnings of capitalism forcing conformity and essentially making poverty a death sentence.

sykes is an underrated disney villain

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cute redhead princess, but yeah the movie is not that great.

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You gonna keep mass replying every thread bitching about zoomer shit?

>Izzy from digimon

Never even heard of this one.

I remember seeing that and really noticing how good the fabric textures looked. That's pretty much the only impression I retain of that film.

On the one level, that shows how bad the film's plot was at holding my interest. On another level, it shows how bad The Good Dinosaur was when it's pretty much on the same level with scenery substituted for fabric.

this was disney animation's first commercially and critically successful film after several poorly received movies

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-pop music
-incoherent plot

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+family dynamic
-slow pacing
-okay story

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+bee puns
+seinfeld humour
-bee puns

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+likeable cast
-it's Pixar's cars, but with penguins

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Are you seeing what I'm seeing in the picture you posted, or are your eyes fucked?

The visuals are so much better than the promotional images would lead you to believe.

i chose bad picture. the movie had some very interesting animal designs. and i dont just mean giant green kitten

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It was a pretty movie with ugly people. Just like Earth itself.

earth doesnt get a happy ending

Why is the one that's driving looking at the cat's ass?

I remember watching this and really enjoying it. Too bad the sequel was Aparentally garbage

Not happy for us, maybe, but just you wait

It felt like a bland mashup of Ice Age, Lion King, and other more memorable movies. Not saying it was bad, just forgettable. People talk about Pixar's newer stuff like Toy Story and Inside Out, and they fondly regard older stuff like Ratatouille and Finding Nemo. They also don't seem to talk about this at all.

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Who else remembers Missing Lynx?

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I remember that my father gave me a pirated CD of it

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I liked the soundtrack, or at least a few of the scores. I also thought the climax was clever. The hero didn't win based on skill. He didn't even get lucky. He just used his bad luck to ensure that bad things happened to both him and the villain, and since bad things were happening to him his whole life, he was used to it and could endure the punishment longer.

Only thing I remember about this is the review where Korey found out his nephew likes big tits.

This was and still is my jam

girl looks like an asian maisie

Don't worry, the villain didn't die.

But who watches postending credits scenes?

I mean, this user's right. He's actually right.

Barring the social commentary though, I really adore the animation in Robots. In action, the characters had a lot of exaggerated movement, and there were multiple scenes that were just extended slapstick gags stretched out for entire minutes, becoming increasingly more and more hectic and ridiculous, like an elaborate line of dominoes, and that's not even counting the scene that's actually involving dominoes!
You don't get stuff like that anymore. Animated movies today seem to be much more grounded in reality, which itself isn't a bad thing, but FUCK I miss some good old-fashioned looney toons-tier goofy shit. Robots is one of the last major films I can remember that was actually made this way, and I adore it.
Also it's hilarious.

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>and I adore it

I'd agree with you if it wasn't for the ending. Comedy movies ending with overly-serious, drawn out action scenes just ruin things for me.

And I never got over the embarrassing Britney Spears "joke".

So do you not like Kung Fu Panda 2's ending? It's also a comedy movie with overly serious action scenes. You're entitled to your opinion, but I think the serious ending battle in Robots is warranted considering the build up and themes of the movie. Seeing all the poor robots coming to help Rodney and his group after he helped them earlier in the movie was really wholesome. I would agree that the movie has some flaws like the random romance between Cappy and Rodney, but the final battle was not one of them.

Damn user thats a pretty apt assertion. I myself never noticed most of that until you pointed it out. Sadly enough, the crew behind the movie aimed to make something deeper and more heartfelt but the film got caught in something of rushed development and they were forced to cut out alot of the heavier content. I recommend watching the special features on the dvd.

Planet 51 has such a great aesthetic desu, not just the character designs but everything else. I really want more of that world, but the movie's plot is so lifeless and bland it leaves no room to be built onto. I will agree however, the movie deserves more lewds.

Proposition to the thread, should I attempt to draw these two?

Xenomorph dog always makes this a 10/10 for me.

They couldn’t play on the 1950s scifi tropes if they didn’t set it in 1950s america but the people are green. They wanted to flip the script, not actually make something original.

Yes, the answer is always yes.

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You're adorable

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Sorry for the hold up user, image sizes are a pain in the ass!

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needed to keep the thread from dying somehow

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Them some serious duck-suckin lips, unf

Not too shabby, user.

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Thanks Fonzie, enjoy another alien QT on me.

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Nobody asked for it, but screw it, I drew Rodney too. Robots was genuinely fun, it's nothing other-worldly but I enjoyed it dammit.

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Sweet as apple pie and astronaut ice-cream.

I really liked what they did there.

You're either baiting or stupid.

The first two are actually great, this one is just meh. Also, I suppose I also will include Penguins of the Madagascar movie and Finding Dory.

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>Planet 51
>50's Attractive Alien chicks

Now you're talking my language user

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how fucking DARE you. It was easily the best Aardman movie to date.

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Nah Chicken Run was.

>the female aliens evolved high heeled feet,
Say what you want about the Spanish but their design work is fucking on point.

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Anyone else see Mars needs Moms?

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Twice nothing is still nothing, user.

Oliver still has his testicles, while the dog doesn’t.
He’s looking directly at them somberly, longing for the balls he once had, but happy that Oliver gets to keep his. It’s a weird subplot in the movie that was a bit off-subject for a Disney movie.


the dvd extras for this were a trip. Finding out this was supposed to be a live action movie that got changed to animation late in pre-production cause they feared it would be called a star wars rip-off cleared up so many of the question i had about it.

I would definitely say this is way under rated as a movie tho.

No, but goddamn those hips

Gotta give this movie at least ++, maybe +++ for artstyle my dude. It literally almost saved the movie entirely because of it. But then Iced.... T? Cube? whatever the guys name was shows up and just fucking shattered the movie.

I brought my niece to this, and holy fuck this was not a girl power movie. It was a dad movie for sure.

>Penguins of the Madagascar

Agreed, it was enjoyably adequate.

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When you're right, you're right.

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>Laika's most unremarkable film to date
>wins oscar for best animated feature

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Won Golden Globe, not Oscar.

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built for DSL.

How can anyone say Chicken Run is the best when Shaun the Sheep exists. Also Pirates > CR don't @ me bruh.

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Good guess but actually no

youtube poop aside, the movie itself is pretty decent in my opinion.

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one of the most stylistically impressive movies in years

Clearly the inspiration for Fiddlesticks in League.

i was always impressed with the background character designs in this movie. every character was so unique looking


This movie is so underrated

>Toy Story 4
It’s pretty obvious by now that Disney wins Oscars by default.

Well now they’re DEAD.

It's because we know what we want. We are men of simple tastes lol.

Academy voters are so stupid

Had nothing to do the other day, so watched this. Was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be. Solid 5/10 mediocre movie.

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>not Stith

Fuck off, normie.

Only thing I remember about the move were the females. They were all pretty fuckable.

>post bad/average movies
>good/great ones are posted in the mix

No bad or great movies here. Just middle of the road.

what great movies user?

I want to fuck the antagonist

>OP is the only one reviewing movies and talking about it
Why are you being a schizo?

i never understood why i liked this movie
now i do
also, i forgot how good those mars troopers looked
>THE ALIENS ARE TRYING TO BREED US!!!!!!!!!1111!!!111!!!!!!

I hated that it was setting up a really fun treasure hunting adventure and then suddenly became about the Queen wanting to eat a dodo bird. Like they have this great story of a contest between all the pirates, and even introduce a couple of rival pirate characters early on who you assume will become the main antagonists. Then the dodo bird plotline is introduced and they spend like 80% of the film on land. I get that for Nick Park jokes about Victoria is premium British comedy, but god damn it gets old.

I remember watching the trailer as a kid, and being really confused by pic related

Kino film, though

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>not piratey enough
okay yeah fair dos m8 I get you. I still loved how quick and clever the gags were, the mute monkey butler and his cards fucking killed me during the chase scene and shit.

Imagine the blowjobs.

I imagine the lack of nostrils really improves the suction.

They're geezers, what did you expect?

I want them to suck me dry

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Is there porn?

found a bluray of it for a dollar months ago, still haven't re-watched it since my first watch of it on CartoonNetwork years ago.

The only people I know who've seen this movie are my roommate and my stepdad, RIP. This and Treasure Planet were a couple of my favs growing up.

This wasn't bad. Had some fun designs and cute moments, but it followed every sports cliche to date and did nothing new at all.

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>I hated that it was setting up a really fun treasure hunting adventure and then suddenly became about the Queen wanting to eat a dodo bird.
What's weird is that the original book had nothing to do with a dodo bird or the Queen being a part of some secret dining society or whatever. It was just about the pirates adventuring around London with Darwin and ultimately having to invade the clock tower in a flying ship to stop a priest from using a machine that would steal the youth of young women.
Not sure why they decided to go in a completely different route with the movie's story. The dodo bird stuff wasn't even something borrowed from one of the later books like what was done with the pirate awards ceremony.

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A bit too much Raphael wank, but alright otherwise.


I feel the same way about zootopia

The moment I gained love towards this movie was when I realized the entire plot is a family friendly western:
>Protagonist is a farm boy
>He becomes friends with a feral dog/wolf
>Is helped by a group of tough ranchers

There was some good stuff in this movie. The Raph/Leo fight was great. The Black Betty sequence where Raph goes after the demon was fun. And I'll admit, I laughed at the end when the ageless warrior is dealing with demons and magic statues and shit and gets an eye of the mutant turtles for the first time, and it's so far out of his wheelhouse he thinks he has a concussion.

Knock yourself out.

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Love it dude

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So I watched this movie years ago and remember absolutely despising how shitty most of the characters were towards the cat, but the film was so damn forgettable that I couldn't remember what they actually did. Saw this on Netflix the other week and decided to watch it again

The bunny and mouse were unnecessarily shitty (their motivation made no sense) but not as evil as I remember. The movie is cliche as fuck though, and as charming as the magician guy is, he's clearly some sort of Help I'm a Fish eccentric scientist bootleg mixed in with the kind-hearted personality of the We're Back Dinosaurs scientist. That said I still couldn't help adoring him

It also made me chuckle a few times

Solid 5/10, MIGHT watch it with the kids if there's absolutely nothing else to watch

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I'm trying to.
>that fucking bust and those lips
HNNNG. Based fucking Spaniards.

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I also watched this a few years back and felt basically the same way. It’s like it’s almost pretty good, but there’s a few things keeping it back. Thunder is straight-up adorable, I’ve gotta say.

Robots is a good movie, I love it more now then I did when it first came out. Not only does the animation still hold up but the themes of the movie are more relevant now then they were back in 2005.

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More recent, saw it over Christmas. The gags, voice acting and animation were great but everything else just seemed liked they ran out of imagination and ran out of steam on the plot.

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Wait so how would they have done all the freaky alien designs? Like that one with the beak and the double knees? Unless they had a good prop budget it would have looked like shit in live action.

Puppets? Horrible horrible 90s cgi? who knows!

HNNNNNGHH, why don’t I ever see this goddess in MILF threads?! Does she even have a canon name, or is “Mrs. Kerplog” the best we can go by?

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Lol, I dunno

holy SHIT I forgot this was a thing

You and everyone else. R.I.P. Aardman.

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*Frozen II


The first three Bionicle movies were very good in some aspects, very bad in others, mediocre in most. Phenomenal music, good sound and world design, plenty of cheesy but meme-able lines, horribly messy stories, mishandled characters and super low budget CGI. At least the creators were trying to make something epic and bring the world to life.
This one is just boring, third rate nothingness that doesn't aim to be more than a toy film. The only interesting parts are all setup for a sequel that didn't get made.

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*I love it more now than I did when it first came out

just for you user I busted out the DVD, lets do this.

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No love for General "the Chad" Grawl.


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Apologies for the shit WebM user I have no idea how to make them properly.

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and the teacher

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I completely forgot that Planet 51 existed. Didn’t it come out during a period where many animated films had a space gimmick? Kind of like how we have a similar trend with yeti films?

What's better, the DSL of the Planet 51 women, or the thigh-gaps of Mars Needs Moms? Should they exchange fashion concepts?

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I'm gonna lean toward the Planet 51 DSL mostly because I love the 50s aesthetic and blowjobs.

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I'll never understand the hate for this film. It's got loads of personality, an interesting setting, one of the best Dreamworks soundtracks and some really good jokes here and there.

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they must have known because the artbook removes ANYTHING even remotely busty/sexual regarding the characters. There's no design work of the mother or the teacher or any of the ladies basically. I wonder if there's a verison of ths artbook that released in spain with all the good stuff.

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Worth watching for the princess character alone. One of the sexiest designs in an animated flick imo.

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Yas Forums really has no standards does it?

Capitalism has done more to help the poor than any other economic system.

here's the only cleavage in the book, and I'm not kidding this basically has been stripped.

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I LOVE this movie

>the storyboarders drew her flat
Based 3D animators putting the D's in 3D.

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why you gotta be so mean, user?

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I feel like the space movie trend in the late 2000s can be partially blamed on the success of WALL•E, but I’m not sure what caused the whole yeti craze as of late.

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Hard to believe that the writer from Planet 51 came from Shrek 1 and 2. Judging by this film, i'm going to assume that the only scenes from the Shrek films that he wrote were the toilet jokes and pop culture references.

Oh I like the feet

weirdly, planet 51 and wall-e came out pretty close to each other. Titan AE in 2000 should have scared everyone off doing space films since it killed Fox's animation studio.

Kind of reminds me of that one episode of Farscape.

Wait, is anyone here old enough to remember Farscape? Please tell me someone remembers Farscape.

Farscape isn't even very old yet.

I kinda feel bad for this one. You can tell that they wanted this to be good. It's got its heart in the right place, and the designs and setting are really neat, but the story, tone and pacing are all over the place. Shame

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Bitch, please.

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why are the guys not wearing pants

Genitalia on that planet doesn't work that way?

So we know they eggs but who lays them and from where?

post the scientist from astro boy. you know the one.

its ugly

It could explain their ample lips. Everything must happen in the mouth.

Then why do the females have dresses/skirts.
Why do they have boobs

Because even on an alien planet, the female form is a sin and must remain covered.

It’s a cartoon, calm down lmao

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For ease of access?

>Horrible horrible 90s cgi?
Nigga 90s movie GCI often beats modern special effects.

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Not bad

I think they were playing around with 50s/80s to a degree tropes, subverting them and stuff. Monsters vs Aliens was pretty cool on that end, too.

Am I getting movies mixed or they learned a lot from Earth tv?

There isn’t a more god-tier opening sequence:

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So does my sister.

This movie has problems, but I personally like it on a guilty pleasure scale. It also made me start collecting those miniature fairy figurines you collect for fairy gardens. I'm slowly, but still trying to build my fairy garden collection as of today.

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Holy shit, Bruce Willis voiced the raccoon? I must’ve forgot..

The story was predictable and safe, but I happen to enjoy those old songs. Also, the lanky fairies are erotic.

Is it wrong that i prefer Shark Tale over this ?

Yet, it's very funny once you get into it. The film is all about turning your brain and laugh at the absurdity, same goes to Bee Movie.

>critics says it’s great
>Yas Forums says it’s shit
I just think it’s so-so, neither a masterpiece nor an abomination.

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I've only skimmed through this, but does the short one with green hair have a name?

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This movie was alright
It's just a shame that almost all the good jokes could already be seen in the trailer
The conclusion was quite obvious, but it was not bad
I do feel though as if no one has ever seen this movie except me and my dad

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How do people shit on Shark Tale so hard, yet they call this alright ? This was atrocious.

I didn't hate on Shark Tale, I found that one pretty good back in the day
I guess I have low standards for what I consider alright

Yes. Very.

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First day here?

Nick Nolte voiced the bear.

Okay, Big Guy. What are some CG aliens that YOU consider sexy? Mrs. Kerplog will probably blow ‘em out of the water.

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>Fre Birds

The fact they had the 2 main characters wop as promotion for the movie is cringy as all hell. Yet I can't stop watching the clip.

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>REE in the thumbnail

So... was he an amphibian or a reptile?

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Pretty much, yeah.

>The conclusion was quite obvious

Wasn’t the conclusion that they send a pizza delivery boy back in time to deliver a pizza at the first thanksgiving, so they alter the timeline and make it so that everyone eats pizza every year for thanksgiving? That doesn’t seem obvious at all.

>don't @ me bruh
fucking kill yourself for this zoomer shit phrase

... Ok, boomer

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What happened?

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So, how much of a furfag are you?

I got this movie for free since I used to work at a place that sold DVDs.

My roomie and I watched it on a lark, thinking it would be awful. Had several genuine laughs, the whole wolf chase scene was top funny.

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Do they enjoy having their antenna suckled?

I watched this movie once at a friend's birthday party

The only thing i remember about this movie is a bike chase where Mata Nui opens his helmet and smiles like an idiot. It was random and unexpected enough to appeal to my 10-year-old fetus brain

that, and Bye Bye Babylon

I remember getting the follow-up comic in LEGO Club magazine, and being pissed that we weren't getting a film version

Not related to Legend Reborn, but did anyone else watch Tahu the Cookie Monster as religiously as I did?

Attached: uh, meow.gif (690x388, 3.31M)

>John Travolta
>Miley Cyrus
It’s so 2000s, it hurts

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You must be thinking about the alien from Mars Needs Moms


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>iroh as Splinter

is a crime there is no good /ss/ porn of her and the kid

It has “ecstasy of gold” so that’s basically a free pass in my book

Do various commericials that use the song also get a free pass?

It's always a treat to look at the insane casts of these forgotten animated movies.

Got any concept art of Lem’s mom? His love interest is more cute than sexy, imo

>ET premise, but it's a human astronaut that lands in an alien suburb
>their dog is a xenomorph
I still think that's a really fun concept

That one it ain't, haven't really watched it yet.

Thank you for these offerings. I shall cherish them so. That teacher better show up in future "Yas Forums Teachers" threads

it was a Seth Rogan movie, enough said really.
>woah dude im gonna puke huehue, oh shit dude im gonna shit myself huehue, rape, farts, sex and boobs dude woah lets get high dude, huehue.

What is objectively the best movie Seth Rogen‘s ever made? Don’t say ‘Superbad’

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Pineapple express maybe but whatever film anyone says is best i will always say its only watchable because of James Franco.

And the Mars rover acts like a dog too.

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Your wish is my demand.

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Those older cartoons always made me feel so depressed. I thin as a kid I rented that movie or something and felt sad at this scene

I asked for concept art, but whatever. I'll happily fap to more screencaps.

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I remember the memes. And how forgettable it was.

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I watched it on one of those Yas Forums livestreams that played it on loop over and over while anons chatted, i only watched it once and gotta say it looked worse than it actually was. Still forgettable.

It wasn't that bad

I actually liked him because he wasn't even a bad guy. He was trying his best to protect innocent civilians from what he genuinely thought was a dangerous alien creature, and in the end he admit he was wrong

The true villain was the lying little scientist fuck they introduced 3/4 of the way into the movie who misled the general so he could indulge in his brain fetish

This, General Grawl did nothing wrong. It really makes me hate the archetypal "military bad" story that has become so overused and cliche in recent years. I remember feeling the same way with the Miles Quartritch character in Avatar.

It's basically lost media by now, but does anyone else remember the mobile app based on this flick? It was a Mario kart clone where you could actually play as the rover. It was a lot of fun.

I'm happily surprised by how much of this thread evolved into appreciation for Planet 51. I still genuinely enjoy it, not even in a guilty pleasure sense, but just like robots its a cozy little film. The kind of thing you'd watch on a Sunday afternoon. Looking over some of the concept art reminded me how cheap the art book is, I might grab it now. Thinking out loud however, seeing these character designs on paper makes me want an Archie esc slice of life teen comic based in this world. Kinda like Jetta, but focused on the aliens instead.

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This movie gave me a Mandela effect sense of deja vu for sometime because of how indistinguishable it is from similar films like "Arthur and the Invisibles" and "Epic". It takes so much from Victorian fairy shit at points I'm even reminded of the spiderwick chronicles. There's some public domain stuff that yields animated content that just perplexes me.

Saberspark told me everything I need to know:

I won’t be stepping anywhere NEAR Delgo.

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Shrek 2 and this still have the two greatest OSTs from any DreamWorks productions if you ask me.

The aspect of this that gets me most is knowing this was an opportunity for Astro Boy to see some genuine appreciation in the west outside of the ironic love for goofy dubs of previous series. This could have been the movie that exposed him to a wider audience, but it just ended up being just ok. Shame, because I love the Astroboy manga. I wish more of Tesuka's works had been translated. To think the Jack Kirby of manga only has 4 of his works fully translated to english really angers me.

>Listening to the closet furfag

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It's weird how zoomers grew up with a "nostalgia for nostalgia". The 90s saw a revival of everything from swing music to b-movies, and you can see the effects of that on the 2000s. Seemingly all the media had influences derived from either the 40s and 50s or the 70s and 80s. It was a weird time indeed, but I look back on how goofy it all was fondly.
>funny animals made a comeback
>Sci fi pulp aesthetics made a comeback

Just based on how seemingly translucent and amoeba like their skin is, I always assumed they were akin to "bacteria based hominids". As if their species evolved from bacteria the way we did from primates without any of the shit inbetween. For all we know they reproduce by buddng.

I like how the main cast had some depth despite initially appearing like one-dimensional character archetypes.

The astronaut gives somewhat of a self-important, incompetent Zapp Brannigan -vibe when he's first introduced, but at the end of the day he's still got a good heart and he can get stuff done when things get serious.
The military leader is an antagonistic force but he's motivated by good intentions; he wants to keep his people safe. Once he learns that the astronaut isn't dangerous, he changes his path instead of being too proud or vengeful to admit that he was wrong.
If I remember right, the only entirely unsympathetic character was the scientist, but he was voiced by John Cleese so it was fun to see him too.

The movie doesn't get discussed here often and it's usually seen as a bland average film (which is why it's in the OP), but I liked it.

That’s because nothing beats late ‘90s/2000s music. I was reminded that the original Shrek also had a great soundtrack after watching “Shrek Retold” not too long ago. Good stuff.

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Yeah, all good points user, honestly when you come back to it you start to realize the reason why it's forgotten probably wasn't even a result of the film itself, but more of a matter of its release. It came out right around the same time Walle did, which much like Iron Man and Speed Racer, determined it's ultimate fate. I really am left wanting more from this world but I'm happy with what little we did get.
Tell me about it, that point in time really was the pinnacle of music. Side note, the online meme of remaking classic memey movies has grown grating if you ask me. Shrek retold really cemented this for me, as everyone who contributed was trying to be the "stand out" and thus the flow of the final product is totally impeded.

>the online meme of remaking classic memey movies has grown grating if you ask me
This was the first full movie remake I’ve ever watched all the way through, so I guess I’m not burned out quite yet. I thought Shrek Retold was pretty fun, but I can admit that it did get kind of obnoxious at points when some submissions were clearly trying their darndest to “make the best layered joke” beyond the script.

Still, the creativity was pretty neat to see. I enjoyed it for the most part.

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Same, it's a fun set up for a story

Not recognising ironyposting

you're totes adorbs user.

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This is some down right hersey right here. Where's the Inquisition when you need them?

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She was basically alien Roxanne from a Goofy movie.

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it's on the DVD iirc.

Was "Cloudy With A Chance Of Hamburger" from them? It had a similar soundtrack to Planet 51, it was nice.

>That’s because nothing beats late ‘90s/2000s music.
80s/early 90s was best though. Like "Holding Out For A Hero" from Shrek 2, for instance, was a remake of the 80s one.

Nigga, Cloudy was from Sony Pictures Animation. C'mon, man...

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Oh yeah wait, that's true
I was more referring to that the blue turkey would go back in time to become the Great Turkey and set the red one on his quest

I didn't see that coming at all, wtf kinda hyperintellingent being are you

Yeah, something wasn't feeling right about it.

No, the pizza guy part of the ending was something I completely forgot and definitely did not forsee at the time when I watched it
But the other bit of the blue turkey going back in time was kinda obvious, no?

Ah, ok. I haven’t watched the movie, but that does seem like a pretty predictable time travel trope.

Thats exactly how I felt about the first movie

Despicable Me 2 was the worst one. Even the Minions Movie was better

>Despicable Me 2
>the worst one
Don't make me laugh

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At least Shark Tale made some use of its voice cast, plus it had a far more elaborate story. This was just too simple and plain imo.

Shark Tale has the best Dreamworks soundtrack imo. So much talent in that ost : Missy elliott, Christina aguilera, Ludacris, Mary J. blige, JoJo, India irae, Cheryl lynn, Avant, Timberlake, D12, etc

A simple premise isn't necessarily a boring one.

I know "boring" is subjective and all, but still.

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I dunno, i always felt that Madagascar and Hedge were the point where dreamworks started to cater to small kids only, which i don't like at all. Their previous films had more of an adult edge to them with their stories and humor. It wasn't until Bee Movie when they went back to their roots imo.

You know what? I agree. I still prefer Over the Hedge, but I do appreciate how mature DreamWorks could usually get.

I really liked Captain Underpants and The Boss Baby, but it does kind of suck that the only DreamWorks film in recent years to feel even remotely like one of their classics was Dragons 3, and that's only because it was already part of a more mature franchise, so there were tonal standards it had to live up to.

You think it's possible that Illumination's success in making bank from kiddie flicks might've geared DreamWorks to focus more on producing movies that fit the mold of a "fun for the whole family"?

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I always felt Madagascar was a step backwards for the company. Personally, i loved Shark Tale's plot. It was refreshing to see an animated mafia film filled with mobsters, loan sharks, hitmen, protection money, debts, gambling, torture scenes and gold diggers. Going from that to the extremely simple premises that Madagascar and Hedge had was dissapointing to me.

I'll give it a go if I'm not busy. I'm so glad people are talking about this movie again.

fingers crossed that user isn't too busy

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I watched both, and was surprised that both were actually ok movies. I was expecting pure shit.

>What the damn?!!

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Trolls, Madagascar 3 and Spirit are all watchable.

Prince of Egypt is literal God Tier though
Good list apart from that

Chicken Run and Prince of Egypt are god tier. El Dorado should be moved down to great. Madagascar 3 is the best one. The rest is fine.

>Open Season
I haven’t thought of that movie in forever. I guess it’d fit pretty well in this thread.

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Unf, YUM!

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/k/'s favorite part of the movie

Still can't watch the climax without crying
It's a movie they wrote while high, it was never gonna be good. People only liked it for the crazy sex scene and the shit about god.
Zack and Miri is my favorite of his, but This is the End is also pretty good.


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Which Land Before Time sequels are watchable?

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this is the only good movie in this thread, fuck you

None of them. The OG is all that matters.

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There's 13 of the fucking things. They can't all be shit sandwiches.

Trolls should have it’s own “shit tier”. Absolutely horrible movie.

Really? I heard Trolls was actually pretty good. What was so horrible about it?

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Well regardless, I still come in peace.

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Good guess but actually no.

Hey, anybody got HQ screencaps of The Surprisingly Curvaceous Pirate?? I'm lookin' at you, Planet 51 posters.

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That monkey has the hands down best rimshot. It's just the defeated, exasperated look on his face

>Based on a chinese knockoff of Ragefaces

God: Prince of Egypt, How to Train Your Dragon, Chicken Run

Great: Wallace & Gromit, How To Train Your Dragon

Watchable: Shrek, Kung Fu, How To Train Your Dragon 2, Megamind, Puss 'n' Boots, Croods

Mediocre: Shrek 2, Flushed Away, Spirit, Home, Madagascar, Monsters v Aliens

Not Worth Watching: Antz, Bee Movie, any of the rest of them because I never bothered to watch that shit and neither should you

I feel like I'm the only one who actually saw this.

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The sequel drops the plot like it's hot but it's more actiony and full of eye candy. As a generic turn-your-brain-off movie, I kinda liked it better than the original.

I saw it too
wish they would've saved the reveal till a little bit more towards the end though

These weren't exactly good starting films but if Imagi was a better studio in regards to financial desisions, they could have been great things out of them. Their film about cats looked promising and after seeing the original show and the animation test, I have 1 thing to say: WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T THEY MADE A GACHAMAN MOVIE??? LOOK AT THIS

That dosen't mean it must be left unregulated.

Epic was great, but it had a tone problem.
Pitbull was a thug frog
Christoph Waltz was the bad guy
Beyonce was the dying goddess of the forest

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Go suck the corpse emperor's dick

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See his hands? Very reptilian

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Nothing is new, under the moon.

It’d be a crime not to

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Add Mai from Next Gen

I wasn’t. It’s just she looks weird to me. No offense to you.

Oh yeah, I remember this movie.
I might re watch it.

they just gave it a big ass because otherwise, how else could you tell it was supposed to be attractive to the male deer? They can't give it boobs, or hair.
Maybe they could have focused on pheromones or something instead.

like the first 3 are decent, and up to 6 is watchable. Everything after is bad and somehow get worse with each one.
I know Littlefoot finds his dad in one of the later ones, but the plot still somehow sucks

>This one is just boring, third rate nothingness that doesn't aim to be more than a toy film. The only interesting parts are all setup for a sequel that didn't get made.
That just how the 2009 story was, so it was very unlikely for the movie to draw something interesting out of it. Spherus Magna simply was infinitely blander than the Matoran Universe. It's not that the sequels were aiming much higher either
>2010: let's visit a giant maze filled with traps
>2011: let's visit a jungle planet with dinosaurs
Just standard adventure movie stuff. True Bionicle was something else.

I realy hate it how the cutesy side characters got all their own movies a few years back. Minions from Despicable Me, Madagascar penguins, Hobbits from LotR. Somehow so annoying.

daaamn, she cute

Why is she so busty, goddamn

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It's brought down somewhat by a rough first few minutes, a couple of info dumps, a bit of badly done toilet humour, and inelegant world-building to set up an animated movie cinematic universe, but it's a really wonderful movie where characters genuinely grow (in particular, Nezha's fat comic relief mentor) with a genuinely flawed protagonist.

You can watch the full thing subbed here:

Or if you want to play it safe, watch the scene from 19:18-22:28 to see if the film's your cup of tea.

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Superior alien ways.

>It was refreshing to see an animated mafia film filled with mobsters, loan sharks, hitmen, protection money, debts, gambling, torture scenes and gold diggers.
Technically All Dogs Go To Heaven already had most of that, even if the execution was much more fantastical in comparison. Also it, and even Madagascar, had much better art direction so there's that.

Given their hair it would seem they have some degree of control or method to intentionally redistribute fluid into certain areas of their bodies and alter coloration.


This looks like a porno setup

Jesus Christ how horrifying

not that user, but the entire movie is extremely shallow. it's one of the most surface-level movies I've ever seen. I swear the average 5 year old could make a movie that has more depth to it.

Ah yes, Brave

Attached: Rango2011Poster.jpg (259x383, 23.42K)

You've got some nerve posting that here.

>Hobbits from LotR
i know that this is bait but i can't just leave it with no acknowledgement

it's not that bad, but just like with Book of Life, visuals saved it.

>Open Season
I don't want to watch the fourth movie

EFPE actually has much to recommend it.

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Up was good, Brave was the real "average" movie

>watching anything past the first movie

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>Putting Shrek 2 that low
>Putting Chicken run that high
>Putting Shrek 2 UNDER chicken run

Critical taste failure

Still one of the best Nick movies alongside Nacho Libre and Rugrats 2

Fuck you it was decent

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The quality of the animations is amazing man
Thanks, gonna watch it when I have some time for it


Watched this on an intercontinental flight
Enjoyed it more than Shape of Water, which I also watched that flight

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>Poor Little Pig boy

>it was a Chuck E. Cheese commercial all along.
Ruined the movie for me. Shitty pizzas, shitty movie.

>muh fate


I remember it being better than decent, which is why I didn’t include it in this thread

No, not really. They’re both pretty a’ight.

i wonder if Dreamworks made the villain look like Merida on purpose?

by the way yeah i watch this movie too it is probably the best yeti animated movie of all

>Brave invented CG redheads with long, curly hair
>any CG redheads henceforth must have been a conscious effort to try and resemble Brave
>Pixar has officially patented the curly-haired redhead design

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Reread the OP and stay on-topic, user.

Poverty ALWAYS was a death sentence you dildo wearin' , tree huggin' , onions chuggin' , ye good owl dayz obsessed hippie.

>Ne Zha
Finally, some good fucking food.

this one?

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2, 3, and 5 are good.
4 and 6 are passable.
Everything after is garbage.


God damn creepy character designs (and animation) but I still love this film for some reason... the premise is interesting enough

really nice

>eye drum roll
heh heh


I am surprised, bit at the same time I'm not.

Better than some of their overrated movies I feel.

The narrative of using other character's perspectives to tell the story carried this from abomination to passable

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The gay lewds are fucking great.

My girlfriend fell in love with this movie and made me watch it a year ago. I was pretty meh on it on first glance, but honestly the more time has passed the more it's grown on me. The pop music is whatever, but the characters and story are way more fun than I gave them credit for.
Bye Bye Babylon is a banger even after all of this time I still get excited when Cryoshell puts out something new

If you're all still working on art. Here's Refs for your P51 Cuties!

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I was almost worried that milkers would be forever wiped from feature animation

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pretty sure no one here has saw this one

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Oh, how wrong you are

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mother of god...

Well, Planet 51 IS from like, a decade ago...

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

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Yeah. That's why I had that very fear.

The only reason Incredibles 2 gave us stuff like pic related was because the original film had already set standards for Helen Parr's design.

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what is this

It's from an upcoming movie called "Connected". The trailer was released just yesterday.

Can Hollywood fucking stop with these lameass one-word titles already?

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Unfortunately the ballooning LN title market is causing a shortage of words to go around, hitting the American markets more severely.

Brian on the sign?

>Frankie in 3d

It's funny that Buzz Lightyear of Star Command had an episode that was literally this plot but was made 9 years before.


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I like monsters vs aliens

Not him but I thought it was honest to god garbage.

Between this and Strange Magic, it feels like no one quite knows what to do with the fairy genre.

There must be some mistake. You posted a perfect film.

Anyone have any opinions on this one? Personally I found it really funny, but I was frustrated by the lack of proper world building.

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This is one of those movies that would’ve been a mid level hit if it had come out in just 10 years earlier. If for no other reasons than the novelty of the effects and the character cliches being less tired. We’d be thinking about it right now in the same vein as Robots or Ice Age.


Isn't Strange Magic adapted straight from A Midsummer Night's Dream?
I feel it could have used a bit more polish and original songs, but at least it made sense.

There’s a great anti-plot twist about it that punctuates the start of the third act though

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The animation in this was outstanding. The way Eris teleports flowing around alone is worth it. It's a damn shame Dreamworks dropped 2D soon after.

blame LOST

Blame Disney. Do you remember why PATF flopped? Because Disney thought "Princess" in title scares away male audience.

Who's the most remarkable, extra special kind of fellow?!

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This movie is a 10/10.

Well, they were at least somewhat in the right. Remember how badly The Powerpuff Girls Movie performed at the box office?

Up until maybe the last couple or so years, most boys were probably too prideful (or too pressured by toxic masculinity) to admit wanting to go see movies with “Girls” or “Princess” in the title and a female lead. But now, we’re free to get shows like Hilda, Amphibia, The Owl House, etc. without fear from the executives of receiving a one-sided audience.

Rebranding the films in pic related was the best course of action in the early 2010s, but I do believe that mainstream animation studios have gotten a little to reliant on simplistic, one-word titles as of late.

This is a definite issue, but its origins make sense.

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What are people’s thoughts on Spies in Disguise?

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Lol, I dunno. Haven’t seen it yet.

Not that high on my list of things to watch, but I'm sure I'll get round to it eventually.

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you basically watch every animated thing that's ever been created so it wouldn't surprise me

not mocking or anything by the way, I find that genuinely impressive
I could never do that


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>The narrative of using other character's perspectives to tell the story carried this from abomination to passable
it was fucking amazing

Flushed Away: the actual average-est Aardman film.
Enjoyed it, but I would much rather get an extra 80 minutes of sleep than rewatch.

Attached: flushed-away-s.jpg (600x891, 302.22K)

My theory is that they’re just trying to make common words synonymous with their brand.

Holy fuck look at those space jugs!

It definitely gets some fetish points.

>From the creators of Shrek and Wallace & Gromit
Not a sentence I was expecting to see.

> It's a damn shame Dreamworks dropped 2D soon after.

Considering Shrek printed more money for them...