"Moooommmmm, Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella are in the backyard and they're..."

"Moooommmmm, Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella are in the backyard and they're..."

Attached: 646789.jpg (1191x671, 81.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


"...having rough unprotected sex. Yes dear I know. If you want to join in just ask them."

Attached: Linda_is_annoyed.jpg (1032x581, 84.6K)

>having sex with Isabella
you KNOW that it would really be Ferb bringing over Vanessa for the threesome while Isabella walks in and says "watcha doin'?" before running away crying

Candace has never once mentioned Isabella in bust attempts, and has only once tried to get Vivian's attention to the boy's activities. Candace and Isabella are bros.


I've only seen Phineas and Ferb in passing but I never sat down to watch through it entirely. but these Candice memes is making me interested. should I watch the whole thing or can I just watch her episodes.

She's in basically every episode. She's the real star of the show.

There are certain episodes that stand out for her but she's in just about every episode. One of the creators said that the brothers provide the setting but Candace is the main character.

er'yeht dna draykcab eht ni era Allebasi dna Bref, Saenihp, Mmmmmoooom.


Playing ball? Eating ice cream? Flying a kite? Help me out here.

Lynching niggers

Isabella is not for sexual.


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Why is Yas Forums so racist lately? Is there a school vacation or something? I cant imagine who else other than children would find that type of humor funny.

Then why not call the show Candace

>Yas Forums so racist lately?
Get back to rddt kiddo

"...making a shit thread again!"


She's just hoping that Phineas would marry her and finally move away

>can I just watch her episodes

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Woah Swampy I thought you were cool with black people

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.yllamron gnikaeps eb dluohs ellivnad ni eno yreve detcurtsed fles teg t'nseod ti sa gnol sa woN .AERA ETATS-IRT ERITNE EHT fo lortnoc ekat dna pu esir ot srehtorb ztrimhsnefood owt eht fo retteb eht gniwolla ,esnes ekam reve lliw syas regor gnihton won .rotani-txet-sdrawkcab eht .noitnevni LIVE tsewen ym detaerc evah i yhw ecneH .sdrawkcab sseccus sregor nrut ot erew i fi tahw ,em kcurts ti neht lleW .em naht retteb gnihtyreve deveihca s'eh woh dna royam s'eh woh dna regor rehtorb ym tuoba gnikniht tsuj saw i eeS .uoy rof esirprrrruuuuS a evah I .uoy ees ot doog sti ,supytalp eht yrreP hhhA

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Just watch Perry the Platypus versus Doofensmirch.

He is, that's why he's giving them a shower

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Does Candace have the cutest feet?

This feels like it would be an episode with a bunch of palindromes in it

Lurk more faggot.
"faggot" and "nigger" has been an ingrained part of 4chans vocabulary since day 1.

The show has a fun premise with interesting character designs, but it's very formulaic and the characters are about two-dimensional at best. Basically, if you've seen one episode, you've pretty much seen the entire series.

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>t. Hasn't watched Phineas and Ferb

This show's actually spectacular, easily wipes the floor with any comedy cartoon from the 2000s. The way it iterates on formula is always very clever while also very easy to understand. The specials and movie (soon to be movies) break the formula and are generally seen as better for it, but I'd argue it's because we have a baseline for the formula that breaking it is as fun as it is.

Well said, user.

What’s the best song, Anons?

For me, it’s Mysterious Force youtu.be/vVCHE4VSmes

>the last 2 cds will never be ripped
I'm still mad.
Also, Chains On Me is severely underrated. Dan is one hell of a singer.

Attached: Candace lewd.png (1145x685, 265.29K)

is there a certain point you recommend I should stop watching is there no sharp decline?

Stop halfway through season 4. It's very clear they started running out of ideas and had to resort to the second rate pile to fill out the entire season. It's not unwatchable drek by any means, but it's not up to the standards of the rest of the show.

There is no decline, user is exaggerating. Just watch the show retard.

eh, the worst it ever got was the shitty marvel crossover. definitely the shows lowest point, but not worth dropping the rest of the season for.

I watched the whole show recently because the stuff that people had been posting about Candace, Perry and Doof got me curious. The show was fun and I'd recommend it. It felt very formulaic in the beginning of the first season, but after they were done establishing the formula, they did enough unexpected twists on it to make it fun every time.
If you want to see just "her episodes", that's like almost every episode. There are a tiny handful of episodes that do an unusual plot featuring only some of the supporting cast, but in most episodes Candace is the central character of the A-plot.

I didn't notice much of a quality decline during the show. Fourth season had some points where I was thinking that something felt slightly off, but for the most part it was fine. Towards the end, the show had multiple episodes that felt like they would've been either a good or at least an acceptable series finale.
What was noticeable was the difference in characterization of the "special" episodes, though. Phineas' character is usually very laid-back, but some of the extra-long episodes show him losing his temper for the sake of pushing some character drama.
If you like the series enough to want more, and if you decide to jump to Milo Murphy's Law because of its connections to Phineas and Ferb, that's the point where there's a decline in quality. MML's characters and writing just didn't feel all that appealing to me.

Which CDs do you mean?

Attached: Phineas and Ferb - S01E35-E36 - Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat & Put That Putter Away (1080p WEB-DL x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 2.0 RCVR) [UTR].mkv_snapshot_18.45_[2020.02.01_19.00.17].jpg (1920x1080, 317.21K)

This. But don’t watch AYA.


There's 2-3 unripped music cds from the show. Or at least they were nowhere to be found when some user posted the others a couple years ago.

Backyard hodgepodge, Top Car episode, Candace being a guy. All worse than the marlel crossover, and all from the second half of season 4. At least the crossover had some amusing moments like Candace fangirling hard.

I don't think there was ever really a sharp decline so much as there were some weak season Three and Four episodes because most of the attention was obviously being focused elsewhere on the movie or specials. It's particularly noticeable in Season Four because of the sheer number of hour long episodes that season had so you had more episodes that weren't necessarily bad so much as just there. Like the baseball episode.

Is that including the staff only CD with Doof and Monogram doing covers of Christmas songs?

What are their names though? I have six CDs downloaded, but I'm wondering if the missing ones feature any songs I'd like to have.
What bothers me is that some songs that I liked didn't seem to get released on any soundtracks at all. Like for example these ones:

>Top Car episode

You mean Live and Let Drive? That had Cheryl and her Evil Lair song.

As in, posted or unripped? I've never heard about a staff only thing.

You're missing one.
Phineas & Ferb-ulous - The Ultimate Album (2011) [MP3]
Phineas and Ferb - Across the First and Second Dimension (2011) [MP3]
Phineas and Ferb - Holiday Favorites (2010) [MP3]
Phineas and Ferb - Last Day of Summer (2015) [AAC]
Phineas and Ferb - Rockin' and Rollin' (2013) [AAC]
Phineas And Ferb Soundtrack (2009) [FLAC]
Phineas and Ferb Star Wars (2014) [MP3]

5 seconds on wiki tells me Christmas Vacation and Summer Belongs To You are the missing ones. And some karaoke CD but even I am not autistic enough to want that.

>new year
Oh god, all these years and I still want to do unspeakably lewd things to Olivia Olsons voice.

Just watch the show, faggot.

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Whether or not it was in the count. Dan and Swampy made the crew a CD for Christmas one year that was part regular songs from the show and the rest was all-new Christmas songs done in character.

>all that rule34 of the fireside girls

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When will they announce the new season?

I sincerely doubt that will ever surface, unless one of the crews somehow loses his copy in an accidental yardsale or something equally outlandish.

Glorious, isn't it?
Gretchen best fireside girl, but an Isabella is fine too.

>new season?
You dun goofed. There's a movie in the works, not a season. And that's probably a good thing if the latter half of season 4 is anything to go by.

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The show is good, but it is extremely repetitive. It's hard to watch in extended dosages. They had a big marathon of it last year and my brain hurt after a few hours. I guess you can say any show would do that to you, but the majority of episodes follow the same predictable formula that, although usually done creatively, is tiring.

I will. Keep your panties on.
Not planning to binge it.

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With Chapek running Disney do you think a PnF revival is more likely?

The show hasn't been off air that long, it's recent enough to still get attention. If they wait too long though it won't get any traction.

honestly they really should have redesigned the P&F characters(besides Doof of course) when they showed up in MML, it's just so awkward comparing the two styles(though in general I'm of the opinion that when shows with different styles crossover, they should pick one of them to be the style that everyone is drawn with, it's something the FOP/Jimmy Neutron crossovers got right)

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The original SIMP
(squirrels in my pants)

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They did tweak Vanessa's design more towards MML in her appearance on the show and it just wound up making her look slightly weird.

I think the main reason the kids looked weird in the crossover was less their designs and more that they were way too large relative to Milo and his friends compared to how they were relative to Candace on PnF.

Reminder that Dan and Swampy care more about Phineas and Ferb than their newest show

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They're from the same universe, though

It's now more likely because Chapek wants to be as cheap and gain as much revenue as possible, so he's likely gonna milk PnF.


It's watching PnF interact with background characters.


PnF is honestly more compelling

>series is called Phineas and Ferb
>the protagonists are Candace, Doofenschmirtz, and Perry

The only advantage that Milo has over PnF is that it is less formulaic. Everything else was better done in PnF.

Milo isn't fun to watch.

Agreed and you all have based opinions

Candice is flat for a teenager, no wonder why she couldnt get that blonde guy

But she eventually did

this is bait, right?

Blonde guy has shit taste
i havent watched this show in a long time, I even thought Candace was a less flat than that, but thats a false memory.


Hey it kinda happened to Hey Arnold too

Then you missed the episode where Candace farted in front of him and he said it was cute.

Candace is all ass; it's just that the skirt hides it so you only see it in the episodes where she wears jeans.


in the show is one of body types, Stacy and Jenny are flat also.

For real!!

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She should wear jeans more often.
They looks great on her.

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posting best Candace outfit

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She does have nice ones, doesn't she?
Tits, I mean.

Why birds?

What are those birds called?


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By George, I think he's got it!

I'm begging you to go back

It's actually a bit mindboggling.
You'd think a show that has fucking Weird Al of all people as the main VA would be a hoot from start to finish.

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Not enough cast playing off of each other?

I don't know why that made me laugh as hard as I did.

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Weird Al wasn't involved with the writing of the show. There weren't enough Milo songs either.

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Speaking of MML, anyone mind posting the folders with web-dl? Could swear I had them bookmarked, but apparently not.

Base64 is fine, if you're into that.

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I know he had nothing to do with the writing. It's just that Al is basicly a living incarnation of FUN so you'd expect the show to be hilarious as well
It's pretty much the same deal as studios using BIGNAMEACTOR as VAs for cartoons for the free publicity.

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>that 14bis thread on /delicious/

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Perhaps they didn't study Weird Al enough to see what kind of writing and character interactions suits him the most. A Weird Al-centric cartoon could be good, but a show a bit too serious wouldn't fit him as much.

It didn't help that Melissa and Zack weren't interesting enough to compliment Milo's super-optimism.

there are even the patreon pics?

No, it's his very old porn. It's unmistakably his style, but many of them doesn't have his signature.

Reminder this is the best song.

I was surprised to learn he played Milo. I've seen Weird Al to do lots of cameos and guest appearances for minor supporting characters, but I don't think I've ever seen him voice the main character of a show before. I've assumed that he's too busy with other stuff to agree to a voice-acting gig that would require more long-term commitment than just cameos.

And yeah, I've been trying to figure out how could MML fail to capture the same kind of feeling as Phineas and Ferb even though the same people were involved, but I'm not sure what happened. All I can say is that IMO the characterization of the main cast was pretty lacking. I saw MML just last month but can't remember the names of some of the major characters anymore, they were just kind of forgettable. They didn't have as entertaining personalities, goals, conflicts, character flaws or hidden sides as the main characters of P&F. I think I would've stopped watching the show if I hadn't been aware that Doof, Perry and others will eventually appear in it.

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Reminder that this show was miles better than Gravity Falls. The humor is funnier, more sophisticated and doesn't try as hard to come across as witty. It also doesn't have corny orchestral cues everytime there's a punchline.

The comedy in F&F is better because it's supposed to be a comedy pretty much 100% of the time.

Gravity Falls was usually a pretty good comedy and had an interesting mystery angle until the last half of season 2.

Disagree. GF was an unfunny show with the ocassional laugh, which are almost always delivered by Stan. He's the only one who delivers jokes with some nuance and adult appeal.

The genres of the shows aren't even remotely the same.
Stop comparing unrelated things, you autist.

As a whole, i felt that GF was a show that simply missed the mark. It had all of the elements to be something great, but the show just never came together. Maybe it's because the characters were not likeable, or because the humor was too childlish, i dunno. The show simply doesn't "come alive" imo

Why not ? GF was a comedy. There's barely a dramatic moment in it, and even if there's is, it's always undercut by a joke, one liner or a phony orchestral cue that takes away all of the seriousness. They literally have Soos fainting after the Ford reveal for no reason other than a cheap laugh.


posted for no damn good reason

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Even some adults have that body type.

Just remove Soos and Mabel. Would the show be better?

Remove Soos. He wasn't funny. Giffany gets to stay.

Removing Soos would give Wendy more room to actually get involved in the twins adventures.

Why not compare GF with MML instead? They both have mysteries involved.

Based on they don't seem to care about MML enough to develop its characters

They had a lot of one-off characters whose time could've been used to develop its existing characters.

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Just imagine gobblewonker or the pterodactyl episodes with Wendy instead of Soos.

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Remove Soos and Mabel, or give them more toletable personalities. Give more emphasis to Wendy or Pacifica, and try to make a Dipper a more nuanced character with some actual motivations to solve the mistery, like Dib. Improve the comedy and soundtrack, and you have a pretty good show.

You can say that to a bunch of Disney animated shows.

True, but they didn't pretend to be anything else more than that. GF did, which doesn't work on its favor.

Best thing is that picture is totally on character.

How would you compare it to Milo Murphy’s Law then?

I haven't even see Milo's murphy law yet, is it any good? Has it gotten anywhere? I just remember seeing the promos for it on TV. Last time I saw Pheneas and Ferb they had a random episode playing and that star wars special. I need to catch up on it.

If you're in it for the comedy only, it's OK. Doofenshmirtz, Cavendish, and Dakota are arguably the best parts of the show. The kids are forgettable.

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Personally i was extremely disappointed by MML. Even the PnF characters were just lame in it, they didnt feel like themselves, and their dedicated crossover episode was played too seriously. Not even Doof got laughs out of me, felt like it was a completely different character.

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Who's this?

Underrated character

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Melissa needs more lewds.

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She's a bland character.

Would Phineas and Isabella look good in an outfit swap with each other?

>"How funny would it be if Phineas and Isabella switched outfits?. Anyone got a picture like that haha?"

good for the loli content, 9/10


Are you people seriously getting horny over Finland and Frank? Of all shows?
Like I'm into loli shit too, but P&F is like, the number one least sexual thing I can imagine.
The hell is wrong with you people?

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Women tend to look for character in men rather than physical appearance

Or PnF are the epitomy of innocence and that can attract some people (as shitty as that is)

I bet you're the type of person that doesn't think there is a difference between a black man and a nigger.

Baljeet and Buford getting bigger roles made him unnecessary.

He still got a place in fan fiction

Given PnF's comedic nature, it's more than likely the latter. eugh.

is right.

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I prefer brick.

/toy/ would fucking lynch you.

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They'e the catalysts and the glue that holds the show together. Just cause you relate, sympathize and enjoy the side characters more doesn't mean that they are the central characters of the series. After all this series isn't a character study

Would Doofenshmirtz's Professor Time Arc be considered a character study?


MML Season 2, essentially

Danville itself lost a lot of its personality between PnF and MML. Just having more of the same background characters or things like Roger still being the Mayor (even in a non-speaking role) would have made a big difference there.

>Oh, great, a PnF thread.
>Insist on talking about Milo in these threads.

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Milo is the "spin-on" of PnF, after all.

Fireside Girl Katie.
She's really strong and is the only one who doesn't wear socks with her uniform.

These threads can turn into a Danville thread.

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>the number one least sexual thing I can imagine.
Watch the Fireside Girls episodes. Gretchen, Ginger and Isabella are definitely for sexual.

I've seen a Fireside Girl episode and I fail to see how.

I'm somewhat disappointed he's not reaching out with his foot instead.

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Uh, got anymore pixels to spare?

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Hey Isabella, you were daydreaming again.

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shameless flirt

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>A threesome with Linda and Candace.

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>tiny cowboy
The absurd number of bands in the show was always one of my favorite completely irrelevant details.

>Tiny Cowboy
>Love Handel
>Paisley Sideburn Brothers
>Marty the Rabbit Boy and his Musical Blender
Who else am I missing?


This. Candace Flynn-Fletcher is to Phineas and Ferb as Helga Pataki is to Hey Arnold!.

Phineas and the Ferbtones
Jeremy and the Incidentals
Max Modem
Bowling For Soup (shut up, they had a cameo. It counts)
Boyz 'n the park

I know there's more, but I'd have to do research to find them and I can't be assed to do that. If you want to get really technical, Vanessa also mentions a band (hookfang/blackfang?) in the episode were Jeremy is trying to teach Doof to play guitar.

Interestingly, not counting the episode of the 2nd dimension, since technically everyone is absent. Perry is the only character that appears in all episodes. Phineas and Ferb do not physically appear in the countdown with Kelly Osborne.

I'll admit I'm trying to forget that episode, but I'm fairly certain they both have screentime in it.

Is there an episode Heinz isn't in?

Doof, you're speaking backwards! The backwards-text-inator accidentally shot you, didn't it?

Bicentennial Crab

The P&F wiki says
>He appeared in almost every episode except for ("Isabella and the Temple of Sap") and "(Ferb TV)" (Speaking cameo)

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That's the first countdown.

Don't know who got it worse, Peedee from SU or this kid.

That's a lot.

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and f3rb

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It's like you have Sabrina Carpenter in the show and you expect her to sing.


Also a suitable response.

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Are the Japanese tan or pale?

I can’t wait for the Phineas and Ferb movie coming to Disney+. It’s too bad the show could never get a theatrical film, yet SpongeBob is getting its third this year. The shows were RIVALS at one point in time!

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They're a sort of light brown-tan in the show. Dana is probably Asian as well since she's about the only recurring character with that skin tone that isn't a Hirano.

I wonder what kind of Asian she is.

Funny how the Teacher's Pet show got a thetrical film but not PnF.

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I think that theatrical film is in like, development hell or something? Because they specifically noted that this Disney+ movie is not the same as the theatrical movie they had been planning.

Phineas and Ferb came out a decade too late. By the late 2000s, theatrical film adaptations of popular cartoons weren’t as common as before. Also, as a Disney Channel series, it was always fated to instead get a DCOM for television like its contemporaries, barring Hannah Montana

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P&F have leapfrogged past movies into live theater.

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Those threads were quite entertaining.

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I beat my dick silly to squirrels in my pants.



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Nah I was pretty happy.

iirc they had an initial concept where it's more like a Roger Rabbit movie, but the PnF crew didn't like the idea.

A shame.


I didn’t like the idea.



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It did.

Is the sequel/spin-off worth watching?

It has its charm, but like most things, it suffers from a lack of Candace.

Not sure actually. The reception ranges from good to meh, but mostly the latter.

Why do everyone like Gretchen, especially?

I don't see that many Gretchen-lovers here.


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Please give me some context here. It’s been a while since I last saw the show.

Gretchen and Ferb was a pretty common ship back in the day for whatever reason; I guess because she was a no-nonsense competent type.

I kinda wonder what the future will be for Vanessa and Ferb since the whole Love Actually in-joke is gone now that David Errigo seems to have replaced Brodie-Sangster.

>David Errigo seems to have replaced Brodie-Sangster
Why’d he quit the show anyway? Does Thomas think he’s “too good” for a Phineas and Ferb or something?

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he's busy

Yeah especially since Ferb's only speaks roughly one line in the crossover

>trying to give Stacy the confidence boost necessary to confess her feelings for me

Can someone tell me if this is real and if so from what episode?

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OK, Candace.

It's the "Monster from the Id" episode where the gang goes inside Candace's subconscious to look for some information she wanted to find. A bunch of characters decide to just come in uninvited. Buford offers Isabella a tour inside Candace's mind.

Yeah, episode "What'd I miss".
Vanessa's appearance lasts only for a couple of seconds though, and she has no dialogue.

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Thank you, Context user.

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I think she has a character design that catches people's attention because of her eyes. They're more cutesy than the normal style of the series. Did any other character in the entire show have the same sort of eyes as her? I can't remember anyone right now.

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Wait, what is that picture? It has Doof's early design but it also shows those bugs? So the concept of the bugs wasn't just a strange and experimental late addition; it was something that existed in the original drafts of the story?

Nope, they intended to have three plots instead of two, actually (one of them involve the bugs)

Is that a porn?!

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The original pitch for the show was that there would be three segments per half hour that would occasionally overlap since they were all going on at the same time.

One segment would be the boys, another would be Perry and Mittelshmirtz, and the third would be the bugs. So you'd get a peek of Perry in the background of one segment and the boys would be doing whatever around what the bugs were up to.

Were do you think we are?

Was the shtick of the bugs always about attempting to get in contact with the mankind, or was their subplot originally supposed to be something different? Also, is there some source that discusses/shows the early plans in more detail? I love early concepts and comparing how they differ from the final product.

I'd love a PnF concept book.

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I don't know that they've ever said; one of the promo images in that looks to be a Don Quixote parody and the one more specifically for the bugs has a boxing episode and a Dracula parody.

At a guess, they were probably originally more about the bugs trying to understand humanity through emulating it that trying to contact it directly.

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"Mom, Phineas and Ferb are making a human centipede!"

I don’t know too much about the specifics Dan & Swampy had in mind for how the three bugs would fit into the show (the PnF Wiki might be your best bet), but I do have this pic of the original pitch bible Dan shared a while back.

I agree. That would be very interesting, especially considering the show’s insane development period.

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Neat stuff. I had seen pic related before, but it left out the bugs so I had no idea they originally used to play a role. I found them odd, distracting and annoying in the show, and I couldn't understand why they were added, but it makes some amount of sense now (even if I still don't like them). Artists/creators do sometimes dig up some of their old scrapped concepts and try to make some use out of them. Irving's character seems to have popped into the series in a similar way, too.

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It still kills me that Irving is LITERALLY the only character who never changed.

I wonder if he was the original Baljeet, but was then replaced and had his design repurposed for a smaller role

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Irving was likely de facto replaced twice; the first time when his audience surrogate/ordinary kid role was handed to Django and then again when Django was replaced by Baljeet who also stepped into the nerd role that Irving could also have filled.

Did you mean to reply to , by any chance?

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while the Candace we got in the show almost definitely has a better personality than what proto-Candace would have had(considering it was the mid-90's she probably would have been in the "bitchy mean older sister" template that was common in that era rather than the more nuanced take we got due to the show taking a decade to get made), I do think Proto-Candace has an overall more appealing design than show Candace does(if mostly because of the hair)

>I do think Proto-Candace has an overall more appealing design than show Candace does(if mostly because of the hair)
I get that, but a crucial part of PnF's design aesthetic were the strong character silhouettes, specifically through the use of broad shapes and sharp angles.

I also really love the color palette we ended up with. It's iconic and really pops out.

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I feel like the original pitch might've turned out the other way, and there was a danger the boys could've ended up kinda unlikable. But two things fixed that:

-Phineas' characterization. The "Rollercoaster" episode is weird to watch in hindsight, since Phineas seems unusually cranky and uncaring. He doesn't seem to care if the rollercoaster is safe or not, or if he ends up hurting people's feelings. In most later episodes he's just too cheerful and pure to act like that, and he only pisses off people out of naive obliviousness rather than because he's a mean little shit. Candace's antagonism with him is one-sided and a pointless quest; the boys would be happy to spend time with her if she just agreed to it.

-Jeremy. He doesn't appear in the pitch pictures and it looks like he was originally either nonexistent or had a smaller role. Anyway, in the final show Candace manages to get both little and big victories by advancing her relationship with him. It makes her constant failures feel less awful in the big picture, and helps keep both Candace and the boys sympathetic.

Without Phineas and Ferb being supportive towards Candace and without Jeremy helping Candace gain some victories, I think it would've developed into a Sylvester/Tweety or Roadrunner/Coyote situation where I just want the antagonist to win because their target is too insufferable to root for.

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Phineas was even crankier in the pitch reel, if you could believe it. I still love his exchange with Isabella here (7:00 mark):

>Watcha doin?
>Building a rollercoaster.
>In your backyard?
>Some of it.
>...Isn't that kiiinda impossible~?
>. . .
>Is there something I can do for you?

If a P&F revival happens, I want them to bring that long-form storytelling stuff from MML over. The one thing I think it nailed was being able to be episodic while still having a plot and then making a climax to that plot the season finale. Also the crew would be obligated to make Meap Me in St Louis.

Lol, my boy Phineas don’t got NO TIME for thots

They should bring in someone who’s better at making multi-episode arcs than the one we had in MML.

Yes, protagonist who win always often become too insufferable. Writers worked well on PaF making them more sympathetic.

Just compare the show to Grojband where both the brother protagonist and the sister antagonist are jerks but we are supposed to root for the boy who torment his sister to get lyrics from her.

I get the need for Candace to have a strong silhouette and all, but the way they handled how her forehead and hair intersect is downright atrocious, it's no wonder that they had her in alternate hairstyles so often(and for that matter probably also realized how unflattering her default outfit is on someone with such a nonexistent figure, hence why she has outfit changes just as frequently)

very true, the decade that it took them to make P&F a reality probably helped as it allowed them to better realize what did and didn't work in other cartoons with similar premises

I don't think a revival series would be a good idea. The summer ended, so what should happen next? School? The next summer?
Everyone ended up in a good place. The kids had a lot of promise and hope in their future. Future scenes showed that they would eventually grow up, go studying, find partners, get influential jobs, and at least Candace would have a family. Her and Doof seemed to realize that their goals were not worth all that trouble and that they should do something better with their time. Doof apparently quit evil.
I feel like the "Last day of summer" was the kind of an episode where you have to end the story, because continuing after that point would mean overstaying your welcome. If you make episodes that take place after the end of the summer but before the timeskip, and if you have Candace still trying to bust her brothers or Doof still fighting Perry, the finale loses some of its emotional impact.
Also, since P&F manages to make a simple formula work so well while MML wasn't very entertaining, I wouldn't trust a longer storyarc in P&F.

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>MML wasn't very entertaining, I wouldn't trust a longer storyarc in P&F.

Do you think it’s because of the storyarc format itself? It may work if they involve the more interesting PnF characters.

Storyarcs as a format aren't a problem, it's just that I don't trust the same people from MML to pull them off.
I usually enjoy continuity-driven shows, but trying to do a longer storyarc in P&F seems like it would most likely introduce more serious character drama into a series that was about comedic standalone stories. Their formula worked for the show, so I'm not sure if it would be a good idea trying to alter it.

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>Storyarcs as a format aren't a problem, it's just that I don't trust the same people from MML to pull them off.
This. The story arc execution is poor.

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Fuck Starco. That shit’s got nothing on Candace and Jeremy’s blossoming summer love.

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Zalissa FTW!!

this pairing puzzled me, as I thought she was interested in Milo, as she befriended him when they were very young.

>inb4 salty Milolissa fans

No, she’s been developing interest towards Zack throughout Season 2.

Just because they’re childhood friends doesn’t mean they’ll end up together.

While Jeremy wasn't as fleshed-out as some other characters, I liked him. He starts out as this cool guy who looks like the unattainable Mr. Perfect, so Candace is just having a secret crush and kinda stalking him. Then they gradually get more friendly interactions together, until eventually they get their kiss and officially state that they are a couple. During their relationship we learn that Jeremy might not be as cool and composed as Candace thought; he'd had his own secret crush on her too, he gets nervous and excited in her company in a similar way as she does in his, and he's got some of his own goofy traits. Also, he's laid-back enough to put up with all the various neuroses of Candace, and he brightens her life. It's just sweet.

This made me think just "...uh, okay?". I hadn't gotten any particular romantic vibe from the interactions of the main trio.

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Friendly reminder to ignore tendas samefag shitposting.

Tenda, you dad will always be white and there's nothing you can do about it. Keep your anti-white spam on Yas Forums.

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Literally who?

What said. I'm so fucking burned out from the trope where good friends get together romantically just because they're of the opposite sex. Can't a guy and girl just remain platonic FOR ONCE?

On a side note, did this ever go anywhere? I haven't really watched much of Season 2 after Disney pissed me off with the hiatus.

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Lol, I dunno

>On a side note, did this ever go anywhere?
Of course, in fact, their interactions are one of the best parts of Season 2. They gave us the best episode of the show: Cake Splosion.

Bretty gud

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Haha, cool

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The duality of man

haha eww thats gross

Why did Candace never just take a picture of Phineas and Ferb's inventions?

She tried that. It never works.

She did.

Smh, fake fan

At least a Disney Plus exclusive movie of Meap Me in St Louis would suffice

It's a good sissifying outfit

Anyone else think Veronica's kinda hot?

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I miss her ;_;

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>one-shot characters

But CUTE one shot characters.

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So the parents are cute too?

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>implying it's just recently that Yas Forums has been more racist than usual.

Lurk moar, newfag. It's always been like this since the creation of the board and the same can be said for the whole site.

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People ship Isabella with Doof?

Shit ship and shit art. It's first together.

Doof's head looks like the yellow bird from 'Angry Birds'.

I don't keep up with the FnF fandom, however I don't doubt for a second someone ships Perry with Lawrence.

I’d fuck the mom, if that’s what you’re asking

He's Isabella's dad

hot like the sun

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He’s probably Melissa’s dad too then

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Unlikely, but it could be her mother.

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Damn... At first glance, the thumbnail made me think this bitch had finally gotten some art

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It’d be funny if Doof getting around with various women during his prime, leading to many bastard children around the Tri-State Area, was canon.


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I know I’ll get some flack for this, but I just don’t really feel anything for Vanessa Doofenshmirtz. I like her design, but she’s about as attractive as Mavis, which is not at all.

There are countless PnF background characters that get my dick harder than Vanessa ever could. Maybe she's just too generic for my taste?

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I think Vanessa is a bit overrated. The majority of her character is simply being Doof's daughter.

Every time I see this thread get bumped up back to Page 1, I instantly get this classic blasting in my head: youtube.com/watch?v=k3nOrZnC8Ek

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I think she’s just fanservice

What do you have against Cyborg, Phineas?

Talking about fansservice, how fanservicy is Melissa supposed to be? She basically has the same body as Vanessa.

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It's kinda weird how Melissa has such a curvy body. She is supposed to be "attractive" but she's 13 years old. Trixie Tang is a good example to make a "fanservicy" character without coming off as too creepy.

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None of the PnF characters get my dick hard because it's an extremely nonsexual artstyle and the fact you people do get your rocks off to it is disturbing to me

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Based and trianglepilled

I don’t know but there’s def some that could make a desert flood if you catch what I’m saying

This has been mentioned before but Phineas and Ferb can rape Candace everyday during summer vacation and their mom won't ever believe her

This is just double Code Lyoko-style Gwen

Maybe they got hit with the Ship-inator.

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There is such a thing as a rape kit?

Imagine if the rape kit gets destroyed by the Mysterious Force

Or Doof creates the MeToo-inator and it somehow ties into the destruction of the rape kit.

Like I said, Mysterious Force.

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here, Doof starts to consider the possibility that that last batch of weed he got may have been laced with something.

>size difference of hands
A woman drew this, right?

Candace is sexual

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cursed image

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>not on private trackers

I pity you. Have some FLAC albums


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"...and the lube is in the usual place, behind the towels in the linen closet."

Would a mini series work? Phineas and Ferb Spring Break. The duration of the show is equivalent to the amount of days during a typical Spring break.

You know it we’re into size different shit but this particular ship is disgusting.

I dunno, how would you envision a series like that? Would there be a timeskip that causes visible changes in character design, or would the kids still look the same? Still be the same thing with Candace trying to get her brothers busted, or something different? Would Doof's subplot be about villainy, teaching, OWCA, or attempts to become Professor Time? 11-minute or 22-minute episodes? More use of continuity like in Milo Murphy's Law, or episodic like the original show?

I would think 22 episodes since it’s a mini series that would probably be like 12-13 episodes. I think it’d be fun to see them do a seperate plot on Candace’s personal life like they sometimes did in the show (she mellows with age). This would be Sping Break for a couple-few year after the Summer break. We can have one-off characters come back for certain plots. Outfits are similar but like what they did for the Hey Arnold jungle movie or Invader Zim movie. I think it’d be neat for Phineas and Ferb to still build stuff, but awkward puberty ensues, so it clouds their judgement. Doof would prob try live a normal life but at times relapse into villainy. Also get Meap Me in St Louis. I’m no writer but it can definitely work.

Here's an old edit.

Attached: that bitch.jpg (1273x713, 136.09K)

>22 minute episodes

I'm not enough of an audiophile to care if it's FLACebo or not, but holy shit user. I love you in the gayest possible way. nohomo
>tfw just hit bandwidth limit right before seeing that post
I'll get them within the next 24 hours.

I used to have ptp and btn accounts, but I got out of my habit with checking in once a week to keep them alive and eventually they got pruned for inactivity. I miss them occasionally, but keeping ratio is annoying as shit. Even if you get points for seeding, it's still a hassle.

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Now you’re not even trying to be creative with your necrobumps

A bump is a bump at least

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Girls in her pants?

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What kind of song would Sabrina Carpenter sing had she sung in MML?

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"girl power"


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I love her.

Cool outfit, huh?


*confused president noises*

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Which Latin American country did her parents come from?

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I can't even count in how many ways I dislike this image. Is there more? The fuck is this?

It's from a P&F 3dpd musical, if memory serves.

Baljeet’s the most normal looking one here

Do you have a link?

That Stacy is cute


I think Stacy is a bit ... hot.

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Sauce please

Looks like DBaru to me

Bill Murray?

Evil Boys hits me right in the sides, but I'm probably disproportionately pleased by the blues pastiche.

wew lad

What's she wearing?

At least he still fills the spot as PnF's biggest fanboy

>Doof steals the show.
Is this what Dan and Swampy intended?

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When was that drawn? This is my first time seeing it.

I knew this was going to be the first post. I somehow just fucking knew it.
I've spending too much time on this fucking website.
Fuck sake.

have a load of this nigger

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Doofenshmirtz could beat Rick

Don't mind me, just posting best song

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If you were only pruned for inactivity then it's just a simple matter of checking into their IRC channel and they'll re-enable you. I make a small (about 5-10 dollars) to the sites I really like and then you become immune from inactivity. As for ratio you really have no excuse for BTN since it's ratioless. You just have to seed for a while.

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>Neither Sabrina Carpenter nor Mekai Curtis were involved in this.

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What, you mean Zack and Melissa’s regular VAs didn’t sing that song? It’s been a while since I’ve seen MML, so I don’t remember all these details

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Wasn't the line here
>scream if you want more

No, Zack’s singing voice was Aaron Jacob.

Fuck off redditor

>thinks that’s bad


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yes, yes it was

what does this means?

Did anyone happen to ntice the pic on the drum?

>Mary Sue

I really liked this song. I wish Richard sang more in the show. Can you imagine a duet with him and Linda?

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It's all Yas Forums plants sent here to invade

Funny how Norm is absent in the crossover because he is immune to all the shit that was going on.

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