Post an image that motivates you to lift

Post an image that motivates you to lift.

Attached: 0192841.jpg (1515x2048, 234.81K)

that's a dude

Brunettes are trash especially dark hair closer to black. Blondes are superior in every way, even fake ones.

>lifting for women

Does that have a dick?

How big is his penis?

Who is she ?

What a plebian opinion. Med women with dark curly hair are the GOAT. You can have all the snowniggers.

Attached: 783d7b2c003a5d7bb27023f7f4b0f3fd.jpg (2500x1586, 417.78K)

You must be joking...

Fuck thots just be ur self

Attached: A9C6360C-EEDB-4972-9079-F917EA6785E4.jpg (728x865, 133.71K)

that's a wrong opinion

Attached: 1551380059870.jpg (960x960, 110.96K)

Attached: 1588196832388~2.png (675x995, 411.88K)


And yes, that is a biological male.

B.E yourself


Guaranteed replies.

Attached: Nigella.png (1114x776, 1.86M)

Attached: tomboy4.jpg (652x604, 31.23K)

>yes goy, fight to the death! fight for (((us)))!

I wanna have this body
Always look at my dream bodies when I feel down

Attached: 6ddcfed84ca6852d9e1523e5e029bbd6.jpg (454x726, 61.27K)

Attached: glorious best korea leader.jpg (800x449, 27.75K)

Blondes are unironically the niggers of the white race

cringe & bluepilled

Attached: kinda gay.jpg (1612x1080, 158.43K)

Lifts to achieve this? Especially the wrapped legs part.

Attached: 1586288851858m.jpg (1024x731, 121.18K)

Attached: whatwillyoulooklike.jpg (1812x1018, 394.12K)

I lift for her.

Attached: dark_sun_gwyndolin___dark_souls_by_nyiccco_ddm59ce-fullview.jpg (1600x2363, 252.72K)


user, I don't know how to tell you this...


Is she a gains goblin though?

One day I will be good enough to ejaculate into my curry queen.

Attached: indo-european woman.webm (576x1024, 1.79M)

That man was in SS Charlemagne

I lift for Cesaro

Attached: cesaro-696x392-1-1280x720[1].jpg (1280x720, 64.71K)

>Blaming the average soldier
>Not recognizing heroism universally