Why aren’t you doing yoga user?

>It builds muscle in the areas lifting won’t; amazing stability
>better bell breathing and bracing control
>improves blood flow and flexibility,
>more nutrients towards the muscles
>made me way more vascular, and my bf % didn’t change much, it’s around 11-12%
>lowers stress and anxiety, essentially more physical meditation

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It’s also just a step behind actual calisthenics and gymnast work

Because I'm gay

Because calisthenics is better and doesnt have the demonic/pagan shit of yoga
Go shit on the street pajeet cocks

You can do yoga without involving religion you fucking sperg

Thats like saying you can do a demonic invocation ritual without involving religion because youre just moving your body

>he cant stretch without reeeeeeing about spiritualism
Yoga was made fir a different lifestyle. We dont slav-squat all the time as early practitioners if yoga would. As such, we tend to have different tight/weak points in our body. Yoga can exacerbate issue if you just go by the book with it.
That's not even getting into the injury risk for advanced yoga.

Because its heathen poo on street calisthenics. If indians did real exercise they would've won over the pakis by now

ok karen

>fit chimps out against yoga thread again

What about calisthenics? I just bought the convict conditioning program

I trust rebecca brown

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This, why do people have such a big bias against it? You can literally only benefit from doing it regularly, unless you’re a moron and don’t take positions slowly there’s literally no risk of injury, and even then it’s still extremely low, I feel it’s simply ego that clouds the brain

I do both because it's slowly correcting my scoliosis. I don't believe it'll fix it completely, but I figure it must be good for me.

Better than nothing

>Buying a program

Exactly. I'm half an inch taller than I was a few months ago.

Because my gf is into dieting for now, but eventually I'll get her to at least do yoga.

there's too much superstition attached to it. If you strip the bullshit away, you are left with a mediocre version of a calisthenics routine so why even bother with all those gay poses?
you can learn static holds, improve your flexibility and build decent muscle just by doing calisthenics and not looking like a faggot.

yoga lost its effectiveness over time due to mistranslation from practitioner to practitioner over the generations, just like most martial arts become total clown shows due to misrepresentation of the original practise
yoga was essentially calisthenics

Proving my point and OPs point

Because chicks

So buy a yoga book, the good ones can be hard to find but I have one that’s super old and has literally EVERYTHING, and yes calisthenics is based off of old yoga, fucking crazy right?

I do yoga but I don't really have a routine I just do random poses that I've picked up from going to classes. What routines do you do?

Fuck off shitposting child, there is nothing wrong with supporting authors

during the aryan invasion in the indian subcontinent yoga went through revision, there was already yoga before that invasion but it was different
after the vedic era it went through more and more changes, right now it is considered a spiritual practise or some sort of meditation practise but in reality it probably used to be some sort of military focused training regimen for young boys in the indus valley civilization


It’s even easier to just do your own research and save money, but keep telling yourself that

>tfw 6'6
>tfw yoga mats are made for women and manlets (basically the same thing)
>Literally can't find a yoga mat I can fit on when doing laying down positions

I mean for most things it's fine, cos you're rarely lying down, but even in some other positions I'm right at the edges of my mat

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You don’t need a mat, stop coping, I do it on concrete, and use a pillow or balled up clothing if I need a cushion for any position

You missed the
>supporting authors

>he's too immobile to do the asian/slav squat or bend over without injuring himself
Fucking Amerilards how do you manage to stay alive?

buy 2?

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