ITT: The reason why you lift.
ITT: The reason why you lift
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needs bangs
needs banged all right
Ex-turned-fwb is two weeks late, so I did a brain-shattering leg day today to distract myself.
Later I read up on the law and turns out that unless I'm married to her, I'm off the hook. She'd have to sue me, pay for the DNA tests, the whole shebang.
ugly malnourished gook
Nobody cares, faggot, post waifus
Who is that? Kim Jong-Un's sister?
Kill yourself you commie worshipping faggot. This bitch is fucking ugly as shit and looks like an animal. I would love to shove a bayonet up her ass and blow it through her skull, then knock your simp brain to mush right after.
I have a classmate I thought was white who looks exactly like her, guess she might be hapa
Pretty based. It sucks that you will be essentially abandoning a kid and giving them a hard life but at the same time I'm glad you are fine.
For her
Because the cycle must continue user.
>having sex without protection
Why would you choose a few moments of pleasure with the risk of ruining three lives (the baby, the woman, you) over comfy sex without worries?
My cat if he doesn't survive his surgery today
Because the pleasure feels really really good. Condoms are fucking atrocious I can't even cum.
For mai waifu.
I hope he is okay user
for me its natalija
i hate myself full time and I absolutely need to burn at least a thousand calories to reduce the self hate to a manageable level
For Hitler unironically. And so I can express my opinion without fear of being not taken seriously. My body and life will strengthen my legitimacy.
I'm a 5'3". May as well be strong, smart, and sociable even if I can never be average sized or higher. I'm sure that even if I was taller, being weak would make me feel lame.
Abortions are a thing
I am here to spread the good word of CoO (weird Finnish black metal).
There's a few reasons, chief among which is my waifu.
I like it, but this is better:
You zoomers that can't detach yourselves from your exes amuse me. You're watching your former girlfriend suck and fuck a bunch of random dudes yet it's okay because she throws you a whiff of pussy everyone once in a while and you don't know anybody else.
Reminds me of the first ambient Burzum album. This transaction has been a good one.
>tfw no juche mommy
>raw dogging women that you don't want children with
Pretty stupid desu
Spoken like a true incel. No shit cumming inside is a fuck up, but if you really have to ask "why would you CHOOSE..." then you've clearly never had sex. It happens.
this is blackpilling, white zoomers are supposed to be based