>Mfw dad is 6’4 and I’m only 6’0
No one cares
>mfw I am the tallest person I know at 6f 5,5"
>dad just a 6f 4" manlet
Haha manlet
t. 5’11
lol imagine being shorter than your dad. Must be hard for him to respect you.
>Father is 5'6
>Mother is 5'1
>mfw I'm 5'9 which is average height for my country
1/2 inch cope
just being honest unlike 5f6" manlets who all claim to be 5f8"
6' exactly
brother is like 6'2 or 6'3 and my dad is like 5'11
breaking news
your dad got cucked
>dad is 5'5
>mom is 5'4
>im 5'6
well i guess it couldve been worse
>dad is 187cm, I'm 179cm
My other traits are not bad, but not that good either, I'm just plain average in everything, as well as introverted
Literally the opposite for me, dad is 6'0, mom is 5'3, I'm 6'4.
When will they learn
dad is 6'2
mom is 5'3
I'm 5'5
wanted to kill myself since after high school when I realized it wouldn't change
>dad is 5'11
>im 5'7
im still going to grow tho bros..... right?
Sounds like your dad got cucked by a manlet BVLL
Lol maybe get a DNA test bro
Same situation here
I wish he wasnt my father
My mom is 5'1 my dad is 5'7 and I'm like 6'2
Not sure what happened
If you're younger than 17 maybe.
My dad's 5'9 and I'm 6'1
>mfw mom is 5'00" and dad is 5'9"
>mfw I'm a 5'10 manlet cause of my mom
>Mom is 5'4", dad is 6'
>I am 6' and brother is 6'4"
Can't complain really but it's funny having a younger brother that mogs everyone in the house
imagine being sad over something you have absolutely no control over. A sign of stupidity.
why hello me
My brother is 14 and shorter than me at that age.
I know that most of the height is determined by genetics, but what advice can you give me so that it grows much more.
Dad 6’1” I’m 6’3” how do I make sure my sons are at least as tall as me?
>grandfathers are both 6'4
>I'm only 6'1
>my dad is 5'7
Could have been better, could have been worse.
>Dad 6'0
>Uncle 6'0
>brother 6'0
>Me 6'0
At least we're consistent
Hello brother.
t. the taller brother
>entire family is under 6 ft tall
>except younger brother is 6'3
I hate it.