How did the game industry turn into this?

How did the game industry turn into this?

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As graphics improve games get more expensive to develop but raising the price tag of a single game above $70 causes people to back off. So they sell it in parts.

Because you started paying for Xbox Live and PSN. You basically told developers that you are a walking bag of cash, free to be torn open like a virgin on prom night, and that no exploitation is too great for your dumb consoomer ass

both the actual need for it (retarded budgets) and the want for it


Just tech getting better, and how it changed how businesses produce games in the first place. Depending on what blend of Zoomer you are, it may be hard to really understand that... There was no game update in our days. The game had to be in a decently playable state, because there was no hot fix. Game devs for a long time had huge divisions that just played the game over and over again, to bruteforce locate and find as many bugs as possible.

With the slow advent of hotfixing (my brain thinks of like Assassin's Creed: Pirate Version) it meant that more of the business could be focused into other areas (a/v, story, tech, programming). It trimmed the company, trimmed the -cost- and allowed for a quick response to any crippling issues.

Then we, the gamers, took the positives of that and said "this is nice" and the companies began reducing or eliminating the old way.

Companies literally do not produce games in a way that's conducive in the first place to a "more whole" game. What gamers seem to have always wanted is a return to that kind end-product experience, and it's only when gaming companies (indie or otherwise) specifically focus on providing that old-school design philosophy that do it. And still... The business demands it's -profitable.-

> The way games were made was far more complete, solid. But we won't ever return to that outside of companies that specifically try to build that same end user experience.

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This isn't even right anymore my dude, this image is old. Man nowdays they sell you the fucking wireframe and ask modders to fill in the rest.

games barely even support mods anymore dude

>defending jewish business practices because "muh tech"
Reminder that marketing is the majority of budgets. I bet you think hollywood sequel spamming is justified as well.

You forgot the price tags

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What a retarded picture.

Truth hurts, huh?

And yet they aren't any more fun to play.
For retards, now by actual retards.

The short answer is always Jews.

>t. shabbos goy

Wide Lisa cracks me up.

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Don't forget the HD remaster Mona Lisa

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theres no jews in japan tho

Because the general populace doesn't give a fuck and is fine with it, meaning the people who do care are fucked over. Tyranny of the Majority and all that.

Okay. How having 4 parts of a story suddenly a bad thing now? Do people now hate sequels or something?

It's not defending shit. Its just another fact of life that everyone wants to do as little work as possible.

Not really a good argument considering all the little shit like cheap food, vaccines, poisonous water, and IQ. Also take into account that white people are now becoming a minority in America which speaks for itself.

Taking advantage of retards.

Not every god damn video game needs a sequel you absolute moron.

Yeah but OP pic is saying you need to play everything to get the full story. Am I supposed to hate that when each of the game has the same amount of content as any other game?

Yes because padding is retarded.

If the consumer is willing to pay for it, the company has absolutely no incentive to not sell it this way.

I'm not defending companies, mind you - I'm saying that the consumer base for video games is stupid as fuck. Why in the fuck did you guys buy Starcraft 2 1, Starcraft 2 2 and Starcraft 2 3? Why the hell would anyone pay for online? What compelled you to be a shitstain that bought FF7R1 (and likely FF7R2 and 3 when they're released)?

At the end of the day, it's your money. But god damn, you're spending it and punishing yourself by giving the thumbs-up to companies to continue doing greedy shit like this.

The quest for infinite profits is a pathway to many schemes, some considered to be unpleasant.

voting with your wallet doesn't work


Companies own politicians, and the politicians control what you eat, and what you drink, etc. They are making everyone dumber on purpose in order to make more money. Fortunately not everyone is retarded yet, and can see through the bullshit.

no, video games now are a vastly larger market with far greater potential revenue. the problem is simply that people keep buying them, and as with any other product they will continue to reduce it for greater profit until meeting resistance.

It clearly does, retard. If a company releases a game, and next to nobody buys it, you think they're going to waste money to make another?

Go be a retard somewhere else.

>ts just another fact of life that everyone wants to do as little work as possible.
Try talking to actual game devs, no one likes the absolute state of modern gaming. The only people pushing this are the business jews trying to suck every penny possible from the actual game, and then funneling it into marketing.

it doesn't if you are alone retard

Then they should stop fucking working for these companies. Go find another job.

Such bullshit logic. Game budgets got larger, but so did their potential audience. And we probably reached the upper limit of how expensive games can reasonably be ("reasonably" as in for sane reasons and discounting actual mismanagement) about a whole generation ago, either way.
Fuck, budget is already the whole reason AAA always chooses the safest fucking themes\mechanics\genres\whatever anyway, so there's no real reason for splitting games into parts, charging players for unsubstantial DLCs, selling season passes that may or may not be worth it, stupid live service roadmaps that will eventually add shit that should've been present on release or any other dumb shit. It all exists for one simple reason: they vastly increase the potential profit margin without substantially affecting the publishers' bottom line in the long term, because the average video-game consumer is more than happy to be fed a shit sandwich while they eagerly wait in line for the next one.

It does. Stop saying stupid shit like this.

If I don't buy a game with Denuvo, that's $60 the company isn't getting.That is admittedly nothing to them, for sure. I'm not disagreeing here.

If I don't buy it and I can explain to ten other people why they shouldn't support shitty, anti-consumer business practices and they *also* don't buy it, that becomes $660. If each of them mentions this to a friend who similarly doesn't buy it...I mean, you can see how this ends up hurting a bottom line.

It's easy to get disappointed with shit like Battlefront 2's bounce back from the outcry people originally had with the game, about how EA is doing fine with Madden 109284019841 or how Skyrim has been rereleased like eighty times. This is, unfortunately, just consumers being bad consumers.

And before someone says something dumb to the effect of 'not everyone will do this,' no shit. You don't need everyone to be a smart consumer to shape policy. If sales were 20% less, shit, if they were 10% less because people bought products based on their own interests and not just 'oooh yay Tifa tits,' we'd be in a better situation.

corporate greed? business don't actually care about consumers, they just care about maximizing profits however possible.

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See >And before someone says something dumb to the effect of 'not everyone will do this,' no shit. You don't need everyone to be a smart consumer to shape policy. If sales were 20% less, shit, if they were 10% less because people bought products based on their own interests and not just 'oooh yay Tifa tits,' we'd be in a better situation.

You beat him to it. Your idiocy was faster than his typing.