Other urls found in this thread:
why do redditors love mother/earthbound
because muh cult classic
Undertale is better in every way
Yiik is better
Based undertalechad
You're getting a new mom user? cringe
>why does reddit?
>who is reddit?
>what does reddit?
>when is reddit?
>how is reddit?
>where is reddit?
>reddit reddit reddit?
Mother 1 Remake for Switch pls
Because le epik deep story and character interaction even tho undertale did this but way better.
>Nintendo franchise
>obscure franchise but well respected
>normie friendly series that is enjoyed by the hardcore jrpg community
>its quirky and unique, like me!
Ticks all the boxes for reddit
Mother is nothing without the soundtrack
Earthbound ruined a generation of game developers.
>not a spirit
>mother might become relevant again
Porkychads, It's time
zoom zoom
Remake the 3 games for Switch
Mother 1 for 2023
Mother 2/Earthbound 2 for 2026
Mother 3 for 2030
YIIK is probably the best example of Misplaced Effort
I can't speak to Mother 1 but EB sucks and is only really buoyed by hipsters that still think they stand out for liking the most well known """""obscure""""" game of that era.
Mother 3's pretty good though, I'd argue it's overrated but that isn't really a detriment to its actual quality.
How can anyone play Mother 3 and not love it?
Undertale and Mother are not even close to similar.
Not meming but how would you guys feel if nintendo got toby fox onboard for mother 4/remake of old game?
Undertale is fucking gay.
>zoom zoom
seethe harder faggot
nobody gives a shit about the Mother series anymore
Mother wouldn't work in 3D
No Remake pls
Poor marketing in the West made it a cult game and the lack of localization for EB 0 and Mother 3 made it more mysterious.
>not zoom zoom zoom
this has real meme potential given that it was an og boomer meme
Why do Redditors like JRPG's in general?
Game comes out before reddit and Yas Forums exists and yet you clowns still claim that a game is "reddit" just because didn't play it day one. Sorry bro, every game that comes out isn't call of duty or league of legends.
If you're basing what you should or shouldn't like on what others enjoy you'll live a live of shallow retardation.
Every Mother game has great music and tells a fairly rich story. Mother 2 and Mother 3 also have very nice quality of life features for a jRPG.
The settings are always fairly modern and very interesting.
They're just good games.
Undertale tries to hard to be like Mother. Its only redeemable quality is that it has a great soundtrack. With average music, Undertale isn't worth playing.
I've been trying to make this into a meme but no one wants to take it up. Glad someone else understands.
>Aliens may be real now, confirmed by Pentagon
>Krakatoa erupted
>Crazy Frog came back
>Disney going down under
>Oil going negative
>Time jannies
>Rape vs unrape
>TLOU2 is a tranny revenge fantasy game
>Now this
April has been a fucking month.
user, I'm gonna need you to tell me what the HELL is going on!!!
They'd just do it like Links Awakening.
I will not allow you to dilute my enjoyment of this franchise by associating it with redditors
being awfully touchy guys
>Crazy Frog came back
why did this have to be a thing
I'm not even close finishing Earth bound snes on my 3ds. Im using walkthroughs
Living in your head rent free :)
>bringing redditors into Mother
Get a fucking life. Back then it was tumblrfags, now it's redditors? Go get therapy.
Mother 1 is the best Mother game.
Earthbound was a very bad game.
I do faggot
normalfags seething
mother 1 was clunky, I would agree, but earthbound 1 was fine. Earthbound 2/M3 was the most polished
Wasn't there news about interest of a Mother manga/anime earlier in the year?
What a month. What do you think they'll announce aside from the book, lads?
Maybe a collection with M1, M2 and M3 similar to the mana collection Japanese exclusive, probably a manga, and some weird planner shit
The similarities between the two are as surface as they can be.
sadly mother 3 will never be released in the west because of SJW
the fan translation is 12 years old
It's port of all games on Switch
But there is a mother 4 already :^)
I cling to the hope that undermeme made Itoi angry/envious enough that he wants toi show Toby how it's really done
But it ain't going to happen. I don;t like Mother 3's ending but it is conclusive.
>after the honey bee shit in FF7R
honestly the magypsies don't seem like that big of hurdle anymore
it's probably more due to the technological hurdles of translating a gba game vs the profit at this point
all 3 have their strengths, but mother 1 is the comfiest of them to me
This month has been wild but it won't be wild enough to actually get mother 3, I have made piece with it a decade ago at this point. If Mother 3 actually came out in the west officially I would buy 6 copies digitally and just post them on Yas Forums for anons.
Earthbound was great. Mother 3 a boring linear waste of time.