Sonic Mania/inevitable sequel

>Sonic Mania/inevitable sequel
>Crash N.Sane/Nitro Fueled/New Games
>Spyro Reignited
>Spongebob Rehydrated
>Banjo-Kazooie in Smash
>Ty possibly getting a new game
>Kirby team working on the pinnacle of the franchise
>Super Mario remastered trilogy heavily rumored
Are we entering a new vidya mascot/mascot platformer renaissance?

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Wasn’t the Mario stuff debunked?

>mfw Rayman 4 could actually fucking happen

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Only Mario, Sonic and Kirby have actual new games, rest of them is either remakes or mobile shit.


Give it 5+ years when Micheal Ancel finishes BGE2 and whatever the hell Wild is, if it even still exists. For whatever reason Ubisoft just lets him do whatever he wants.

Didn’t Iizuka say that even though it was very successful, there will be no Mania 2? Dude can’t accept that someone did what Sonic Team can’t and made a good Sonic game.

>banjies have absolutely nothing going for them so they use a children's party game as an excuse for a new game

>still being a stevefag

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>still refusing to believe that banjo-kazooie isn't as perfect as you thought it was as a child, and refusing to accept criticism

>Sonic Mania/inevitable sequel
will be shit as usual
>Crash N.Sane/Nitro Fueled/New Games
new game will suck, no sequels to it
>Spyro Reignited
didn't sell as well as crash
>Spongebob Rehydrated
cheap tie-in to the new movie
>Banjo-Kazooie in Smash
nothing will come of it, no money in banjo for microsoft
>Ty possibly getting a new game
literally who: the mascot
>Kirby team working on the pinnacle of the franchise
kirby regularly gets games
>Super Mario remastered trilogy heavily rumored
new super mario bros

>sakurai likes based banjo


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criticism isn't "lol game sux"

childhood is thinking banjo-kazooie was a perfect game

adulthood is realizing that banjo-tooie is the flawed gem

The game aged horribly though. I'm gonna use moving fast as an example. In Mario 64, you can run without holding a button through the entire game, no upgrade required. In Banjo-Kazooie, you're required to go into the first level, find a molehill, and hope that said molehill allows you to use the Talon Trot, and then you have to keep a button held down just to move fast. What the hell was Rare thinking?

It's been going on for awhile.
>Yooka Laylee
>Hat in Time
>Donkey Kong Country revival
>Ratchet and Clank reboot

But Tooie has always been my favorite.

it will be a renaissance if we get original platformers with original characters from new companies

banjo-kazooie isn't about moving fast, that's what rare was thinking. if you don't like it you are allowed your opinion.

Ubisoft wouldn't be what they are known for or still exist if it weren't for Michel Ancel so they owe it to him.

tf is a banji, the correct term is banjoke if you wanna set them off
also "it's a children's party game ooga booga" kys

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Did you know what a decent amount of steveposters are sonic fans that are angry that the less popular series aged like wine while all sonic games aged like milk?

Just thought that was an interesting thing I found out recently

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Do you even know what a renaissance is?

>giving these fags views
kill yourself.

Going to need a source for this claim fag.

>stevefags are still seething
The gift that keeps on giving

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>a few shitty ports and this diaper furry is stinking up the room
No, go shower.

Here's a link to the source, son:

>Conker gets nothing

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