>still not a single good MMO on the market besides OSRS
the absolute state of this "genre"

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I wouldn't call osrs good but it certainly is the best mmo on the market

Agree user. Came here to say I am also extremely disappointed in vidya right now. Cannot fight SHIT to play as far as RPGs, multiplayer RPG's go. It's all gone.

osrs is only fun until you get to level 50 in stats

explain yourself

leveling from 1-50ish is fun and you do different things to level up but after that you pretty much do the same thing to level up and it takes way to long

Well the first half of this post is correct. The other half is just entirely retarded.

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too much minmax autism in osrs now


name one (1) game not ruined by optimization

I mean, if it was actually fun there wouldn't be hundreds of bots to play the game for you.

I miss classic

the game

Interacting with people in OSRS is pointless
They just talk about getting stoned or "flexing" their virtual cashstack

I miss actual RS2

classic is dogshit. get to 60, then run the same BG and raid over and over and over.

OSRS is horrible, though i do have some fond memories of the game but since it's conception the design has been dogshit

best quests of ANY game in my opinion

Havent played RS since actual RS2 in its glory days of 2007. From what I've seen, read, and heard from people, OSRS seems alright. Leveling skills was fucking kino back then.

But I can't get myself to return because the combat seems either too simple or too autistic. Its just a bunch of faggots taking advantage of who first hit, server tick rate shit, etc.

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it's just called "game" now actually

MMO is a flawed genre, don't expect much progress in the genre for another ~10 years

It's alright but for two things: pretty much all the new content they've added is garbage and the community is much worse.

I would give anything for a proper vanilla PS, even if the population was low

I was about to check out divinity 2 ive never played it before

>City of Heroes: Rebirth

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My friend will blow up my phone to get on runescape just so he can do this exact thing

after finding out just how the entire game's economy is pretty much run entirely by bots and how bots make up the vast majority of players on F2P worlds
I genuinely wonder just how many actual people are still playing OSRS

website says
>There are currently 131,479 people playing!
but I'd wager 100k of that is just bots

>tfw no RS2 HD private server/ official re-release
I miss it, it was absolute peak RS.

Y'know, I was about to say that you have awful taste (which you do), but then I realized how nice it would be if everyone could play the version of Runescape they loved without any of Jagex's bs getting in the way

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efficiencyscape definitely killed some of the comfy in this game for me, which is why I stick mostly to causally questing and the occasional chat with randoms. I've written-off most of the end game shit at this point. it's decent, but misses some of the atmosphere of RS2

sounds like you're either remembering the wrong time or you have shit taste.
it was right when they added official fullscreen support and did the first model overhauls.
Quests during that time was 10/10, along with pretty much all new content.
Then 2 years later they would fuck it up.

My problem with OSRS is just the long-ass grind that doesn't change. What you do at level 1 is very similar to what you do at level 90, maybe one or two steps added to it

it's like your progress is tied directly to your own commitment to sit down with your face on the computer screen for hours and, while i do understand it is a more laid back MMO, i just can't get over how game designers deliberately made a game that isn't engaging enough for those who play it

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I just lost the game