To play multi-platform games better than any other console (the majority of games).
Brandon Reyes
Isn't that the current purpose of the One X?
Blake Hernandez
I can not believe that this is the state of Yas Forums nowadays. Making a post in support of Microshit?! Seriously? Disgusting, I say. There is no doubt in my mind that PS5 will once again win this generation, and with this wonderful, future-leaning new SSD technology Sony is pushing, there is only a matter before we will see Microdick-fags on suicidewatch. You think you will win this generation? Ha! Think again! There are literally no good exclusives for Microsofts new cashgrab, the online community is shit, the brand is as powerful as your mothers will to breed good children, and the design is just... Hideous. Looks like a glorified penis-compensator, I say! Get fucked and tucked, M$-shills! SONY will win AGAIN!!!
Easton Barnes
>literally be a PC but worse, and with less games
I mean hey, if it failed the last three times, it's sure to work now!
Carter Mitchell
>I like it when companies are anti-consumer
That's what you sound like. In an ideal world the concept of "exclusives" would not exist. You'd be able to buy games on whichever platform you'd like.
I mean, if the rumours are true, and it actually is significantly faster than PS5, I'd take being able to play games at higher fidelity/framerate over some exclusives.
There is much more than that, but they all get ported to PC. However OP is only comparing it to PS4 and Switch. It doesn't make sense to omit Windows 10 games when they aren't on PS4 or Switch.
Andrew Reyes
Make good games? they just acquired a shit ton of studios.
Tyler Fisher
this was copied from resetera
Jonathan Wright
Hey Pajeet marketers, will xbox EVER get any new good games? Hardware is good and all but MS has a really shit reputation for games, a whole generation of NOTHING this gen and despite a good first few years absolutely shat the bed for Kinect.
So there's basically no point to owning an Xbox if you already have a decent PC.
Ian Young
>for 360
Matthew Cook
Yes. Why do people act like this is new? You're not smart if you only realize that now.
Hudson Brown
People that play on PC are virgin losers, enjoy your Russian hackers lol
Sebastian Jenkins
Another gen of PC/Switch and eventually PS5 then
Blake Rivera
If you have Windows, you already own an Xbox. They don't care where you buy their games. You children are fucking retarded.
Ayden Barnes
>It doesn't make sense to omit Windows 10 games when they aren't on PS4 or Switch. Why not? They aren't exclusives because you can play them on PC (which has its own set of exclusives)? That's fucking stupid.
Hudson Brooks
you're right. ps5 does have a lot of exclusive movies. but id rather play video games where the controller is in my hand at all times.
Blake Price
>microsoft invests hundreds of millions of dollars into a console >but they don't care if you buy it because you can also buy the games on PC ok zoomer
Asher Rodriguez
They lose money on consoles, especially at launch price. Their revenue comes from software sales.
James Ortiz
they've bought a bunch of studios to pump out games, and they've already got the most powerful next gen console. how are they setting themselves up for failure?
Parker James
>bro just buy a $1500 PC!!!!!
Jackson Jones
>Playing Joel In One 2020 I thought Snoys didn't play sports games?
Angel Wood
so what's the point of releasing the console if it's redundant for half of the gaming market?
Ian Sullivan
>bro just keep paying for online >on a locked down drm box >that’ll be outdated in a year Ok
Still playing Nioh 2, FF7R and Persona 5 Royal I’ll get Nioh 2 on PC eventually though.
Jaxon Bell
FF7R is coming to PC too you know
Jason Ross
It’s ok but not worth getting again. On a deep discount maybe.
Connor Gutierrez
are those supposed to look good or something ? also you are pulling that bb2 ou of your ass.
Luke Scott
>Mario is the most masculine thing in this collage Talk about Yikes!
Connor Reyes
Knowing they can't compete with multiplayer games that have staying value, Sony retreats to the shadows and dishes out movie and weeb games for virgins to great success.