Overlooked JRPGs

What is the most underrated JRPG?

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Lunar 2 or Terranigma

steamsharing allows this to be played as local co-op with friends online

now i just have to convince my friends, who hate anime, to play this with me

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sure as shit not that one

Jeanne d'Arc

Celsius gets my dick so fucking hard.

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What the fuck are you guys smoking?

>tfw the demonfang remix was removed from youtube
i enjoyed that relic.

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Fuck yeah, that one was great.

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>muh hair racism

That game was absolute dog shit, but the combat system was kind of fun.

tales of symphonia is the best tales of game

or the best jrpg game of all time

also fire emblem path of radiance and advance wars 2 are underrated

Pic unrelated right?


You better not be implying that Tales of Symphonia is overlooked or underrated.

I'd say Etrian Odyssey. It has a small fanbase but the games are classic RPGs at their finest.

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Tales of Eternia

You just posted one of if not THE most overrated jrpgs

The first 2 generations of Pokemon games had more depth to them than this.

>also fire emblem path of radiance and advance wars 2 are underrated
Both of those games were critically acclaimed, what the fuck are YOU smoking?

>but the combat system was kind of fun
doesnt that describe most tales games?

Lunar 1 AND 2, they are both amazing.

How does that works?

Lost Odyssey is the best jrpg I have ever personally played. Loved it start to finish.

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I love Tales of Symphonia
But it is one of the games you are not allowed to like on Yas Forums

Can’t tell if picture is bait but fuck it I’m gonna ignore it.

I really love Breath of Fire 1 and 2. I usually don’t hear enough people talk about those games. Usually it’s either 3 or 4, which I’ve honestly haven’t touched yet.

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fantastic game. wish it got more attention

The "muh rayciss humies" schtick really annoyed me. Are we REALLY supposed to believe that no elf EVER did anything to piss off the humans and that it was only ever the humans who were carrying out pogroms before Mithos came along?

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that would be SaGa Frontier 2

I am just downloading Till the end of time for ps4. I have played it on the release, I wonder if it still holds up.

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Since OP doesn't know what underrated and overlooked means. Here's what an underrated Tales of game looks like, I know it doesn't have "Tales of" in the title but Arc Rise Fantasia is basically a turn based Tales of game made by some of the team that makes Tales of games, with some ridiculously hard boss fights.

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Tried emulating this a while ago, the combat tutorial threw about 3 bullshit mechanics at me right off the bat and I dropped it then and there.

Sell me on .hack//GU. It’s on sale for like ten bucks

never played it, dont know anything about it
you should get it
