Post yfw you didn't preorder TLoU2

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Implying anyone on this board owns a ps4 to pre-order with

How else was I suppoed to play Bloodborne?

Didn't play the first one either because I don't play visual novels.

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Never ever naughty dog.

You used to be great but now you suck.
I wonder what franchise they will work now because uncharted is finished and their last spin off didn't take off either.
Maybe they should go back into making mascot plataformers

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>tfw I was already completely burnt out on endless zombie shit when the first one came out so I was never invested in the first place

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I'll be getting it on sale because it looks like edge kino.

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Now that is actually a good story.

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Loving it

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tfw I never even played the first game
my friends are S E E T H I N G right now in a combination of rage and sadness

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