What did Joel do to deserve that death? As far as I remember he raised and protected Ellie...

What did Joel do to deserve that death? As far as I remember he raised and protected Ellie, if it wasn't for him she would be abducted to sex slavery and or organ trafficking. Joel did nothing wrong.

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being a white male

He died because he is a white man in 2020.

You forget his skin tone, user. He had to die

The secret end movie shows him and his daughter together in their house during the day watching the end of the game, both of them don't speak but look upset at Ellie becoming evil

He killed someone who intended to vivisect a child and hand a political tool to a terrorist organization that had no issues hurting children for a fools hope at a bargaining chip/military advantage.

>What did Joel do to deserve that death?
he said
>Nice gyno bro

he killed millions

It's to subvert expectations obviously, remember they said to keep an open mind!


1) being white
2) being a biological male that portrays himself as a man
3) existing in 2020

Why does he have to deserve it?


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They could have just made a Last of Us game with completely new characters in a different part of the world but instead it's a sequel that'll ruin everything the first one did. It's basically Godfather 3.

Fuck off, this isn't go there if you want to be a white fragile person

resetera, chill dude. it's an honest question

He was a mass murdering animal. Abby was the good guy.

Op asked a question, op got an answer. Don't get butthurt when the answer isn't what you wanted.

>good guy


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basically muh suverted expectations
except thats not how it works, fucking neil kikeman

u mad bro?

fuck off and go cry there about how whites are the most oppressed

When will they stop targeting us?

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Spoiler that shit please, not everyone has read the leaks.

He tolerated Ellie's degenerate behavior despite being the literal cure for mankind.

Get out, troon.

she big

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cuz muh feminizms. Also nice quads

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Imagine shilling for minorities.

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jesus thank you. Yas Forumscel pussies really need to hang. There are no humans more easily triggered in history.