What went wrong Yas Forums? Everyone abandoned them and fled to the PS1 and Saturn.
What went wrong Yas Forums? Everyone abandoned them and fled to the PS1 and Saturn
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muh FMVs
Not everyone
Had the best games for that generation tbqh
>What went wrong Yas Forums?
no games
It had a ton of racing games though.
>Higher manufacturing costs because muh cartridges
>Not enough storage for additional game content
>Hardware being a bitch to develop for
Can't fit much stuff into 8-16MB cartridges, those were also very expensive, thinning the margins.
Their decision to stick with cartridges instead of making a cd based system drove away some of their key 3rd party support. The library is pretty small, but taking how much shovelware trash the PS1 had, it almost evens out. Saturn was a mess on it's own.
Also the controller confused people with low IQs
>had the best game of all time
Banjo is overrated trash, were it on any other platform it would be considered a 6/10 at best. Just goes to show how lacking the console is.
The controller was shit
Kys manchild toddlerbrain
No U.
>This is What N64 kids had as their RPG
Devs were tired of Nintendo licensing bullshit, coupled with the significantly higher cost of cartridges. Which were proprietary and had to be purchased from Nintendo.
>No Final Fantasy or any other Square RPG
>No Street Fighter
>No Mega Man
>No Contra
>No Gradius
>No Ghosts N Goblins
>No Pac-Man
>No Metroid
>No Dragon Ball games
It's a huge, HUGE stepdown from the SNES, which had a great library of games with tons of variety. Do N64 kids actually like this console?
>the daily N64 hate thread
this is getting worse than >say word >money stolen threads
Okay manchild
I am now ready janny, take me with you to the lands beyond...
It was much better than Gamecube, that had lesser sequels and less third parties
Too good.
Vroom vroom.
Okay manchild there is nothing more overrated than the n64
>no klonoa
For me, its inferior sound and picture at 15fps with smearing and desaturation!
Digusting nigger
It certainly didn't look anything like that on CRT + composites back in the day.
Vroomer, it's fun to expose the system for how bad it really was. 388.
nintenbro I don't feel so good....
It looked worse.
Picture quality on the n64 is so bad.